The memory is not long, and soon the three of them raised their heads from the pensieve.

Hermione's first words were: "Ancient magic is so terrifying!"

Although I have heard about the strength of ancient magic from Levin,

But after seeing it with their own eyes, she and Ciri were still shocked by the powerful power of ancient magic.

In fact, not only them, but even Levin himself was slightly shocked.

The memory in front of me is different from the one in the game.

The memories in the game come from earlier guardians - users of ancient magic.

It is they who lead the protagonist of the game on the path of ancient magic after the transfer student arrives.

The memory in front of me was left by the guardian of the previous generation, the protagonist of the game, the transfer student himself.

It records how he mastered ancient magic step by step, fought against the evil goblin, and finally defeated the goblin [preventing the goblin from using the legacy of ancient magic to poison the whole world]

source of law.

In his memory, Levin not only truly saw the terrifying power bursting out from the power of evil emotions, but also saw with his own eyes the manifestation of ancient magic in reality.

What transforms others into explosive barrels and then detonates them?

Why control the enemy remotely and smash them to the ground?

Make the enemy smaller, then pull it over and crush it to death.

Summon thunder to chop enemies into pieces...

The most classic one is the [Avada Lightning Chain]: mark every enemy on the field with magic, and then use an [Avada Death Curse] to kill everyone.

This lethality was so lethal that even Voldemort called it extreme when he came.

In this memory, the 617 ending of that battle is naturally recorded.

As Levin thought, the transfer student did not absorb the power of negative emotions, but sealed them in the underground cavity.

At this time, Hermione frowned slightly and said, "Unfortunately, this memory ends here. The guardian left no further clues in the memory."

Levin shook his head: "No, it's not that there are no clues, it's that only people with ancient magic talents can see the corresponding clues."

"Even you can't see that clue?" Ciri asked.

"That's not true, but being able to see clues and being able to trigger clues are two different things."

Levin replied.

Of course he can detect clues of ancient magic,

After all, the essence of ancient magic is the original emotional power, and his spiritual power can easily detect this power.

But he is a time traveler and is not a native of this world. How can he obtain the inheritance of ancient magic?

"So, we can't go any further, right?" Xili frowned.

But Levin just smiled,

"No, I still have a way."

"As a wizard, what should you do when you can't find the way? Of course, use prophecy."

Different from the vague prophecies of genius and metaphysics in the world of Harry Potter,

The prophecy spells in arcane magic have a certain degree of rigor.

You can explicitly ask for what you want to know, whether there is hostility ([Detect Hostility]), the identity of the enemy ([Identify the Opponent]), the motive for fighting ([Know the Motive]), or the enemy's weaknesses ([Know the Motive]) Analyze weaknesses]), enemy beliefs (detect heretics...all have related spells that can be used.

If he wants to find the inheritance of ancient magic and the "map secret room" leading to the underground cavity, Levin also has related magic that he can use.

"However, this spell lasts for a long time, so you can eat something here first and take a rest."

After saying that, Levin took out the table, chairs, snacks and black tea from his wallet, and placed a table of midnight snacks in the room.

Hermione even saw that there were even a few magic books thoughtfully placed on the tea table. Was it for fear that she would be bored?

"So, you always have these things with you, right?"

Seeing the tea party arranged in front of her, Xili couldn't help but complain,

"It's really an exquisite life."

"Since you have become a mage, why not be nice to yourself." Levin said matter-of-factly.

Magic should make your life easier.

Hermione also felt that the scene before her was exaggerated.

But her focus was on how a small purse could hold such a large set of tables and chairs.

How much space has been extended in this wallet?

Levin noticed her look: "If you want one, I can give it to you as a Christmas gift."

"But now, girls, wait for me for a while and enjoy your late night snack."

As he spoke, he walked aside and started preparing himself.

Hermione and Ciri looked at his movements curiously while eating small cakes.

"Hopefully tonight's exploration will be a bit of a warm-up."

