Chapter 511 Brother And Sister Have A Falling Out

Ginny has been working for the Erudition Society and is a cadre of the Erudition Society. Ronald knows this, and he can understand it. After all, the Erudition Society is famous and has members all over Hogwarts. How many young wizards want to work for the Society? There is no way yet.

But obviously running errands for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team would be a problem.

Given the relationship between Ronald and Levin, if he had asked Luna or Astoria, they might have cleverly found an excuse to avoid unnecessary disputes.

Gabrielle had just arrived at Hogwarts not long ago and didn't understand the complicated relationship between Ronald and Levin. She just answered Ronald's questions honestly:

"Ginny is not actually running errands for the Ravenclaw team," Gabrielle said in a clear voice, "she is doing things for Levin.

Ronald didn't understand and asked in confusion: "Why does Ginny run errands for Levin?"

"Ginny has always liked Levin, didn't you know?" Ruby inadvertently revealed the truth that Ronald had never discovered.

This sentence was like a bolt of lightning, hitting Ronald instantly and leaving him stunned.

The book he was flipping through suddenly became boring, and with a click, the paper was torn unconsciously in his hands.

Ronald came back to his senses, his ears were as red as freshly cooked lobsters, and he shouted angrily: "What? You said my sister has someone she likes? Ginny likes Levin Green?"

Gabrielle was startled by Ronald's reaction. She nodded and looked at Ronald a little strangely: "Yes, why else would Ginny join the Erudition Society?"

Ronald looked forward, and saw Ginny standing next to Ravenclaw's coaching bench, cuddling close to Levin and whispering.

Levin seemed to have said something witty, and Ginny immediately covered her chest, laughing as clear and sweet as a silver bell.

Ginny is growing stronger than her peers, and with her smile, her whole body seems to be trembling.

However, this harmonious picture seemed so dazzling to Ronald's eyes.

"I don't like this." Ronald muttered.

Gabrielle and Astoria looked at each other.

Only then did Gabrielle realize that she seemed to be in trouble.

Astoria narrowed her eyes slightly and spoke for her little sister: "It really surprises us... Ronald, this is Ginny's own private matter, why do you have to be so lenient about it?"

We were all good sisters, and now that we shared the same enemy, she didn't care that she and Ginny were still love rivals.

"I just don't like it!" Ronald shouted loudly, "Ginny can fall in love with anyone, but she can't be with Levin! I'm her brother, if I say no, I'll just TIJ..."

Ronald's shouting exploded like thunder, and Ginny naturally heard it.

She frowned, turned around, and said rudely to Ronald: "Ronald, you are my brother, not my father. Don't forget, I have six brothers. George and Fred have never You have interfered in my private affairs. What are you yelling about here?"

"I..." Ronald was caught off guard by Ginny's question. He could only criticize and stammered: "I just think...he...he before None of us have ever acknowledged the Dark Lord. He is not from the same group as us.

Ginny sneered and said mockingly: "Oh? Really? But others obviously didn't think so: his mother liked him so much, his father even invented the magic TV with him, Charlie was full of praises when he mentioned him, and Percy simply praised him. As an idol, George and Fred also partnered with him in business - he is just not the same person as you (bgde)

Compared with Ronald, Ginny is indeed much more articulate.

As soon as Ronald said this, he suddenly felt that he was on the opposite side of the whole family.

He blushed as red as a freshly cooked lobster and said hesitantly: "He...he is so carefree...

"What's the matter with the philandering?" Ginny retorted, "All the female students like him, so he has the right to be philandering. I think you are just jealous!"

Ronald couldn't argue, so he could only get angry and said angrily: "I just don't like him anyway!"

"I'm looking for a boyfriend for myself, not for you!" Ginny also became angry, "I don't need you to like me! Who do you think you are? You can interfere in my affairs at will?"

Ronald was a little embarrassed by Ginny's words. He had never seen Ginny refute him so fiercely.

In her impression, Ginny had always been a gentle and well-behaved girl, and she also obeyed her brother.

However, Ginny seemed to be a different person today, which made him feel a little at a loss.

He thought that his words would have some effect, at least make Ginny have some concerns.

But he didn't expect that Ginny would defend her choice so firmly.

In desperation, Ronald had to change his strategy. He muttered: "Ginny, I am doing this for your own good... You are only fourteen years old and you are already in love. I think it is necessary to write a letter to my mother.

