After a burst of cheers caused by Hermione's quick finish, the entire audience fell into silence again,

Hermione was able to finish the game before the halfway point, which caused many viewers to greatly underestimate the difficulty of this game and also greatly overestimate the average level of the warriors.

They fully expected that they would see scenes of other warriors successfully completing their missions one after another.

But soon reality poured cold water on them,

Tell them that you are overthinking.

Hermione was able to complete the competition so quickly because she was too strong, not because the project was too easy.

Not every warrior can handle the same danger.

After a smooth explanation, Bagman's exclamation startled everyone.

"Ah, terrible! Durmstrang's first-seeded player Krum actually encountered a hidden enemy in the Black Lake, the legendary horse-shaped water monster! This is the most dangerous magical creature in the lake!"

Suddenly, the viewers who were watching each other focused their attention on Klum's live broadcast.

In the picture, a man with a shark head is confronting a monster with the upper body of a horse and the lower body of a fish.

Levin duly handed Bagman an open copy of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them",

This is not the first time that he has provided popular science materials for 13Bagman’s commentary.

"The horse-shaped water monster is a very dangerous creature with a level of XXXX," Bagman read the contents of the book and educated the audience:

"They are distributed in the underworld and Ireland, and can change into various shapes, but it most often appears in the shape of a horse, with broad-leaf cattails as a mane. In this form, it will seduce the unwary. A person would ride on its back, then dive into the bottom of a river or lake, gobble the person up, and let the person's internal organs float to the surface."

He paused and continued:

"Another favorite image of the Equus is the sea serpent. The world's largest Equus lives in Loch Ness, Scotland, and it has maintained the image of a giant sea snake for a long time.

"The correct way to defeat the Equus is to use the [Placement Spell] to put a bridle on its head, and then it will become docile and obedient and no longer pose a threat to you, but don't let it go easily, it will To hold a grudge and curse you."

Looking at the little wizards in the audience who were listening carefully to the explanation, Dumbledore showed a pleased smile,

This is the educational significance of the Triwizard Tournament.

It's a pity that Krum in the water couldn't hear Bagman's popular science at all.

After bumping into this horse-shaped water monster, he felt very anxious.

Before that, he had been running around in the Black Lake for a long time. He had frightened off Grindylow's attacks several times with the help of the menacing shark head, but he could not find the location of the mermaid village at all.

Just now, he saw someone holding another person swimming towards the surface of the water from a distance.

Although he didn't know who the opponent was, he was sure that someone had already completed the game.

This put tremendous pressure on him.

Although he didn't know why time passed so fast, he had realized that there was not much time left for him.

"[Split into pieces]!"

Krum originally wanted to use a powerful black magic to directly deal with the threat in front of him.

But he forgot one thing. At this time, he was still wearing a shark's head.

So he couldn't recite the spell at all.

The horse-shaped water monster pointed by the wand was also angered by Krum's actions and rushed over.

Perhaps influenced by the shark's nature, or perhaps too impulsive in the first place, when Krum saw that the wand didn't work, he actually rushed forward with his fists waving.

However, he is not a real shark after all. In terms of underwater combat, he is no match for the water monster.

Compared to him, the water monster is stronger, faster, and can swim more flexibly.

Soon he was beaten black and blue by the water monster.

If he hadn't been in an emergency, he would have bitten the water monster with his shark teeth without hesitation, and then turned around and ran away while the monster was in pain.

It is estimated that he will be the first player to withdraw from the competition.

"There's something wrong with this game! Why are only the warriors in our school encountering this kind of monster!"

Karkaroff complained angrily when he saw this,

Originally, Madame Maxime, like him, felt that the second game was too dangerous and unfair to the warriors under their command.

But this time, before Dumbledore could speak, Madam Maxime herself took the initiative to comfort Karkaroff: "There's nothing we can do about it, Igor, just like Dumbledore said.

Everyone's experience in the Black Lake is different. Your warrior is simply unlucky, so don't complain. "

"Of course it doesn't hurt your back when you stand and talk!" Karkaroff heard this and turned directly to Mrs. Maxim.

He pointed at another screen and shouted angrily, "It's not your students who are unlucky anyway. How come the Beauxbatons warriors were able to find the Mermaid Village without any disasters along the way?"

And Durmstrang’s warriors are going to be lost?!”

He was referring to the live broadcast belonging to Furong,

After hearing this, Mrs. Maxim sighed in a mocking manner and exclaimed: "Maybe, this is life.

It was not just luck that Furong was able to come to the Mermaid Village smoothly.

After learning that Levin provided Hermione with a topographic map of the Black Lake,

Fleur quickly negotiated a win-win deal with Levin:

Levin gave her a copy of the map, and she allowed him to put his hand inside her clothes.

She increases the odds of winning the game, and Levin quenches his thirst,

Everyone gets what they need.

But judging from the reaction afterwards, this deal was completely a unilateral win for Furong twice.

It's true that Levin satisfied his craving, but didn't Hibiscus?

It can even be said that in this transaction, Yi Rong's purpose of obtaining the map was completely incidental.

She was just fishing and enforcing the law. She was obviously a hunter but disguised as prey.

Levin, a veteran of flower bushes, completely fell into her trap!

It's really a win.

Closer to home, the reason why Furong came to Mermaid Village so quickly was not only because she knew the way, but also because she didn't suffer too many attacks along the way.

In fact, after she entered the water, no Grindylow attacked her at all.

Those Grindylows who went crazy when they saw the warrior would walk around after seeing her.

Fleur understood that this was largely due to her appearance, and the Grindylows probably mistook her for a mermaid.

If Fleur's memory wasn't as good as Hermione's and she couldn't remember the map clearly, she almost took the wrong path several times along the way.

She would probably arrive at the mermaid village at the same time as Hermione. 517

But it’s not too late to arrive now,

Because at this time, the mermaids in the Mermaid Square had been cleared out by Hermione who had taken the first step, leaving only a few mermaids tied by [Black Tentacles] and hanging in the center of the square.

Whenever a mermaid tries to approach the square, he will be frightened on the spot after seeing the black tentacles. He is so frightened that he only dares to hide behind the house and look here from a distance.

Even though Hermione has left, her remaining power still intimidates the mermaids here.

After entering the Mermaid Square, Fleur immediately noticed these strange black tentacles.

She recognized its origin at a glance,

Levin once demonstrated this spell during special training, and Fleur was deeply impressed by it.

She called [Black Tentacle] a "rogue-like spell."

Among the warriors, besides Hermione, who else uses the [Black Tentacle]?

"It seems Granger has arrived."

Fleur was not too disappointed. She and Hermione had faced the fire dragon together, and they had been specially trained under Levin.

She also took courses from the Polytechnic Society,

She knew Hermione's level well,

There is no shame in losing to her.

Taking advantage of the threat of the black tentacles, Fleur quickly went under the statue and rescued her sister Gabrielle.

Looking at this strange fish that looked very similar to them but had a much "uglier" face, the fish people in the distance were very curious.

They wanted to get to know each other, but they didn't dare to get close because of those arrogant black tentacles.

He could only watch the other party walk away.

The picture shows Mermaid Hibiscus.

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