In fact, Gianna did not have her own opinion on how to deal with Old Crouch.

Before the trial began, Gianna had already discussed with Levin how to deal with Crouch Sr.

It was in Levin's tower. Jaina, Levin, Onyxia, Cirilla, Penello and a group of others were discussing the follow-up disposal and trial. Hermione, who was interested, also came to listen.

Gianna was a little embarrassed and told Levin that she wanted to let Lao Kema go.

Others were surprised when they heard this and couldn't understand why she would think so.

Only Levin agreed, "This proposal is bold, but also very sensible. I agree with you, Gianna, you are indeed the deputy director of the Legal Enforcement Department."

"Thank you." Gianna smiled slightly and explained his reason: "I just think that he has lost the ability to threaten us. The violation of regulations to protect his son who was sentenced to death was a big blow to his reputation. ."

She paused and continued:

"What's more, he started his career by fighting Voldemort. Now Crouch Jr. has once again defected to Voldemort and caused serious riots. This incident has been revealed and has subverted his basic base. It can be said that even if he is not Once he sets foot in the trial court, he is essentially dead politically, so there is no need for us to kill him to death."

Levin nodded in agreement: "Yes, and there are other things on the board to let him go."

He analyzed: "In ancient times, an emperor of the Dragon Kingdom once said that a qualified leader must be 'a leader who dominates and uses him'. The so-called 'a leader who dominates and uses him' means that he must be both tender and affectionate, but also iron-blooded and ruthless. Your ruthless side has been shown enough through the purge and the treatment of Crouch Jr. Now it's time to show our tolerance and humanity, and letting Crouch go is the most direct way to reflect this. .”

Later, he concluded:

"After all, even the most loyal subordinates will want a leader with a human touch.

Hey, do you still have this meaning?

Jaina was a little confused. She looked at Levin, but she didn't expect him to say these words.

But Tonks, Cirilla and Penello all nodded.

Indeed, if they did not have a special relationship with Jaina such as Levin, as subordinates, they would indeed like to see their immediate boss be such a person.

But Levin’s analysis isn’t over yet:

"Actually, we removed so many people from their posts and sentenced them to prison during this purge, which must have offended a lot of people. If it weren't for time constraints, I wouldn't be in favor of using such simple and crude treatment."

He sighed,

"In fact, I guess we have made everyone in the Ministry of Magic feel in danger. Everyone is afraid of becoming the next one to be purged. In this case, if we continue to be tough, we will only become the target of public criticism. Let Old Crow go. Odd, maybe it can ease the tense atmosphere."

He seriously pointed out: "Tolerating the old Crouch can actually be seen as us showing a moderate political posture, telling everyone, don't be nervous, we have already planned to 'stop'. Even We can use this to win the trust of those neutrals and make them believe that our 'Great Purge' is really to clear the Ministry of Magic's internal discipline, not to eliminate them."

"Does anyone really believe this?"

Both Jaina and others are a little worried.

Only Onyxia looked thoughtful.

"Of course." Levin said matter-of-factly: "If you think about it carefully, you will know that as we all know, Crouch Sr. is Ms. Gianna's biggest political enemy. If Ms. Gianna is not dedicated to public affairs, then why did she deal with it? So many people, but let this biggest enemy go?"

"That's because I feel sorry for him," Jaina whispered.

"That's because she doesn't have enough evidence!" Levin shouted.

"In the absence of insufficient evidence, even political opponents can be let off. Doesn't this prove that Ms. Gianna is dedicated to public service?" Levin said in a flattering tone.

Jaina's neck had turned red.

Levin continued to deduce: "From this logic, even Crouch was let go because of lack of real evidence. Then, in turn, other people who were not let go, those who were removed from their posts and sent to Aziz The people in Caban fully deserved their punishment.

"You can still think like that." Jaina couldn't help but open her mouth.

"So...we are really trying to eliminate corrupt elements and dark wizards this time, aren't we really trying to eliminate dissidents?" Cirila seemed to be convinced by Levin.

"Of course!" Levin said matter-of-factly.

"But if that's the case, we don't need to be... so... rough?" Hermione pointed out seriously.

"There's nothing we can do about it," Levin waved his hand in a helpless tone, "I can only say that our overall intention is good, but the execution is a little rough, but there's nothing we can do about it, right? After all, the situation is urgent, and there are so many Death Eaters suddenly invade Hogwarts."

"But those positions..." Penello raised his hand and asked, "Are most of those vacant positions occupied by officials from our faction? If we say they are dedicated to serving the public, this result seems a bit unwarranted."

"Then you are still too young." Levin sighed arrogantly, "Please, in such an emergency situation, even a veteran cadre with strong political skills like Old Crouch was found to be suspected of colluding with the Death Eaters. How can we Do you know who you can trust? What if you choose a lackey who is also a Death Eater?"

"So just in case, of course we can only promote people we trust, right?" Onyxia continued.

"Yes, children can be taught." Levin patted the female black dragon on the shoulder happily, "So, this is definitely not nepotism by Ms. Jaina.

After hearing Levin's reasons, Jaina was surprised: "Hey, are there so many twists and turns in this?"

