Chapter 167

There is no doubt that such a huge world tree is a very huge opportunity for everyone, because for them now, such an opportunity can be said to be met but not desired, if they want to be on the road To achieve a better achievement, then they can be said to be more suitable now, and because of this, they are all following Jiang Yuan now, when they see Jiang Yuan directly disturbed that one, the world When I was inside, I was very happy to get through my heart.

Because they clearly understand that since Jiang Yuan can enter, it is not a very happy thing for them. As time goes by, for them now, the benefits of this can be said to be more appropriate. At this moment, their mentality is very explosive. It is precisely because of this that makes their current mentality relatively complicated. If they can, they only hope to say that they don’t need to get special this time. The huge opportunity is just to be better on this issue. At least as far as the situation is concerned, it is not a very happy thing for him. With the passage of time, they followed Jiangyin. , To know that these gods and demons have to say what they have to say, it can be said that they are very happy, because they are very clear and understand, for them now, this is just too happy, because what they are now can be said to be very eager to be able to Having such a great opportunity, at this moment, it is precisely because of this that I can say that I can’t be more happy.

For them now, even though such a problem is a bit complicated, they are also very clear. If the problem is not solved, it can be said to be difficult, and it is really because of this that it makes the present It’s relatively safe to say that if it weren’t for this reason, it wouldn’t be the current problem. In a short period of time, they have to endure such a complicated psychology because they are also very clear. I understand that once I follow When Jiang Yuan entered this sky-reaching tree, perhaps for them now, it can be said that this can be said to have a great opportunity, but in the process of myositis, there will definitely be various catastrophes. Yes, if they can’t solve this catastrophe, then for them now, these don’t seem to be very relatively complicated problems.

At this moment, everyone’s mentality can be said to have been seriously affected. If they cannot solve this problem, then for them now, it is not a very headache, and it is precisely because At this moment, their mentality is relatively severely affected, and they will only be affected very severely within a short period of time. As time goes by, if there is no way to solve this problem well If the problem is solved, then for them now, this kind of problem will only make things more complicated. If they can get more benefits from this kind of problem, then they must be directly like this in the first time. They chose, but they are also very clear and believe in this point. It is precisely because of this that they are relatively helpless now.

Relatively speaking, it is still very complicated. As far as the result of marketing is concerned, it is relatively speechless, and they all understand very clearly that once Xiangyuan enters this world tree, Whether they can get great opportunities is another matter. Whether they can directly come out of the numbers in this world, in fact, this question is relatively more complicated. If everyone is also very clear and wants More benefits can be obtained on this issue, but it is a very headache for them now, because they also know very well. I know that, relatively speaking, although they can’t afford it, they are in the short-term. If there is no way to solve this problem within time, then as time goes by, it may have unforeseen consequences for them. At this moment, everyone’s mentality is still very speechless. As far as the result is concerned, it will only make things even more helpless. At this moment, with the delay of time, it will only make things more at a loss, because they all know very clearly. As far as the current result is concerned, if there is no way to solve this problem, then the current result will only have a very huge impact on them. Jiang Yuan’s words are indeed very powerful, but they If you want to get more benefits from Jiang Yuan, then this problem must be resolved within a short period of time, otherwise, with the passage of time, there will be no way to get them the slightest benefit. Because of this, if they choose to do it this way now, although it is indeed a bit inappropriate to take everyone’s opinion, it is also occasional and understandable.

On the road of semi-strength, they never thought of giving up, and they have the slightest hesitation in this matter, because they also very clearly understand that if they want to be on this issue, It can be solved better. Although they don’t know how to accept it in a short time, it is relatively stable in terms of the current result. Yesterday the gods and demons directly entered the world tree. The words of this world tree are very huge. Numerous metaphorical breaths are constantly emerging, and you can feel the breath of countless avenues. Jiang Yuan really felt very surprised after entering directly. It is undeniable if it was before this. They would only think that the current result is relatively complicated, but the current result still feels a bit weird.

