Watching Dumbledore's figure gradually disappear, Levin immediately prepared to take action, intending to end the chaos in front of him.

The students at Hogwarts didn't seem to have to worry too much. Levin had already seen Hermione organizing her defense in an orderly manner.

The professors at Hogwarts will also focus on protecting the school's young wizards, so he does not need to intervene too much.

So, let’s start cleaning up these wizards controlled by the Samurai Shodown Curse.

However, before he could take action, a wizard came to him.

Dumbledore's departure seemed to embolden the Death Eaters. Like sharks smelling blood, they attacked Levin one after another.

"You are asking for your own death!" Levin snorted coldly and launched a counterattack without mercy.

His wand drew an elegant arc in the air, and [Spell Reversal] caused the [Cruciatus Curse] shot towards him to immediately return to the original path and hit the caster himself. The Death Eater was rolling on the ground in pain, wailing repeatedly.

Levin waved his wand again, and under the influence of [Counter Spell], the tip of a wizard's wand that was about to activate the [Death Curse] suddenly exploded. The whole wand looks like an exploding gun

The splashing magic energy bounced directly onto him, causing him to scream in agony.

Waving the wand for the third time, an invisible barrier quietly rose in front of Levin, just blocking the blazing fire coming towards him.

The terrifying magic flame disappeared immediately after hitting the [anti-magic field], as if it had never existed.

"What a nasty bug."

Levin was upset by the overestimating Death Eaters.

He was determined to ignore the unlucky ones controlled by the Imperius Curse and kill these bold guys first.

Levin first protected himself with a strong 29-layer magic shield, and then began to brew magic silently.

As the mantra recited, the surrounding air seemed to vibrate with the gathering of magic power.

With a deafening explosion, a magic eyeball the size of a fresh apple, shining with colorful lights, appeared out of thin air beside him.

This magical eyeball seems to be alive, and its pupils move around flexibly, as if it is looking for Levin's enemies.

The next moment, the pupil of the magic eyeball suddenly burst out with a scarlet ray, like lightning piercing the night sky.

A Death Eater was accurately hit by this red laser, and his entire body was instantly swallowed up by blazing flames. He struggled in pain, and his screams echoed in the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, another blue ray flashed. Another Death Eater was concentrating on using magic, but was caught off guard by this blue light.

His body instantly became as stiff as stone, and his entire body turned into a lifelike stone statue, frozen in that moment forever.

[Rainbow Eye: 7-ring energy system, you create a visible sphere, which can randomly shoot a magic ray. There are seven colors of rays, each with different effects and power. 】

Just then, Levin's communication badge responded.

"Levin, has the Dark Lord appeared? Can the operation begin?" Tonks' voice sounded on the other end of the communication.

"The situation has changed. I am not with Harry. I am staying at Hogwarts now." Levin's voice reached Tonks's ears along with the screams of the Death Eaters.

"Why are there screams over there, and there are Death Eaters here too?" Upon hearing the sound, Tonks' tone immediately became nervous: "There is something wrong with the Quidditch pitch."

"Indeed, the Death Eaters launched an attack on the competition site," Levin replied briefly: "You quickly send people to support. Hogwarts cannot apparate, so as long as these Death Eaters can be eliminated in one fell swoop, Voldemort will be weakened. The strategic purpose is achieved.

"No problem, I will lead the team myself!" Tonks said decisively.

"It doesn't have to be like this," Levin dissuaded, with an undoubted majesty in his voice. "Leave it to me to take command here. You have a more critical task. Go and restrain Fudge yourself to ensure that he cannot escape and return to the magic. Department, thereby buying Jaina valuable time."

"Okay, Vin." Tonks agreed immediately.

Levin then ordered: "And you, Cirilla, lead your elite team to hunt down Crouch Jr. This is our most important witness, but he is so cunning that we cannot allow him to escape, so this mission is very important." You are the one. If you want to know his whereabouts, you can inform Oriana, I have arranged for her to monitor him closely."

"I understand." Cirilla replied briefly and forcefully.

"In addition, there is Karkaroff," Levin had not forgotten the headmaster of Durmstrang. "I noticed signs that he was trying to escape. According to the plan, we must intercept him. This task does not require other Aurors. Get involved, Onyxia, I'll leave this matter to you to handle personally. You can contact Gwen. I arranged for her to monitor Karkaroff.

"Okay, Master." Onyxia agreed.

Although Levin was younger than them all, both Tonks and Onyxia and Cirilla who received the communication obediently obeyed his arrangements.

Levin's original plan was to see if he could find an opportunity to take advantage of Voldemort's opportunity to resurrect Harry, rely on the two top combat powers of himself and Dumbledore, and the siege of the Auror army, to try to capture him by force.

In order to implement this plan, Levin did not hesitate to cooperate with Dumbledore and deliberately let Barty Crouch Jr. cause trouble in the school. And he pretended to know nothing - in order to make the plan more perfect, Levin even ignored his conscience and did not reveal more information to Potter in advance, and watched his friend step into the trap carefully laid by Voldemort.

This incident was worth half a second of self-blame.

After all, Potter was his "loved relative".

