If Dumbledore can come up with a plan that will not cause panic among wizards in the wizarding world, but can effectively fight against the dark forces, and at the same time win him a good reputation, he will be very happy to accept it and actively cooperate with Dumbledore.

Maintaining peace in the wizarding world is crucial to him, as the next election is not far away.

——An election every seven years is always accompanied by changes in power and policy changes.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and his thoughts drifted to the days after the election.

It would be best if he could be re-elected successfully.

But if unfortunately he loses the election, he also hopes to leave a peaceful and stable situation for the magic world before retiring.

In this way, those "bad things" will not happen to him.

However, Dumbledore's approach was obviously contrary to his expectations.

Fudge couldn't help but begin to wonder, was Dumbledore planning to take advantage of this crisis to unseat him and then install a new, tougher minister in power? This thought lingered in his mind.

If everyone believed Dumbledore, this would happen.

He also believed that in order to deal with the mysterious man, Dumbledore might even personally serve as the Minister of Magic and lead the entire Ministry of Magic to strike hard.

He could even imagine such a scene:

If everyone believed Dumbledore, then this would happen.

Dumbledore would use his influence and prestige to elect a hardliner like Barty Crouch as Minister of Magic, such as Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office at this time.

Then, the new minister will adopt a "fight fire with fire" approach to deal with the dark wizards - using more severe means to combat the forces of darkness.

Fudge shook his head, trying to clear these thoughts from his mind.

He knew that Dumbledore was probably unlikely to become the new Minister for Magic himself - after all, he wasn't as keen on power as the others.

But this does not prevent Dumbledore from using this crisis to promote changes in the Ministry of Magic.

Thinking of this, Fudge couldn't help but feel yellow.

This is why when Jaina only briefly analyzed it for him, he immediately gave up his decision to deal with this disobedient subordinate, and instead formed an alliance with her to deal with Dumbledore.

Jaina is right. She is still young and will be able to take that step sooner or later. There is no need to rush to challenge Fudge's ministerial position.

Instead of dealing with her somewhat disobedient subordinate, which would cause constant disputes within the Ministry of Magic and greatly weaken its strength, it would be better to concentrate on dealing with the greater threat of Dumbledore.

Sure enough, not long after, an accident happened - Dumbledore actually announced the news of Voldemort's resurrection to all the teachers and students in the school!

This news was like a bombshell exploding in Fudge's heart.

When he learned of this, he became furious and almost went crazy.

All the students at Hogwarts know about this, which means that most of the people in the magical world of Yin Kingdom will also know this shocking secret.

When Fudge learned about this, he almost went crazy. All the students at Hogwarts knew about it, which meant that most of the people in the wizarding world knew about it.

Fudge roared in his heart: "Dumbledore, that old fox! He really wants to unseat me! He announced this news just to make me passive [and make me lose the trust and support of wizards!"

And now, Dumbledore came to his door again to do this to him.

At this critical moment, Fudge knew he had to stay calm and not get into trouble.

He decided to endure Jaina's arrogance for the time being and concentrate on launching a counterattack against Bullido.

He had to find a way to convince others that Dumbledore was too old to be Headmaster of Hogwarts.

At the same time, there was another thing that gave Fudge a headache.

Although Fudge was relieved to fire the incompetent assistant, the pleasure was fleeting and he soon found himself in a lot of trouble.

Fudge sat at his desk, facing the mountain of work documents, and couldn't help but feel a headache.

He needs a right-hand assistant to help him handle these complicated matters, but the problem now is that he can't find the right person.

Umbridge was loyal to him, there was no doubt about that.

But her abilities are really limited, and she is of no use at such a critical moment.

Fudge couldn't help but began to miss the young man from before - although he was sometimes not very bright, at least he was capable at work.

At this moment, a letter of recommendation from Jaina caught Fudge's attention.

He picked up the letter and read it carefully, his brows gradually relaxing.

