On Tuesday afternoon, the fourth-year wizards and wizards of Hogwarts entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Today will be Professor Umbridge's first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson.

As early as Saturday night, the new professor's reputation had already spread among the students, but they knew nothing about her.

The whole class was silent as they entered the classroom, and there was an indescribable tension in the air. They didn't know how strict Professor Umbridge was about classroom discipline, nor what the new professor's teaching style would be like.

"Good afternoon, classmates!" Professor Umbridge said in her thin and artificial voice after the whole class sat down.

Several classmates muttered "Good afternoon" in reply, their voices seeming a little listless.

"Tsk, tsk," Professor Umbridge shook his head dissatisfied, "That's not okay, is it? I hope you can be more polite. When I say 'Good afternoon, classmates!', you should reply like this:' Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge. 'Good afternoon, students!... Let's do it again!"

This way of speaking seems to be educating kindergarten children.

This time, the whole class obediently responded as Professor Umbridge asked: "Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge."

"That's right," Professor Umbridge nodded with satisfaction, "It's not too difficult, is it? Now, please put away your wands and take out your quills and parchment.

Many classmates exchanged depressed looks.

After four years of classes, they have already figured out the rules. What follows the command "put away the wand" has never been a class they find interesting, but they can only obediently stuff their wands into their schoolbags and take them out. quill, ink and parchment.

Professor Umbridge opened her handbag and pulled out a surprisingly short wand. She walked to 813 in front of the blackboard and tapped hard with her wand. Two lines of big words immediately appeared on the blackboard:

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Back to basics

"Students, your teaching of this course has always been intermittent and unsystematic, right?"

Professor Umbridge crossed his fingers and placed them squarely on his chest, and continued: "Teachers are constantly changing, and many of them do not seem to follow the curriculum standards approved by the Ministry of Magic. Not only that, the level of some professors is also disappointing. People question.

She paused, as if searching for the right words,

"Look at the bad teachers you have experienced over the years - Death Eaters, dark wizards, liars, werewolves... This unfortunately means that you are far from reaching the 0.W.Ls level you should be. level achieved.”

Her words were like a sharp knife piercing into the hearts of the students. Everyone lowered their heads silently, unable to refute.

Because Professor Umbridge was right, they had indeed experienced some bad teachers, resulting in the content of their Defense Against the Dark Arts classes always being inconsistent.

Professor Quirrell and others have never experienced it, and they heard that it is a stutter.

First grader Lockhart is a liar who just wants to sell books.

Lupine, a second-year student, taught some serious things, but was proven to be a werewolf.

Moody, a third-year student, simply regarded them as trainee Aurors. They were taught only the Unforgivable Curse and other things, and O.W.Ls were not tested at all. What was even worse was that he himself was a fake Death Eater.

Maybe, this pink toad in front of them will give them a surprise?

Professor Umbridge looked at the students' reactions and seemed very satisfied that his words had an effect.

"However, you will be pleased that these issues are about to be corrected."

Umbridge said in a sweet voice.

"This year, what we will be studying is a carefully arranged, theory-centered Defense Against Magic course approved by the Ministry of Magic. This course will allow you to truly master the essence of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Please copy these words Come down.

As she spoke, she tapped the blackboard lightly, and the crisp sound echoed in the quiet classroom.

The two lines of words just disappeared and were replaced by the course objectives.

Course objectives

Clearly listed on the blackboard:

1. In-depth understanding of the cornerstone and core of magic defense.

2. Accurately identify the situations and conditions for the legal use of magical defense.

3. Evaluate and improve the application ability of magic defense in actual combat environments.

Following Professor Umbridge's instructions, the classroom was filled with the rustle of quills sliding on parchment. The students immersed themselves in copying.

Two or three minutes later, when every student had copied down Professor Umbridge's three course objectives, Professor Umbridge asked softly: "Does every student already have Wilbert Slinka's "Theory of Magical Defense"? "

There was a low voice of affirmation in the class.

However, this does not seem to satisfy Professor Umbridge.

