Chapter 159

Jiang Yuan got goose bumps all over his body. He was predicted by a monster, no, it was someone’s monster for three thousand years, and I wanted to vomit. “I hold the treasure by myself. I think you, a ladyboy, shouldn’t be able to. I didn’t kill you last time. I might beat you today!”

“I don’t need to visualize these things!”

“I will be responsible for killing you with a hammer!”

When Jiang Yuan grabbed it, the Tianbao Death Hammer also appeared in his hand. When his profound arts opened, the hammer became bigger and hit Taiyi. “Someone’s Devil?”

Madam Taiyi was puzzled. Although he did not notice the meaning of this sentence, it was definitely malicious. He escaped this flattery. Madam Taiyi smiled and said: “What you hate is my love. of!”

“If you decide that he is someone’s Devil, then I am someone’s Devil!”

“Besides, I don’t know that I am one too. I will be the official of Haizhou today, or Sun, Xiaori, and Sunrise East. Only me, the official of Haizhou wins, Wan Lingxing.”

Hearing these words echoing in Jiang Yuan’s ears, he got goose bumps all over his body and felt nauseated.

Do you want to kill the cow or let it be exhausted? I dare not look directly at this picture. Jiang Yuan’s inexperienced face is forced to endure the black face, “I can’t take it anymore!”

“I can’t stand it anymore, I’m going to kill you with a hammer, shemale, I’m going to kill you with a hammer!”

Xuan Gong ran away, threw the seeds of Chaos Power, and rolled Magic power into Tuantuan. Tuantuan was repaired to an immeasurable scale. Tuantuan exploded. A force crushed all the laws, and Tuantuan blocked the Quartet. All None of the laws were born, the vast and mighty, the complete void not only fell, but also obscured the sky, Mount Tai pressed the top, and shot at Taiyi, “Chuck!”

Taiyi let out a silver bell-like laugh, and his body went directly into the void, invisible under Jiang Yuan’s gaze. With a wave of the bloody arm in his hand, he was bloody. With the sound of a dagger, the bloody arm directly slashed away from Jiang Yuan’s body. Void. The pale blood-colored arms, as fast as lightning, passed directly through Jiang Yuan’s body, tearing open a deep blood mouth, purple-gold blood flowing, Jiang Yuan retracted the hammer and the person, shocked in his heart, mobilizing the void The facilities!

What a huge magical power, what a speed of relevance, Lan Di’s immortal body played a role, and the Zijin god flashed past, a large number of Qiyun arms were approached by the power of chaos, and his body was ironed. , The wound quickly recovered. “Laugh, Jiang Yuan, you are a bit mentally retarded, I don’t accept Buckingham.”

Madam Taiyi sealed his feet on the petals, covered his mouth and cheered softly, the mountain was trembling, there was something indescribable.


Jiang Yuan stood with a hammer, his face flat, and said, “Men can’t say no. If I say I can’t beat you, people will test the demon directly, and I will beat you today!”

As he talked, Jiang Yuan’s eyes turned silvery white. His illusion-breaking eyes saw through the illusion. He tried Taiyi. In essence, Taiyi has regenerated into two human figures, a man and a woman, principle and The rules are false and true. Between reality and nothingness, the terrible thing is, “A man and a woman, no wonder he is evil!”.

Jiang Yuan smiled coldly, and poured his body’s abilities into the gang, tearing through the power of wind and thunder, seeing through the trajectory of all powers, in the deep physical phenomenon, all powers have reached the lowest point, pulling towards Taiyi. “Um?”

Madam Taiyi’s face was solemn, his blood-colored arms flashed in his hands, and the arms of the sun in the sky flashed. Those golden lights turned into low afternoon suns, heading towards the source of the river. “It’s broken!”

Jiang Yuan smashed with a hammer, tens of thousands of power burst out, shattering the void, and then a ray of sunlight, the sword split the blood-colored long sword, the void bends, and the real Taiyi flew back, with a low roar, his arms moving in the air, “Heaven Being reshaped, everything grows!”

