After talking about TV, the topic came to Cirila again.

At Levin's request, Sirela began to recount her combat adventures in Albania.

It must be said that Cirilla is not as good as Tonks in terms of storytelling talent.

But compared to the trivial fights in the Triwizard Tournament, her experience in Albania was much more thrilling.

All the eyes of the ladies present were on her, and even Hermione couldn't help but sigh: "The things you mentioned could be written into an adventure novel. -"

Zhang Qiu also clapped his hands and praised, "Xili is really amazing. It is precisely because of your efforts that the security in the magic world is so good."

"Excellent," Cirila said, and couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity that many fugitives can only be locked up even if they are captured. Although their crimes are extremely heinous, they cannot be truly severely punished."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of haze in Cirila's eyes.

Speaking of this, Jaina was also helpless: "Currently Fudge is in power, Da Yin has its own national conditions, and there is nothing we can do. The limit of being able to tolerate you making some 'small changes' in private is already the limit."

"I know sister Jaina's troubles," Cirila said quickly, "I just... feel a little unwilling to be in the city."

"Don't worry, this state is only temporary." Levin comforted, "With the resurrection of the Dark Lord, the magical world will fall into chaos sooner or later. At that time, people will begin to call for truly just punishment for these criminals. At that time, Sister Gianna also replaced Fudge as the minister. We had every opportunity to transform this society——At that time

You can put forward your own opinions on existing laws. "

"Yeah! I believe you." Cirila nodded vigorously.

Then, Levin looked at Tonks who was secretly drinking a glass of beer at the side: "Tonks, Cirilla is coming back from Albania this time. She needs to be transferred away from the frontline combat and let her work in the Auror office for a period of time. Civil service."

Tonks nodded, but looked at Levin with undisguised doubts.

Levin sighed, "Didn't you notice? In fact, I discovered from the time she took away the death row prisoners from Azkaban that she was somewhat affected by extreme emotions. Therefore, every time she arranged such a big task, she She had to stay away from those battles for a while to relax her emotions. At the same time, she could also set aside time to teach Hermione, Zhang Qiu and the others.

Cirilla leaned on the back of the chair, the wand turning flexibly in her palm. When she heard this, she raised her head and glanced at Levin, but did not object.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's all go back and rest." Jaina suggested as she looked at the magic clock hanging on the wall.

"Regarding the confidential matters of today's game, I need to return to the Ministry of Magic for processing. Penello, you go with me. Cirilla, just stay at home and rest, and come back tomorrow to receive your job transfer letter." Tang Chris immediately decided that she didn't like procrastination when it came to work.

Penello followed Tonks and said goodbye to everyone politely. Her charming eyes took a deep look at Levin and Cirilla for the last time, and then left with Tonks.

Others also left one after another, either going to the Ministry of Magic or returning to Hogwarts.

When it was Onyxia's turn, she was grabbed by Levin before setting off, "Onyxia, you are the person in charge of our Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures. If you encounter any rare and dangerous magical creatures, remember to collect them." Their blood and body cell tissue materials, recently I am planning to gradually arrange everyone's magic animagus.

"I understand, little master. But what's the reward if I complete the task?" Onyxia's golden eyes stared at Caiwen expectantly.

" about this?"

Levin thought for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Onyxia's chin, and kissed her deeply on the lips.

The female black dragon seemed to be confused by Levin's move. It wasn't until she realized that her [fingers] were getting tangled in knots that she suddenly pushed Guowen away:

"You, you, and I are not your human females. I can't walk when I see you. Don't try to deal with me in this way!!

Seeing the other party's furry like a cat, Levin said slowly:

"Is that what you think? Then who was it that just wrapped around my [finger] just now?"

"You...hum, let's see!"

As if Levin had exposed the side of her heart that she didn't want to show, Onyxia left a harsh word in shame and anger, turned around and left.

In the blink of an eye, only Caiwen and Cirila were left as tower owners.

Levin looked at each other, and their eyes just met.

........Levin. "


Levin found that the girl's eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and seemed to be dripping with water.

"I understand, Ciri."

Levin nodded,

"Don't worry, I will use my method to dispel the darkness in your heart just like last time."

Levin put the girl in his arms and carried him back to the room upstairs.

Some psychological problems require strong love to heal.

The next day, the rare good weather in winter finally ended, and Hogwarts was once again shrouded in clouds, ice and snow.

In the past, except for those Quidditch enthusiasts who would go out to practice in the wind and snow every time this kind of weather came, the rest of the students would become sluggish and lazy, giving up almost all outdoor activities except for necessary class study. Sit in the lounge and read a book or play chess.

But today is different.

Almost all the students got up early and gathered together to excitedly discuss yesterday's game.

The core topic is whether the mysterious woman is the fairy in the lake, and who is the mastermind behind the madness of the giant squid.

Levin has not appeared for a long time. As the real protagonists of the entire game, the Warriors are naturally the focus of questioning.

Unfortunately, the warriors knew nothing about this, and the information they obtained was no more than that of the little wizards who watched the live broadcast.

…………Please give me flowers 0

The warriors all had no idea what to ask, but the little wizards thought that the warriors always knew more information than they did.

The direct result of this is that the students are more curious and feel that there must be a conspiracy inside.

If there is no news from the warriors, the students can only do the next best thing and turn their target to the hostages who went to the bottom of the lake.

But what do the hostages know?

They were unconscious the entire time they were underwater and could not see anything at all. In terms of information, they had even less information than the audience.

In the auditorium, seeing every warrior and hostage being the object of admiration, Ronald was so jealous that he had a toothache.

He had never regretted drinking the sex change potion as much as he did now.

It would be nice if he became a hostage as Ronald - even if he was misunderstood as being a couple with Harry, he would be willing.

He also wants to be the object of people's attention,

Since no one knows anything anyway, he can just find an opportunity to brag in front of everyone.

Although everyone saw the scene of how the hostage was tied underwater through the live broadcast, he can definitely brag about how he was kidnapped.

He had already concocted a thrilling kidnapping story in his mind, describing how he would fight with his bare hands against fifty armed mermaids who would first force him into submission before tying him up.

If someone asked him what he did, he would tell them that he hid the wand in his sleeve and could subdue those mermaid fools if he wanted to.

It's a pity that now that the gender is separated, it's all over.

No matter how many words he holds back in his heart, he can't say them out.

Otherwise, if his gender reassignment is exposed, he will be embarrassed to stay at Hogwarts for the rest of his life.

Or, Levin could give him a few more bottles of sex change potion,

If it were Roni's identity, he might be more popular.

At least when he was Ronald, he had never been pursued by as many opposite sexes as Ronnie.

After all, as Ronald, he is so ordinary and inconspicuous, but Roni is a rare beauty.

To be honest, when he realized that Krum and Malfoy were pursuing him as Ronnie, he felt not only "disgusting" about being pursued by men, but also an unknown secret pleasure.

"Damn it, when will it be my turn to be so popular?"

Ronald watched eagerly as Hermione and Ginny reluctantly responded to the inquiries of the little lions, with deep envy in his eyes.

But soon, he got his wish - although not in the way he imagined.

The sound of an owl flapping its wings was heard outside the auditorium,

These hard-working messengers finally broke through the biting cold wind and delivered the letters to Hogwarts.

The picture shows Giannina.

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