After the serious discussion was over, Levin looked around and then asked Mr. Weasley: "By the way, Mr. Weasley, why don't you see George and Fred?"

Speaking of this, Mr. Arthur Weasley frowned, obviously a little anxious: "Levin, do you know Harry's recent situation? He received a letter from the Ministry of Magic's Office for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Magic because he used magic in front of a Muggle. [Patronus Curse].”

He paused and sighed, "He has to go to the Ministry of Magic for trial at nine o'clock in the morning on August 12th."

Levin nodded: "Of course I know about this."

Not only did he hear about it, he also witnessed the scene when Harry used the Patronus Charm and took photos.

Arthur continued: "Sirius invited us to the Black family's old house to discuss countermeasures - you know where that house is, Sirius told us that you went there a few years ago - Molly took the children there Except for Ginny, who insists on staying here and waiting for you.

Hearing her father mention this in front of her male god, Ginny's cheeks turned red again and she lowered her head shyly.

Mr. Weasley did not notice this. He sighed softly, "Actually, this is good. At least Sirius can control his temper a little in front of the children."

He was in a bad mood recently because of Harry's affairs. "

"What's wrong with Sirius?" Levin~ was a little confused.

"He was angry with Dumbledore because of this incident before." Arthur explained, "He felt that Dumbledore did not fulfill his responsibility to protect Harry. I can understand his thoughts, because he had stayed away from Harry in accordance with Dumbledore's request. Yes, it didn’t take long for something like this to was really unexpected."

Speaking of this, Mr. Arthur Weasley looked slightly embarrassed: "Oh, by the way, Levin, you should also have received a letter from Dumbledore, right? I stayed at home this time mainly to complete the final modification of the TV. Really I'm sorry, I'm not very good at cooking, so I can't prepare a nice lunch for you."

Levin waved his hand gently, indicating that he didn't care: "It doesn't matter, Arthur, we all know that your skills are in magic and machinery, so lunch can be simple."

"Dad, let me do it." Hearing this, Ginny suddenly raised her hand. She glanced at Levin shyly, and then took the initiative, "Leave lunch to me. Mom and I have learned a lot of magic during this holiday. .”

"Great, Ginny, I'll leave it to you then." Arthur was very pleased to hear that his daughter had grown up.

It seems that his neighbor Mr. Lovegood did not tell him that--women are not allowed to stay in college.

Both Hermione and Onyxia had already figured out who Ginny was asking for.

Onyxia glanced at Levin ambiguously, and Hermione snorted unhappily.

After solving the lunch problem, Mr. Weasley suddenly remembered something and said: "Oh, by the way, Levin, Harry was actually attacked by dementors that time. He only used magic to protect himself. I know that he did not Not intentional.

He also rubbed his hands and said with some hesitation: "Ms. Jaina Proudmoore is now the new director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. I wonder if she can try this case more 'fairly' and help Harry clear his grievances?"

"Sister Gianna would certainly love it if it were possible," Levin said.

Before Arthur could be happy, he changed the topic: "But for this trial, Minister Fudge has made a request that he will personally serve as the presiding judge."

Levin spread his hands apologetically, "We can't refuse the Minister of Magic's request."

When Arthur heard the news, he couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it! It's obviously just a small matter of minors using magic. Everyone does it during the holidays. Now it's actually necessary to use a formal criminal court to try it, and magic is also required. It’s really ridiculous for the minister to judge in person!”

You know, he usually has no temper. The only thing that can make him angry recently is Percy running away from home.

Levin saw that Arthur was a little anxious, so he comforted him: "Arthur, please don't worry, Harry and I are also good friends. When the time comes, people on our side will vote for him in the vote."

Fight for his acquittal. "

When Arthur heard Levin's words, he felt slightly relieved and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Jaina Proudmoore's power is huge and she occupies half of the Ministry of Magic.

Although this does not mean that she can occupy half of the votes at the Wizengamot Conference, it is still a powerful supporting force.

Seeing this, Hermione secretly added in her mind: "However, I believe that Harry's innocence will be proven soon, and by then a jury vote will probably not be needed.

Soon, it was lunch time, and Ginny served her carefully cooked food.

This girl has fully inherited her mother Molly's craftsmanship, and this is the first time she has cooked for the male god in her heart, which has inspired her extraordinary enthusiasm.

The dishes on the table were delicious, delicious, and mouth-watering. Ginny even made Mrs. Weasley's signature honey pudding!

Arthur tasted his daughter's craftsmanship and was full of praise.

However, he didn't notice that Ginny's eyes were always focused on Levin's reaction.

Every time Levin tastes a dish and smiles with satisfaction, a bright smile breaks out on Ginny's face.

