Not only the young wizards of Ravenclaw, but also the enthusiasm of the young wizards of Hogwarts were aroused, and the cold wind of winter could not dispel their restlessness.

According to common sense, as the weather gets colder, there should be fewer and fewer little wizards in the corridors.

Rather than being blown by the cold wind outside, everyone would rather stay in a warm bed.

At worst, stay by the lighted fireplace in the lounge.

But now something unexpected happened, and there were suddenly more little wizards in the corridor.

Especially the girls. They were in groups in the corridor. It was winter, but each of them wore thinner clothes than the other. They would rather be cold than to stay cool.

After all, you can’t show off your figure by wearing too bulky clothes, so who should show off your hard work to lose weight?

The Weasley twins seized the opportunity and sold cold weather badges in the castle.

The enchanted spell in this badge is level 1 [Environment Endurance]. This spell can protect the subject from being harmed by cold or hot environments, and can stay comfortably in environments ranging from -20 to 60 degrees.

But in order to save costs, the twins even cut corners on this, directly cutting the function in half, removing the "20 to 60 degrees" range, and only retaining the function of resisting cold.

If you want full functionality, you have to pay extra.

Just like that, each badge was sold for a high price of 1 galleons without any discount. As a result, the cold-proof badges were sold out. The twins had to urgently seek help from the Erotic Society and found a few people from Class Three who knew alchemy. The little wizard works for himself.

For this reason, they not only have to pay piece-rate wages to the workers, but also promise to give a sponsorship fee to the society after making money.

Hermione readily agreed.

As a result, the witches of Hogwarts were able to show off their figures in the corridors and compete for beauty.

They giggled, whispered, laughed shrilly whenever a boy walked by, exchanged excited opinions about what to wear on Christmas night...

The six warriors at Hogwarts have become the focus. Some people are looking forward to becoming the warriors' dance partners, and more are curious about who the warriors will choose as their dance partners.

As a judge, Levin enjoyed the same treatment as them.

No, it should be said that he received more attention,

After all, even without the Triwizard Tournament, he has always been the most popular boy in Hogwarts.

For example, at this moment, he wanted to go from the Charms classroom to the auditorium for lunch.

He had already walked a full twenty minutes on the road that could have been walked in five minutes, and he still had more than half of the distance to go.

At this time, he seemed to have turned into a rare animal, and was surrounded by the little witches from three schools, watching forcefully.

Yes, there are female students in Durmstrang, but the number is smaller.

Just like there are boys in Beauxbatons.

Of course, the quality of Durmstrang’s girls is completely incomparable to that of Hogwarts and Beauxbatons.

Their students come from Germany and Northern Europe,

As for Nordic and Germanic women... I can only describe them in words. They are all thicker than men, with thick hair on their bodies, and some even have chest hair!

Levin himself has no chest hair!

This kind of girl is probably only treasured by Durmstrang's own boys.

After all, Durmstrang's male to female ratio is 5:1, with three couples and two gay couples. It's natural that sows compete with each other in a school like this.

However, Levin had to endure the warm invitations of these female orangutans.

They, as well as the little witches from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts, attacked Levin in waves like moths to a flame.

At the beginning, some girls challenged Levin to be their dance partner, but they all left in tears after being rejected by being given a good person card.

But as more and more people were rejected, everyone suddenly discovered that it is actually normal to be rejected by Levin. Everyone has been rejected, and you are no exception.

Now, the ideological threshold for extending an invitation to Levin has been greatly lowered.

Many girls come here with the idea of ​​​​getting a fight if they have dates or not.

It's no big deal if he gets rejected, but once Levin accepts, it's a big win.

Levin couldn't bear the endless enthusiasm, so he had no choice but to use [Apparition] in public. With a flash of fire, he disappeared into the corridor and went directly to the auditorium.

In fact, there are many little witches in the auditorium who covet Levin.

But here, everyone will be more reserved.

After all, the professors are watching.

However, the professors also have their own worries about the dance.

After all, it was the dance of the Triwizard Tournament. They represented Hogwarts, so they naturally had to participate.

But for the weird professor at Hogwarts, this is a bit embarrassing.

For example, female professors are all in a dilemma about who to choose as their male companions.

It's not that they are picky, it's just that there really aren't many to choose from.

Among the few male professors at Hogwarts, Professor Flitwick was too short. Standing next to him, he looked like a Hobbit, and he had to bend down. How could he choose?

But if it were replaced by Hagrid, then the hobbit would be himself, and he would have to pass.

0…Please give me flowers…

Cuthbert Binns, who teaches History of Magic, is a ghost and not suitable.

This is not because female teachers are discriminating against ghosts. Cuthbert Binns is indeed a great dance partner and is also very good at classical court dance. But if you really choose him, you won't be able to hold his hand while dancing, it will feel like you are dancing with the air. It's like dancing, it's really stupid.

And Professor Moody, if you choose him, let alone dancing, he may be taken down on the spot by him as a dark wizard who is attacking you as soon as you get close.

After all the calculations, there were barely three people suitable to be male companions.

Severus Snape looks like a normal person, provided that he washes his hair well before the ball, otherwise he will lose a lot of oil just from his hair.

Dumbledore is naturally a good candidate, but he is too old and weak.

The third one turned out to be the administrator Argus Filch.

As one of the few relatively normal male staff members at Hogwarts, Tu Squib actually had a spring.


There's nothing we can do about it, because there are too many female faculty members at Hogwarts?

Professor McGonagall from the Transfiguration class, Professor Sprout from the Herbology class, Professor Sybill Trelawney from the Divination class, Professor Septima Vector from Mathematical Divination, Professor Aurora Sinistra from Astronomy, Professor Caredi Bubbaji from Muggle Studies, Ancient Times Professor Bathida Barbling of Runes.

This does not include Mrs. Hooch from flying lessons, Mrs. Pince the librarian, and Mrs. Pomfrey from the school doctor's office.

There are really more wolves than meat.

Hey, at this moment, Levin suddenly felt some sympathy for these male faculty members.

Because he is also faced with the situation of more wolves and less meat.

This is not because there are too many girls who want to be his dance partners - fundamentally speaking, they are not a problem, as long as they are all given good people cards.

But there are always people who cannot be solved by issuing the good guy card.

For example, the witches around Levin,

Dating with multiple girls at the same time, it does look wonderful:

Today I can read and study with the top female academics.

Tomorrow I will take a walk by the black lake with the classic beauty,

The day after tomorrow and the naturally geeky girl created plant Lacey,

The day after tomorrow, I will enjoy the adoration and pursuit of the exotic sisters...

Sounds cool, right?

But there is a price to pay,

For example, on special days like Valentine’s Day every year,

After all, they kissed and hugged each other, and some of them went one step further with Levin. Faced with their invitation, which Levin had the nerve to refuse?

Another example... Today's Christmas ball is huge. .

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