My Twenty-four Heavens

Chapter 136: Jiaolong out of the park

Watching the autumn tide in Qiantang has become a trend as early as the Han, Wei, and Six Dynasties, and it became more popular in the Tang and Song dynasties.

   According to legend, August 18 in the lunar calendar is the birthday of the God of Chaos, so the peak of Chaos is the highest.

   The Southern Song Dynasty once stipulated that on this day, the colonel reads the water master at the Qiantang River. Later, they will learn from each other, and August 18 will gradually become a tide watching festival.

  The black blood invaded the reticulated python's body, and the spiritual cells began to contaminate the reticulated python's body, causing its body to undergo an astonishing transformation.

   In order to prevent the reticulated python from being squeezed out of black blood and die, Zhang Tong spent a full night of observation.

   After confirming that the reticulated python's mutation was under control, Zhang Tong quietly left the zoo and appeared on the Qiantang River Bridge.

   Qiantang River Bridge is a double-layer truss girder bridge across the Qiantang River, located on the Qiantang River near the Liuhe Pagoda in the south of the West Lake.

   Designed by Dongci bridge expert Mr. Mao in the Republic of China in 23rd, it is the first double-deck railway and highway bridge designed and built by Dongci itself.

   Standing on the Qiantang River Bridge, Zhang Tong is surrounded by cars that are constantly speeding by, and under his feet is a rumbling train.

   However, Zhang Tong's eyes were not placed on the vehicles, but instead looked far away in the direction of the zoo.

   "The transformation has been completed, the next step is to walk the Jiao."

   Zhang Tong's gaze was a bit solemn, and he was not sure whether the demonized python would act according to his own expectations.

   "Although the black blood cells are completely under my control, the consciousness of the giant python is still the consciousness of the giant python."

   "A beast is just a beast in the end. If the life instinct transmitted by the black blood cells cannot affect it, then I can only do it myself."

While    branded the water control bone inscriptions, Zhang Tong added some other settings to the black blood as the creator.

  For example...If you want to stimulate the power of bone writing, you must cross the bridge in the wave.

  This setting has almost become the cell instinct of this mass of black blood.

   But Zhang Tong is also not sure whether the cell instinct can drive the python to act according to the plan.

   So he can only wait!


"it has started!"

   Zhang Tong on the bridge suddenly changed his expression.

   Although he can't be omniscient and omnipotent in the real world, he still has a deep control over the black blood.

   Zhang Tong could feel that the black blood had really recovered.

   Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th!

   For Dongci people, this is a day for family reunion.

   Today is also a rare holiday for workers.

   Under such circumstances, the zoo’s business is destined to be much better.

   The genius is bright, and it is not time for the zoo to open, but the staff are already busy.

In    Snake House, countless snakes dormant in sealed glass rooms.




   At this moment, a dull impact sounded in the snake house, causing many staff members to subconsciously look towards the sound source.

"What is this!"

   "It's hitting the glass!"

   "No, the glass is going to be broken!"

   "Let’s notify the principal!"

   The two young staff members suddenly changed their colors after seeing the reticulated python's room.

   I only saw the unrecognizable reticulated python, madly crashing against the solid glass wall.

   Under the strong impact of the reticulated python, cracks began to appear on the glass wall, which was about to break.

   The entire zoo suddenly became chaotic, and a large number of security guards gathered here quickly.

   Even the head of the zoo, who had just arrived at the zoo, ran over out of breath.

   "This... is this a reticulated python?"

   The moment he saw the reticulated python, the head of the garden was full of horrified expressions.

   Because the reticulated python is not a reticulated python at all, but a more ferocious creature.

   On its body like a giant python, there are rougher and thicker scales, just like rocks.

   The original oval snake head has become more like a legendary dragon, with a spiral single horn erected on it.


   "It turned out to be a dragon!"

   "The legend that snakes can transform dragons in mythology is true!"

   "Use the anesthesia gun right away, hurry!"

   "Be sure to stun it, the scientific significance of this thing is beyond your imagination!"

   "Notify the superior immediately!"

After    was astonished, the head of the park showed an expression of ecstasy!

  As a party member who believes in science, a creature similar to the dragon appears. He clearly knows what this means.

   This means that science will turn a new page!

   As the first self to discover all this, he will be a great hero of the country.

   He even subconsciously ignored the legend that the dragon has supernatural powers, and immediately issued the order to numb the dragon.


   was confined by the glass wall, and every cell in his body was eager for the river water. The dragon became more and more manic, and roars echoed throughout the zoo, making unknown animals tremble.


   Amid the roar of the Jiaolong, the battered glass wall finally shattered, and a strong fishy smell came on his face.


   Jiaolong roared at the crowd, and the blood-colored vertical pupils were full of greed, making everyone feel the scalp numb.

   It wants to eat people!

   Under the terrifying and extraordinary breath of the dragon, everyone is cold and unable to move.

   However, the dragon finally gave up the food, and roared towards the river in the zoo under the desire coming from his whole body.

   "Chasing! Chase me!"

   "As long as it can be anesthetized, everyone will receive a million!"

   Feeling the terrifying breath of the dragon, the eyes of the principal who escaped from the dead are full of enthusiasm.

   Under the stimulation of one million, the zoo security guards gritted their teeth and chased them.

   But how does the speed of humans compare to the demonized python?

   Everyone can only watch the dragon head plunge into the river in the The huge body is cruising in the river, and a white wave visible to the naked eye appears on the water.

   The dragon is like water, and the bone inscriptions branded in the black blood by Zhang Tong also began to recover, and the dragon instinctively unlocked the ability to protect water.


   The excitement from the cells of the whole body made the dragon roar up to the sky, even the tourists waiting to enter the zoo at the entrance of the zoo heard it.

   "What sound is that?"

   "I haven't heard of it, is it an imported animal?"

   "Why don't the park open yet, the time has come!"

   At the entrance of the zoo, the tourists are already a little impatient.

   At this moment, a child looking around suddenly pointed to the river flowing out of the zoo and said timidly:

   "Dad, there is a dragon in the river."

   "Don't make trouble, there are no dragons in this world!"

   The young father played with his mobile phone in one hand and touched his daughter's head without looking up.

   But in the next moment, a roar of the dragon's roar sounded.


   The noisy crowd was silent for a moment, everyone felt as uncomfortable as if they were pinched in their hearts, and subconsciously looked towards the river.

   I saw the rough waves in the not-so-wide river, and a dark figure was looming in the water waves.

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