With Levin's help, Hermione's exploration of the secret of the golden egg finally came to fruition.

In a good mood, during this holiday, the girl fully satisfied Levin's various strange XPs and allowed him to explore the deep secrets of the Animagus.

Unfortunately, compared to the "research" of Animagus, the exploration of creating plant elves is still clueless.

No matter what method Levin uses, he can only create intelligent creatures with plant appearances like tree men and spore men, or even irrational monsters like killer vines and piper monsters.

Is there really nothing we can do?

Levin, who was at a loss what to do, suddenly thought of the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] he had learned before.

The essence of that ritual is to materialize conceptual things such as legends, fame, and beliefs, thereby giving birth to existences called heroic spirits.

So, can he refer to this technology?

For example, Levin can try to materialize the natural will contained in a piece of land, a lake, and a forest, and turn it into land spirits, water spirits, forest spirits, nymphs, etc.

After all, this kind of thing is not without precedent in the world of Harry Potter.

Typical ones are mischievous spirits like Peeves. They are the embodiment of students' will to resist school.

In addition, many magical creatures in this world will also be born due to the activities of wizards.

Typical ones are small magical creatures such as boggarts, ghouls, and potato spirits.

They never appear around Muggles and are entirely due to the activities of wizards.

So Levin went to capture a few ghouls and potato spirits and studied them, and then discovered that their essence was actually the residual magic power after the wizard's activities, plus certain emotions and concepts, mixed and born.

Rounding things off, can this also be considered the entry-level youth castration version of the heroic spirit?

Since wizards can create such creatures through their unconscious activities, it should be feasible to create plant elves through this path.

Therefore, Levin decided to change the technical route.

However, passively creating magic derivatives and actively creating natural spirits are completely different things.

Levin found that he still had to actually practice the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ceremony] before he could understand the essence of it.

It just so happened that Levin had previously planned to bring Rowena Ravenclaw back to the world through the heroic spirit.

And the large amount of emotional magic power that he used as the magic power source of the [Heroic Spirit Creation Ritual] has been purified in the underground cave of Hogwarts through the holy residence created by Levin. "It has been two years now.

So, Levin took a trip to the underground cave.

Arriving at the Holy Residence, Levin saw the huge emotional magic entity in the seal.

After a little sensing, Levin discovered that,

After two years of purification by the power of nature,

The emotional magic that was originally full of negative emotions is now very weak.

Only the smallest and most stubborn part remains, which has been unable to be dispelled.

But as long as Levin holds a final purification ceremony, this huge force will become the purest emotional magic.

Just do it,

However, Levin does not plan to hold a purification ceremony directly this time.

With his current Druid level, it is not enough to maximize the effect of the ritual.

In order to make up for this shortcoming, Levin plans to use the ability of [Wild Transformation] to transform into a creature with the most natural affinity and the ability to use druid power to increase his druid ability.

In the world of Harry Potter, there is basically only one kind of magical creature that can meet this condition, and that is the unicorn.

Unicorns are creatures known for their charm, so Levin prepared the elixir of permanent eagle majesty for this purpose.

However, the pure power of a unicorn is enough to increase the power of nature.

The strength of the transformation into the wilderness is too low,

Therefore, in the process of preparing the elixir of eternal eagle majesty, Levin mixed the blood of Pegasus.

It just so happened that Beauxbatons came to visit Hogwarts and brought a lot of Pegasus, which were kept at Hagrid's place. Their materials were quite easy to obtain.

They are both magical creatures based on horses,

Pegasus and unicorn can hybridize,

Their descendants are called Alicorns, which have the horn of a unicorn and the wings of a Pegasus.

It has both the natural adaptability of the unicorn and the faint divinity in Feiwu's bloodline.

So, on another moonlit night, Levin completed his fourth wilderness ritual under the oak tree and successfully transformed into an alicorn.

It can be said that as the bloodlines of Pegasus and Unicorn merge together, an effect of 1+1>2 is produced.

Alicorns still retain the abilities of unicorns and pegasus,

For example, if you have an amazing horn, you can use it to launch magic-breaking attacks.

For example, it has strong natural adaptability——or in the words of the Druid, it is [Wild Identity].

Another example is being able to flap its wings and fly like a Pegasus,

But some more fantastic abilities have also appeared.

For example, Alicorns can contact others through their horns and bring healing power.

For another example, the Alicorn has the power to resist evil and has its own aura to dispel evil, just like the anti-evil magic circle.

Wilderness Transformation·Alicorn

Strength: 24, Agility: 19, Constitution: 20, Intelligence: 13, Perception: 25, Charisma: 26

Abilities: Magic Resistance, One-Horn Attack, Wild Identity, Cursed Blood, Combat Casting, Iron Will, Self-Heal, Natural Spellcasting (Charisma), Home Teleport


Level 0: Light, Druid Trick, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Gift

Level 1: Detect good and evil (constant), disappear without a trace (constant), cure minor wounds, protect against evil, bless, entangle, soothe animals, conceal mist, remove fear, sanctuary, pious shield

Level 2: cure moderate injuries, aid, calm mind, protect against poison, animal messenger, minor restoration, remove paralysis, protect others

Level 3: Anti-evil (money) evil magic circle (constant), neutralize poison, remove disease, prayer, protect from energy damage, remove curse, searing radiance

Level 4: Flying in the air, divine power, Star of Avado, restoration

5th Ring: Holy Residence, Countering Good and Evil

Level 6: Medical Skills (Unicorn)

Due to possessing [Wild Identity], after transforming into an Alicorn, Levin can not only use the Alicorn's spells, but also his own Druid spells.

After transforming into an alicorn, Levin lingered under the oak tree, carefully understanding the connection between this natural creature and nature.

With the blessing of heaven-defying understanding, this wilderness transformation not only increased Levin's natural charm to 20, but also raised his Druid level by 2 levels.

Soon after the realization was over, Levin stood up and was about to change back to his original shape when he suddenly saw a unicorn in the forest looking towards him.

Pictured is an alicorn.

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