Chapter 174 Mortal!

In a short period of time, a thin white horse was carried to the scene by many cavalry. He saw that, although the horse’s limbs were thin and bony, its red fur was extraordinarily delicate and friendly.

“He is beautiful.” Liu Rouer looked at the horse’s red coat, her face lit up with joy, and she reached out to look at the furry factor.

The person in front was shocked and hurriedly stopped her: “Princess, although this horse seems to be dying, it is very tenacious. It does not allow itself to be bitten. Can’t we ride it?”.

This made Liu Rou’er startled, and she retracted her hand outstretched in embarrassment.

Chen San elaborated, and pointed to the soldiers and said, “Your words are a little off the edge. If this horse is so strong, why can the soldiers be able to carry it?”.

“Honestly, Your Highness, this horse asked me to talk about it, but I can’t ride it.” The man who carried the horse before hesitated and said.

“Who are you laughing at?” Chen Er said blankly: “If you recognize the language of the horse, I will eat the feces he pulled on the spot!” He has been walking on the Rivers and Lakes for several years with a special speed. It’s fast, and it’s extremely fast. I’ve seen most things, but can anyone perceive the horse’s language?

As soon as these words were said, everyone looked at them in disbelief, thinking that the people before them were bragging.

Jiang Yuan looked at the person who raised the horse before, saw the bubbles on his head, and remembered them all in his heart.


Jiang Yuan, they had acquired the horse language attribute. He was curious, approached the sick horse, pushed it, and the thin horse groaned as if it were responding.

“Man, this turned out to be a foodie, no wonder this body is skinny.” When he heard him speak, Jiang Yuan hesitated and looked at Liu Rouer, “Does the nobleman have a dagger, lend it to Songzhou.”

His words immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Liu Rouer didn’t know what she should try to do. She took out the dagger from the cabinet and held it to him with both hands, “What should we do?”

“Nothing, he seems absolutely hungry and needs blood.” Jiang Yuan replied calmly. These words match the pictures and give the impression of gods.

Chen San laughed and turned his head to look at Shangguan Yun: “Jiang Yuan is destroying your majesty’s authority and deceiving the king face to face, so he is very wrong.”

Previously, the previous people spoke the language of horses, so everyone was a little unbelievable. However, when Jiang Yuan is expressing this kind of things, he can definitely see that he also understands the language of horses. But can horses still drink blood? This seems to be nonsense.

The recent rider was surprised. He waved his dry hands and said, “Do you understand the language of horses together?”

Jiang Yuan stared at him silently for a while. The horse language attributes that he did not inherit from him were accidentally absorbed by him. He himself hadn’t noticed the root cause of the horse’s hardening, but could he understand it by asking him? ?

After hesitating for a while, he lowered his head: “Look at how thin he is, isn’t he hungry? Give him some blood to drink, and he should recover.”

“Absurd!” Shangguan Yun couldn’t bear it, with a rather angry expression, standing up and pointing to Jiang Yuan: “What is this place? Even if you recognize the language of horses, have you found that hunger can be solved by donating human blood?”

Seeing Shangguanyun looking angry and embarrassed, Chen San was overjoyed and hurriedly added: “My lord, this person may be a villain, full of nonsense. He is a shame to gold. The editor thinks he will be killed. of.”Liu Rouer frowned slightly, she felt that she didn’t want to talk now. But how did he get to this point? Does he fully understand Ma’s language?

Jiang Yuan knew that facts are better than eloquence, so he did not answer. Instead, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, he turned to the sickly wasting horse and said, “Brother, if you get up, I will give you a sip of blood.”

No one laughed at Jiang Yuan yet. Ma seemed to be aware of what he was saying. He crouched down, grunted, struggling with his own limbs, almost fell backwards, and barely stood up.

“My God!” Recently, the people who raised horses were first shocked and exclaimed in disbelief, as if they had seen a Sect mysteriousist: “I did human activities with him for dozens of days, but I learned from Couldn’t let it face me, but as long as a word, it stood up.

Jiang Yuan rubbed his nose awkwardly. He took the attributes of the horse language, but the result was even better than own. It was amazing.

The horse that stood up was still very thin, but it couldn’t hide its original war horse. It was an excellent horse!

Chen San was frightened, his face had turned pale and he didn’t believe it.

This Chen Er had seen a ghost, with dark eyes grouped together, looking at Jiang Yuan, his heart was full of anxiety.

