"Now--beware! My mission is to teach you to defend yourself against the most evil the wizarding world has ever known!"

Lockhart grabbed the black cloth with one hand and said loudly in his exaggerated tone:

"You will face the most horrific things in this classroom. But remember, as long as I am here, no harm will come to you. All I ask is that you remain calm."

"I must ask you not to scream," Lockhart said in a low voice. "That will piss them off."

The other students were mesmerized by Lockhart's performance,

I have to say that in addition to his excellent appearance, Lockhart's acting skills are quite passable.

His voice is full of emotion when he speaks, his eyes and micro-expressions are very spot on, coupled with his rich body language, you can tell he is an experienced actor at first glance!

Sometimes Levin couldn't help but sigh. The path to transcendence in this world was too narrow, causing many wizards to go astray.

If in the DND world next door, a person like Lockhart could become a bard, and then he would most likely have greater achievements that truly belong to him.

Instead of relying on stealing other people's achievements as we do now.

The whole class held their breath,

"Then... look!" Lockhart grabbed the black cloth "Two Five Zero" and pulled it away.

When the black cloth was lifted, the students collectively leaned back and took a breath of cold air.

The air pressure in the entire classroom seemed to drop.

Under the black cloth is a huge iron cage as tall as a person.

Inside the cage were a group of humanoid creatures about twenty to thirty centimeters in size, with long and narrow bat wings, brown-red, brown-green skin, and a pair of long ears.

"This is... a Cornish elf?!" Some young wizards from wizarding families recognized it.

Hearing this name,

Most of the students looked like "That's it?"

Only Levin's face turned dark.

This isn't a Cornish elf at all. The color doesn't look right.

Cornwall elves are all iron-green, but the little guy in front of you is brown-red or brown-green.

The most important thing is that they have scorpion-like tails, and their legs are not normal human-like structures, but recurved structures similar to lizards.

How could this be an elf?

Lockhart is still explaining: "Don't be so sure, they may also be cunning little destroyers like little devils!"

What is possibility? They are little devils,

And he is not a little devil native to this world who only knows how to cause trouble.

Rather, they are devils who truly come from purgatory and from the lower planes!

They are truly malicious and dangerous creatures that can kill people.

They have sharp teeth and claws only found in predators,

It has a highly poisonous tail hook,

It can also transform into various small animals,

Serve powerful devils in purgatory, serving as waiters, scouts, etc.

These creatures are by no means native to the world of Harry Potter, and are mostly visitors from other worlds.

Levin really can't figure out why the harmless Cornish elf Lockhart got in the original novel turned into these things.

What he didn't know was that the culprit was himself.

The time was just before the summer vacation,

The supplier who was supposed to provide Lockhart with elves was the smuggler who was conveniently arrested while Levin was hunting the Chimera.

As for the elf that was supposed to appear here,

He had been released as a weapon by smugglers long ago, and then was forced to flee by Xili.

Lockhart had no choice but to take the risk and use the "summoning elf (he thought)" spell recorded in a notebook.

The note came from an old wizard who he had impersonated.

What Lockhart didn't know was that the spell he thought he was using to "summon elves" was actually a devil summoning circle.

However, the students didn't care much about this little thing and still looked unbelieving.

Lockhart's poor performance further confirmed their identity.

And the cunning little devils also saw the truth. One by one, they all pretended to be "harmless" elves.

"Well," Lockhart shouted, "let's see how you deal with them!"

After that, he opened the cage door.

The last shackles were lifted, and the little devils suddenly showed their fangs.

In the imagination of the little wizards, what they have to face is just a bunch of troublemakers.

At most, I would tear a few books, pull down a few curtains, scratch a few faces...

I saw a few little devils directly showing their fangs and claws and gnawing at the little wizard, making blood dripping all of a sudden.

There are also little devils waving the stingers on their tails to prick people's heads. One prick will cause a big bump.

There were even little devils who turned into spiders, mice and even wild boars on the spot, causing chaos in the classroom.

The little wizards screamed and fled in all directions.

Professor Lockhart, the initiator of all the chaos, didn't fare well either.

As the Summoner, these little devils resented him for locking them in such a narrow place.