She looked at Levin as if she were looking at a monster: "I really don't understand how you, at such a young age, can think about things more carefully than me, an old civil servant.

Levin was also surprised: "Why, don't you think so?"

"Of course... I don't think so." Speaking of this, Gianna was a little embarrassed, "I just think... Old Crouch doesn't have the ability to resist anyway. I saw it in him. My father's shadow."

"Mr. Daelin Proudmoore?" Levin mentioned the name.

"That's him," Jaina closed her eyes nostalgically, and said after a moment: "Once upon a time, Dai Lin treated my brother like this. He looked stern, but behind the scenes she cared about him silently... It's a pity that my brother, he He was obviously a good man, but he was not as lucky as Crouch Jr. and died in the war with the orcs."

She paused and finally said.

"For the sake of her being a good father...I just thought of letting him go."

"Okay...Okay." What else can Levin say, "Then you have... political talent."

In fact, as the princess of Kul Tiras, and having worked in the Ministry of Magic for more than ten years, Jaina's political skills are already very good, otherwise she would not have made it all the way to the powerful deputy director of the Department of Legal Enforcement.

But facing Levin, a former political leader who was familiar with five thousand years of history, she was still slightly inferior.

Levin shook his head and looked at everyone present: "Just pretend you haven't heard what Gianna just said. Everything is as I say. By the way, political gestures alone are not enough.

Targeted publicity is required. "

He looked at Onyxia: "You are responsible for this matter. When the time comes, you will not only publicize Jaina's dedication to the public through the media, and the purge is just a last resort, but you will also spread the news in the Ministry of Magic. As I just said, we must ensure that everyone understands Jaina's difficulties.

"No problem, it's up to me, Master."

Jaina agreed immediately, looking eager to give it a try.

She felt that this little master was becoming more and more interested in her.

0…Please give me flowers…

So after everything was agreed upon, Jaina assumed such a posture at the trial.

And since it is a political show, it must be continued to the end.

When Mr. Crouch was taken away by the dementors, his back looked so lonely and helpless.

But in this difficult moment, Tonks reached out to him. She carefully helped him untie the chains that were tied to the chair [every movement was full of respect and care.

"I will use my personal salary to foster little Crouch in St. Mungo's Hospital until you are released from prison. Please try to live." She whispered in Mr. Crouch's ear.

Crouch opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but in the end he just nodded.

He adjusted his hat and followed the Aurors out. Although his steps were heavy, his back was straight.

This tender scene was carefully discovered by the reporter of "The Quibbler" and recorded in detail.

The column in the next few days will be settled, right?

The trial was over and the wizards left one after another. Dumbledore and Ms. Proudmoore left after answering the reporters' questions.

With a tinkling and clicking sound, an elevator descended in front of them.

The golden gate slid open gently, and Dumbledore and Lady Proudmoore walked into the elevator together.


The elevator door was opened again, and four or five wizards walked out. At the same time, several paper airplanes whizzed into the elevator. Dumbledore looked up and watched them fly slowly around his head.

"This tranquility in the wizarding world will soon be broken. Voldemort and his Death Eaters, Jaina of the Ministry of Magic...the Order of the Phoenix must unite..." Dumbledore thought about Voldemort's return. The situation you may face is worrying.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, please tell Alastor Moody that when he recovers, we hope that he can come to the Ministry of Magic. We need his help in completing some record work." Tonks stood behind Dumbledore and suddenly leaned over Come and say.

When Dumbledore heard this, a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Didn't Alastor be rescued by you?"

He and Tonks looked at each other.

"Didn't you rescue him?"

Tonks was also confused, and she couldn't help but explain: "Out of respect for you, Principal Dumbledore, we Aurors will not enter Hogwarts Castle unless necessary. Therefore, Cirilla is here After catching Little Crouch, he only informed Professor McGonagall of the incident and did not go to rescue Moody."

After working for a long time, Alastor·Moody has not been rescued yet.

This unlucky guy was forgotten alive in Crouch Jr.'s office for three or four days.

It was good this time. With Little Crouch around, he seemed to be able to survive. After all, Little Crouch still needed to use his hair to make polyjuice potion.

But when Crouch Jr. was arrested, he faced the danger of starving to death. The person who harmed him happened to be friendly forces.

I have to say, this is very dark humor.

Tonks strongly suspected that this was Cirilla's intention. She was still seeking revenge on Moody for what had happened in the past.

This woman really cannot be offended.

But she would not reveal this to Dumbledore.

After hearing this, Dumbledore fell into deep thought. His hand slowly reached into the sleeve of the magic robe, and a phoenix tail feather peeked out from the sleeve, shining with a soft luster.

After a while, the phoenix tail feathers quietly retracted into the sleeves.

When the elevator stopped steadily in the lobby on the first floor, Dumbledore stepped out of the elevator door. Fox immediately appeared in front of him. It spread its beautiful wings and flapped gently.

Dumbledore's skinny old hand caressed Fawkes' back. Suddenly, his figure disappeared in the hall of the Ministry of Magic, leaving only a faint trace of firelight and residual warmth.

The picture shows Ji Anxiana, who has extraordinary political talent.

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