After agreeing on all this, everyone left the tower and returned to the castle.

Hermione was left alone by Levin.

"I'm glad that you can sympathize with the house elves and speak up for the weak." Levin finally began to turn around and cold water, "But with all due respect, if you want to really help the house elves, you can't do it with 'S.P.E.W.' alone. "


Hermione was a little confused as to why Levin rejected her proposal after he had already supported her just now.

Levin said flatly: "There are two hardest things in the world. The first is to put your thoughts into other people's brains, and the second is to put other people's money into your pocket. And you are exactly that. Want to do something like this.”

"I didn't think so." Hermione retorted aggrievedly, "I'm not doing this for myself."

"But others won't care about this." Levin shook his head. "They will only know that in order to fight for the rights of house elves, they need to give the elves money and a holiday.

These are unwarranted expenses. "

Hermione muttered quietly, "This is not an unwarranted expense."

She didn't think so, as the elves clearly deserved this, and it was the wizards who were exploiting the house elves.

Wen ignored her complaints and said: "For them, the new expenses that were not there before and now are all unwarranted expenses, regardless of whether you took the money away."

Whether he was handed over to the house elves or not, it was the same to them. Touching interests is more difficult than touching the soul. "

Hermione curled her lips unhappily, but lost the courage to continue arguing. This was the biggest difficulty with her actions.

To fight for the rights of house elves, wizards have to give up their privileges, which is not easy. At least the officials from the Ministry of Magic she has met will definitely not listen to her.

"If Jaina supports it..." Hermione thought of another idea. Jaina has so much power in the Ministry of Magic, so she should be able to do it.

But Levin still shook his head.

"Even if Jaina supports your reform bill, and the bill is eventually implemented due to our increasing influence on the wizarding world, many house elves will definitely die in accidents the moment it is announced.

Levin's tone became serious.

"Why?" Hermione blurted.

"As the most loyal servants, house elves know too many secrets of their masters. And most of these secrets cannot be seen, made public or leaked.

Levin said meaningfully.

"Throughout the ages, looking at the history of various countries, there has been no drastic change that has not resulted in bloodshed and sacrifice. We cannot advance it simply and crudely, but must proceed step by step."

He looked at Hermione with warm eyes and said, "Compared with the situation of house elves, what wizards should improve more is the discrimination against blood. Only by eliminating the soil of discrimination can wizards change themselves in their entire lives. From It’s easier to improve one’s own side than to get help from house elves.”

Hermione was stunned for a moment, her eyes became evasive, as if she had been found to have something on her mind, and Levin seemed to see something.

She said stubbornly, "I will continue to try. Compared to the situation of other wizards, which is not too bad, the inhumane treatment of house elves has been a terrible situation for too many years. It has been for centuries, and no one is willing to help. They, I wish I could be the one to help them."

Her concern for the house elves is certainly a reflection of her own heart, but it is more out of sympathy than selfishness. With the concern of her friends, she didn't feel that her situation was very sad.

It is this state of being able to spare herself that makes her sympathize with those who face more miserable situations, and hopes to do her part.

Levin shook his head: "You still don't understand what I mean. I just want to tell you that sometimes going straight will not achieve the goal, and you must learn to go around in circles."

"Didn't I just say it? Directly seeking the liberation of house elves is seeking the interests of some people. It is impossible to succeed by forcing such a thing. In this case, "We usually have two solutions. ——"

"First, we can use substitutes to compensate for the losses of the damaged ones, such as using golems to replace house elves. However, golems that can replace house elves are too expensive, and this alone is unrealistic.

"The second point is to tie your purpose to another group of people and make them feel that achieving this purpose is in their interests. Then they will naturally take the initiative to help you suppress those with vested interests."

"You the way, you just mentioned..." Hermione felt that she had vaguely touched a certain threshold.

"Yes, I am referring to the blood discrimination of wizards." Levin nodded happily, Hermione was still very spiritual.

“Whether it is discrimination against wizards’ blood, harsh treatment of house elves, or discrimination against intelligent races such as centaurs and mermaids, they can all be put under the same framework, which is ‘equality’.

"Setting up the banner of 'equality' means tying these issues together. If mixed-blood and Muggle wizards want to pursue their own equality, they will also pursue other intelligent races such as domesticated elves, centaurs, and mermaids. equality – they will be natural supporters.”

