"Want to hear me tell a story?"

Capac, who looked like an octogenarian, said slowly,

"A story about a wizard who exceeds his capabilities in pursuit of immortality."

"Actually, the origin of everything started in the wizard's boyhood. At that time, he was the only son of a tribal shaman. At that time, the shaman's family had a neighbor, three vampires. The vampires relied on sucking human blood to feed, which seriously threatened the tribe. Because of the safety of the vampires, they did not dare to be presumptuous due to the presence of a powerful shaman, so they chose to stop at it every time and never cause any harm to anyone. The shaman was also afraid of the vampire's power and did not take action to arrest him. The two parties had established a tacit understanding. , and occasionally there will be some contact.

After he said a few words, the old chief stopped and stood up and asked loudly: "Wait! You said that vampires never cause harm to people? But in the past ten years, which year have vampires not caused more trouble in nearby tribes? How can you put in a good word for them if they lose their lives?"

His question elicited a rebuttal from the vampire. In anger, Chaverina's sentences became much more fluent: "Taking an appropriate amount of blood has always been our creed, and we have never caused any loss of life!"

"Then what happened to our dead people?"

The two sides were about to continue their quarrel when Levin coughed:


After being scolded by the angel, the old chief immediately shut up and prostrated on the ground without saying a word.

"I..." Chaverina still wanted to defend herself, but after taking a look at the black cat in Levin's arms, the vampire obediently remained silent.

Then, Levin looked at Capak.

Capac understood what the other party meant and said slowly: "When I talk about it later, this matter will naturally be explained."

Then he continued:

"So, the young wizard accidentally met the vampire who made a deal with the shaman. However, at that time, the strange-looking vampire only aroused his enthusiasm for three minutes.

In the blink of an eye, everything was forgotten. "

"But sometimes childhood memories do hold an important key to life.

"Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the wizard has reached middle age and is living in the distant Yin Kingdom. But after receiving the news that his father is critically ill, he returns to the tribe across the ocean and takes over the burden of shaman 443 from his father. , shoulder the mission of protecting the tribe."

"After taking over the responsibilities of the tribe, the task of dealing with vampires naturally fell into the hands of the wizard, so he followed his father's example of negotiating with vampires, and then he met the vampire sisters. Their appearance was the same as the boy he had seen before."

"Seeing the vampire who is still young and vigorous, and then thinking about his body that has begun to age, the middle-aged wizard can't help but feel deeply envious.

"As the wizard gets older, his body becomes weaker, and his magic power becomes weaker. This kind of envy is like ants gnawing at the wizard's heart. Eventually, the envy turns into jealousy and fanaticism."

"Wizards began to pursue the ability to live forever like crazy."

"The wizard doesn't want to become a vampire. Vampires can't use magic power, which is a price that's not worth it for him. But among the creatures he disarmed, only vampires can live forever, so the wizard wants to study vampires and try to understand the meaning of immortality from them. The true meaning of.”

"The three neighbor vampires are too strong, so the wizard can't attack them. So he can only occasionally return to the Great Yin, looking for opportunities to catch one or two lone vampires for study.

"But the wizard's research level is not very good. It took him a long time to come to a preliminary conclusion. The immortality of vampires is due to their ability to extract the vitality from the blood of living people.

"But how can one extract life force like a vampire? The wizard first experimented with animals, but the experiments didn't produce results for a long time [so he turned his attention to living people."

"But where did the living people come from? The outside world has been under the protection of the International Statute of Secrecy for a long time. It is easy to be discovered if you attack Muggles rashly. In addition, the tribe is located in a remote area and it is too difficult to go out frequently. The obsessed wizards will pay attention to it. On my own tribesmen.”

"After all, as a shaman, he has too many good opportunities to take action, and those three vampires are the best ones to take the blame.


"I am going to kill you!"

The vampires and natives were furious again and wanted to beat Capac

Then he slowly retreated under Levin's gaze.

Levin looked at ABC Parker and motioned for him to continue.

Capac nodded and continued: "Unfortunately, the wizard's scientific research ability is not very good, and the efficiency of extracting life force from the human body is very low. The life force that each person can extract is less than one percent, and it often takes dozens of people to collect enough for a year. vitality."

"So he had to kill dozens of people a year to keep himself from declining."

"But that's not the worst thing. What makes him most desperate is that after using the essence of life for a few years, he found that the effect of this essence on him was getting smaller and smaller. According to estimates, in less than ten years, He will be completely unable to use this method to delay aging."

"When he thinks of this, the old wizard becomes more and more desperate. He is frantically looking for new plans to prevent this tragic future, but there has been no progress."

"Until Lord Black Dragon comes."

As he said that, Capac glanced at the black cat, and his expression seemed to become more alert:

When he saw the huge black dragon coming in front of him, the old wizard was extremely desperate, feeling that his precious life was about to pass away that day; but when the black dragon spoke, the old wizard's heart rekindled hope, because the black dragon promised to give him power. "

"Especially after seeing the black dragon using blood to turn ordinary animals into dragon beasts and ordinary people into half-dragons, and after hearing about the long lifespan of dragons, the old wizard immediately vowed to work for the black dragon as long as the other party granted him eternal life. .”

"The black dragon told him that it needed the old wizard to provide a venue and supplies for recuperation. It needed the old wizard to grab a few tongues from the country that drove it away to understand its enemies and cut off the other party's tracking. It happened that the old wizard got After receiving a notice from that country, the old wizard had an idea and sent information and invitations to that country.