His body melted back into the void, and the blood-colored arm appeared in his hand. The ten thousand avenues in the void merged into one arm, which was suddenly interrupted. The sun and the moon were shining, the globe bloomed, and the hall was full of splendor and three thousand guests. An arm of nineteen ice states and a large arm of the sun flew out, straddling thousands of paths, straddling time, breaking the sky and the earth, a kind of arm at the other end of the sky, slashing towards Jiangyuan. “Huh!” Jiang Yuan’s voice rang. ”

Countless gods and Devil watched them continue to breathe, their eyes were full of panic, even though it was terrible! However, their eyes were full of fear. Their eyes were full of panic.

The arm frightened time, as if it did not exist in this world. “This is absolutely frightening!”The three Sages, Nuwa, Receiving, and Zhun, looked at them in surprise together, their faces were full of shock, and so did Sage.

They have never seen such a magical arm. It’s no wonder that Madam Taiyi dared to challenge Jiang Yuan alone, because it turned out to be dependent on it! “.

“Are there such arms in the world?”

“It’s me, the sky, ignorant and ignorant, sitting by the well, looking up at the sky!”

Tongtian’s face was full of complicated expressions, and he muttered to himself, somewhat shocked, “Swipe!”

Jiang Yuan’s face was solemn and absent-minded: “Brother Daoqing! What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you?

Violet and golden light of divine power bloomed around his body. Behind him appeared a clone of Xiantian Vine, holding seven Calabash of different colors, exuding power without dodge, he is the kind of inexperienced Dao emperor, suppressing Follow all the Tao. Having mastered life and death, the immeasurable flowers and blooming plants on the earth have withered, all the Tao in the void has withdrawn, the sun and the moon in the sky have disappeared, and the dynamics have reached his long arms, and the arms of Tao are weakened. “boom!”.”

Jiang Yuan sent a hammer blow, directly destroying that fearsome arm, the bloody arm flew back, the speed of the mass remained unchanged, and hit Tai Yi’s chest hard, Tai Yi exploded, it was a battle. Blood Rain, the principles and rules have changed. Following them is a male Taiyi wearing a golden robe, “Qingdi!”

“How can you be an exquisite Taoist Heavenly Emperor?”

Madam Taiyi’s face was pale, and his face was full of horror and bitterness. I am, you are an inexperienced emperor. If you are to blame, you can blame the lives and deaths of all beings in the world. He was born to bear. “You understand too late!”

“If I just say I want to crush you, I will crush you!”

Jiang Yuan’s imperial aura invaded the air, and he walked towards Da Yi Taiyi with the labyrinth behind his back. “Haha, my real Taiyi has not been unfairly defeated!”

Real Taiyi laughed wildly and said: “No one in this world can control my life or death, neither Daotian nor Sage, including you, Jiang Yuan!”

“Only I, too, can hay appear!”

The Spiritual Qi on him jumped, rushing towards Jiangyuan frantically.

“Do you want to blow yourself up?”

Jiang Yuan snorted in cold blood and waved his big sleeves. He was so angry that the three divine lights of gold, purple, and infinity flew out, like three rays of sunlight, passing through Taiyi’s body at a subtle speed. “Absorbing hundreds of billions of feet, Sage is a beginner, a million yuan can live!”

Jiang Yuan waved his sleeves and recovered six drops of Pangu Blood Essence from the air, and then recovered the six ancestral witch origin laws, looked at Emperor Jun, and said: “If I Jiang Yuan needs treasures, I will earn it by myself!”.

“No, I hope the human Devil can pass them on to me!”

Tai Yi’s eyes dimmed, and when the wind blew, he flew into ashes in the sky.

Feeling the power of the emperor of Jiang Yuan, many gods and demons were shocked. Their bodies were trembling, and their eyes were filled with disbelief. Isn’t there only one Heavenly Emperor in the world?

But now that the Heavenly Emperor is still alive, can Jiang Yuan become the Heavenly Emperor together?

This is terrible!

“Heavenly Emperor?”