Hermione listened attentively, and Levin's words opened the door to a new world for her.

In fact, this is the reason why some white left political correctness is still popular even though it seems outrageous.

It's just that they tied the principle of "the strong need to help the weak" as a banner.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is pure social Darwinism, most people agree that the strong need to give appropriate benefits to the weak.

Whether it is a progressive tax system that increases with income, or giving up seats to passengers who are elderly, sick, pregnant or carrying children,

Or various student loans, or even the social welfare system, are all manifestations of this principle.

However, once "weak" is defined arbitrarily and unprincipled and tied to this banner, everything will be turned upside down and good things will turn into bad things.

In short, this is the most advanced political "mental method". Whether it is right or wrong, how to use it depends on one's mind.

But Levin did not continue speaking directly, but turned to another topic.

"Hermione, from the last conflict between Professor Moody and I, you should be able to tell that, let alone ordinary students, even professors, principals, and even Ministry of Magic officials will take my words seriously. Because I can already use them flexibly. Me personally, and the authority and power of Gianna and the others behind me.”

Hermione couldn't help but nod. Levin turned Professor Moody into a toad, causing him to embarrass himself in public. Not only did he not receive any punishment, but he gained the admiration and support of more young wizards.

"You can too." Levin said solemnly.


Hermione was a little confused. Although she was a little smart, she was really not worth mentioning in the magical world.

"You don't need to start a new one. Take a look at our Erudite Society. The students in it will definitely become the pillars of the magic world in the future. Besides me, you can be said to be the main person in charge of the society. You can use your current status to influence these people. The little wizard who will definitely occupy a certain position in the magic world in the future will gradually implement your idea after the trend is gradually formed.

.........Please give me flowers 0

Levin paused, giving Hermione time to think.

"Not only does the concept of wizards need to be gradually changed, but the servility that has been deeply rooted in the bones of the house elves also needs time to change." Levin sighed.

"Levin, but this operation may take many years to achieve the goal." Hermione said seriously.

"No matter how many years it takes, I will fully support you." Levin reached out and rubbed the messy brown hair on the top of Hermione's head.

"However, it is not enough for you to just be the second person in charge of the training class. You also need to strengthen your reputation and prove your strength through other things, "such as this Triwizard Battle."

Seeing Hermione's eyes widen in surprise, Levin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth a little.

"You know, for this Triwizard Tournament, they would rather drag me as the organizer than let me go. I agreed to their request, but this does not mean that I am willing to hand over the championship to others.

Hermione thought about Levin's words.

"Be confident." Levin pulled Hermione's face into a smile.

"You have been learning magic and practicing fighting with me for so long. I believe that you are the most powerful wizard in the three schools... No one is your opponent."

"But... there is an age limit..." Hermione still had concerns.

"Cheating in the Triwizard Tournament is a tradition." Levin said, leaning close to Hermione's ear: "What's more, as long as you become the champion, you can establish a new image in Hogwarts, and everyone will respect you. Just because of my appointment, you can gain the obedience of others. In this way, you can use this increase in power to influence these people to change their attitudes towards house elves. This path is easier than starting from scratch on your own. Much more.”

Levin's words were like the whispers of an ancient god, full of temptation, implanting the seeds of ambition and power in her heart.

Come on, Hermione,

Levin thought secretly:

Although Jaina and Onyxia's abilities are enough to dominate the world, they are visitors from another world after all.

Once the door to another world opens, their attention will always turn back to Azeroth.

But the world still needs someone to manage it for you,

He can't be allowed to spend his time and energy on fishing for pleasure and studying magic on such trivial matters.

There must be a Lich King,

And Hermione Granger, you are the best worker... No, the ruler.

Whether house elves are equal or blood is supreme, it doesn't matter.

As long as you are willing to take that step, "put on the helmet of dominion."

There will be many, many burdens placed on you in the future.

Looking at the girl's furious back, Levin showed a sinister smile.

Don’t place too much importance on the equality of vomiting and house elves, everyone.

In the context of the entire world, this is just a very small thing.

It’s just an introduction to politics.

How old is Hermione? Political immaturity is normal, and not everyone in every country likes history so much. They have five thousand years of cases as a template for political education.

Finally, it is true that everyone hates the Virgin Mary, but we have to understand why the Virgin Mary hates the Virgin and the reasons why the Virgin Mary is popular.

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