"First is the score of the big winner of this game, Hogwarts Champion, Miss Hermione Granger!"

Ludo declared loudly.

Madame Maxime raised her wand into the air, and a long silver ribbon-like thing spurted out from the wand, twisting to form a big "9".

Levin glanced at her in anticipation.

Madame Maxime has always behaved politely, paid attention to dress etiquette, and was a typical decent person. Obviously, Hermione's wonderful performance came first, and no matter how much she wanted to favor her own people, she was embarrassed to give her low marks.

Next up is Mr. Crouch. He blew a "7" into the air.

This has a targeted meaning.

Crouch could see clearly that the wand of Hermione, the warrior, was made by Levin himself. The Animagus magic she relied on to shine in the competition, as well as some of the Animagus skills, were also made by Levin. is a specialty,

Everyone can see that this girl has a very close relationship with Levin, and Levin is in the same group as Gianna and the others.

Tu Crouch would naturally choose and suppress this kind of person.

The audience suddenly booed.

Then came Dumbledore, who raised his wand and gave 9 points, and the audience cheered again.

Lao Deng is also a decent person. When it comes to the performance of his students, he has to be humble.

Ludo gave 10 points without hesitation.

Hermione was Levin's, and he was moving closer to Jaina. Who would he lick if not her?

Levin nodded with satisfaction.

As for himself, of course he deserves 10 points.

He didn't worry about this or that like Dumbledore did.

Sure enough, Hermione in the audience gave him a bright smile.

Finally, there is Karkaroff,

He raised his wand, and after a moment's pause, a number came out of the wand - "5"!

This is the lowest score he can give.

"Shady story! This is definitely a shady story!"

"The headmaster of Durmstrang is so shameless!"

"Karkarov, this old gangster, is so shameless!"

There was an outburst of curses in the audience, and everyone was scolding this as a blatant attack!

But soon everyone will know that this is not targeted.

Because for non-Durmstrang warriors, Karkaroff’s ratings are all the same——

Minimum score for all.

In this regard, Levin's reaction was very calm.

Karkaroff's ability to do such a thing was completely within his expectation.

Otherwise, why would he go out of his way to change the rules?

Next, Ludo said loudly: "Miss Granger's referee score is, 9 points, 7 points, 9 points, 10 points, 10 points, 5 points~".

"Excluding one high score and one low score, Miss Granger's score is 8.75."

"Because Miss Granger received 4 golden eggs and received 6 extra points, her final score was 14.75 points!"

The second person to score was Harry,

Hermione gave him one of the golden eggs, so Harry received a base score of 5 points.

However, his performance was not very good. Apart from helping Hermione distract the Horntail Dragon at the beginning, he did not do anything extra, so the score given by everyone was not too high.

Of course, Karkaroff gave him 5 points as always,

This caused the young wizards at Hogwarts to curse loudly.

His final score was 7.5 points.

"What?" Ronald sat next to Harry and shouted angrily: "Five points? This annoying, biased guy! The players from Durmstrang deserve nothing!"

But Harry didn't care. Even if Karkaroff gave him zero points, he wouldn't be tied.

Ronald fought for him, which was more precious to him than 100 points.

The good friends are back together again.

Next it’s the turn of Beauxbatons’ warriors,

First is Hibiscus,

Her score is slightly worse than Hermione's,

After all, she was her own student, so Madame Maxime gave her 9 points without hesitation - if she had given Hermione a lower score before, then naturally she would not have the shame to give her own student a higher age.

Levin also gave him 9 points for face, which caused a burst of boos. Everyone said that he was charmed by a hybrid Veela.

The scores given by other judges were between 7-8 points.

Karkaroff gave the lowest score of 5 as always, and then was removed as always.

Furong's score is 7.75 points.

None of the remaining three contestants received a golden egg, so their scores had to be less than five points.

First up is Beauxbatons’ second contestant, Estella.

During the competition, this girl used the Disguise Charm to steal the egg while Furong was hypnotizing the fire dragon. This girl performed well and thus received a good score of 3.5 points.

Then there’s Durmstrang’s Vector Krum,

This player cleverly used the [Eye Spell] during the competition and almost succeeded in getting the golden egg, but he was unlucky. Interrupted by the Hungarian Horntail dragon attracted by Hermione.

Karkaroff was even more shameless than everyone thought. He gave the lowest marks to young wizards from other schools, but when it was Krum's turn, he gave them 5 points without hesitation.

If Krum could get the golden egg, I believe he would even give 10 points.

But it's no use.

His points are the ones that were removed.

Moreover, he suffered revenge from Levin.

Karkaroff saw the "0" popping up on Levin's wand three times.

"Levin Green, don't you think this is excessive?"

"Eh, it's too much? So you know this is too much?" Levin deliberately showed a blank expression, "Looking at your previous scores, I thought you didn't know.

Seeing Levin and Karkaroff confront each other, Dumbledore and Maxim looked at each other, both seeing the satisfied look in the other's eyes.

There are some things that are difficult to say based on their status, but Levin, a young man, doesn't have to worry so much.

Next, Karkaroff saw what excessive means.

Madame Maxime and Ludo Bagman also gave Krum 1 point.

Dumbledore stayed true to his image and gave it a 2.

Only Old Crouch gave 3 points.

Krum's final score was 1.75 points.

In the audience, Krum's face was full of bitterness. He was implicated by the principal.

It’s Polyakov’s turn at the end,

This time there was no disagreement among the referees, who unanimously gave 10 points.

There is no other way to give up the game at the beginning and stay at the gate. This attitude is really ugly.

Not to mention that in the end, he was robbed of two golden eggs by Hermione in front of her, and he dared not speak out in anger throughout the whole process.

After all the warriors' ratings are finished, Birang's ranking is very clear.

With four golden eggs and a high score of 14.75 points, Hermione undoubtedly ranked first.

Furong, who ranked second, scored 7.75 points, which was a bit far behind the first place.

The third place is Harry, with 7.5 points.

When it came to fourth place Estella, the point difference dropped by 4 points to 3.5 points.

There was nothing I could do about it, being pinched by Hermione was too harsh.

Durmstrang's army was annihilated,

Krum, the world's top seeker and the favorite before the game, actually only scored 1.75 points, only half of Estella's score.

Polyakov was at the bottom, leading the game in reverse with an absolute advantage of 0 points.

Overall, the competition designed by Levin is fair, with competition and cooperation. All players face the same three dragons, so there is no unfairness.

But the score was still beyond everyone's expectations.

The gap (Zhao's good) is too big. The difference between the first place and the last place is 14.75 points, just like a chasm - you know, the normal full score is only 10 points.

Considering that the first and third places are both Hogwarts players, the two at the bottom both belong to Durmstrang.

The average score difference between the two schools is also more than 10 points.

Judging from the scores alone, this is completely the difference between Harvard University and Harbin Buddhist College.

What else could this be compared to?

In addition, as the top player in this competition, Hermione's popularity is unparalleled in Hogwarts.

Since Hermione also has another identity, that is, the second-in-command of the Erudite Society and the chairman of the board of directors,

The little wizards all feel that her ability today has a lot to do with Levin and the Learned Society.

Therefore, the Boshi Society became popular again and recruited a wave of new people.

Of course, this will all happen later.

The picture shows the cat girl He Zhuangmin

Update【5/4】, additional update【62/96】

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