Xili ate a piece of matcha cake in one bite and said slowly,

"This way I can eat them all with peace of mind and not worry about gaining weight."

After hearing her words, Hermione was stunned.

I put a piece of strawberry macaron in my mouth, not sure whether I should eat it or not.

Seeing her look like this, Shirley laughed and said: "It's okay Granger, feel free to eat, your figure is not enough to worry about it.

As he spoke, he deliberately looked her up and down.


Hermione wanted to be angry,

But she looked at the other person, then at herself, and found that she was unable to refute.

"Damn it, why is the gap so big?"

She had no choice but to turn her grief and anger into appetite, hoping that these desserts would make her grow some meat in the right places.

The girls were eating and eating there,

Levin has turned on the magic.

[Detect location: 6-ring prophecy system, you can see and hear the designated location, and understand what is happening at that location. The difficulty of the magic's success depends on how familiar you are with the location and what kind of physical connection you have to the place. 】

In fact, before using the Pensieve, the possibility of Levin finding the secret room on the map through [Detecting Location] was not high.

After all, he only learned about the relevant locations in the game and has never been there in person.

But through the memory in the pensieve, Levin is almost like going to the map chamber in person.

As a result, the success rate of [detecting location] is greatly increased.

As the long ceremony reaches its climax,

Levin stared at the magical mirror in front of him,

The fog in the mirror began to dissipate, and suddenly, Levin could see the location of the [Map Secret Room].

It's just below the Hogwarts clock tower area.

Having received the result, Levin immediately ended the ceremony.

At this time, one hour has passed.

"Come on girls, I think I've found my target."

"It's finally over? I've waited until the flowers withered."

"In this case, let's fight it quickly. Staying up late will cause acne."

So, the three of them packed up the tables and chairs, took the memory book on the pensieve, and returned to the outside of the library through the teleportation rune.

At this time, Hogwarts had already started a curfew, and the three of them used [Invisibility] to jog all the way to the sewer below the clock tower.

"Didn't you say that the map secret room is here?"

Looking at the surrounding sewers, Hermione searched carefully,

"Where's the door to the secret room on the map?"

"【The true form appears】!"

"[Quick Appearance]!"

"【Scapin Appears】!"

"[Detect secret door]!"

Hermione continued to use the Appearing Charm, and even used the Secret Door Detection Charm that Levin taught her, but to no avail.


"Without a true successor to lead the way, we really can't open the door."

Levin shook his head,

This was also what he expected.

He never thought about entering the [Map Secret Room] through conventional methods from the beginning.

At this time, Xili also checked the surroundings: "No, there are no traces of secret doors or ventilation ducts around here. What should we do?"

Levin smiled: "You have to open your mind. Think about how I broke the stone door before? Why do you always have to follow the question maker's ideas? You have to know that this is not an N.E.W.T. exam. Since you follow the question If people’s train of thought cannot continue, we can definitely enjoy the table!”

After hearing this, their eyes lit up and they looked at Levin.

I saw Levin waving his magic wand, causing the masonry on the ground to separate, exposing the rock formations and soil.

Then he stepped forward, grabbed the two of them, and started casting spells.

"[Thor Stone Magic]!"

Two years later, I suddenly realized that a strange power enveloped me.

Then, under the leadership of Levin, they sank into the rock and earth, swimming like fish diving through the earth and rock, not even leaving a tunnel behind.

I don’t know how long I traveled,

Finally, this wandering hit a brick wall, and the traces of a brick wall appeared before my eyes.

Levin took out his wand again and caused the brick wall to part in front of him, revealing a corridor paved with bricks.

Levin pulled them and jumped into the corridor.

Hermione and Ciri immediately realized that they had seen this tunnel before in the Pensieve.

In other words, they penetrated directly through the soil and forced their way into the map secret room through the wall.

Apart from using [Thor's Stone Skill], what's the difference between this and digging a tomb hole? .

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