"You all know the identity of this wizard, that is me."

"What happened next is what you have experienced these past few days, and this is the story of it all.

After Kapak finished speaking, he lowered his head and knelt silently in front of Levin.

"Except for the reason why you obeyed the black dragon, the whole thing is very different from what I guessed." Levin nodded and asked: "So, where did you hide it during this time?"

"I hid her in the pyramid." Capac said honestly, "The black dragon can transform into a black-haired and white-skinned lady, so she can be hidden easily. However, her appearance is too different from that of the tribesmen. She She said that she could only transform into that shape, so I kept her hidden in the pyramid."

So, didn't they pass by the black dragon three times without noticing it?

"So this is a female dragon?"

Levin nodded.

But Capac was not happy: "How can you call Lord Black Dragon like this? Are you surprised that you can't realize the greatness of this matter? This is why I am willing to obey her. If she has remained in human form, isn't she just a human? For humans with dragon lifespans? This further leads me to believe that her promise can be fulfilled."

As he said that, he looked at Levin with enthusiasm: "The great Black Dragon is a clan of giant dragons that once slept in the volcano. It has powerful power and endless lifespan. If you choose to let Lord Black Dragon go now, and tell him If it kowtows and confesses, maybe it will grant you a long life."

He was fully tempted by the thought of eternal life, and even if these people in front of him would not defect on the spot, they would at least be moved.

Unexpectedly, what he saw was the indifference of several people.

"You...are you stumped and don't want to pursue a longer lifespan?" Capac asked puzzledly.

"Longer life, I have already gained it." Levin said, taking out the dim red crystal and catching it again.

Seeing this thing, the black cat immediately realized that this was the key to being trapped in this small body. Like a cat fluttering at a butterfly, it stared at the crystal, eager to try.

Then he was immediately pressed down by Levin.

"The Philosopher's Stone." Levin said, "It's the Philosopher's Stone. I made it myself. It's similar to Nico Flamel's. It can be used to prepare a [rejuvenation elixir] that prolongs life. So what is the black dragon's gift to me?" It's not tempting.

When Capak heard this, his whole body was shocked.

As if it wasn't shocking enough, Levin added: "By the way, turning this guy into a cat was through the power of the Philosopher's Stone. Now it has lost its original ability and has completely become a shackles to restrain the little guy.

After hearing this, Capac almost went crazy. He yelled in a tone of hatred: "How could you do this! How could you do this! That's the Philosopher's Stone! It's the Philosopher's Stone! You actually want to defeat an enemy." Just waste it! Shameful! Despicable! Hateful! Hateful!”

Cursing and cursing, Capac even shed tears of sadness, obviously his defense was broken.

It’s no wonder,

Anyone can see that the treasures they are so eager for are indeed dispensable in the hands of others.

This absolute sense of contrast will break through anyone who comes.

But as if his provocation wasn't enough, Levin glanced at the old man and said in a strange tone:

"Isn't it just a philosopher's stone? Why are you seeking death and survival? It's not a precious thing. Just use it up. Anyway, if I want to use it, I can just do it later.

"Go back...do it again...one piece..."

His lifelong pursuit, what he failed to obtain even after spending so much money and bearing countless lives, turned out to be in the hands of the other party, and it was nothing more than a mass product.

Realizing this, Capak suddenly felt a sense of disillusionment.

It seems that my life has lost its meaning.

Seeing the other party being ruined by him, Levin suddenly felt bored.

But the depression of being deceived and plotted over the past few days was finally vented.

So he waved his hand and said,

"Drag this man down and let the chief take revenge and complain."

The natives understood what Levin meant, and immediately stepped forward excitedly, holding Capac up and dragging him down.

Suddenly, the disillusioned Capac struggled crazily and shouted: "A question, please answer me a question!"


The aroused Levin stopped the native, and then said to the old man: "Tell me what your last question is."

Capac raised his head and asked in a hoarse voice: "Can you tell me how you discovered my plan, so that I can understand it."

"How did you find out?" Levin thought for a while and replied: "It's very simple. I can understand the dialect of your tribe. I can tell that the person today is by no means a real guide. The so-called black dragon hiding in the woods is entirely your fault. Just made it up."

"Can you understand our language?"

"You actually understand our language?"

"Why can you understand our language?"

Capac had no idea that he would lose on such a ridiculous detail, even though he was proud of leading him the wrong way in front of him.

"If I...had known earlier..." He muttered to himself unwillingly, completely unable to accept that he lost here.

But Levin gave him a further blow:

"Yes, it is entirely possible for you to know this information earlier.


When I first entered the tribe, I privately asked a tribesman about your information in your native language. This was also the biggest mistake of my trip. 17

"If you treat your tribe as sincerely as your fathers, you will be able to obtain this information easily. After all, in the mouth of the tribesman, you are so great.

Great Sage, he worships you so much that he will never refuse to reveal everything to you. "

"Of course, if you had been sincere towards your tribe, you wouldn't have ended up like this."

With that said, Levin waved his hand and allowed Wang Tu to take him away.

Levin's last words were like a sharp sword piercing Capak's heart.

He had to face the judgment from the past and fate,

Capac was dragged away, still muttering as he walked:

"am I wrong?"

"Am I really wrong?"

"No! I'm right!"

"I shouldn't have betrayed my tribe!"

"But eternal life is the most important thing!"

"I should not turn my back on my countrymen..."

"My compatriots are just food on my road to eternal life!"

"Father, I'm sorry for you!"

"I am immortal!"

This old man has gone completely crazy. .

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