The first thing Levin does after getting up is to open gifts with his roommates.

After all, it would be difficult for them to move forward without processing such a large amount of gifts.

In fact, Steve and Kevin's job is not so much opening gifts, but finding their own small part from the gift boxes that almost flood the dormitory.

They were so numb to the fact that Levin received so many Christmas gifts that they couldn't bear any jealousy.

Just kidding, there are a few people who can satisfy their snack needs for a whole year with Christmas gifts alone.

Steve glanced at Levin enviously and asked, "Do you need our help?"

"Of course!" Levin felt helpless, "It's best to call a few more people to help, otherwise we may not be able to finish dismantling so many things in the morning.

So Steve called Michael Koerner, Anthony Goldstein and others to help deal with the mountains of gifts.

"A lot of girls gave you chocolates." Anthony picked up a pack of chocolate wands, feeling a little envious.

"If you want to eat, please help yourself." Levin said without looking up.

"I...let's forget it." Anthony was a little moved, but finally put down the packaging box.

In fact, unless the giver is someone he knows well, Levin usually doesn't look at the chocolates, snacks, etc.

Regardless of whether the person giving the gift is a man or a woman,

In fact, the former eaglets were also willing to share the candies, cookies, and chocolates given to Levin by others.

Until someone ate a Valentine’s Day gift that was adulterated,

The most unlucky thing about Valentine's Day is eating chocolate adulterated with a love agent.

What's even more unlucky than eating chocolate laced with love interest is that the chocolate comes from a boy.

Steve has quite a lot of experience with this,

He will never forget the time when he couldn't help but go to a boy to express his feelings.

After that, no one dared to touch Levin's chocolate.

In addition to Levin's admirers, members of the Erudite Society also sent numerous gifts.

Compared to female fans, their gifts are much more practical.

Mostly books.

Among the members of the Erudite Society, there are many wizarding families with good family backgrounds and some inheritance.

After learning that Levin likes to read books, some of them were cheaters and sent the family collection to Levin.

When encountering this kind of book, as well as some books that interest him, Levin will stay.

The rest, he would sell to Flourish and Blotts at a discount.

In this regard, the owner of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore has established a stable delivery channel with him. Every holiday when gifts are received, a special owl will come to his door.

However, it is true that Levin likes to read books, but some books are exceptions.

"Levin Levin, can you give me this copy of "Witch White

"There is also this book "Love Locking Curse" and this "Qiongming Witch Book"!" Steve also took two books and read them with gusto.

"Whatever, take it if you want." Levin waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

He might have been interested in a book like this in his previous life,

But I would never watch it now,

After all, a person who can practice at any time does not need books to help him dream.

But other boys like to watch it,

So whenever someone sent a book like this, Levin would give it directly to them, such as "Young Abin" or something like that.

In fact, several people spent most of the morning unpacking the packages and grabbing some snacks from them when they were hungry. As long as they were careful not to pick out chocolates, they should not fall prey to the trap.

The most important gifts will not be sent to the dormitory, but directly to the tower. It doesn't matter even if the tower is still in the demiplane and has not been unfolded. Gwen will be responsible for intercepting them in the village of Ottery St. Catchpol. owl.

"The number of Christmas gifts Levin received this year is truly amazing."

After opening all the gifts, Michael couldn't help but sigh.

Even if it doesn't count pure greeting cards, there are still more than 150 gifts.

"It's twice as much as last year!" Anthony was surprised after recalling it.

"Maybe it's because of the erudition society." Steve analyzed carefully, "I found that everyone in the society gave gifts."

Among the pile of Christmas gifts, large and small, only a small part were given by Levin's friends.

Half of the remaining gifts were given by girls in the school and the other half came from members of the Erudite Society.

In addition to Christmas cards, there were a large number of books and snacks and chocolates inside. After a few packages from acquaintances were picked out, the rest were piled aside. There were more than fifty boxes of chocolates and snacks, which was a staggering amount.

"If the girls knew that the gifts they carefully prepared for Levin were opened by us, I'm afraid they would be so jealous that they would want to strangle us to death." Steve raised his eyebrows and looked at the box of snacks in front of him.

"But what should we do with so much chocolate?"

Several people knew in their hearts that in this case, these chocolates were basically waiting to be thrown into the trash can.

"But it would be a pity to throw it away like this." Kevin touched his chin, hesitant.

"I have an idea!" Michael suddenly had an idea. "We can repackage it and send it anonymously.

"What a great idea! I think we can send it to those annoying pure-blood families so that they can have a taste of our craftsmanship." Steve suggested enthusiastically.

"And Filch!" Anthony added, obviously criticizing the administrator.

"And Snape!" someone suggested.

"Forget it Snape, that guy is a potions professor, he will definitely not be easy to trick, and once this matter spreads, he will definitely cause trouble for us, which will totally outweigh the gain." Steve rejected the bad idea of ​​sending a package to Snape.

If you send it to Snape, it's almost as if it's exposed.

"Levin, what do you think?"

Several people looked at Levin, after all, these chocolates were originally given to him.

"If you really send that pile of chocolates to others, you will probably cause a big mess." Levin looked at the excited people and shook his head. "If it is known, you will be beaten to death by a group of people.

It's terrifying to imagine a group of people being intoxicated by a love potion.

"It's okay, we will hide our handwriting well," Michael said confidently, "Do you still remember, this semester you taught us the 3rd level spell [Avoid Detection], I learned this spell well."

Levin shrugged and said that he didn't want to care about this matter: "Well, if you want to do that, then go ahead and do it. If you cause trouble in the future, just don't tell the master."

Several people looked at each other and immediately started taking action.

Writing letters and packaging seem to be a matter of great skill.

Levin looked at their busy backs, sighed, and left the lounge directly, walking in the direction of Gryffindor.


I beg for a wave of custom orders, flowers, monthly votes, reviews, and rewards. If you have any votes, please give them to me as the author. This is really important to me!

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