Gianna did not dwell on Crouch, but mentioned another thing:

"Did you know? For tonight's operation, at least for the first half, your close 'friend' Dumbledore was one of the masterminds. Those Aurors involved in the operation thought they were going to deal with his remnants——some food Dead Apostle, but Dumbledore told me————The mysterious man is back.

When Fudge heard this, his whole body stiffened instantly, as if he had been struck by lightning.

The information about the possible return of the mysterious man was too exciting. His body, which had been upright due to anger, suddenly slumped down again, and he kept mumbling: "This is not true, this is impossible, the mysterious man is dead..."

"Minister, regarding the authenticity of this news, I think he will take the initiative to contact you soon. According to the intelligence we currently have, when our Aurors were preparing to go to the scene to cooperate with the operation, they discovered that Harry Potter and Dumbledore After leaving, a magic circle was set up in that place to prohibit apparation, just like Hogwarts.

"I just received the news that they have returned to the stadium safely. However, we still have no way of knowing exactly what happened to "213"." Gianna's tone revealed a deep worry. .

As if it wasn't exciting enough, Jaina further spoke about a topic that frightened Fudge even more, provoking his fragile heart: "Connelly, as a friend, I have to remind you of something. Let's not discuss what Dumbledore said for now. Whether the news of the Dark Lord's return is true or false, if he really comes back, then the public will undoubtedly be more inclined to let Dumbledore become the leader to fight against the Dark Lord. After all, he is the greatest white wizard in the world, isn't he?"

"However, if the Dark Lord has not returned, then why does Dumbledore tell us this? What are his motives? This is a question worth pondering.

"Connelly, no matter whether the Dark Lord has really returned or not, you should carefully consider your position and future path.

Seeing Fudge's increasingly panicked expression, Jaina decided to add more fuel to the fire: "In addition, what I need to let you know is that when I started this semester at Hogwarts, I already discovered that Moody was a member of the minibus. Ty Crouch pretended. At that time, I had the urge to arrest him, but Dumbledore stopped Levin and me. He suggested that we wait until now to take action."

"I'm really curious, why did he keep us waiting for so long? What on earth was he planning during this time? These questions have always troubled me."

"However, this also gives me an opportunity, a good opportunity to expand the results."

The amount of information in Jaina's words was so great that Fudge fell into silence.

Seeing that Fudge was silent, Jaina continued to instill ideas into him: "Of course, the reason why I cooperated with him on this matter is to ensure that I can become the Minister of Magic in the future. But I and you, and Dumbledore all different......"

Fudge was immersed in shock and raised his head in confusion after hearing this.

Seeing Fudge's blank expression, Jaina couldn't help but shook her head and continued: "In this regard, your interests and mine are the same. I also don't want Dumbledore to come to the front and live in his shadow. Next, from now on you need to ask and respect the opinion of a principal on everything, just like you do now."

She paused and said in a sincere tone:

"Connelly, I am much younger than both of you. I can completely wait for you to work until you retire and then take over the ministerial position naturally. Judging from the current situation of you and Dumbledore, you have no time left in your political life. Much more. If you want to realize your plan and maintain power, you must fight. What I gained today is enough to ensure this.

"In addition, you are different from Crouch. You have not made any mistakes. You are still the most powerful person in the Ministry of Magic. My fight with you will only cause the Ministry of Magic to begin to split. My chances of winning are not good, and it is easy for outsiders to win." Bring opportunities."

After Jaina finished speaking, she picked up the magic book with a human face from the desk and flipped through it casually, giving Fudge some time to digest his words.

After a while, he added: "In fact, who to cooperate with is not cooperation. Although my personal preference is to work with you, the minister, who I have always had a good relationship with, but it is not so unpleasant to cooperate with Dumbledore today. If I choose him now At most, I may have to endure it for a few more years, but I think I will eventually be able to sit in the position I want, Minister Fudge."

In Little Hangleton Cemetery, with the departure of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, silence once again enveloped this land that was once ravaged by dark magic.

The air seemed to still be filled with the residual warmth left by magic, but the tension and fear had quietly receded.

Harry seemed to have figured out the true identity of the arriving Auror.

He was about to say hello, but he saw the Auror nodded slightly towards him and Dumbledore, and then disappeared in a flash of magic.

When Levin changed his clothes and stepped onto the Quidditch pitch again, the previous order had been restored.

The night was dark, and there were only a few uniformed Aurors patrolling around. Their footsteps were particularly clear in the silent night. Occasionally, there were a few slight moans and conversations from the injured, reminding people that they had just experienced a thrilling battle.

Levin looked around and saw the girls sitting in their seats waving to him.

Hermione, Cho Chang, Luna, Ginny, Astoria, and the Delacour sisters,

Perhaps because they had just shared weal and woe, these people all came together, and experiencing this crisis together made their relationship closer.

Levin nodded to them and walked towards Dumbledore and Harry's position.

Dumbledore was checking Harry. When he saw Levin coming, he stretched out his hand and said, "Levin, thank you for your help just now."

But Levin just nodded without any intention of agreeing...

Dumbledore waved his hand, turned to Kingsley who was standing next to him and said, "Please help Harry do some examinations on my behalf."

Kingsley nodded and said nothing more.

Then he looked at Harry again: "Go, Harry, your friends are obviously worried about you. You must have a lot to say. You acted very bravely today. We will officially award the trophy for this competition later. After that, go and have a good sleep, and don't let the destruction caused by these Death Eaters affect our mood. We will talk about other things later."

Harry caught a glimpse of Ronald, who was hiding behind a pillar, winking and making faces, and he felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Although he still had many questions to ask Dumbledore and Levin, he still agreed to Dumbledore's request, nodded to them, and then followed Kingsley to the side to continue the examination.

"Voldemort's performance today is indeed unexpected," Dumbledore sighed, frowning, "Levin [will you admit that Voldemort is back during the interview?"

Levin took a step back slightly, keeping a certain distance from Dumbledore, and his tone was as distant as a diplomatic one:

"Sorry, Principal, you know, I didn't actually see whether the mysterious man was resurrected."

"You're not tonight..." Dumbledore looked a little anxious.

Levin Levin immediately interrupted him and emphasized: "I have been staying at the Quidditch pitch tonight to catch Death Eaters."

"Kingsley told me what happened in the Ministry of Magic tonight," the disappointment on Dumbledore's face was clear, "Is power really that important to you?"

At this time, the robe on his body was messy because he had just experienced a battle, and the corners of his clothes even had scorch marks. He was originally a little depressed after a duel.

Levin's words 0.5 make him look more aged and tired.

Levin looked at Dumbledore in front of him, feeling a sense of guilt in his heart.

Although he did not fully agree with Dumbledore's methods and ideas, the old man in front of him did make great efforts to maintain the safety of the wizarding world.

He let out a long sigh, raised his head and opened his mouth to Dumbledore, wanting to say something to comfort him, but in the end he only said one sentence: "I'm sorry, Headmaster. In my opinion, Voldemort is not the most critical problem. We have My own plan."

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "I understand, Levin. We all have our own positions and choices. I just hope you can remember that no matter which path you choose, you must be responsible for your own actions."

The conversation between the two ended unhappily.


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