The afternoon passed leisurely in the Burrow, and Levin and his party stayed here until it was close to dinner time.

Before leaving, Arthur and Ginny waved goodbye.

"Arthur, thank you for being able to complete such a transformation in a short period of time. Next, I will send the relevant responsible personnel to contact you and take away the transformation data records from you. I believe it won't be long before these TVs The machine can appear in wizards' living rooms.

The Weasleys took the three of them all the way to the entrance of the courtyard.

"Mr. Weasley, it's time for us to go back. Don't worry too much. Harry will be fine. And Ginny, let's meet at my house.

After shaking hands with Arthur again, Levin, Hermione and Onyxia gradually disappeared from the Burrow. Arthur and Ginny stood at the door of the yard, watching them go away.

The morning sunlight filtered through the gaps in the breeze-blown curtains, like a shy girl, sneaking into Levin's master bedroom and falling on the soft big bed.

The busyness of last night seemed to have been driven away by the warm sunshine, leaving only tranquility and warmth.

After last night's hard work, Levin was still immersed in sleep, but Zhang Qiu beside him had woken up early. She turned sideways and stared at Levin's peaceful sleeping face quietly, unable to move her eyes away for a long time.

"Well~ it's time to get up."

Zhang Qiu whispered softly, trying to wake up Levin beside her. She pushed his shoulder gently, but Levin didn't move at all.

Zhang Qiu smiled slightly, stretched out her slender green-white fingers, and gently poked Levin's cheek. After several times, Levin finally opened his eyes in a daze.

…Please give me flowers…


Levin's voice was full of sleepiness, and he yawned, as if he wanted to go back to sleep again.

However, Zhang Qiu refused to let him go.

She leaned out of the bed and let the silky sheets slide off her snow-white skin. After stretching, she leaned over to remind Levin, who was still trying to be lazy, and said, "You promised to accompany me for morning exercise. "

Ever since he learned the habit of morning exercise from Cirila, Zhang Qiu has never tired of it.

She enjoyed the fresh air in the morning and the pleasure of exercise, but it was a pity that Cirila got up too early every day, so she could only find Cai Wen for company.

It's a pity that Cirila wakes up very early every day, so she can only ask Levin to accompany her.

"You can ask Hermione to stay with you." Levin yawned again and turned over to continue his sweet dream.

Zhang Qiu looked at Levin's laziness, feeling both amused and disrespectful.

She heard Cirilla say that during the summer vacation of the first grade, he would accompany Cirilla for morning exercises every day - Cirilla at that time got up as early as she does now.

Now, he sleeps until Zhang Qiu gets up every day, and still wants to stay in bed. It can only be said that Levin is getting more and more lazy.


"Oh, why don't you just get up early and stay with me? Just think of it as keeping in shape." Zhang Qiu looked at the boy's handsome face and couldn't help but kiss his forehead, "Besides, didn't you say you have to get up early if you have something to do today? ?"

Levin finally failed to sleep in. Under Zhang Qiu's urging, he finally broke away from the warm embrace of the quilt, got up, brushed his teeth, changed clothes, and walked to the courtyard step by step.

The sun shines through the gaps in the treetops and falls on Levin's courtyard like golden ribbons. The air is filled with a faint floral fragrance. Under the careful cultivation of the flower fairies, various ordinary and magical flowers in the yard are intertwined into a gorgeous picture. They violate the constraints of natural conditions and bloom in turns according to the cycle of the sky, decorating the space like a fairyland. beauty.

The artificial maid Gwen had prepared black tea and snacks in advance. After the two replenished their energy and water, they began to stretch each other's bodies.

Although Levin was a bit lazy on weekdays, he followed Zhang Qiu's pace and started jogging along the path in the courtyard under the bright morning light. Soon, Hermione also joined their team.

Zhang Qiu believes that according to the potion theory of the Dragon Kingdom, more exercise is conducive to maintaining youth, and Hermione is convinced of this [especially after she heard that white people are more likely to age than yellow people.

She didn't want to let the traces of time easily leave their mark on her body in the days to come.

Even Zhang Qiu, a native of the Dragon Kingdom, is so keen on sports, how could she lose to the opponent?

After finishing his run, Levin took the towel from Gwen and handed it to Zhang Qiu and Hermione who were panting slightly, wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

Immediately afterwards, they returned to the living room to rest. Levin leaned on the chair, listening to the soft music played by the magic station on the radio, and flipped through the "Daily Prophet" on the table.

Zhang Qiu pulled Hermione to the soft mat next to her and started doing yoga.

The two of them wore tight-fitting yoga clothes throughout the exercise. The close-fitting yoga clothes highlighted their graceful curves. They were very eye-catching and even made Levin want to do morning exercises.

The picture shows yoga Zhang Qiu


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