“You…you…do you really understand Malay?” Liu Rouer jumped off the steps and asked Jiang Yuan in surprise. In ten years of cultivation, she has never seen their people speak the language of animals.

Jiang Yuan nodded and ordered the dagger that could open her mouth to extract blood.

“Otherwise, just take mine.” Liu Rouer bit her lip, and quickly whispered: “You have just recovered from a serious illness and you have insufficient blood and energy as part of the bleeding…”

Anxious, overwhelming!

Jiang Yuan’s heart was hot, and before he could react, he cut the finger of Liu Rouer’s tail, dripped a drop of Blood Essence, and walked towards the horse with a smile.

This quick action caught Liu Rou’er by surprise. He (she) checked the small wound on his left hand finger and puffed up his cheeks: “Well, Jiang Yuan, how dare you look at me!”

From the beginning, Jiang Yuan needed Liu Rou’er’s blood, but he couldn’t provoke it. However, once she made the request, Jiang Yuan was willing to adapt to her order.

Liu Rouer is a pure thunder body, she is also a girl, and her physical balance is regular, so her blood is repaired.

Jiang Yuan put the blood on the horse’s mouth and let it lick, feeling the horse’s lips and tongue with his fingertips, and said with a smile: “I got you this supplement, your eating disorder will be solved, right?”.

This horse used to eat standard grass and has been bored for a long time. Now that it has eaten this essence, the whole body has not changed, but it has regained some vitality.

The horse slapped its front hoofs on the ground, slammed its nose, and raised its proud head to look directly at the group of people.

What is unprecedented in global history, a horse that can vomit blood? However, can a horse that was originally ill be rejuvenated by a drop of Liu Rouer’s blood?

“Ahem, I can’t think that the white warrior has already selected the horse, then this game is about to begin.” Kan Ziyuan was surprised to see this group of people, and coughed lightly and said, “I don’t know.

When Liu Rouer saw him stand up, she moved in her heart and took the initiative to bite his fur. The red fluff was very hot.

Perhaps because of drinking her blood, the horse behaved badly, and did not move fiercely, but rubbed her head against her and scratched Liu Rou’er’s neck.

“Hahahaha, don’t be like this, don’t be like this.” Liu Rouer was rubbed into a laugh, and her hand pushed him away involuntarily.

She looked at Jiang Yuan and said with a smile: “So this horse is Sect, you would think that their empire would like it.”

Jiang Yuan curled his lips, even contemptuously in his heart: “If you see his attributes, you will be shocked!”


Looking at the attributes displayed by the bubbles, they are much more exaggerated than what Jiang Yuan had seen before. He tried to choose it, but it didn’t move. At that moment, Jiang Yuan suspected that the horse was a witch beast! He wanted to choose it, but it didn’t move.

The demonstration of properties is exaggerated! this is correct.

With such a horse helping Jiang Yuan, Liu Rouer was in a very sensible mood. After leaving a sentence you want to win, she returned to the top seat and watched their game.

Upon seeing this, Chen San snorted, led the horse he had found, looked at Jiang Yuan who was blank and expressionless, and hummed, “Even if this horse can be a magical horse, it’s useless if people are not good!” He has liked it since he was a child. He is a martial artist and is an excellent rider, so he can ride horses and archery without any scruples.

Before he knew it, Chen San had already put on his armor, and his bow and arrows were ready. He was holding a silver and white spear and wearing an achromatic armor.

On the other side, Jiang Yuan was still a little uneasy. He shone on the horse’s head and said: “Look at this child, he is not guaranteed at night, his martial arts is good, and the mount he chose is very glamorous. Any thanks for teasing him in the future?”

They knew that the horse would snorted unrestrainedly and provided him with a subtle thrust from his mouth, which was not small. “If you are lucky, Jiang Yuan’s accumulated strength attributes are not unhealthy, so he is not moved at all, otherwise he will fall down and make a joke.

Jiang Yuan was surprised, even in a very strange way: “What did you do?”

The ability of this righteous thorn is not worse than him. How many tons of power attributes he has accumulated before he has the current strength. Why is this horse so much stronger than me?

Therefore, if he cannot choose him, he needs to push him harder. Of course, he can only admit that, after all, he has to think about it before he can refuse this scene.

As soon as Liu Rouer saw Jiang Yuan on the white horse, she kept feeling that one thing was missing. As soon as she saw Chen San, she had completed the shortage of weapons. With a move in her heart, Lei Yuan in the command hand waved three fingers diagonally, and roared. : “Take it!”.

