Although this farce ended with Levin avenging Malfoy, Levin still has follow-up troubles to solve.

That afternoon, Levin received a message from Dumbledore, inviting him to the headmaster's office for a chat in the evening.

The old bee has a lot on his plate.

In order to avoid trouble, Ye Wen summoned his maid.

It was Orianna who answered the call: "Clockwork maid, waiting for the master's order."

"Orianna, release your drone and help me monitor a person."

With that said, Guowen used illusion magic to show Oriana Moody's appearance.

"Command accepted."

Oriana bowed.

She stretched out her arm, and suddenly a hole opened in a normal girl's arm. Several mosquito-sized clockwork scouts flapped their wings and flew out, scattering in all directions. At the same time, they turned transparent and disappeared into the heavy air. .

To facilitate reconnaissance, these Clockwork Scouts have the ability to become invisible.

The information Levin entered for Oriana included a map of Hogwarts, so she found Moody easily.

"Stay on the lookout," Levin ordered, "and call me when you get back to the office.

"Yes, Master." Oriana accepted the order.

After dinner, Levin received a summons from Oriana,

He immediately returned to the tower and found Liana.

The Clockwork Maid's eyes fired holographic lasers, projecting actual images of the Clockwork Scouts.

In the picture, Levin saw Moody.

He walked quickly through the corridors of the castle and soon returned to his office.

He locked the door carefully, mysteriously took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, and walked towards a mysterious box.

This box is different. It has seven locks on it. He inserted the seventh key into the lock smoothly, and the box slowly opened.

What is shocking is that there is a deep pit hidden at the bottom of the box, like a hidden basement, about three meters deep.

In this dark basement, there was a man lying quietly. He was as skinny as a stick, as if he was asleep.

It's the real Mad-Eye Moody,

His wooden legs were gone, the eyelids that were supposed to be magic eyes were empty, and a few strands of gray hair were missing, making him look even more miserable.

The Moody who opened the box is definitely a fake.

The face of the fake Mu Di changed. The scars gradually disappeared, the skin became smooth, the broken nose miraculously recovered, and the long gray hair instantly shortened and turned into a bright light yellow.

Suddenly, there was a loud "clang" sound, the wooden leg fell to the ground, and a real leg grew out.

Then, the magic eyeball broke free from the shackles of the eye socket, and a real eyeball took its place.

The magic eyeballs rolled on the ground, still shining with a strange magical light.

"Barty Crouch Jr., it is indeed him." Levin saw through the man's true identity at a glance.

Although Levin never met Crouch Jr. in person, he was an old acquaintance with his father, Barty Crouch Sr.

Crouch and his son look very similar, but their expressions are completely different.

Mr. Crouch Sr. has a serious face, while Mr. Crouch Jr. has a stubborn air all over his body.

Little Crouch kicked away his prosthetic leg impatiently, a trace of cruelty and madness flashed in his eyes. He deftly pushed it up with his hands and jumped neatly into the bottom of the box.

Hearing the movement, Moody, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes.

His image was in a mess, with black blood covering half of his face.

He narrowed his eyes, looked mockingly at Crouch's bruised face and disheveled hair, and mocked: "Have you been plucked too?"

Moody's wild laughter and violent coughing intertwined,

Crouch Jr. was enraged. He strode towards Moody, who was curled up on the ground, and kicked the doctor hard.

Moody let out an indecipherable curse, which made Crouch Jr.'s face become even more ferocious. He quickly took out his wand and pointed it at Moody:

[Drilling out the bones]. "

It's really cruel to cast the Cruciatus Curse at the slightest disagreement.

Moody gritted his teeth and endured the knife-like pain all over his body. He lay there motionless, as if he was dead.

Little Crouch's eyes gradually became crazy:

"[Cruciato Cut Out Bones]." He cast the Cruciatus Curse again.

Moody finally couldn't help but let out a muffled sound, and his body twitched in extreme pain.

His fists were clenched, and his pale nails and fingers were stained with red spots.

"Levin Green, when my master returns, I will ask him to hand you over to me." Little Crouch roared, "I will pull out all your nerves and turn you into a living puppet to survive. You can’t die without asking for it.”

"Levin Green? He turned you into this? Hahaha!"

Moody suddenly laughed hysterically,

"A guy who can't even beat a player, you still want to do something under Dumbledore's nose? I'm waiting for you to be executed by the dementors!"

Crouch Jr. was poked at a sore spot, and he retorted: "What about you? Weren't you also turned into a toad by another player? The two of them seem to be partners on the court.

He was deeply ashamed of being turned into a toad, and not only hated Levin, the direct culprit, but also Moody, who had implicated him.

