Ronald didn't know what he was thinking about cheating his brother and sister.

After hearing about Harry's experience, he immediately felt sympathetic:

"This is simply ridiculous," he complained loudly, "are we alone without a dance partner? You are a brave man, but you can't find a dance partner? Who dares to believe it?"

At this moment, Hermione walked in from outside the lounge, holding the latest version of the "Book of Laws" in her hand.

She had just finished helping Levin teach a class and was working as a teaching assistant, and she was sweating all over.

Now I am planning to change my clothes and then go back to the tower to study the golden eggs.

Hermione quickly saw the three people in the corner, and she asked doubtfully:

"Ginny, why are you here with these two?"

She glanced at Harry and Ronald and found that something was wrong with their emotions.

"What happened to them?"

"I'm here to comfort them. As for the two of them..."

Ginny glanced at Harry, whose eyes were filled with despair.

"Here they are sharing their sorrows - they both asked the girl to the ball and were rejected!"

Harry immediately fell silent.

"Thank you, Ginny." Ronald said sarcastically, "You are so considerate. Would you like to write a note and put it on the bulletin board?"

"You're welcome!" Ginny raised her chin in disinterest.

"Have all the pretty girls been booked, Ronald?" Hermione smiled teasingly, "Aren't you bent on finding beauties?"

She sighed, pretending to be regretful and said: "It's a pity that even Héloïse has become so charming, but she is already famous and married."

"But it doesn't matter. I believe you will always find someone willing to accept you somewhere."

Hermione suggested: "Maybe... you can try inviting Pansy? Oh, it's a pity that she has already accepted Malfoy's invitation. You missed another 'perfect' girl."

Ronald stared at Hermione, seeming to suddenly look at her with new eyes.

"Hermione, you're right, I shouldn't judge people by their appearance... In fact, you're pretty good too.

"Oh, what a keen observation!" Hermione laughed sarcastically, "So what?"

"Then - you can choose between us!"

Hermione looked at Ronald in confusion and smiled coldly: "What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?"

"Hurry up," Ronald said impatiently, "We need a dance partner. If everyone else has one, but we don't, it would be so embarrassing..."

"Well, yes, but what does your face have to do with me?" Hermione said arrogantly: "Besides, I already have a dance partner!"

"No, you didn't!" Ronald said immediately. "I know, you definitely want to go with Levin! Girls are lining up to invite him. I was just in the foyer and saw Delacour inviting him. Levin will definitely choose Fleur, anyone would do it! She is so beautiful! "

"Really?" Hermione's eyes shone with a frightening light when she heard this, but she still insisted, "Ronald, of course I know that Fleur likes William, but it doesn't matter because he has invited me a long time ago!"

After saying that, she angrily ran out of the lounge.

"She's lying." Ronald looked at her back and said expressionlessly.

"She didn't." Ginny defended softly, "Their relationship is much better than you think. In fact, even if they haven't officially announced it, their relationship is no different from that of a boyfriend and girlfriend."

Speaking of this, Ginny's tone revealed a hint of subtle jealousy.

"After the ball was announced, Levin quickly invited Hermione, who had a dance partner from the beginning. Ronald, what nonsense were you talking about just now? You are so stupid!"

"Okay," Ronald looked completely bewildered.

"This is getting more and more ridiculous. Ginny, you can go with Harry, and I can invite Luna... Isn't she your best friend?"

"I can't," Ginny blushed, "I've already been offered a dance."

"As for Luna... forget it, she doesn't like you." Ginny said bluntly.

She did not mention that Luna had also been invited by someone.

Ronald glared at his sister.

"I guess I have to go find Luna." Ginny stood up and walked towards the hole behind the portrait with her head lowered.

Seeing that his sister didn't help him, Ronald looked at Harry with wide eyes and complained: "What's wrong with them? I didn't say anything! Hermione is actually Levin's girlfriend, it's really crazy!"

He realized more and more that he seemed to have missed something last year.

Harry was speechless.

He felt that any sensible person would realize that the relationship between Levin and Hermione was unusual.

It is even more impossible for a sensible person to say what Ronald just said.

