As all the little wizards entered the Black Lake, the lake became completely quiet.

Different from the first game, in this game, everyone was obviously at the Black Lake, the competition venue, but because the specific game took place underwater, the spectators on the water could not see anything at all.

For a moment, everyone could only raise their necks and stare at the illusion live broadcast in the sky.

God knows why the stands were built next to the Black Lake, just to let everyone watch the warriors enter the water?

Even Bagman noticed this, so he boasted about Levin again:

"I heard people say that the Triwizard Tournament Preparatory Committee should not let Mr. Levin Green join because he will favor Hogwarts. If you ask me, this is the stupidest statement. Look at what Mr. Green has brought to us. What, the most obvious thing is this live broadcast system——"

His tone was extremely enthusiastic, and his analysis was well-founded: "Thanks to the live broadcast system provided by Mr. Green, we can track each player through the secret eye and see their performance in the water through illusion, but you can imagine , what would happen to Biyu without this system?”

What would happen if there was no live broadcast system?

The audience couldn't help but think deeply.

"Yes, if there is no live broadcast, we can only sit stupidly in our seats, staring at the black lake with nothing, blowing the cold January wind - it will still be blowing for an hour

The audience followed Bagman's guidance and immediately felt that something was wrong.

What idiot came up with this competition content!

A certain idiot touched his long white beard, looking embarrassed.

It's sloppy. He really didn't think of this when he originally designed this competition.

"It can be said that Mr. Green's live broadcast system saved the Triwizard Tournament - at least saved this second game," Bagman said loudly the voice of the audience, "So

Let us pay tribute to Mr. Green 027 who saved the Triwizard Tournament!"

"oh oh!!"


"Long live Mr. Green!"

"It would be great if future Quidditch games also had such a live broadcast system!"

The audience paid tribute to Levin, who stood up and waved back to them.

Of course, there were some people in the crowd who couldn't bear to see this scene.

For example, some young wizards from pure-blood families, such as Moody in the teacher's chair.

"Bah, how shameful." Moody stared at the host Bagman with dark eyes and secretly spit.

"The officials from the Ministry of Magic, as well as the little wizards, all started licking the Mudblood's assholes. What's going on in this world?!"

"Sure enough, only a great master can lead us back to our former glory."

The dark words of opponents will not affect the admiration of Levin by most people, nor will it affect the progress of the game.

The world's number one Levin playing Bagman had already begun his normal explanation:

"Now let's return our attention to the live broadcast scene. Our warriors are all in the water tank now!"

Bagman's voice echoed in the area, and he pointed at the illusion:

"Currently, among all the warriors, Miss Granger is progressing the most. She has found the right direction and is moving towards the deep water area."

It was early January, and the difficulties the warriors had to face in the water were far more than just facing the fish and their guards.

The Black Lake itself is the biggest difficulty,

The lake water is very cold, and just maintaining body temperature consumes their little physical strength all the time.

At this point, everyone has to face this problem except Hermione, who is transformed into a half-water element.

The warriors who realized this swam frantically towards the center of the lake almost as soon as they fell into the water, without daring to waste a moment.

What's more, the Black Lake is very large, and they still have to spend some time to find the location of the fishman village. One hour is very tight.

From Hermione's perspective at this moment, the bottom of the Black Lake looked quite strange and dangerous:

The weather was cloudy at this time, the sky covered with dark clouds blocked the sunlight, and the light was already extremely dim.

In addition, the visibility of the Black Lake water body is not high,

Therefore, now only the surrounding ten meters can be seen clearly, and the distance further away is shrouded in darkness and hazy, and there seem to be many strange black shadows hidden.

Some of these black shadows were so huge that they just stood in Hermione's field of vision, like giant beasts hiding in the dark, ready to pounce and attack at any time.

Farther away at the bottom of the lake, there is a hazy green light shining leisurely, like a ghostly phosphorus fire swaying in the dark night.

This terrifying and gloomy scene made Hermione feel as if she was in a ghost, with the legendary city of R'lyeh ahead of her.

The audience in the stands were scared for her through the live broadcast screen.

But even in such an environment, Hermione didn't feel the slightest panic.

the reason is simple.

As early as during the special training, Levin used his secret eye to take her and Furong to visit the scenery at the bottom of the Black Lake in advance.

She knew very well that the black figures in the distance were not monsters, but just insignificant huge rocks or sunken trees.

The only thing you really need to be wary of at the bottom of the lake is the giant squid, but giant squid usually don't appear in such shallow places.

In addition, those flashing green lights are neither will-o'-the-wisps nor the eyes of sea monsters.

That was actually the light coming from the Slytherin common room.

As for the route to the mermaid village, Hermione had already memorized it in her mind.

She only considered it for a moment before swimming in the right direction.

After that, Fleur was just as calm as she was, but her transformation into a mermaid still had a drawback compared to the half-water element, that is, it was not cold-resistant.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible, she fanned her fish tail quickly.