I saw Lei Yuan fly out of her hands and land firmly in Jiang Yuan’s hands. Although it does not have a few Spiritual Qi, Lei Yuan was originally a supreme artifact, and its sharpness did not reminiscent of a standard weapon.

“It’s not fair!” Chen Sanyi saw Lei Yuan in Jiang Yuan’s hand, blowing his beard and staring at him. He looked at Shangguan Yun and said: “My lord, this Lei Yuan is a Divine Armament weapon on the list of famous equipment systems. , We often measure standard weapons, but should we be inclined to competition?”

The sharp weapons in their hands are very beautifully distinguished. Even if they are proficient in riding skills, they can only escape, and there is no room for protection.

As soon as Shangguanyun saw Little Sister’s movements and listened to Chen San’s words, he was extremely nervous and hurriedly blinked at Kan Ziyuan beside them, asking him to resolve the matter.

“Your Royal Highness, calm down, you all have your own weapons of choice. If none of you have the ability to choose own weapons, but if you all use military weapons?” Kan Ziyuan hesitated and finally came up with this method. You all use deadly weapons. Weapons, needless to say, right?

They knew that Liu Jianxian hadn’t spoken from the beginning, looking at the long weapon system in his hand, he said with emotion: “This weapon system has been in their empire since I was a baby, and it has never left my body. “The meaning cannot be clearer: he is unwilling to change his weapon.

Zu Ling and Chen Er looked at each other and said in unison: “The same is true of the gun I am wearing!”

Now, four of the five people are unwilling to change their own weapons, which makes Chen San Blow the beard staring and say angrily: “I knew, I might bring my father’s artifact!”The blind man was not grateful for the rebuttal, so he had no choice but to compromise.

So this is absolutely the case. Jiang Yuan is not wearing armor, holding a thunderbolt in his hand, riding a white horse, and standing by the stable.

The five people were turning around in the city, tens of meters apart, waiting for Kan Ziyuan to give an order to start the first game.

“The first game, start!”

As soon as Kan Ziyuan’s words fell, Zu Ling, He Xingyun, and Chen San ran to Jiangyuan since they didn’t say the direction, and the three formed an angle to block the direction of his escape.

“!”. How could this happen? “Liu Rouer was very annoyed when she found this. She didn’t expect the three of them to develop in the direction of Zhejiang, Tibet, and Burma from the beginning, and they were completely determined to eliminate their sub-provincial opponents in advance.

Only Liu Jianxian rode on the horse on Saturday, holding the weapon system in his hand, watching these people quietly.

“I can also be a person, but you are real dogs!” Jiang Yuan saw three people rushing over, exhaling, and shining on the white horse’s hair: “Let them see what a god horse is!”

As soon as his words fell, the three of them arrived in an instant, and their swords and spears rushed towards Burmanzhe.

In less than a minute, the white horse stepped on its front hoof, neighed loudly, raised its front hoof high, and resisted these three weapons! “.

Seizing this opportunity, the white horse stomped its heels and slid a kind of flue behind them.

As soon as the three of them reacted, there was no shadow of White Horse and Tibetan-Burman Zhe in front of them. Such a speed is rare in the world!

Chen San closed his eyes and said bitterly, “This horse is really amazing, so fast!” He even deceived him with the corner of his eye, so you will be able to imagine how fast he is.

Shangguan Yun and Kan Ziyuan, that is, their people, watched the battle from the sidelines, with shocked faces. The speed of this horse is so fast! What is this going to do?

Their Liu Rouer is very happy!

Only Liu Jianxian from them was watching the battle, and he was still calm, as if he already knew all this.

“Haha, I’m not afraid that the three of you will come back together!” The white horse gave Jiang Yuan an arrogant feeling. This is not an own battle at all, and now there is no time to participate if you don’t pretend it!

Jiang Yuan’s words angered three people. Chen Eryi jumped off his horse, holding a long sword, and roared expressionlessly, “Boy, let me show you what a somersault cloud is!”

As soon as the voice fell, in the stunned eyes of everyone, Xing Yunhe was tens of meters away, but appeared in front of Jiang Yuan in the blink of an eye. The long weapon system jumped up and cut Jiang Yuan directly from the air. .

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were slightly cold, and this person’s speed may have reached the limit of a standard individual. Unfortunately, what he muttered was a white horse.

This factor is not suitable for mortals!

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