When Harry and his friends gathered together to discuss the man whose name must not be mentioned, they did not know that the man had quietly returned to the vicinity of Hogwarts.

"You're an hour, fifty-six minutes late, Severus."

The cold voice cut through the silent night sky.

Voldemort stood in the darkness, holding a wand in his pale left hand, the tip of the wand flashing with a cold light.

He looked into the distance, with a wide field of vision and a panoramic view of brilliant lights.

Those were the lights of Hogwarts, a warm glow coming from every window, in stark contrast to the surrounding darkness.

Voldemort quietly admired this familiar sight, with complex emotions welling up in his heart.

That was his former home, which contained the most precious memories of his boyhood.

The unique spire of Hogwarts shone with mysterious light in the dark summer night. It was a beacon of wisdom, illuminating his former path to study.

However, at this moment he could not step into that familiar place.

In the past few decades, he had been blocked from Hogwarts because of the existence of an old man.

And tonight, there is another young man.

He had already heard about the great deeds Levin Green had done from the few Death Eaters who had escaped from Hogwarts.

Combined with a series of rumors he heard from Bella and others, Voldemort already knew that a young genius had appeared in the wizarding world.

Dumbledore will eventually grow old. In fact, he is already old.

But Levin Green was only fifteen years old.

The young man's appearance made Voldemort feel an inexplicable sense of urgency.

Although he was confident in himself and believed that no genius could threaten his status, Levin's achievements forced him to re-examine the situation.

"Your choice to meet here, Master, is it too risky?" Snape's voice was low and humble, and he leaned down and knelt on the ground. "The black robe spread out on the ground like a shadow."

"This is too close to Hogwarts. There are Aurors everywhere now. If Dumbledore finds out..."

"Dumbledore?" Voldemort's lips curved into a sneer, his red eyes flashing coldly in the darkness, "Do you think I would be afraid of an old Dumbledore?"

"No, Master. Dumbledore has been restless since your resurrection. He is worried about your return... After all, he is old and frail." Snape said cautiously.

"Old and frail?" Voldemort snorted, with disdain in his tone, "I don't see what he has to be afraid of. After all, he still has that mudblood Levin Green supporting him at Hogwarts. "

"Why, you didn't bring Dumbledore to catch me, but you came here alone? I thought there would be a well-planned ambush here." There was a trace of ridicule in Voldemort's tone.

"I have always been yours, from the beginning to the end, and my heart is full of sorrow."

Snape's voice became even more humble, "Back then, you ordered me to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to spy on Albus Dumbledore... Have you forgotten all of this?

"Yes, obey my orders... I have been here for more than ten years. I didn't realize it, but you are actually a loyal servant."

Voldemort smiled sarcastically,

"If you are really so loyal, why haven't you come to me for so many years? Come and save your poor master||?"

He stared hard at Snape, his red eyes seeming to be able to see into the depths of a person's soul.

"Lift your head and look into my eyes!"

Voldemort ordered coldly.

Snape slowly raised his head, his black pupils meeting Voldemort's magical red eyes.

He knew that Voldemort was using [Legilimency] on him, trying to explore his true inner thoughts.

At that moment, Snape felt as if his soul had been stripped away from his body, and all the secrets and lies had nowhere to hide.

He worked hard to use [Occlumency] to fabricate thoughts and memories that he had prepared long ago.

"I used to think that you...at that time, everyone was convinced...that you had left us." Snape's voice revealed deep sincerity, and every word seemed like Confession dug from the bottom of my heart.

"I made an unforgivable mistake and actually doubted your power." He closed his eyes tightly, as if he could not face his betrayal, "I have no intention of defending or covering up, but this is the situation... "


Voldemort smiled softly, his blood-red eyes shining with evil light in the dark environment. His face was pale and flat, like a cold-blooded snake.

"Avery, Yaxley, the Carrows, Greyback, Lucius... they all had the same idea as you."

"They, and so many others, foolishly believed that the great Dark Lord was dead, defeated by an insignificant baby."

Voldemort's tone was full of sarcasm and dissatisfaction, "Even if I continue to reveal the truth to them and tell them that I have gone further on the road to death than anyone else.

He sighed deeply, his tone revealing endless disappointment:

"But you don't believe me! You disappoint me so much!"

Suddenly, a green light shot out from the wand in Voldemort's hand, pointing directly at Snape:


Snape screamed and rolled on the ground in pain, begging for mercy.

However, Voldemort watched him suffer indifferently, as if he was enjoying the torture process. This time the spell was longer and more brutal than ever before.

There is only one reason why he is so cruel:

Snape is late!

Yes, Snape didn't arrive immediately when the Dark Lord summoned his servants... For this reason alone, he deserves to die!

However, Voldemort had no immediate plans to kill him.