Krum is not as afraid of the cold as Fleur. After all, he comes from Durmstrang in Northern Europe. For him, winter swimming is almost commonplace.

His problem is that despite training in the Black Lake in advance, he has never been close to the mermaid tribe.

While he was looking for a way, he was also looking for Granger.

Although she has a boyfriend, Levin is not here.

Unfortunately, Krum underestimated Hermione's swimming speed.

At this moment, he could still see Fleur's tail, but he couldn't even taste Hermione's exhaust.

"Oh my God!"

Bagman on the high platform exclaimed, "Miss Dumont's [Head Bubble Curse] was actually broken by Grindylow during the fight. Although she quickly refilled the bubbles, she also choked a lot of water. She Can you still hold on?"

In the stands, while the little wizards lamented Estella's bad luck, they finally understood why most players would use such a convenient magic as the [Head Bubble Curse] instead of having to perform some complicated transformations.

Except for Hermione and Fleur, everyone else seemed to have lost their way in the black lake, stumbling around like headless flies, making everything dangerous.

The two women took advantage of this.

However, even if they choose the right direction, it does not mean that the two girls can succeed easily.

There are various dangers hidden in the Black Lake, and Grindylow is just an appetizer among them.

What's more, just last night, Crouch Jr. poured all the madness potions into the Black Lake.

These madness potions are not the ordinary versions produced on the market.

It is an enhanced version provided by the Dark Lord and the lurking Death Eaters.

What they have to face today will be the Black Lake that is more dangerous than usual.

Levin stared at the illusion projection belonging to Polyakov in the illusion,

First he encountered a group of crazy Grindylows, then a group of harpoon-wielding murlocs, and finally he encountered the giant squid, the big boss in the black lake. He was chased by the huge tentacles and was in a panic. Escape.

Levin almost burst out laughing.

How bad is your luck to encounter all three types of regular monsters?

And he was too cowardly, he knew how to run away the whole time, and the fierce shark head seemed to be eating dry food.

Levin could see that Karkaroff's face turned dark again.

Levin could only silently mourn for him for two seconds in his heart, and then went to observe Hermione's condition.

At this time, Hermione had successfully reached the bottom of the Black Lake.

Black Lake is a deep and vast lake that contains rich products.

Schools of fish shuttle between aquatic plants, like countless silver arrows, fast and agile.

The water plants sway their soft bodies, as if welcoming every visitor.

And at the bottom of the lake, there are a large number of shrimps and clams breeding, and the number is staggering.

Collecting shells on the beach near the lake is a favorite activity for many young wizards. The aquatic products in the lake are an important source of food for Hogwarts. You only need to cast a net bag and you can easily harvest a full catch.

This lake is also a nature reserve set up by the Ministry of Magic for mermaids.

Of course, Black Lake was not selected as a fishman sanctuary because of its rich products.

In fact, on the contrary, it is precisely because of the arrival of the mermaids that this huge lake can bloom with life.

After all, mermaids are an intelligent race with a unique appearance and lifestyle.

They are tall and strong, and their half-fish, half-animal figure allows them to swim in the water like a fish in the water. Their skin is smooth and delicate, showing a strange dark green and iron gray color, as if they blend into the color of the lake.

Their faces are full of sharp teeth, giving people a sinister look, which is far from the beautiful and charming mermaids in legends.

However, don't be fooled by their appearance. Mermaids are not as brutal and bloody as people imagine.

On the contrary, they have a rich lifestyle and culture.

Like humans on the ground, they are good at farming and grazing. They used their dexterous hands to carve out fields of water and grass at the bottom of the lake, planting a variety of water plants.

They also carefully raised fish and shrimps and grazed them in wide lakes.

Accompanying the mermaid architecture are the stone houses they created, these weird-shaped buildings for them to live and live in.

With the help of the jet force of the water, Hermione quickly shuttled across the bottom of the lake and visited the scenery of the Black Lake.

Along the way, she saw many mermaid fields and buildings.

Those lush aquatic plants are swaying in the lake water, like patches of green ribbons.

The mermaid building is hidden among the water plants, half hidden and half visible. Although the appearance is very simple, it also reveals the unique style of mermaid.

She also met many mermaid herders who were herding fish. They held long forks in the water and drove the fish leisurely, moving them to one aquatic pasture after another.

Taking this opportunity, the little wizards in the audience had a taste of the mermaid ecology at the bottom of the lake.

Levin could hear the roar of admiration from the audience.

To be honest, if it weren't for Levin's live broadcast system, many people here would never even have the opportunity to see such a scene in their lifetime.

Presumably, after they return, their understanding of mermaids will be greatly enhanced. This rare scene seen with their own eyes is much more effective than a hundred boring lessons.

From a human perspective, even Levin had to admit that the mermaids managed this black beard quite well.

Pictured is Hermione, a half-water elemental.

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