Harry suddenly realized that compared to Ronald, he didn't seem... that miserable.

He just invited Qiu but was rejected...that's all.

At this moment, Levin's side.

"The one just now... was your Ronald from Hogwarts, right? The one who fell in love with Krum.

In the corridor of Hogwarts, Fleur and Levin were walking together, chatting.

"Falling in love with Klum? Why do you pay attention to such messy news." Levin was surprised.

"I remember, he kissed Klum at the World Cup, right?" Fleur gossiped, "Oh, I didn't hear Klum deny it, so it's probably true.

"It's not that they didn't deny it, but they couldn't deny it." Levin grinned, "As for the kiss, it's true. I was there at the time, but it was probably an accident. So don't believe the rumors and don't spread them."

Why did Klum start dating Ronald after they kissed?

This is not a garbage recycling station.

Even Levin has to admit that when it comes to love, Klum's vision is quite normal, at least much more normal than Ronald's!

After all, whether in the original book or now, he discovered Hermione's cuteness after meeting her for the first time.

Ronald, on the other hand, had obviously been good friends with Hermione for several years but knew nothing about it.

Therefore, in this rumor, Klum was simply killed because of Feng Ping, and he was innocently shot.

"Are you refuting the rumors?" Fleur looked at Levin with a smile on her face, "Then I see you are smiling very happily."

"Is it so obvious?" Levin touched his face, blinked and said, "Then I only have one thing to tell you... Please increase your efforts in spreading rumors!"

0…Please give me flowers…………

Fleur rolled her eyes slightly at him.

She turned to look at the nearly crazy girls who were crowding at the window door. Many of them had even broken the glass and were still crowding there.

Just wanted to come over and invite Levin.

In the past, only boys gathered around to watch her, but this was the first time she met more girls than boys.

Fleur came back to her senses, shook her silver hair, and stared at him with her long autumn eyes.

She finally asked, "Levin, can you be my dance partner?"

Levin was stunned and silent for a few seconds before politely declining: "As long as you can beat Hermione, that's fine."

Levin can invite Zhang Qiu, Luna, and the four little girls, but he cannot directly agree to Furong's invitation.

Because Furong is a warrior and wants to lead the dance in the first dance.

He can dance with different girls in several dances, but it is impossible to satisfy two people at the same time.


Furong raised the corners of her mouth and smiled: "What a pity."

Levin echoed: "Yes, after all, I taught it myself, and ordinary wizards are no match for her."

Furong feigned anger, raised her hand, stretched out her thumb, and lightly poked his forehead.

Levin said seriously: "Don't slap me in the face. This is how you make a living."

Furong snorted coldly and turned around lightly. She paused for a long time and finally broke the silence and said:

"Levin, do you remember the first time we met?"

"Remember." Levin raised the corner of his mouth and said, "At that time, I was almost charmed by you.

"At that time, I thought you were a very good person of the opposite sex, but after coming to Hogwarts and getting along with you day and night, I realized that I still underestimated you at that time.

Furong smiled brightly, and not only the boys, but also the girls were stunned.

"Your wisdom and achievements are beyond my imagination... After becoming friends with you, I suddenly realized that I can no longer look down on other boys.

After finishing speaking, Furong showed a troubled expression.

When she realized that Levin was having an affair with so many girls at the same time, Fleur really thought about whether to let it go?

But she gave up the idea after listening to a Polytechnic class at Levin's invitation.

He has created so many magics of his own, and independently created a broader and more inclusive magic system outside of the existing magic system.

Not even Merlin could achieve such an achievement.

Levin is destined to be famous in the history of magic. Even if she can't be his real girlfriend, she can still be his lover.

Thinking of this, she suddenly asked: "Have you invited Hermione?"

Levin nodded: "Yes."

Seeing her abandoned look, Levin added: "But if you really want to dance with me, I can dance the second song with you.

"Of course that's good," Fleur nodded and became distressed again: "But what about the first song? I don't want to dance with a boy other than you."

"It doesn't matter, I can provide you with a candidate." Levin stretched his head and whispered to Fleur. .

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