My Twenty-four Heavens

Chapter 114: Ground water fire wind

Xia Guo, Yangcheng.

Located in the east, Yangcheng has a majestic atmosphere not inferior to Kasaka, and it can also be called a world miracle on the earth.

The powerful power of practitioners has brought about an unprecedented liberation of productivity. The sparks of civilization continue to collide, and human beings have their own artistic aesthetics.

Unlike Kasumaka's coercive and orderly atmosphere, there is almost no natural landscape in sight.

The structure of Yangcheng appears to be natural and harmonious, and now it is a very livable city, the kind where human beings live in harmony with nature.

Located in the very center of Yangcheng, it is a huge palace.

The white buildings appear soft and coercive, and the ubiquitous reliefs are a magnificent epic that records the struggle between humans and nature.

On the huge square directly in front of the palace, there is a group of statues.

The statue vividly expresses the encounter between the young Emperor Yu and Suan, and opens a scene of human cultivation and civilization.

The cultivation civilization of the human race originated from Suan. Chen Chuhe met Dayu at the foot of Yushan Mountain, and only then has today's brilliant civilization.

Emperor Shi Sui!

Even in this day and age, Chen Chuhe's old-fashioned critic is a sacred existence on the land of Kyushu, and later Qiongqi and Yinglu are incomparable.

Shining into the endless light and looking unusually tidy palace, Dayu sat on the throne that represented Shen Yu's majesty.

"Gourmet is water, poor and strange is wind, 梼杌 is fire..."

Dayu lowered his head and looked at his palm. The palm that was supposed to be flesh and blood turned out to be like burning steel, exuding a billowing heat.

Mysterious runes flowed in Dayu's flesh and blood. As long as Dayu wanted to, he could play a fiery hand of runes at any time.

This is the method introduced by Dayu in the inscription pattern realm, and it is also one of the most important inheritances of the Xia Kingdom today-the iron smelter!

Born from the innate treasure technique of 梼杌, the powerful treasure technique finally born after Dayu's continuous scrutiny.

The appearance of the iron smelter marked the transition of human civilization from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age.

However, Dayu quickly reduced his mighty power. He frowned and looked at the blue sky outside the palace:

"This world should be made up of earth, water, fire and wind, or everything is inseparable from the characteristics of earth, water, fire and wind."

"The earth is firm, the water is moist, the fire is warm, and the wind is mobile."

"The earth keeps the shape of the object so that it does not break up. The water moisturizes so that it does not dry out, the fire heat provides energy, and the wind makes walking and moving."

"Nothing can escape this law."

The power of bone inscriptions continued to evolve in Dayu's body, feeling the mysterious process of intercepting different bone inscriptions and deducing treasures, and Dayu's eyes were slightly lost:

"So what would the power representing the earth look like?"

"If the human race can master the bones of earth, water, fire and wind, does it mean that the human race will truly usher in a prosperous age?"

As one of the most powerful human beings in the world, even though Dayu's temperament was a bit too benevolent, he was still a holy king who cared about the human race.

狻猊, qiongqi, 梼杌...

Chonghua believed that the players from nine days away, all lived in Yangcheng, so that the mystery of bone writings that Dayu mastered was more complicated than Chonghua.

But the more you know, the more you will realize your own insignificance.

"Now I am at the pinnacle of the Inscription Pattern Realm, and the bone inscriptions in my body can work well, but I still can't understand the true mystery of the inscriptions."

Dayu sighed, he was almost two hundred years old.

Although his appearance was still the same as when he was young, he could feel his qi and blood declining.

"I don't know if I can still see the arrival of the human race's flourishing age."

Dayu whispered softly. He has lived for more than two hundred years, and he has long become a wise man under the baptism of time.

He had already seen through life and death.


At this moment, Dayu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The powerful power of the peak of the inscription pattern gave him vision beyond human limits.

He could vaguely see in the distant sky, it seemed that there was a behemoth flying towards Yangcheng.

The clouds in the sky are constantly surging under the power of chaos and disorder. With the help of the players flying in the absolute realm and the sky, they are constantly shouting and screaming, and the manic spiritual power is constantly permeating.

"Fuck! Is that Yangcheng?"

"However, I am uneducated, so I can't help but travel the world."

"Too majestic, even if such a city is placed in modern society, it is not shabby."

"Why do I feel like crying? I finally found Yangcheng!"

"What about the brain! I get angry when I think about it, and I don't have a sense of direction. Why are you a brain?"

"I, I, I... I've been easily lost since I was a kid..."

Amidst howling ghosts and howling wolves, the players looked at Yangcheng in the distance with excitement!

Three days!

Under the leadership of Zhang Fangfang's brain, Chaos successfully ran away.

It took three days to finally determine the location of Xia Guo, and flew towards Xia Guoyang City.

"I'm going to see Dayu soon, the emperor Yu in the myth!"

"I heard that although Dayu is a human emperor, he is exceptionally gentle!"

"Hoe Wo, Angry Birds, be strong than Dong, white rabbit is white and white... Get out and sing for the master to conquer!"

"Hahahahaha, although we don't have the practice of another world, we are born to blow the mountain with one punch, so I ask you if you are afraid!"

"You said, will Dayu be scared to pee?"

"How should we land in a while, do we want to make an appearance like Ultraman?"

"Onima, can you stop Ultraman?"

"Are you teaching me to do things? Believe it or not I will beat you?"

"When a man suffers from impotence, he talks more often. It looks like I am a lone wolf. I took off my pants when you talked."

"Put it out than you believe it or not?"

In the process of PK when a word was inconsistent, the huge chaos soon began to approach Yangcheng, and the huge figure that looked like a man and a beast just appeared and attracted the attention of the people of Yangcheng far away.

"what is that?"

"Giant! Is it the **** of creation in the myth?"

" Legend has it that the eyes of the God of Creation are like the sun and the moon. This giant obviously has no head."

The people in the whole city were all moved by the wind, looking at the huge figure in the sky in surprise and curiosity.

Then with a loud bang, Chaos steadily landed on the wilderness outside Yangcheng, and the tremor of the big earthquake made the ground in Yangcheng feel tremor.

The terrifying and huge figure obscured the sky, and the headless body with four arms for a full kilometer was facing Yangcheng.

Accompanied by the loud rumbling noise, Chaos stepped forward towards Yangcheng.

The excitement of the players turned into a mental shock of horror and chaos, and pressed toward Yangcheng like a vast ocean.

In an instant, countless humans fainted instantly under the self-protection function of the brain.

There are also some unlucky ones who are exposed to that kind of powerful mental shock and plunge directly into madness, howling like irrational beasts.

Countless human beings bleed from Qiqiao at this moment, and the panic instantly enveloped Yangcheng.

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