"Crouch's assistant?" Fudge said to himself. "He seems to be a very capable young man."

He put down the document in his hand, stretched out his hand to rub his sore forehead, and then turned his attention to Percy Weasley's profile.

This young man showed good working ability during the time when Crouch was doing things, which was one of the reasons why everyone didn't notice Crouch's problem.

More importantly, it was this young man who first discovered Crouch's potential problems and helped collect a lot of evidence.

He was passionate and loyal to the Ministry of Magic, which Fudge admired.

Fudge decided to meet the young man himself.

If Percy Weasley was willing to be loyal to him, it would undoubtedly be a good choice.

And he also knew that Arthur Weasley had a close relationship with Dumbledore.

It would be great if he could spy on the Weasleys through Percy Weasley and get some information about Albus Dumbledore through the Weasleys.

In this way, he can better grasp Dumbledore's movements and formulate more thorough plans to deal with this old rival.

Thinking of this, Fudge couldn't help but smile proudly.

He seemed to have seen the day when he would successfully take control of the situation and completely defeat Dumbledore.

Not long after, the heavy wooden door of the Minister of Magic's office was lightly knocked, and a somewhat uneasy Percy Weasley walked in.

"Weasley, have you heard anything recently?" Minister Fudge asked straight to the point, intending to test the other party's attitude first, "About Dumbledore."

Percy was stunned for a moment, but quickly responded: "Minister, are you referring to Professor Dumbledore's remarks about...about that mysterious man?"

"That's right." Minister Fudge nodded, "Dumbledore believed that Voldemort was resurrected, and he also made some... uh... quite radical suggestions to me."


Percy repeated the word, and immediately understood what was going on, "Yes, Minister, I heard it too. But in my opinion, Professor Dumbledore's words seemed a bit... too hasty. After all, he didn't Provide any substantive evidence to support his view.”

"You're right." Minister Fudge sighed, "The entire wizarding world is in panic because of his remarks. Spreading this kind of news without evidence is simply deliberately creating chaos. I recently received There are more howler letters than ever before.”

Percy hesitated and said tentatively: "Minister, maybe we can reduce Professor Dumbledore's influence on the wizarding world through the Daily Prophet. After all, that newspaper still has a considerable influence in the wizarding world."

Minister Fudge's eyes lit up, and he seemed quite satisfied with this suggestion: "Well, this is a good idea. We can find some suitable pens to write a few articles to clarify the facts, so that everyone can understand what the truth is."

Fudge was not a smart politician, but he was not a fool either. He immediately realized the wisdom of Percy's suggestion.

To deal with Dumbledore, administrative means will not work. His huge prestige and strength make magic unable to attack him.

But it's completely different through public opinion attacks.

This young man is indeed very talented.

Fudge changed the topic and suddenly asked: "That's right, Weasley, I heard that Dumbledore recently restarted that organization, called... the Order of the Phoenix? Yes, it's the Order of the Phoenix! He seems to have invited you. 's father joins?"

Percy's heart tightened. This question came too suddenly. He was completely unprepared:

"Well... Minister, I... I'm not sure. My father has never mentioned this matter at home." He quickly added, for fear of causing the minister's misunderstanding, "But I think my father is loyal to the Ministry of Magic. He He has always done his best for the Ministry of Magic."

Some time ago, Minister Fudge was furious because Dumbledore leaked information about Voldemort without authorization. He made it clear that anyone who had anything to do with Dumbledore could no longer stay in the ministry.

Naturally, Percy didn't dare to talk nonsense, lest he cause trouble to his father.

Fudge was generally quite satisfied with Percy's attitude.

"Weasley, my previous assistant is no longer up to his job. Are you willing to take his place?"

Fudge suddenly said: "The investigation on Barty Crouch has ended. Your performance in this incident is impressive. Ms. Proudmoore also recommended you to me, and she spoke highly of your abilities." evaluate."