So I have been eyeing him for a long time,

As soon as the cage door opened, a little devil flew forward and poisoned him with a sting.

Although Lockhart wanted to fight back, he couldn't stand it. The flying little devils quickly snatched his wand away and threw it out the window.

Several little devils flew over, pulling Lockhart's hands and feet, forcing Lockhart into the cage, and then slammed the cage door shut.

Just listen to a "click".

Lockhart himself was locked in the cage.

Although Levin already knew that Lockhart was useless, he didn't expect him to stretch his hips like this, right?

Ordinary adult wizards cannot be this weak!

You have to know a few commonly used spells, right?

Even a basic floating spell can deal with this little guy.

But on the other hand, Lockhart can’t be blamed too much.

In terms of strength, these little devils are equivalent to LV2 wizards.

At least half of the little wizards in the classroom can't beat them.

However, Lockhart was locked up like this, and the classroom became even more chaotic.

No second grade student has ever seen this kind of world.

Although they had wands in their hands, they were caught off guard by the sudden attack.

Coupled with the destructive power of the little devil,

For a time, there were screams and wails everywhere in the classroom...

Seeing that if things continued like this, lives would be lost, so Guowen had no choice but to take action.

He saw a little wizard who was bitten with blood and waved his wand:

[Anti-evil magic circle]!”

In the blink of an eye, the little wizard’s bloody body glowed with white light.

The two little devils who were biting his arms suddenly looked like they were biting into pancakes and a soldering iron. They covered their mouths and howled...

All the little devils from purgatory are of the evil camp, and anti-evil spells are extremely effective against them.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his wand again and again and fired [Ice Arrows] at the little devils.

This group of visitors to purgatory are naturally highly resistant to fire and poison, but are afraid of thunder and ice.



One after another, the little devils that were attacking the little wizard were frozen into lumps of ice.

Immediately afterwards, he kept tearing at the mouse that was tearing at the little wizard's robe, and the spider that jumped on the girl's head.

"[Animal Holding Technique]!"

The druid's power burst out, and the two little devils who transformed into small animals thought they were immobilized and unable to move.

Then the little wizard took the opportunity and pulled him to the ground, and was smashed into pieces by a copy of "Walking with Trolls".

Levin's counterattack reminded other little wizards,

More students along the route calmed down and tried to fight back.

Hermione used the skills she learned during the summer vacation, one disarming spell after another, and was able to knock away a little devil every time.

Harry recited a stun spell and killed one on the spot.

Ronald is more miserable,

His wand had been broken in two after the car accident last night.

Now it's just a matter of force, using a spell to hit a random one.

He also tried to behave like Harry, but when he finished chanting the curse, what awaited him was a big explosion.

He and the little devil almost died together.

Seeing more and more students coming forward, Levin realized that the time had come, so he zoomed in directly.

"[Anti-evil barrier]!"

This is an upgraded version of the [Anti-Evil Magic Circle], which can create a barrier against the evil camp and harm evil camp creatures that touch the barrier.

Levin's [Anti-Evil Barrier] is like a huge net bag, compressing the little devils' activity space bit by bit.

Finally, when the remaining little devils were cornered, Levin cast [Expulsion]

[Expulsion: 5-ring protection system, forcing creatures to return to their original plane. 】

With waves of space distortion, some little devils were driven back to the Purgatory facade.

There are still a few clever little things that break the windows and run away, so we can't control them.

The next thing is to clean up the mess,

In the process of exorcising the little devil, Levin was the first to step forward, and he was also the most experienced.

Coupled with the performance last semester,

The little wizard of Ravenclaw was originally headed by him,

The Gryffindor was willing to obey him now.

Under Levin's command, several seriously injured little wizards were rushed to the school doctor's office by their classmates.

Patients with minor injuries can only walk on their own.

The classroom was in disarray, turned to the ground, and even the dismantled tables and chairs, torn books, and the body of the little devil had to be cleaned up.

"Well, what about Lockhart?"

After cleaning up, Hermione pointed at Lockhart, who was locked in the cage and was unconscious the whole time and asked.

"Leave him alone, let him stay here and calm down."

Levin said coldly.

"He has to pay a price for bringing out such a big crime."

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