He wanted to hear more explanations from Snape's mouth, and if he couldn't bring a satisfactory answer, then the benevolent Dark Lord wouldn't mind giving him a "surprise".

"Why did you prevent me from getting the Philosopher's Stone four years ago?" Voldemort asked slowly.

"I didn't know it was you at first."

Snape struggled in pain and tried to organize his words, "At that time, I only saw a greedy and incompetent Quirrell who wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone. I admit that I tried my best to stop him. But you didn't Find me! If you had just revealed a little bit of your plan to me, I would have helped you steal the Magic Stone even if I had risked my life!"

"Do you know why I didn't tell you? Do you know why I am so weak? Would you rather share a body with a mediocre wizard? Don't you dare to expose yourself to a former servant?"

Voldemort stared deeply into Snape's eyes, his voice rising slightly, revealing strong anger and disappointment.

"Because I don't know if you can be trusted! I'm afraid...I'm afraid that you will turn from a loyal Death Eater to Dumbledore's lackey! I couldn't believe you at the time, but then four years later you told me, I Why should I believe you!"

He stepped hard on Snape's back,

"Even if you could rush to me immediately when I was resurrected...I could convince myself to try to trust you at this time. But you didn't!"

"Yes, I came back two hours later, Master."

Snape endured the pain and said loudly.

"I came back on Dumbledore's orders."

"What, you followed Dumbledore's advice?" Voldemort was furious.

"Yes, Master." Snape endured the pain and said firmly: "I admit that I was late, but I only waited for two hours. During these two hours, I ensured that I could continue to stay in Hogwart." As your secret agent!"

Voldemort stared at Snape, saying nothing, seeming to be thinking about his words.

Snape seized the opportunity and quickly added: "Now, Dumbledore thinks that I am his person. I can continuously report information about him and the Order of the Phoenix to you!"

"Order of the Phoenix!" Voldemort roared,

He hated the name with all his heart.

"Yes, Master. Earlier tonight, Dumbledore had issued the Order of the Phoenix and restarted the Order of the Phoenix." Snape told his first piece of information, trying to prove his worth.

"As expected." Voldemort snorted disdainfully, "Keep talking!"

"In those few months, the Dark Mark became clearer and clearer, and I knew you were definitely going to come back. All the Death Eaters knew it!" Snape continued to explain.

"I have enough time to consider my options and plan my next move. I always keep your orders in mind."

He tried hard to show a sincere expression,

"But I couldn't contact you, so I had to make my own decisions. I felt that as long as I gained Dumbledore's trust, I could bring you more benefits. I succeeded, and he really thought I was his... ..”

Voldemort's high-pitched and clear voice echoed in the night sky, like a cold snake letter sliding in the air, "So, what important information did you bring me, Snape?"

Snape replied without hesitation: "All the information I have gathered for you about Dumbledore over the past sixteen years, Master."

Voldemort nodded slightly, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, "This is indeed a valuable meeting gift... You did a good job, Snape."

"anything else?"

Snape continued: "Crouch has been captured, along with his father. Old Crouch's influence in the Ministry of Magic has also been wiped out. They have been prepared for this. This is why Dumbledore will appear at your resurrection party tonight. s reason."

"A loyal servant, but unfortunately... so useless." Voldemort commented coldly.

To him, a dead servant has no value anymore.

No matter how loyal he is.

"I have another important piece of information, Master." Snape took a deep breath.


Snape whispered: "Dumbledore and Minister Fudge have parted ways (Wang Li Zhao). I heard their quarrel with my own ears. Fudge doesn't believe you have come back. I think it won't be long before he starts to interfere with Huo next term. Gwarts. Dumbledore will be too busy taking care of himself to deal with us.

A smile appeared on Voldemort's face. This was the first time he smiled after seeing Snape.

"Very good, this is the first good news I heard today. The other servants are of no use except regret."

Suddenly, he stared hard into Snape's eyes, as if he wanted to see into his soul,

"Severus, you begged me to spare the life of that mudblood——Lily Potter. But I ended up killing her anyway. You don't blame me, do you?"

Snape looked into Voldemort's eyes, his voice was calm,

"Master, he is just a mudblood! If he dies... he will die."

He tried hard to suppress the trembling in his heart and said calmly: "I have forgotten about that mudblood a long time ago."

Voldemort kept staring into Snape's eyes. After a long moment, he smiled and said:

Voldemort continued to stare into Snape's eyes, and after a long moment he smiled:

"Very good! I give you a task now. While monitoring Dumbledore, pay attention to Levin Green and Jaina Proudmoore's group behind him. They are also a problem."

Your will, the master body. "

Snape answered expressionlessly, but he breathed a sigh of relief inside.

This means...he passed the test tonight.

Voldemort trusted him again.

He succeeded in his mission and retained his position. .

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