Chapter 144

The sentence “take your Tao fruit” made the previous daddy blue with anger, and simply proved the Tao, condensing the Hunyuan Tao fruit! What’s more, Jiang Yuan has completely alienated the vitality of 200 million zhang, so Daddy is very Angry, his little universe has exploded, however, he saw three golden, purple, and blue lights flying. Daddy has no abilities, but his soul is trembling, instinctively worried.

“What’s wrong?”

Daddy narrowed his eyes and did not dare to neglect, creating a huge movement along the minute hand. The Taiji Tu and Xuanhuang Linglong Hall flew out mechanically from a distance, and the Taiji Tu fell on Yun Xiao’s primordial spirit, and the Xuanhuang Linglong Hall protected his body. The Tai Chi picture scrolls on the vitality of the cloud, which interferes with the light of the vitality of the cloud. Xuanhuang Linglong Palace is the treasure of superiority and merit. It is protected by Wanfa and has unparalleled defenses, which interferes with the divine light of Zi Daoguo and the divine light of cyan eternal life.


Jiang Yuan grunted blankly.

“If there is a treasure body, then the tortoise shell will be broken!”

As soon as he found out, he used the power on the right to combine all the forces into one. Together with the mace in his hand, he opened the sky ninety times and blew a major blow. The spearhead fell, destroying all directions. A bang hit Xuanhuang Linglong Hall, Xuanhuang’s infinite vitality was also destroyed, Daddy’s face changed and he flew away.

“May your tortoise shell be hard!” Jiang Yuan shattered Daddy’s face because the big hammer fell again. A power broke all the laws! One hammer turned into ten thousand hammers, ten thousand yuan turned into one hammer, and hit the daddy.

“Not good!”

Daddy’s face suddenly changed, he instinctively urged Tai Chi Tu to resist. “I just expected you!”

Jiang Yuan smiled blankly, waving his big sleeves, and a golden light of vitality flew out, a kind of Kobelco embedded, supreme and noble, cutting into the ocean of vitality and luck of daddy. There was a “poof”. The golden light is as heavy as a cut watermelon, directly cutting daddy’s eight hundred million zhang vitality and luck into the sea, and daddy’s vitality and luck instantly recedes. Jiang Yuan urged the lord of luck and directly grabbed half of the luck that Daddy had just cut off, which was more than 400 million zhang.

“Puff!” Daddy’s face was flushed, his mouth opened wide, and he spit out a mouthful of blood. His body was trembling, his eyes were wide open, with a trace of worry, he instinctively touched people. As soon as he came into contact, a large number of people came over. There was a loud bang! The mace hit one of the ten thousand hammers on the Taiji diagram, which interrupted the black and white principle and the light principle of the Taiji diagram, and could not help flying out. The speed of the group did not change, and once again blew towards the world of Xuanhuang Linglong Hall. With a roar, Xuanhuang’s vitality burst out, causing Xuanhuang Linglong Hall to fly back with Daddy.


Daddy sprayed countless endless blood into the air, his face pale and his body trembling. “Brush!” Jiang Yuan clung to daddy again, waved the spear in his hand, and threw an angry punch. Jiang Yuan swung seven mace in one breath, and every time he hit the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, which was higher than Daddy’s head. At the eighth time of this punch, Xuanhuang Linglong Hall stopped standing and flew directly back.”I allow your providence!”

Jiang Yuan snorted expressionlessly, then picked up Mazza, exploding Daddy’s body. There was a “poof”. Daddy screamed sternly, because the hammer was broken and turned into a sky full of flesh and blood. In the darkness, Heavenly Dao’s power fell, and there was also a sky full of flesh and blood falling, and gathered on daddy.

“The power of Heavenly Dao!”

Jiang Yuan frowned and smiled blankly: “Heavenly Dao wants you to take refuge, so I will remove your Cultivation Base first!” With a move in his heart, the light and fluttering Shen Zi Daoguo flew out and dived into daddy’s sea of ​​consciousness. , Went straight to the daddy’s soul, turned into a purple sky sword, scattered in many ways. Click! Daddy shook his body and spewed another mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, his Spiritual Qi dropped, and the Cultivation Base changed from a second-class Sage to a first-class Sage. A message appeared in Jiang Yuan’s mind. Jiang Yuan used the light of purple Daoguo to cut the daddy once again.

Daddy’s eyes narrowed, his face filled with worry, he shouted frantically. This purple divine weight has made his Cultivation Base almost drop. If it comes again, his Cultivation Base will drop very low in Sage Realm.

It is too difficult to reach Tao! To achieve the Tao, to restore to the original state, too much effort, daddy is not satisfied. Maybe the shouting played a role.

In the darkness, Heavenly Dao’s law was trembling, and two huge, Sacred to powerful auras spread between the sky and the earth, making the whole world quiet. The divine light that slashed towards Daddy’s Dao Guo suddenly turned. Then, two voices sounded in the sky.