"Okay, you write it. If you don't write, you're not a Weasley!" Ginny angrily exposed his background and rambled on a lot, "Don't forget to remind your mother in the letter of the good things you have done - being late, being late, Plagiarizing homework, fighting... and driving his dad's car almost caused him to lose his job. Oh, by the way, dad helped you pay back the pocket money you borrowed. Don't forget to write clearly! "

Ronald was speechless by Ginny's words, his face turned red and white, and a mixture of shame and anger surged into his heart.

"Shut up!" Ronald roared, "You don't have to worry about me!"

"I won't shut up!" Ginny responded without any sign of weakness, "I don't want you to interfere with my affairs!"

As she spoke, tears burst out of her eyes. She wiped her tears, turned around and ran away.

Ronald sat blankly on the chair, watching Ginny's leaving back with mixed feelings in his heart. He murmured to himself: "How could this happen... She has always liked Harry. Why is she suddenly with Levin?"

Hermione was attracted by the sudden quarrel. She saw Ronald's dejected look and Ginny's leaving figure, and gently shook her head: "Ginny did like Harry before, but that was a few years ago. . Her feelings for Harry have completely changed since certain things happened."

Harry was also silently observing all this, with the shadow of Zhang Qiu still echoing in his heart - and of course Roni. He wasn't too interested in the quarrel between Ronald and Ginny. If he had to choose someone to support, it would only be Ronald.

But he was still a little surprised to see Ronald lose his temper like this.

After listening to Hermione's words, Ronald was still shaking with anger and his face turned red, as if Ginny's love was such an unforgivable crime.

At this moment, Luna's singing tone suddenly sounded, and she said to the point: "No wonder even George and Fred knew about this, and you were the only one who was kept in the dark.

Ginny must know that you will be furious when you hear this news... You are indeed too lenient. "

Ronald was about to speak back to Luna, but saw that Hermione, Luna, Gabrielle and Astoria had all stood up and chased Ginny in the direction to comfort his good sister.

Ronald sat alone on the chair, waving his clenched fists in the air several times before finally hanging down weakly.

He cursed Levin's name angrily, and it seemed to him that everything was caused by Levin.

Harry looked at Ronald losing control and couldn't help but sigh:

"It turns out that Ronald has such a strong ability to control girls. Fortunately, he didn't get too close to Ginny, otherwise he might have torn him into pieces by now."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel scared.

Later, with the patient comfort and warm company of Hermione and four others, Ginny gradually calmed down, cheered up, and persisted in helping Naveen complete the final selection.

During the selection process, Levin demonstrated outstanding leadership skills and keen insight.

Not only did he wisely select two new chasers with great potential - Chambers and Bradley from many candidates, he also quickly established initial rapport and trust with them.

In a short period of time, the new players have been able to skillfully cooperate with Levin's tactical arrangements, showing amazing teamwork skills.

This display of strength made the Quidditch teams of the other three colleges who came to spy on the information feel uneasy.

What they don't know is that Levin has an even bigger surprise in store for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

The selection lasted all morning, and when it was finally over, Levin hurried back to the auditorium for dinner.

Zhang Qiu, Hermione and others naturally joined him, and the Weasley twins, Harry and Ronald on the other side also returned together.

On the way, his eyes inadvertently caught the subtle atmosphere between Ginny and Ronald. From the stiff body language and avoidance of eye contact between the two, Levin keenly sensed something was wrong.

But it is not convenient to care about this issue at this time.

After the meal, he found Ginny alone and asked softly: "What's wrong? Did something happen between you and Ronald?"

Ginny was hesitant at first, but under Levin's gentle eyes, she finally confided the matter.

After hearing the whole story from Ginny, Levin suddenly became happy.

Ronald obviously overestimated his position in Ginny's heart and wanted to show his brother's authority.

It's just that Ginny would fall out with Ronald because of herself. The beauty is deeply affectionate and really touching.

He looked into Ginny's eyes and whispered: "It seems that our little Ginny has grown up and is no longer the little girl who is at the mercy of her brother.

In fact, what family status does Ronald have in front of Ginny?

The younger brothers in the family are pretty much the same.

After all, in the Weasley family, Ronald had a higher status than the ghoul in the attic.

Even the old owl Errol is more favored than Ronald,

Not to mention the only daughter in the family, Ginny, who has six brothers.

Pictured is Ginny.

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