When Levin and Harry entered the Fat Lady's door and found the Gryffindor common room, which was always lively, it seemed very quiet at this time.

Most of the little wizards are preparing their makeup for the Yule Ball in their dormitories.

In the huge lounge, there was only Ronald, who was fiddling with a purple tube top skirt out of boredom.

He was still trying to turn it back into a dress - even though he still couldn't find anyone to put it on.

As the short skirt turned into a brown deep V long skirt, Ronald's attempt failed.

Hearing footsteps, Ronald turned around and saw his best friend, Harry.

And the most jealous person at present, Guowen Green.

"Hello, Ronald." Levin greeted him proactively.

Ronald was a little surprised by this friendly attitude. Didn't they have a falling out?

In fact, as a former friend, Ronald has never thought of reconciling with Levin.

But when he thought of Fleur and Hermione he met that day, Ronald couldn't help but feel jealous in his heart.

"Oh, hello, heartthrob," he said in a snarky tone, "Why did you show up here instead of putting on makeup in the dormitory? I thought you couldn't wait to show off tonight. It’s over.”

"Ronald, don't say that to Levin!" Harry scolded, Levin is here to help us solve the problem. "

"Solve the problem, what problem?" Ronald didn't understand.

"Of course the problem is that you don't have a dance partner." Levin said proactively.

"Oh, would he be so kind?" Ronald looked at Levin suspiciously.

"Ronald, can you please stop being so prejudiced against Levin," Harry said earnestly, "Levin has always been a very good person, and my godfather thinks so too. He has helped us more than once. You haven't forgotten the second-year secret room." Something about it.

After hearing this, Levin felt a little guilty for no reason.

Harry wholeheartedly regarded him as a good person, but he knew that he was not a good person at all - at least not in the world view of Harry and Dumbledore.

"Harry is the Hogwarts Warrior and represents the Hogwarts card," Levin added, "Even for this, I will help him find a dance partner."

"Okay...Okay," Ronald nodded reluctantly after hearing what the two said, then looked at Levin and murmured dryly, "...Sorry, Levin." "

Harry felt very relieved when he saw this, "This is right."

But he didn't know that what Ronald was thinking about at this time was not Levin rescuing them from the secret room, but Harry voluntarily using [Guardian of Love] for him.

...So, how are you going to help us?" Ronald's tone was slightly excited, "Would you choose two of your suitors and give them to us?"

"I wouldn't do such a dishonest thing." Levin frowned upon hearing this, "With your emotional intelligence, it's not your fault that you can't find a dance partner."

Harry always felt like he had heard this sentence before.

"Then what are you going to do?" Ronald looked disappointed again.

"Don't worry, I told you, I have my own calendar."

As he spoke, Levin took out a crystal bottle from his pocket, which was filled with a pink potion.

If you look carefully, the beautiful pink color always gives people an alluring atmosphere.

Seeing the pink potion, Ronald couldn't help but guess: "You mean, let us use it?"

"So this is the reason why you can attract so many girls?" He was a little fanciful, "Although it is a bit excessive, I have to say that this is a good idea.

"Are you really going to use a love potion?" Harry looked at Levin worriedly,

Subconsciously he felt something was wrong.

"This is not a love potion, and I have never used a love potion before!" After listening to Ronald's words, Levin's head was full of black threads. What kind of person was he in his mind? Jealousy was really scary.

He feels more at ease with what he is doing now.

"Then what is this?" The two of them were even more puzzled.

If it's not a love potion, what kind of potion can solve their dance partner problem in one fell swoop?

"This is an erroneous product of my experiment." Levin explained in detail, "I originally planned to use biological induction to complete the genetic recombination of the plant kingdom into the Homo sapiens model and create a genetic recombination catalyst, but the result ended in failure. Create a vial of temporary self-reorganization catalyst for Homo sapiens chromosomes.”

…..Can you say some words we can understand?”

Harry said that hearing so many professional words made me dizzy.

Ronald was also confused.

Levin shook his head. He didn't expect these little wizards who burned books and enslaved scholars to do what he was studying.