Infinite advantages and merits fell, purple vitality spread from the east for 30,000 li, hundreds of millions of colors dropped, golden Lotus flower floated, sweet condensation fell from the sky, and the divine light illuminated the entire world. Then, the auras of the two supreme Sages radiated, shaking heaven and the world, because billions of gods and demons all knelt down in love and asked Sage to congratulate them.

Snail emperor’s palace.

“Oh, Taiqing, you also have your day!”

Empress Nuwa is holding the ball. His previous daddy world has been crushed to vomit blood, so his heart is comforted and happy. If you discover that you own human beliefs, this can be what happens. Nuwa smiled more happily when he felt Yuanshi Tianzun and Master Tongtian preaching separately. The palace of the sun god.

“Hey, primitive and Tongtian have their own merits!”

Tai Yi and Di Jun each drove away the big vision with weird expressions, looked at each other and laughed loudly. “Only at that moment.” Xiaoyong and Tongtian have sent the primordial spirit into the void, witnessed Da Luo Jinxian with their own eyes, concisely merged with Heavenly Dao, and saw countless scenes. In one of the scenes, people saw Yuan and Tongtian roaring with their crimson eyes. Two huge and ominous auras roared out, protecting Jiang Yuan. The celebrities in the surrounding sky shook, the law shook, and the sun and the moon were dark, as if to annihilate the planet.

The gods and demons in the sky looked at Jiang Yuan with strange eyes, as if they were looking at a dead person. Jiang Yuan has always been wild! He said: “I don’t know. Now, he has done too much, stimulating the hornet’s nest, daring to fight against the Supreme Dynasty, Primordial and Tongtian have another way, and the three sages teamed up, it is strange that Jiang Yuan is not dead.

Pangu Great Hall. The twelve ancestral witches gathered together, looking forward to them in the void, full of joy. Daddy’s spirit, blood expelled from the world, barrel, because he stared at the space, laughed loudly, and said: “The three can work together to find and eliminate this plague, Jiang Yuan!” Turning his head and looking at Jiang Yuan, he gritted his teeth and said : “Jiang Yuan, you are dead, the might of the sky is hard to violate, dare to despise the means of the sky, let you turn into fly ash these days. “There is a loud bang!

Jiang Yuan’s hammer flew away from the Taiji Tu and exploded between the world of Xuanhuang Linglong Tower. The vitality of Xuanhuang was illusory, making the Xuanhuang Linglong Tower dim. “Blow me the Associate Professor of Nursing!” Jiang Yuan shouted angrily, sending another hammer to it. Xuanhuang Linglong Tower was unable to face it, and was sent to the sky. Daddy’s body swayed as if being affected by lightning, his face turned blue, and blood spurted out again.

Jiang Yuan waved his sleeves and shook the Chaos Bead, directly withdrawing the power of the heaven and earth of the Xuanhuang Linglong Hall, carrying the Magical Item nervously, and slaughtering the laborers again.

“I strike Heavenly Dao, I will work and not complain!”

A hammer affected Daddy, and the world was smashed into objects by the fairy. At the same time, the power of Heavenly Dao poured into The Netherworld, which restored Daddy’s body again. When Daddy’s reaction was not anticipated, Jiang Yuan’s three beautiful natural magic arts also Used it.

The gold, purple and purple lights came down. The golden divine light swept across Daddy’s Yuan Qi Sea Yang, and trimmed his vitality by a factor of 1, so that the original vitality of 400 million zhang instantly became 200 million zhang. Daddy was badly injured and spurted blood again. The inexperienced longevity divine light fell, and instantly suppressed Daddy’s expectation of one million yuan meeting. Daddy’s physique is full of twilight, as if to imply the vastness of the years, countless aging air invades his physique, dying maturity. The divine light of the purple Dao Guo fell on Daddy’s Dao Fruit, instantly reducing the daddy’s Cultivation Base from the initial good level to the near-sage level. His Dao fruit burst into bloom and turned into three corpses. Daddy spurted blood on his head, and the sky was stained with blood.

Jiang Yuan was a little frustrated. He thought that being interested in Sage’s cultivation would make his talent soar, but he was very frustrated. Hearing this, daddy vomited blood again and his face was pale. Sage was so capable, his vitality of 800 million zhang was weakened, and his second rank was weakened. The expectation of a million years was weakened? This bastard is too dangerous, he escaped from the other people, and resented them. The previous person’s heart was bleeding, and he needed to die.

Kill people, hit them in the face! There is no such intimidation, no, intimidating a Sage.


In the sky, the storm was surging, the lightning flashed and thunder, two huge and terrifying figures appeared beside daddy, one on the left and the other on the right, not others, but the original and the sky. Looking at the terrible daddy, Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian each had a sarcasm, staring at Jiang Yuan a little bit hideously.

