As night fell, Levin did not go into the workshop to continue his research as usual.

Instead, he sat in a comfortable chair in the study, with a flickering magic TV in front of him, which was playing the training videos recorded during the day. While watching, Levin patiently recorded and analyzed every detail.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of flapping wings outside the window, and Hemo flew from the night sky with a huge package in his mouth.

Levin took the package and saw the signature on it at a glance - Penny Harwood, deputy director of Offa-France United Television.

He opened the package with anticipation and saw stacks of black round boxes neatly stacked inside.

These boxes were designed by Levin himself to store video discs.

The origin of these CDs is not simple. A few days ago, Levin specially asked Ludo Bagman to make a copy of all the wonderful playing videos that happened on the major Quidditch pitches where the live broadcast system was installed.

These videos were carefully edited by television staff and then sent to Levin.

These training replays and highlight game clips will become Lai "657" Wen's secret weapon in training the Quidditch team this semester.

In an era without live broadcast systems and arcane eyes, wizards could only rely on rough text descriptions and static picture materials to understand the game.

Although the wizards' photo magic can give them a short-lived dynamic effect, the fragments these photos can capture are often extremely limited. At most, they are just a fleeting glance of ten seconds, which cannot convey the intensity and excitement of the game at all.

For those Quidditch players who are eager to learn from historical classic cases for training, this is undoubtedly a thankless task. Most of what they can rely on are oral stories and vague memories, plus fleeting fragments. This kind of restoration method often achieves half the result with half the effort, and the effect is unsatisfactory.

What's worse is that in that era without live broadcasts or replays, every mistake and omission on the training field could be caught and corrected by the coach's keen eyesight and extraordinary memory.

This greatly increases the uncertainty of training results, and many subtle errors and flaws are often overlooked inadvertently.

Against this background, Levin's innovative methods undoubtedly brought a revolutionary change to the way Quidditch teams train.

He cleverly used the convenience of modern magic technology to present those precious and detailed video materials in front of the players, more than doubling the training efficiency?

Being able to see vivid and complete game videos not only allows players to experience every moment of the game immersively, but also allows them to learn from the tactical inspiration and technical essence of their predecessors.

In the training replay, any mistakes and omissions of the team members themselves can be seen at a glance, making it easier to formulate targeted training plans.

It is conceivable that if Levin is more extravagant and equips the team with a few more magic TVs, Ravenclaw players can even conduct independent training and reflection by watching replays of their own games after training, which is equivalent to every Everyone has one-on-one coaching.

Next, as long as he can train Zhang Qiu and make her a qualified vice-captain, his future coaching work will be much easier.

Quidditch training this semester is full of challenges for Levin, but at the same time, ordinary classroom study makes him feel a little inadequate.

In the past, he could always devote himself wholeheartedly to the research of magic in the tower, but those days are gone forever.

With the successful conclusion of the Triwizard Tournament, the privilege he had as a referee - the treatment of not having to attend daily classes was naturally cancelled.

This forced him to re-adjust his time schedule to adapt to this life of training the team and taking classes.

What makes him feel even more uncomfortable is that the course schedule of Ravenclaw College has changed a lot this semester.

In the past, they always had classes with their old partner Hufflepuff House, but now they overlap more with Gryffindor House.

For those courses that were obviously too simple for Levin, he could only listen patiently, and the noise and noise of the little lions made him feel extremely irritated and bored.

—The only advantage is probably being with Hermione.

However, the scene in the Magical Creatures Care class cheered up Ye Wen.

That day, when he was walking across the grass to class, he saw Dolores Umbridge standing there in the distance. She was holding her writing board and asking Professor Grubbly-Plank something with a smile, but Professor Grubbly-Plank's expression clearly revealed her impatience.

As Levin got closer, he saw that Umbridge was subtly trying to get a word out of Professor Grubbly-Plank.

She seems to be very interested in the whereabouts of the previous Magical Creatures Professor Hagrid, and has been asking relevant questions sideways. Levin immediately realized that Umbridge must have an ulterior motive for doing this.

When Levin got closer, he discovered that Umbridge was trying to trick Professor Grubbly-Plank into telling him where Hagrid, the previous Professor of Magical Creatures, was.

Levin immediately realized that Umbridge must have an ulterior motive for doing this.

Sure enough, he quickly guessed Umbridge's intentions from her words.

It turns out that the Minister of Magic Fudge sent several wizards to follow Hagrid and Maxim, but they were cleverly thrown away by Hagrid and the others.

Umbridge concluded that Dumbledore and others must be doing something behind the scenes, so she wanted to get more information from Hagrid.

Among those two people, Madame Maxime was prominent, thoughtful, and a foreigner, so she was really not a good target for inquiring about information.

In comparison, Hagrid is much better. He is an authentic Yin countryman, with a straightforward and frank personality, and not so much scheming. Because of this, Hagrid was targeted by Umbridge.

It is estimated that Dumbledore also knew this, so he chose to replace Professor Grubbly-Plank to teach the Conservation of Magical Creatures class, while leaving Hagrid in the Isle of Man Reserve...

"Did you get these little cuties from Hagrid?" Umbridge stood at the table, her eyes fixed on the Bowtruckles, "They are so strong, I'm afraid they can only be found in the mountains? I'm very curious. Where did Hagrid get this?"

Then they came to the long trestle table, where a group of bowtruckles were happily fighting over the turtles, like countless living branches.

Grubbly-Plank picked up a rhinoceros and gently guided the Bowtruckles to disperse.

"Oh, these cute little guys?" she said impatiently, "They are not from Professor Hagrid. In fact, they were captured by me personally in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts. If you are interested If so, you can also search for it in the Forbidden Forest."

Just then, Levin walked over. He nodded to Professor Grubbly-Plank and Umbridge in greeting, and then deliberately said to Umbridge:

"I heard that you are asking about Hagrid? Hagrid is indeed very good at raising magical creatures. He is not only the former professor of the Care of Magical Creatures class at Hogwarts, but also a specially hired expert at the Isle of Man Magical Creatures Sanctuary. Now He takes care of those giants on the Isle of Man. If you need it, I can help you contact him and let you meet on the Isle of Man."

The smile on Umbridge's face is like a blooming flower, sweet and delicate. She praised Levin repeatedly, but there was a hint of uneasiness in her words of praise.

She knew in her heart that Levin's words contained an unspoken threat - no matter how little you try, I have properly protected my people. Come and try if you have the guts*+

Levin glanced at Umbridge with a half-smile, and through that sweet smile, he saw the true thoughts of the senior girl.

She was full of disgust for Levin in her heart, thinking that he was only hindering her action plan because of a stupid big man and a mixed race.

As Levin expected, Umbridge didn't stop at 0.3. She turned around and left Hogwarts, went straight to the Ministry of Magic, and told the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, about what happened in the Care of Magical Creatures class today.

She hopes to get the minister's support and further authorization to continue her machinations.

However, to her surprise, Fudge did not support her as she expected. Instead, he gave her a stern lecture.

"Dolores," he said in a serious tone, "I warn you, don't provoke Levin Green again. When dealing with him, you must try to follow his wishes and satisfy his requirements as much as possible. We are now The goal was to avoid pushing them into Dumbledore's camp.

Fudge put his hands on the long bed table, leaned forward, and stared at Umbridge sharply.

"Dolores, I don't want to hear any more news about you causing me trouble. The most important thing now is to put Stork Podmore on trial as soon as possible. He is Dumbledore's man. We need to use this trial to fight against Dumbledore's forces. Instead of getting hung up on these little things."

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