"I wish our communication could be more clear," she said with a smile, but there was a hint of doubt in her voice. "When I ask questions, I expect the answer to be 'Yes, Professor Umbridge.' or 'No, Professor Umbridge.' .’ So, let’s do it again: Does every student already have Wilbert Slinka’s Defense Theory of Magic?”

"Yes, Professor Umbridge." The whole class replied in unison, this time the echo was much louder and more uniform.

"Very good," Professor Umbridge nodded with satisfaction, "Now, please turn your book to page five and read 'Chapter 1, Basic Principles of Introduction'. During the reading process, please stay quiet and do not talk."

Everyone stared at Professor Umbridge in stunned silence, feeling an indescribable disappointment in their hearts.

I originally thought that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class would be an exciting and practical class, but unexpectedly it turned into a boring reading class.

This disappointed many young wizards, who should not have expected anything from her.

"This...is this Defense Against the Dark Arts class?" A young wizard couldn't help but muttered, with deep dissatisfaction in his voice.

"I thought (bjdj) would learn some powerful magic, but this is what happened?" Another young wizard also echoed, his tone full of disappointment.

Many young wizards began to whisper and discuss among themselves.

They shouldn't expect anything from Professor Umbridge.

"This way of teaching is really worse than Lockhart." A little wizard complained, "Although Lockhart is a bit exaggerated, at least he has interesting performances to watch in his class."

"Yes, yes." The other little wizards nodded in agreement, "This is not a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, it is simply "Days at Hogwarts"."

However, at this moment, Professor Umbridge began to glance at the students. Her eyes were like two sharp knives, making people afraid to look at her.

The sound of reading suddenly sounded in the room, and the little wizards lowered their heads and focused on the books in their hands.

Professor Umbridge nodded with satisfaction and sat down on the chair behind the podium.

Her eyelids were droopy, like two toads, constantly staring at the students.

The content of the book is very boring, almost as boring as listening to Cuthbert Binns' history class. The little wizards were reading the words in the book listlessly, but their hearts were already far away.

But there are exceptions. Luna Lovegood turned her book "Magical Defense Theory" to the fifth page, but she was not reading at all. She just turned the quill on her finger absentmindedly, with a hint of dissatisfaction in her eyes.

From the night Umbridge captured Professor Lupine, she had been filled with disgust for this woman.

Her good friend, Ginny, was even more exaggerated. She didn't even open her copy of "Magical Defense Theory" and stared at Professor Umbridge without blinking, raising one hand high in the air.

However, Professor Umbridge's eyes were looking equally firmly in the completely opposite direction, seemingly not noticing Ginny's actions at all.

The little wizards began to notice this "other" among them

Their eyes flickered back and forth between Ginny and Umbridge, observing the silent contest with curiosity.

As time passed by, the boring chapter seemed to become longer and longer.

More and more students gave up reading and looked at Ginny instead. They looked at her firm eyes and raised hands, as if she was silently fighting for them.

Gradually, more than half of the students in the class joined in watching Ginny. They no longer paid attention to the boring book, but focused on Ginny, watching how she caught Professor Umbridge's attention in her own way.

Finally, Umbridge realized she could no longer turn a blind eye to the situation.

She turned her head slowly, and her droopy eyes fell on Ginny.

"Honey, do you have any questions about the content of this chapter?" she asked Ginny, as if she had just discovered her.

Ginny was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "No, it's not about this chapter."

She said, frowning slightly, "It's about this book."

Professor Umbridge's eyes immediately became sharp, "Huh? This is a textbook approved by the Ministry of Magic. Do you have any doubts about the Ministry of Magic?"

Umbridge started to criticize, which is the specialty of Ministry of Magic bureaucrats.

She seemed to have been prepared to deal with similar questions for a long time, and she said like a barrage of firecrackers:

"If you have any doubts about the overall purpose of this course, then I can only tell you: you are not an educational expert specially trained by the Ministry of Magic. Our latest study plan is taught by wizards who are much older and smarter than you. By design. You will learn defensive spells in a safe, risk-free way..."

Good fellow, Ginny called him.

Before she even opened her mouth, the professor really set his own target and hit it on his own, blocking all possible doubts in advance.

This watertight method is worthy of an old politician from the Ministry of Magic.

Pictured is Ginny


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