My Twenty-four Heavens

Chapter 141: Luohan Jianglong

The voice of majesty and compassion sounded, and ripples suddenly appeared on the lake, attracting everyone's attention.

  Almost every tourist stared blankly at the lake that was no longer calm.

   Under their gaze, the golden Buddha light rose up into the sky, and countless Sanskrit scripts were flying around the Buddha light.

   The Buddha's light soars into the sky, as long as it is not a blind person can see it, it naturally attracts the attention of others.

   Especially near the Qiantang River, because of the appearance of the dragon, I don’t know how many drones are hovering in the sky.

   The appearance of golden Buddha light also attracted the attention of some drones for the first time.

   But when these drones arrived, the Buddha's light had disappeared. Instead, a monk was sitting on the golden lotus platform.

   The monk was very handsome in life, and the golden Buddha light was flowing all over his body, as if cast by colored glaze.

   The vicissitudes of life and wisdom glanced over the dumbfounded tourists, and a faint smile appeared on the monk’s face:

   "What are you...... worshiping?"

   "Buddha! We are worshiping Buddha!"

   "Please Buddha, bless me to make a fortune!"

   "The Buddha is on top, the Buddha is on top."

   Sitting on the lotus platform, full of Buddha's light, such a young monk is exactly the image of a Buddha!

   After Zhang Tong asked questions, those tourists worshipped enthusiastically.

   However, Zhang Tong's face showed a slight regret, shook his head and said:

   "The Buddha is in your heart, what do you worship me for?"

   "The little monk is a Buddha, not a Buddha."

   "If you wanted to worship the omnipotent Buddha, you would worship the wrong person today."

   "All beings are suffering, only self-sacrifice."

   Zhang Tong folded his hands together and looked up at the Qiantang River area:

   "The cause of the past, the fruit of today."

   "I thought that the little monk was already dead, but I didn't expect to resuscitate with the blood of the evil dragon today."

   "Never mind... the little monk once again used my Buddhist supernatural powers to cast down the dragon and the tiger."

   In the leisurely and ethereal voice, the handsome monk got up from the lotus platform, lightly touched his feet, and landed on the shore.

   In the enthusiastic gaze of everyone, the monk bathed in the light of Buddha, with lotus growing step by step, headed towards the Qiantang River at an incredible speed.


   At the moment Zhang Tong and Li Feng passed by, Li Feng suddenly saw Zhang Tong's figure a little illusory, but a relic blooming with rich Buddha light.

   For a moment, Li Feng seemed to think of something.


   A drone followed in the sky, and Zhang Tong, who was in the Spirit Realm, almost rushed along.

   There is no way, although Zhang Tong in the transformation of the spirit realm can be called the strongest life entity on the earth, but he is only the transformation of the spirit realm, and he does not have the ability to volley.

   In order to show the supernatural power of Buddhism, he can only add crazy speed and special effects.

   "Fortunately, the effect is not bad."

   Zhang Tong looked up at another drone that he had surpassed, and a smug smile flashed in his eyes.

   This is the advantage of the creator of the Primordial Realm.

  Although he is only transforming the spirit realm, he has mastered most of the treasures of the Primordial Realm, and the effect can be turned into a miracle by collocation as he likes.

   "The next step is Luohan Jianglong!"

   Looking at the Qiantang River that is getting closer and closer, Zhang Tong's expression is extremely calm.

   was promoted to an extraordinary python under the black blood, even if he didn't use the power of the creator to suppress the black blood, he could blast it just by relying on the power of the spirit realm.

   "Her evildoer, don't let go of it!"

   Seeing that the Qiantang River was already in front of him, Zhang Tong's burst of shouts was like a thunder explosion, overwhelming all the sounds between the world and the earth.

   Countless gazes turned towards Zhang Tong for an instant, and then there was an uproar like a tsunami from the mountains.

   "Fuck! Dawei Tianlong!"


   "There was a dragon first and then a monk, am I still on earth?"

   "Buddhism really has practice methods, this is incredible!"

