My Understanding Is Incredible, I Built A Floating City In Hogwarts

Chapter 164 Play The Long Game And Catch Big Fish

Regarding this question, Levin asked the old man Capac directly,

Then I got an answer like this: "My family has been like this for generations."

Later, it was Jaina who explained to him.

It turns out that the scope of application of the "International Statute of Secrecy" is limited to those Muggle countries that have joined the international community, and does not include such small and remote tribes that have no contact with the outside world.

"Think about it, these small tribes have been isolated from the world for so long, and their shamanic traditions have been maintained for hundreds or thousands of years. They have relied on the magic of shamans to live a nourishing life for so many years. If we take the shamans away by force, If the International Statute of Secrecy is implemented, who should be blamed if this tribe cannot survive after losing its shaman?"

Gianna's analysis is well-founded and convincing.

Levin didn't even know that there was such a special case in the wizarding world.

After hearing that both Levin and Cirilla were Ravenclaw students, Capac told them happily: "My son also studied at Hogwarts five years ago. He is also a Ravenclaw Academy and now works at Gringotts. By the way, I heard that Miss Tonks is a Hufflepuff? Coincidentally, I was also a Hufflepuff when I was studying at Hogwarts.

Next, everyone listened to the old man recalling the prosperous years he had spent at Hogwarts.

It turns out that the Capac family, as the shamans here, have not been isolated from the world for a long time like ordinary people.

Since European wizards came to America with the Spanish, they have had exchanges with their European counterparts.

For example, their family has sent their children to Hogwarts for generations to learn about the outside world.

After graduating, young wizards usually find a job in the wizarding world of the Yin Kingdom, marry the wizards there, and leave heirs.

When you get older,

Out of the responsibility of protecting their homeland, they will give up the colorful (compared to the tribe) wizarding society and modern (compared to the tribe) living conditions in the outside world, and return to the primitive and monotonous rainforest tribe to learn from their elders. Inheriting the position of the previous generation of shamans, practicing traditions and protecting several nearby tribes.

After listening to this, Levin felt a little dumbfounded.

What is Wakanda, South America?

But this also made him understand why old man Capac became the liaison of the Ministry of Magic.

He also had some experience in the wizarding world of the Yin Kingdom.

There may be many people in the Ministry of Magic who were his old classmates.

In the tribe, the four Levins received a warm welcome.

Cirila and the others could not speak the indigenous language and had no idea what these tribesmen were talking about.

But Levin discovered through [Language Comprehension] that the four of them were actually visiting shamans and messengers of Quetzalcoatl, as introduced by old man Capac.

Yes, as descendants of the Inca Empire, they believe in Quetzalcoatl. This god is called Kukulcan in Mayan mythology and Viracocha in Inca mythology.

"Shamans" like Levin also have the ability to communicate with Quetzalcoatl,

Listening to his description, Levin also thought it was quite vivid.

There are only tens of thousands of wizards in the Yin Kingdom, so they are essentially just a large tribe.

From this perspective, it is not wrong to say that people like Jaina who are employed by the Ministry of Magic are to protect the tribe.

At the reception banquet, the four of them enjoyed a lot of local "delicious food".

It seems that because the shamans were exposed to the outside world, the local cuisine here adopts many cooking techniques from the outside world.

This results in most of the dishes being normal, such as desserts made from palm tree hearts, various barbecued meats, fried bananas, tapioca wine, etc.

The capybara meat was just too fishy, ​​and Levin tried it two or three times but couldn't eat it.

Of course, there are also many weird dishes that outsiders can't stand. Jaina accidentally ate a portion of roasted leaf-cutter ants and almost vomited the entire dinner.

On the first night of the trip, Levin did not use the [Mansion Technique], but spent the night with the Amazon sky.

The next day, Jaina asked Capac to find the black dragon.

"Don't worry, my tribesmen did see the demon flying by with their own eyes, otherwise I wouldn't have provided you with clues." The old man said seriously, "I will personally take you to find the demon together with the tribesmen later. Just a demon.

There are no dragons living in the Amazon rainforest. Demons are their collective name for those powerful and cruel magical creatures.

An hour later, the four of them, led by Capac and a young tribesman, walked towards the clearing in the rain forest.

"Isn't that the direction we came from?" Levin asked curiously.

"I seem to have seen that pyramid too," Tonks also said.

The young man chirped and said something to Capak,

Then Capak turned around and said with a smile: "My tribesmen said that the 'demon' flew in that direction at that time, but it was no longer visible after a short distance. It probably fell into that direction. In the jungle.”

"That's it." Several people nodded and accepted his judgment.

In fact, I have to accept it,

After all, they are all outsiders, and the news about the dragon is in the hands of local snakes like them.

Of course, whatever they say is what it is.

Only Levin frowned.

"No, what the tribesman just said was not the direction of the black dragon at all, but he was asking Capac where he wanted to lead the way."

"He pointed out the direction for us only after being signaled by Capac.

"This shows that Capac is purely lying when he said that he was an eyewitness at the time. The so-called black dragon is hidden in this jungle is purely Capac's own opinion.

"He actually deceived us because we didn't understand the native language. Fortunately, he didn't know that I knew the magic of [Language Comprehension]."

………Please give me flowers…

"But why did Capac do this? What's his conspiracy?"

Levin thought hard for a while, but because there were too few clues, he still had no clue, so he decided not to expose his lies for the time being and to take a long-term view to catch the big fish.

But from this point of view, I was right to cast Detector on every dish last night.

For people like this who tell lies, even if they didn't poison last night, it doesn't mean they won't poison them in the future. You have to be more careful.

With a vigilant mind, Levin followed the others to the plain clearing, passed through the pyramid, and entered the opposite jungle to start a search.

"This jungle seems to be very big. Even if we limit the area here, we won't be able to search it all in a short while."

Looking at the vast rainforest in front of her, Tonks fell into confusion.

"In this case, why don't we search separately?" Capak suggested, "We can work in pairs, with the sole purpose of searching. How about sending a signal as soon as we see the dragon, and waiting for everyone to gather before fighting?"

Jaina nodded: "This is indeed a sound plan."

Seeing that the other party accepted the proposal, Capac struck while the iron was hot: "Director Gianna, your magic is the most powerful among us. The tribesmen who are not as good as mine will be left to your care.

Are you planning to drive away the strongest person?

After knowing that the old man had a problem, Levin easily saw through his plan and couldn't help but frown.

However, the other party's proposal is also reasonable. If you want to search in groups, the most important thing is to keep the strength of each group equal. No one group is too weak, giving potential dragons an opportunity.

This is a conspiracy and he won't stop it.

Next, Capac looked at the other three people.

Seeing this scene, Cirila came to Levin and whispered in her ear: "Why don't we work as a team."

Levin glanced at her. The girl's face was flushed and she blinked at him ambiguously.

He immediately understood the other party's plan.

So he took the initiative and said, "Mr. Capac, why don't you and I join a team? To be honest, I'm quite interested in the jungle, and I hope I can teach you more."


I already hinted like this, but you actually went to find that old man?

Is it possible that the old man is more attractive than me?

She quietly tugged on Levin's left hand, but Yingying ignored her and still looked at Capak with warlike eyes.

Old Capac blinked at Levin's initiative, seemingly a little surprised, but immediately agreed:

"Okay, it just so happens that I also want to know about the current Hogwarts, so I'll go with you."

"In this case, the two of us will be a team."

Tonks was also a little surprised that she and Cirilla were assigned to the same team, but she immediately accepted it without hesitation.

So the six people were divided into three groups and started searching the jungle. .

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