He sighed: "To put it simply, this is a bottle of temporary sex change potion."

"It turns out this is a bottle of sex change potion, what did I think it was?" Ronald suddenly realized, and then he was stunned.

"Wait...you mean, this is a bottle of sex change medicine?"

"That's right." Levin nodded.

"Transgender? Is that the kind where a man becomes a woman and a woman becomes a man?" He continued to confirm, how could there be such an exaggerated potion.

"You understand it right. The intelligence exceeds 99% of electric monsters." Levin was very pleased.

Ronald didn't have time to consider the other party's cynicism. He looked at the boy in front of him and asked loudly: "Is this your so-called solution to the problem? Let one of us become the other's dance partner after transgender?"

"Then you say, is there any better solution than this?" Levin rolled his eyes, "Think about it, it's Christmas now, there are still five or six hours before the dance starts, and those who have not been invited to attend All the little wizards at the dance have gone home, and you can't even find someone from the lower grades to make up the number temporarily. All the little wizards who stayed at Hogwarts already have dance partners."

But...but we can't use such an excessive method. Ronald still couldn't accept it.

Harry nodded in agreement.

"But can you find another candidate? You can't let Harry dance with Myrtle." Levin spread his hands.

Seeing that the two of them were speechless, Levin immediately took a step further.

"In fact, I suggest that you drink this potion. In this case, you don't even need to prepare a dress.

As he spoke, he pointed at the irreversible dress in Ronald's hand.

Seeing Ronald trying to refute, Levin immediately started to sound alarmist:

"Harry is the only warrior in Hogwarts. If it is known that he can't find a dance partner, not only will Hogwarts be embarrassed, but even Harry himself will be embarrassed. This matter will be revealed by Beauxbatons and Dem Strong’s joke for a hundred years.”

When saying this, Levin activated his psychic power [Suggestion] and reminded Ronald:

"Back then, Harry used [Guardian of Love] for you,"

With that said, he approached Ronald: "As Harry's best friend, you don't want him to be embarrassed.

After listening to Levin's words, Ronald fell into deep thought.

Harry, on the other hand, was anxious: "Ronald, you don't have to

Before he finished speaking, Levin interrupted: "Don't worry, Harry, as long as you stay hidden, no one will recognize this."

"What's more, you can completely trust the potion I made," he paused and said in a seductive tone: "I can guarantee that Ronald will be a great beauty after drinking the potion."

Having said this, he is not going to say any more. Some words may have the opposite effect.

"Anyway, the potion is here for you. It's up to you whether you want to use it or not."

Levin said, walking towards the doorway.

"If you want to use it, I suggest you take it at six o'clock. The effect of this potion can last about six hours, that is to say, you can last at least until midnight. 11

After that, he left the Gryffindor lounge directly.

Harry and Ronald were left alone, looking at each other in confusion over a bottle of pink potion.

Ronald looked at the potion, then at Harry, and Levin's reminder rang in his ears again - Harry had used [Guardian of Love] on him. This was a life-saving grace. If it was a child, he would have used his body to protect him. Xu.

What happened to changing his personality for him?

As for Harry 2.9, Malfoy's cynicism towards him replayed in his mind: "Letting Ronald dress up as a girl is also a good choice."

Suddenly, he saw Ronald in front of him suddenly moving,

He suddenly picked up the crystal bottle in front of him and uncorked it.

"Ronald, no!"

Harry reached out to stop him, but it was too late.

Ronald poured the liquid into his mouth regardless, and gasped for air.

If it were too late, he might not be able to muster the courage anymore.

"Ronald, how are you feeling?" Harry asked with concern.

"I...feel..." Just as Ronald said a word, he suddenly felt his whole body twisting.

His face felt cramped, his scalp was itchy, as if something had exploded, and the muscles on his body were sore.

At the same time, he felt a burst of pain in his chest and buttocks, and there was an inexplicable feeling of loss between his legs.

Looking at Ronald in front of him, Harry was almost stunned and said something mysteriously:

"Ah, Malfoy's ideas are indeed good sometimes.".

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