Relatively speaking, they are also very seriously affected, because it is not a very headache for them. Over time, there is no doubt that this result will only make them feel It is because of this that it is relatively complicated. At this moment, the words are relatively helpless. At this moment, everyone’s words are following Jiang Yuan, but their eyes are all on the world tree. For the cultivators among them, if they can meet such an opportunity, they naturally have to grasp it. You must know that many of their cultivators have been practicing for thousands of years, and how can they be able to Encountering such a great opportunity, such a great opportunity, before this, it can be said to be very speechless, because they have no way to meet, even if they encounter it, there is no way to accept it in a short time. ,, *** is not what they can get at all. Is it true that the current painting Jiangyuan directly gave them such an opportunity for them to firmly grasp it, if possible, would directly provide such an opportunity, It is precisely because of this that they are able to obtain it in a short period of time. When they see this scene, although they think it is a bit weird, it is undeniable that they still feel a little helpless. Yes,,, it does make them feel a bit weird, because in a short period of time, they have no way to solve this problem well.

Because if they do something, they also understand very clearly. As far as this result is concerned, they can be said to be very happy now. If they can’t solve this problem, they will only let Things have become even more helpless, and the time has been set. For this problem, it can be said that it is more appropriate, because in a short time they can’t bear it, and they have to say this problem, the world is relatively speaking It is also very complicated. If this problem cannot be solved, it will only have a very huge impact on them. It is precisely because such a short period of time can be said to be suitable for them now, but it is not. What’s not to say is that even though they cannot bear this result well, they are still very speechless. At this moment, as far as the current result is concerned, even though they have no way to go. Taking into account the looting of more treasures, and these treasures can be said to be happy for them now, but as far as the current result is concerned, it is relatively complicated. It is undeniable, even though their words are very Clearly understand, this seems to be very clear to know the words at this moment, as long as they are willing, as if they can snatch it, especially when they enter this world tree, countless Spiritual Qi continue to permeate them, and they can even clearly understand. For them now, these Spiritual Qi words can be said to have a huge effect. If they can, they really want to be able to obtain these Spiritual Qi directly in the first time, but it is undeniable that this is the current one. As a result, they are relatively speechless now. If they can, they can do this, and they have solved the problem thoroughly. If this is the case, it is not the same for them. A very happy thing. As time goes by, they have gradually realized that if you want to solve this problem smoothly, it is not just a thought, it is better to be able to In a short period of time, there can be a relatively thorough and low-level solution, but this method is relatively complicated for them now, but it is more headache for them, and it is Because of this, when this problem appears directly in front of them, they have gradually realized that if they want to carry out it to obtain better benefits, then this problem is relatively speechless. At this time At this moment, Jiang Yuan’s words directly raised his head and glanced, but they realized that if there is no way to solve this problem, then there is no doubt that he must consider the next time. What should be done to solve this problem smoothly and profitably, but it is relatively complicated, and if there is no way to solve this problem, for him now anyway It is quite helpless, and precisely because of this, after everyone has considered this point, they will only be relatively helpless in a short period of time. As time goes by, they realize this problem.Jiang Yuan directly raised his head and looked at this world tree, and when he saw this problem, the current result will only make people feel that it is more or less a little tasteless, and it is undeniable. One point, before that, he would only feel that there is no way to solve these problems well, but as far as the current result is concerned, it does make people feel that there are some small surprises, so before that They may not have so many ideas about this problem, but at this moment, the idea is that it makes people feel a little unexpected. Well, if the problem can be solved, it will only make them within a short time. It is very seriously affected. For them, this kind of problem does not seem to be a very headache. This is because if there is no way to solve this problem well, it is still relatively speechless for them. It is precisely because of this that now when they see this scene, they are gradually realizing that if they want to solve this problem, it can be said that this is the right way to do it now.

When everyone raised their heads and saw this scene, they gradually realized that there was an undeniable point. Although they were unwilling to bear it, such a problem actually appeared directly in front of everyone. They were very speechless, but they also felt that There are some little ones who can do nothing, because they all understand very clearly. As far as the current result is concerned, it is relatively complicated, but if there is no way to think of a better solution, they can only choose Open one eye and close one eye, because they all know very clearly that even though they are unwilling to bear the current result, if they can get a big chance, they still want to firmly grasp it, because They are very clear and I understand that it is already worthy of joy for them. Although they cannot get the fruits of the world tree, but now, they still need to be able to grasp this issue very tightly, maybe You can also get other good things.

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