"Of course, Minister. I will do my best to contribute everything I have to the Ministry of Magic."

Although he had expected it, Percy Weasley was still overwhelmed by an unspeakable joy. He couldn't help clenching his fists and immediately declared his loyalty to Fudge.

He could probably guess how Fudge's previous assistant lost his job.

Minister Fudge's face suddenly became serious: "Weasley, I need you to pay close attention to your family's situation. If they join the so-called Order of the Phoenix, I need you to report Dumbledore's movements to me in time to prevent him from exposing him again. A big loser."

Speaking of this, Fudge's face was full of anger,

"Even if he wants to deal with the dark forces, that's not what he did. It's just spreading panic. Ms. Proudmoore doesn't agree with his idea. Just because he spreads rumors about the resurrection of the mysterious man, there are many people in the Ministry of Magic now. The department is working overtime on this.”

"Yes, Minister. I will pay close attention to the situation of my family and report to you in time." Percy agreed immediately.

However, no one knew what Percy was thinking.

Minister Fudge nodded with satisfaction: "Very good. You can officially take office tomorrow. Work hard, I'm optimistic about you."

"Thank you Minister, I will." Percy left the Minister's office excitedly.

"He is really an ambitious and smart man."

Fudge didn't care what Percy was thinking, or that he was recommended by Jaina.

He just needs that young man to understand what he means and to help him do things well.

"It should be easier tomorrow."

After Percy left, Fudge immediately contacted the Daily Prophet and started the operation according to Percy's suggestion.

He used the influence of the Daily Prophet to get Rita Skeeter to write a long article, sternly clarifying that the rumors that "Voldemort has returned" were pure nonsense.

At the same time, he cleverly incorporated the suggestions and preventive measures that Dumbledore had mentioned to him, and spread the article through the large readership of the Daily Prophet.

Encountered this kind of

In the midst of the political struggle, Rita keenly sensed something was wrong and immediately contacted Gianna to reveal the news.

Jaina was very satisfied with this, and sure enough, Fudge and Dumbledore met.

What attitude can she have towards this? Of course it would be best to fight!

And she believed that Dumbledore Wenkou would suffer some losses from Fuzhou.

Facts have proved that Dumbledore's ideas are indeed unpopular. Fudge didn't even need to go to great lengths to discredit him, and he easily made the public think that the once great white wizard

The teacher is really old, maybe he is a little old and confused.

Yes, claiming Voldemort's return for no reason, what is this if not an old fool?

However, Biji didn't stop there.

He knew that in order to completely consolidate his position, he still needed to deal with the boy named Harry Potter.

The famous savior and the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry's reputation is well-known in the wizarding world, but Fudge cannot let him cause trouble for himself.

Therefore, Fudge once again used Rita Skeeter's article as a weapon to skillfully guide public opinion and make everyone believe that the scar on Harry's forehead not only affected his appearance, but also caused long-term negative effects on his mental health. Influence.

He even hinted that Harry might be hallucinating because of the brutal torture he suffered at the hands of Death Eaters.

As a result, Harry's image in the public eye was greatly reduced and he became an unreliable witness.

Who would believe a person who might have a mental problem?

At least those wizards who didn't want to believe that Voldemort was back wouldn't believe it.

As for the identities of the Death Eaters Harry mentioned who returned to Voldemort?

Fudge smiled contemptuously. Without conclusive evidence, these accusations would not be established at all, but would bring him a lot of trouble.

Of course Fudge knew that some people were acting suspiciously,

But as long as they stayed on their own terms, didn't cause trouble, and weren't caught by others, he didn't bother to care about them.

Now he just wants to end his term safely and does not want to cause any complications.

And what's the use of arresting all those rich pure-blood wizards?

Who will donate generously to the Ministry's good causes?

Are you counting on Weasley?

No, they can't even support themselves, so how can they be expected to contribute to the Ministry of Magic?

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