Nuwa, Tongtian, Jiuying, and the Four Sages of Tongtian exclaimed, their faces pale. As Sage, they felt in everyone’s gods and demons that Jiang Yuan’s emperor’s power was even more terrifying than Emperor Jun. Despotism will suppress the entire Tao. All thoughts have been enslaved. The charm of Tao is terrifying. This Jiangyuan is really very good. Where does he witness the world? Why are we not inclined to observe the breath of heaven and earth?

While the Four Saints were shocked and puzzled, they all felt sorry for the real person Taiyi. This guy who was well-known in the world was amazed by his skills at the time. Facing the Heavenly Emperor, it was a flash in the pan, a flash in the pan, absolutely It has been confirmed. “Major Taiyi is dead?”

Di Jun’s body was trembling and his face was pale. In order to satisfy Tai Yi, he didn’t say a few words. Tai Yi died just like that. Just accepting it was definitely a bit tired, no, it was absolutely unacceptable. “I’m from Buzhuang Mountain.”

“,I did not go.”

“Taiyi’s virtuous brother died on the battlefield, I did not intervene.”

“No, now I won’t leave, and there is no other way. I am going to kill Jiang Yuan, punished Sheikh, punished Taiyi, punished immeasurable dead ghosts.”

Emperor Jun roared, and from then on, the Heavenly Emperor seal poured into his body, and his body became golden. “Jiang Yuan, you are dead to me!”

Accompanied by this sentence, his hand is a magnificent sun, burning the heavens and the earth, destroying the earth, and he blows towards Jiangyuan: “Brush!”

Wan Sheng destroyed Tai Yi, and he was relieved. He finally killed the ladyboy. He turned his head and looked at the bloody long sword, and found that it was absolutely gone. Jiang Yuan frowned. A demon god could not take it from under his nose. , So there is a risk at all. The bloody arm has disappeared on its own, and even the owner is alive or dead. He is also hidden. Since he can’t detect it, Jiang Yuan doesn’t care anymore. The bloody arm is a sub-teacher-level sorcery, he won’t want it, he Turning to look at the message in his mind, owner: Jiang Yuan


“It’s a pity that the witch’s anger was killed. Qi Sea should go back. Even if he is angry, there is not much left.”

Jiang Yuan sighed, and Di Jun’s angry roar suddenly came from behind him. His hands were like the sun, burning the sky and destroying the earth. He sighed in relief and smiled without emotion: “I still want to talk to you. After the settlement, you took the initiative to bring him here.”

“Then let’s make this event!”

As he said, Jiang Yuan waved his spear abruptly. With the ease of stripping away all Taoism, absolutely big and improper, to deal with the sun, and finally hit Di Jun’s Magical Item boringly, as if hit on a stone, Di Jun was directly beaten into flight, unceremoniously out of boundless. Shan, Di Jun rushed back frantically: “Dang!”

Jiang Yuan gave another hammer to Di Jun, and the golden aura fell, protecting Di Jun’s whole body, and when he flew upside down again, it relieved most of his injuries.

“The fusion of air and body, you merge in my name and return to the original shape.”

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows. Amidst the cold laughter, he put away his spear, walked towards Emperor Jun, hitting a bull across the mountain, and put Emperor Jun’s body over his body, and placed the Heavenly Emperor in his body with a bang, and smashed the Heavenly Emperor. The seal is placed in his body. Di Jun’s body was blown to pieces.

Di Jun’s body was trembling, he was vomiting blood, his face was distorted due to pain and torture, the Heavenly Emperor seal separated from his body, and his whole body flew backwards. Before he remembered the Heavenly Emperor seal, Jiang Yuan first. He took a step, waved his wide sleeves, and grabbed the Heavenly Emperor seal from the Chaos Orb, “Come back!”

Emperor Jun urged Own Yuanshen to hang the mark in the Heavenly Emperor seal, only to find that he had lost contact with the Heavenly Emperor seal, and ignited the last glimmer of hope in his heart. The Heavenly Emperor seal was his last resort! “.

Although it is definitely not the emperor’s seal, it is absolutely the case. Without the emperor’s luck, the Heaven Court would be destroyed.

Di Jun found the sky, roared, his face was full of despair and sorrow, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. “Heavenly Dao is unfair, everyone, Shengjun, why is a saint born…..”