“Jiang Yuan, you dare to hurt me Dage, you are seeking your own death!” Tongtian’s eyes were red, and with a wave of his giant hand, the heavy fairy arm appeared in his hand. This light arm penetrated the world and also penetrated. The earth turned into a stream of swords, cutting away to Jiangyuan. Jiang Yuan explored in a short period of time.

Watching the flow of long arms roar towards him, tearing apart the void, his face was flat, because he waved the spear in his hand and broke the void, because the flow of long arms was bent.

As for destroying them, Jiang Yuan never thought about it, nor did he think about it. Sanqing reached the level of Heavenly Dao Sage in the Primordial World with the help of the purple qi of Hongmeng. Their primordial spirit is placed in the void. If Heavenly Dao is immortal, they will not be able to die or transform. This is the magical touch of Heavenly Dao Sage.

I didn’t notice Jiang Yuan’s words, Yuan Yuan and Tongtian were already angry in the Ninth Stage sky. When they noticed Jiang Yuan’s words, their bodies trembled angrily and their faces became unsightly. “Arrogance!” “I am going to kill you today!”

Yuanshi Tianzun grabbed his little hand and waved it, and the supreme Xiantian spirit treasure – Pangu banner appeared in his hand.

boom! boom! boom! The energy of countless Chaos Arms roared out, implying the infinite void, boundless, indestructible, and exuding strong Chaos Arms. The terrible destructive power made the gods and demons in the sky tremble. Wherever he went, everything was integrated into the energy of the Chaos Arm. The energy of the Chaos Arm became more and more huge, turning into the current of the Chaos Arm, rushing to the source of the river.Tongtian raised his heavy fairy arm, the beautiful Dao Fa whirled around him, and rushed out with one arm. Following a mysterious mechanical phenomenon, he issued a terrible lethality, intercepted a beam of energy from Jiangyuan, crossed the Heavenly Dao law of the Zhou Dynasty, and slashed towards Jiangyuan’s avenue.

Jiang Yuan grunted blankly. His eyes turned silvery white, his illusion-breaking eyes opened, he saw through the illusion of the arm of the chaos and the like, and he directly saw his essential weakness. He waved the spear in his hand and exploded. There was a loud bang! The spearhead hit the Chaos Arms purposefully. Under the action of Wanli, the Chaos Arms broke and the energy of the arms dissipated, becoming the religious energy between heaven and earth. Jiang Yuan turned around, his illusion-breaking eyes checked the Spiritual Qi of his arm in the sky, and countless trajectories of laws appeared, evolving rapidly, and finally appeared as a goal.

With a cry of coffee, Jiang Yuan exploded with his hammer. Burst the void, breaking countless laws, he held it with the light arm of Tongtian Slash Dao, blasted the hammer on it, and exploded with a bang, also bending the laws. Jiangyuan’s talents for running, there are also three colors of gold, purple, and green light flying out, rushing to the primitive and the sky.

Daddy remembered the Tai Chi Tu, and saw Jiang Yuan’s expression of three colors, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly raised his voice to urge his second brother Yuanyuan and third brother to pass the sky. Suppress the breath! Primitive and Tongtian feel dangerous instinctively. Hearing Dage’s reminder, they didn’t even think about it. They instinctively forged Xiantian religious treasures and suppressed the ocean of energy.

Suppress the sea of ​​luck with the supreme treasure, and a supreme divine light blooms, not only blocking the divine light of luck, but also blocking the divine light of Tao fruit and the divine light of longevity. Jiang Yuan’s face was cold, he exhausted all his strength and took out a hammer. This mass of things grew to several kilometers in size, covering the sky and obstructing the sun, plus the void bending, when it collided with every primitive and sky-reaching, it gave out a halo of fragmentation.

Primitive howling angrily, Pangu flags flew out of the ocean of energy, chaotic divine light gleamed, dozens of chaotic arm energy burst out and crashed into the mass. Four ancient fairy swords appeared around him, and when they hit everyone, they killed and destroyed all lives. A kind of power broke all the laws! Jiang Yuan hung the seeds of Chaos Power on the mace together with the additional power, the power increased ten million times and smashed down fiercely.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The earth bucket and mountain bucket were broken into pieces by hundreds of millions of miles. The Pangu snake persisted for a while, and Qinggong descended and was blown away.

The four heavy fairy swords received a greater impact, their arms collapsed, and they fell directly to the bottom.


Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian both changed their faces, and vomited a mouthful of blood as they flew backward.


Jiang Yuan once again used his talented magical powers, and the golden, purple, and blue lights flew out again, and the three grinning colored lights turned into two, and he once pursued the primitive sky.

Before the two of them could react, the tricolor light flashed past them.

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