After that, Crouch gave Moody another "Crushing" mark, pulled out a bunch of hair from his body, and then ignored Moody, who was trembling with pain, jumped out of the box and returned to the office.

He picked up a wine bottle and took a long drink.

Gradually his face began to change, and he looked like Moody again.

Levin got the answer he wanted and asked Oriana to end the projection.

After returning to Hogwarts, he walked directly to the principal's office.

"Tweety's Cauldron Cake." Levin said the password Dumbledore left him,

As soon as he finished speaking, the stone beast jumped away from the door of the principal's office, revealing an automatically rotating escalator. Levin saw this and walked up the stairs.

Levin's hand gently grasped the gryphon brass door knocker, and with a slight twist, the oak door opened in response.

Inside the house, exquisite silverware is placed on the slender-legged table. They seem to be given life, spinning quietly and emitting a faint smoke.

The portraits of the male and female principals are snoring in the frame, their heads lazily leaning back on armchairs or leaning against the portraits, as if they are sleeping.

Phineas Black's voice broke the quiet atmosphere. He was uncharacteristically serious and said: "Oh, it's Mr. Levin Green. Welcome to the principal's office. I want to thank you for taking my useless job." The great-great-grandson's rehabilitation has left hope for our Black family."

After hearing this, Levin smiled slightly: "You're welcome, Sirius has given me enough reward.

He responded politely, even if the other person was just a portrait, he still remained respectful and polite.

Suddenly, bright green flames burst out from the empty fireplace, and Dumbledore's tall figure emerged from the fire.

...Please give me flowers...

He looked at Levin with a smile on his face: "Good evening, Mr. Green, maybe before we chat, you would like some Tweety's Cauldron Cake?"

After saying that, he calmly stepped out of the fireplace and invited Levin to sit across from the principal's long table.

Watching the food flying onto the long table, Levin had no appetite at all.

Dumbledore looked at Levin while preparing the food, but the boy seemed not to notice the other person's gaze. He used ten points of arcane tricks to conjure a few pieces of ice for his pumpkin sweat with a calm expression.

Dumbledore sighed deeply,

Dumbledore knew that Levin had powerful allies in the Ministry of Magic.

Nymphadora Tonks is a young witch he is very optimistic about. She is talented, driven, kind-hearted, and has a good reputation. One of her parents is a Muggle [10 is a traitor to her family and Muggles] Pureblood network masters together.

Dumbledore had already been eyeing her and planned to drag her into the Order of the Phoenix.

Unexpectedly, Levin abducted him in the first year of school. He could only watch Tonks and Levin's family getting closer and closer. Now it is impossible to join the Order of the Phoenix.

Jaina Proudmoore is a rare and powerful witch among the top leaders of the Ministry of Magic. In some aspects, even he himself cannot see through her.

She has a kind personality and is wise, but too cautious and rarely forms cliques. The Order of the Phoenix once tried to recruit her, but gave up after the first contact.

That's how it was originally.

Unexpectedly, she has become radical in the past two years. She, who was originally a Buddhist, began to crazily expand her power in the Ministry of Magic. He could not understand this change at all.

Before that, she also met Levin Green and quickly became close to him.

Ms. Katrana Presto, a descendant of a noble family from South America, came to the Yin Kingdom because of the dragon slaying incident. She is also a powerful witch. She is very good at training dragons and is good at communication. She became a network master in the Yin Kingdom as soon as she came. He is very comfortable in the upper class society.

Although it was unexpected for Katrana to obtain shares in Hogwarts, it was also reasonable.

However, she actually fully authorized the shares to Levin Green,

This was something Dumbledore never thought of.

When did their relationship become so close?

Dumbledore left before just to confirm this matter.

Who knew it was actually true.

To be honest, he couldn't understand it at all. He couldn't understand why such a young wizard of Muggle origin could actually develop such a strong network of connections.

At the same time, with his huge reputation in the school, everyone aspires to the learned society he established.

In addition, he has a series of amazing achievements.

Dumbledore found that he had absolutely nothing to do with the other party.

After thinking again and again, he said straight to the point: "Mr. Green, I am very happy that Ms. Presto has delegated the power of school director to you. I hope you can use this power reasonably.

"Of course," Levin replied, "I am also a student at Hogwarts, and of course I hope that Hogwarts will get better and better.

"I believe you." Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "But I also want to remind you that the school governor has no right to punish professors.

After hearing this, Levin put down the pumpkin juice in his hand: "I know this, but also, professors have no right to corporally punish students. y

He sniffed the pumpkin juice gently again, and then took a sip.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room seemed extremely tense.

Fleur and Orianna illustrations have been restored.

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