After repeating these six words repeatedly, Di Jun’s eyes were full of madness and despair. He roared, his breath flew out, turned into the sun, and walked towards Jiang Yuan: “Blode again!”

Jiang Yuan is not good at words. Since meeting the Golden Crow family group, he has encountered self-destruction.

The talent of the heavens played a role. The golden and purple infinite gods flew to Emperor Jun, the administrative body laughed wildly, and exploded with a thud. The force of terror directly destroyed hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and countless creatures would be annihilated. “call!”Jiang Yuan waved his huge sleeves, spreading all the dirt, appeared in the air, a little helpless, and lacking a little ability. Suddenly, a stern shout came from the air: “Asshole, go to hell!”.

Zixiao Palace, “The boundless mountain collapsed and the earth cracked, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the flood was torrential!”

Sage’s face was very calm. He looked at the billowing sky stream and muttered to himself: “The wild world is shattered!”

“Pangu, your Tao is incomplete and incomplete. At the moment you have just reshaped your Tao, don’t get up and reshape it completely!”

“I don’t have any problems with it!”

Sage smiled faintly. The moment he summoned the Six Saints, he glanced at Heavenly Dao, which disappeared in the blink of an eye, Pangu Hall, with a click, a crack appeared on the body of the Pangu idol. This crack is a kind of spider web. The idol’s intact body spread, and he opened his eyes, “Damn it, Sage!”

“What a deep thought! Imagine my young people dying one by one, understanding others straightforwardly measuring the immeasurable mountains, and imagining my son, father, hunting them!”

“You created wrong judgments, trying to push my happy way!”

“Then you have a headache!”

The Condor Heroine smiled warmly, his eyes probed in the gap, and he saw a stunning figure sitting in a yellow palace robe. What was terrifying was the religion created by the thorns of the Middle Ages. “No breakage, no breakage!”

“It’s time to enter the next phase of the plan!”

From the sculpture of Pangu god-tier, a divine light shot out, across time and region, and reached Handu’s divinity, piercing directly into his body, his body trembled, and he entered the state of enlightenment again. …….


There was a huge shaking sound from the sky and the earth, a huge mountain of billions of miles shattered the void, and the white light flashed and hit the river source.

Jiang Yuan avoided, looking at each other in the void, trying to turn around, his eyes narrowed, this is not a magical power, it is not a magical power at all. This is definitely not the treasure of the kinship group, but the pillar of the sky, which is the imperial mountain that propped up the sky and thus propped up the world. It collapsed! This is impossible.

A huge deep pit appeared in the world, disappearing like ink, you can’t see all the time is low, it has flew like a light-emitting diode to the land of the nine underground worlds, fleeing in terror, exuding from the exit inside Suspected the aura of ancient chaos, it seems to be a traditional chaotic beast connection, with its mouth open, trying to be greedy between heaven and earth. “Um?”

Jiang Yuan stared at the deep well because he noticed something completely different. Before he could see what had happened, a large mouth rumbling in the sky stretched for billions of miles, and the water of the Tianhe poured out and poured in. The prehistoric world. “brush!”

The currents in the sky are not normal currents, but weak waters. Weak water is not only extremely poisonous, but also water that the wild geese cannot float and the sky birds cannot fly. They sank into the water and disappeared in a scream.

Only their gods and demons are culturally sound, protected by the treasures of their family group, and are at large. The water of Tianliu spread to the Wu Family Group in an instant. Although the Wu Family Group did not have a Cultivation Base, it was worse than the Yao Family Group and was directly pointed at by thousands of people. ”

Jiang Yuan sighed while watching this scene. He thought that the Taiyi Emperor had been wiped out and the Twelve Ancestral Witch had been wiped out. It was a kind visit by the Lich. However, he disguised himself as a different kind of Lich. Kindly visit! This makes Jiang Yuan very upset.

“It’s not smart, human!”

Jiang Yuan’s complexion changed, walking towards Shouyang Mountain, an amazing light flashed, Nuwa and their first mechanism have already appeared on the scene, everyone’s expression is very important, and Sage’s figure appeared, and his eyes swept. After six Sages, “Save all beings from fire and water!”

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