   "Buddhism has said that the dragon and the tiger will fall down since ancient times, and now it seems that this dragon is going to die."

   The crowd was in an uproar, and countless mobile phones and eyes were directed at Zhang Tong.

   Zhang Tong, who has opened a variety of special effects and even changed his appearance with light, is not afraid of the attention, and only the troubled dragon is in his eyes.

   Stepping on the golden lotus flower, Zhang Tong walked on the turbulent Qiantang River, seeing the turbulent waves unmistakably.

   is bathed in golden Buddha light, Zhang Tong's whole body looks like cast in colored glaze, sacred and majestic.

  With the powerful atmosphere, Zhang Tong quickly approached the Qiantang River Bridge. The warm atmosphere that made people worshipped greatly changed the atmosphere of the Qiantang River Bridge that was originally shrouded in despair.

   "It's a Buddha!"

   "There are practitioners in Buddhism?"

   "Saved, there is a master to save us!"

   "The world we live in, is this the truth?"

   Countless people looked at Zhang Tong who was walking along the waves with hopeful, curious, and pious eyes.

   Amidst all the attention, Zhang Tong stood unhappily on the river, with a Buddhist seal in his hands.


   Accompanied by a roar of a lion, a golden lion rushed towards the dragon, and instantly slapped the dragon out of the tide.

   Buddhist supernatural power-fearless lion seal!

   Many people at the scene thought of this magical power through the image of the golden lion.

   In fact, this is just a disguise for the treasures of the Primordial Realm.

   But the onlookers don't know, they just feel that the fearless lion seal is extremely domineering, full of the charm of great light and fearlessness.

  Even the ferocious flood dragon looked extremely weak in front of the Fearless Lion Seal.


   The Fearless Lion Seal directly smashed the surging tide, and the huge dragon was blown out in the roar.


   Under the severe pain, the ferocity of the Jiaolong was aroused, and he roared and rushed towards Zhang Tong.

   The gloomy light surged on a single horn, and the rolling river water turned into a thick water arrow bursting out.


   Zhang Tong remained motionless, his face was solemn.

   I saw that the seal of his hand changed, and an illusory Buddha shrouded him in the middle, immovable and immortal.

   Fudo Mingwang Seal!

   Numerous water arrows bombarded the Buddha's phantom, and they had no effect other than ripples at the starting point.

   is essentially just a fierce beast, and he is not afraid of it. Instead, he is riding the Zhang Tong and his claws flew towards Zhang Tong and bite.

   "Stubbornly stubborn!"

   Zhang Tong, who became a handsome monk, blasted angrily, gushing out infinite Buddha's light all over his body, like the anger of the Ming king.

  Wang Ming Wang's anger enveloped, Zhang Tong stretched out his hand towards the dragon, and the bones disguised as Sanskrit were intertwined into a big golden hand. With a slap, the dragon was suppressed in the rolling river.

   "You wicked animal, you are blessed to inherit the blood of the ancestor's dragon, but you are stubborn and miserable."

   "Today the little monk punishes you to guard the Qiantang River for ten years!"

   Zhang Tong, who was in the angry look of the King of Ming Dynasty, had huge water lotus blooms suddenly under his feet, and the river water within a radius of ten meters was swirling violently.

   Under the domineering power of the river, the Jiaolong was quickly caught under Zhang Tong's feet.

   Then the huge water lotus slowly closed, taking the dragon and sinking into the Qiantang River.

   After doing all this, Zhang Tong looked at the whole world with clear eyes but nostalgia:

   "All beings are suffering, but the poor monk loves this billowing dust."

   "If you can look at the prosperous world again in hundreds of years, the poor monk has no regrets in his life."

"Namo Amitabha……"

   Zhang Tong’s thoroughly enlightened voice echoed over the Qiantang River, and in everyone’s comments, he folded his hands together and sank onto the Void Golden Lotus.

   Then his figure faded away, and in the end only a relic with a faint Buddha light fell into the Qiantang River.

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