However, I can’t bear to let the child trap the wolf,

If this scene was not acted out more realistically, how could Voldemort be willingly prepared for resurrection?

Levin knew very well that the "bone, flesh, and blood" resurrection ritual required Voldemort to get rid of his soul state and possess a basic body - that is, the baby state he had before his resurrection.

And this was precisely his weakest moment.

If he is still a soul, he can run away as much as he wants, and no one can catch him.

Voldemort in this state is equivalent to being trapped in a weak body, with no way to escape or possess other wizards. It is almost the best time to capture him.

Once Voldemort is successfully captured, Jaina will gain huge political capital with this illustrious military exploit, and it will be almost easy to control the Ministry of Magic in the future.

This can be regarded as a plan to take advantage of the fire and reach the sky in one step.

Unfortunately, Voldemort was vigilant enough and used some tricks. He temporarily delayed Levin and Dumbledore through a suicide attack, causing this plan to fail.

But that's okay.

After all, this chicken-stealing plan was, to put it bluntly, a trick, and he had expected that it would not be completed if something unexpected happened.

After realizing that there was no way to stop Voldemort from using Harry to resurrect him, Levin made the decision and returned to their original plan.

If Voldemort cannot be subdued, then capturing more Death Eaters will be in vain.

Levin knows very well that the current mainstream group that controls public opinion in the wizarding world is those who experienced the brutal war against Voldemort.

The most mainstream idea among them is the idea of ​​appeasement.

By analogy, the current wizarding world is like the Great Yin on the eve of World War II and the high point next door.

Although Da Yin and Gaul won the First World War, it was only a miserable victory. Not only did they not get much compensation back, but they also lost an entire "generation".

The wizarding world also lost a "generation" in the First Wizarding War.

That was really a generation. You must know that more than half of the wizarding families Levin knew had relatives who died.

Weasley family, Mrs. Weasley's two brothers died in the war.

Neville went crazy and is still in the hospital.

Harry's parents also died.

Faced with this situation, Yin Kingdom and Gaul began to try their best to avoid falling into a new war again. Therefore, they repeatedly gave in to the radical San Dezi and the shampooers, pretending not to see many dangerous signals, and seemed to be able to avoid new wars by deceiving themselves and others.

According to Levin and Jaina's observations, many people in the Ministry of Magic and even the entire Yin Kingdom wizarding community have made the same mistakes as Muggles.

In this case, as long as they fail to catch Voldemort himself, even if they can catch any Death Eater alive at the scene of Voldemort's resurrection, plus the confession of the captured Barty Crouch Jr., even if he uses The Mystic Eye captured the scene of Voldemort's resurrection, but it was not enough to prove that Voldemort had returned.

The evidence consisting of Legilimency and Veritaserum is not fully recognized by the law and can only be used as supporting evidence. The content captured by the Mystic Eye can even be regarded as an illusion.

According to the Wizengamot, this evidence is easy to forge. For example, a master of Occlumency can fabricate false memories out of thin air. Some powerful magic can forcibly modify memories. Even without the use of magic, false memories can be generated through psychological misdirection.

Otherwise, in the original book, the lawsuit regarding Harry Potter's use of the [Guardian 250 Divine Spell] on Privet Drive would not need to be fought at all, and he would be able to prove his innocence through these two methods.

For the wizarding world to fully accept Voldemort's return, it not only requires time, but also the cooperation of Voldemort himself.

Since they were unable to defeat Voldemort quickly and achieve success in one fell swoop, Levin and Jaina decided to stick to their original plan: play steadily, accumulate strength, and wait for Voldemort's threat to intensify until the appeasement faction's illusions were completely shattered, and that's when they would emerge.

In this case, Levin's position had to turn 180 degrees, from cooperating with Dumbledore to confronting him - or at least suppressing him.

After all, Dumbledore is the one most likely to gain support among the main war faction besides Jaina.

In order to prevent this from happening, Levin naturally chose to side with Fudge, prompting him to start an all-out contest with Dumbledore just like the plot in the original book.

The incident involving Barty Crouch and his son has undoubtedly heightened the urgency of this need.

The exposed flaws of Crouch and his son provided Levin and his forces with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to eat Crouch's pie in one bite.

Since you can't achieve success by capturing Voldemort, let's make up for it by capturing Crouch and his son.

Jaina has made up her mind to take advantage of this opportunity to thoroughly cleanse the Crouch faction within the Ministry of Magic.

In order to achieve this goal, they need to pit Fudge and Dumbledore against each other. Otherwise, their big move within the Ministry of Magic will inevitably lead to a joint counterattack by Fudge and Dumbledore.

Levin deeply hoped that Tonks could comfort Fudge at the scene, at least until Jaina finished cleaning and rushed back to the scene...

At this time, Levin was communicating with Tonks about the situation while skillfully controlling the [Rainbow Eye] to accurately shoot the Death Eaters who kept trying to attack him. Every attack he made was like a surgical operation. Accurate.

Although Levin was ruthless, the other party seemed to be desperate for his life, frantically obstructing Levin's actions, which was completely different from the cunning behavior of just shooting and changing places when facing other people.

They seemed to know very well that the boy in front of them was the biggest threat to their master besides Dumbledore. .

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