Chapter 137 Cultivation

With Nuwa as a huge backer, in fact, they are relatively confident. After all, if they face other, stronger existences, maybe they will not be so upset, but now they It is also very clear that if other powerful existences do not actually need Nuwa to make a move, they can directly deal with it by themselves. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, when facing Jiang Yuan, they do not have This kind of self-confidence, because they know very well that, as far as the current situation is concerned, their fighting with Jiang Yuan is undoubtedly a part of being beaten. After all, they don’t have anything like Jiang Yuan. Their strength, let alone want to get a little bit of benefit from Jiang Yuan, this is absolutely impossible, and it is precisely because of this that this directly leads to their mentality is relatively complicated. If they can, they naturally want to solve the biggest problem in the first time, but it is undeniable that judging from the current situation, they want to solve this problem, don’t they? Just a thought can be completely resolved, because Jiang Yuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Before that, even if the Dragon King has set up a huge ambush, Jiang Yuan’s body is still a challenge. There is less than the slightest benefit. Everyone knows this point. Based on this, if you want to get a little benefit from Jiang Yuan, then it’s a good question. This is a relative comparison. The difficult problem is precisely because of this. At this moment, everyone’s mentality is so complicated and Jiang Yuan can understand it. However, it is undeniable that he and the emperor have a better mentality now. Because they knew Nuwa very clearly, what they said now was enough to contain Jiang Yuan.

There is no doubt that this is good enough news for them. After all, they all know very well that if no one can pose the slightest threat to Jiangyuan, then this will be the most troublesome news. It’s impossible to find a relatively better way for them, nor can they get a better solution to this problem. Undoubtedly, over time, this way It can be said that it is difficult for them to accept one of the methods, and it is precisely because of this, after they think twice, they feel that if they can find a relatively safe way to solve Jiangyuan directly , Then you must find Nuwa and get Nuwa’s wisdom teeth. This is the main reason why they will come to Nuwa’s palace on their own initiative during this period of time, because they know very well, I understand, during the last battle There is no doubt that Nuwa has truly demonstrated the strength of own, which has never been seen before. Before that, when Nuwa faced Jiang Yuan, he could not get the slightest benefit. This is It can be said that everyone knows something in their hearts, but it is undeniable that the current situation can also be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes, at least as far as the current situation is concerned.When facing Jiang Yuan, this is far beyond everyone’s expectations. It is precisely because of this that they believe that this time, they have mastered how to condense air transport, to condense air transport, and The easiest way to compete with Jiang Yuan is to form the Heaven Court and gather all the cases of the Yaozu together. For them, this is relatively a thing that can be done for them once and for all. , If they come, they can directly cost the entire prey, and get the support that triggered this most powerful existence. After that, it was not a happy thing for them, and they all understood very clearly. In my opinion, Heaven Court’s words were originally a relatively complicated matter. Without a huge ceremonial guard, they could be destroyed directly at any time, because they all clearly understand that their strength is relative to the previous Dragon King. In comparison, it can be said that there are too many differences. If it were not for this reason, perhaps they would be able to reap some more benefits in the subsequent confrontation with Jiang Yuan, but it is undeniable. Everyone is also very clear in their hearts. As far as the current situation is concerned, they can’t get the slightest benefit at all. Instead of having a huge conflict with Jiangyuan without being sure, it’s better to take advantage of Jiangyuan. When not paying attention, they make themselves stronger.

In this way, for them, in the end, it is not something to be happy about. In fact, they all know very well. As far as the situation is concerned, it is relatively difficult to get a little bit of benefit. Yes, it is precisely because of this that they are very clear about this truth, they directly maintain a relatively stable and stable state, at least until Baoshan can directly solve the biggest problem in Jiangyin, they will not easily deal with it. They are exposed to a relatively stiff state compared to Jiang Yuan, but it is undeniable that they also know that with Nuwa’s help at the moment, this is a very happy thing for them, at least it can let them in In a relatively short period of time, they themselves are subject to a very serious impact. Otherwise, if the intestines go down like this, it will be a very headache for them. Then everyone’s current state of mind is relatively stable. Yes, because everyone knows very well that as far as the current result is concerned, if it were not for this reason, it would not have such a huge impact on them. After all, our troublesome situation would still be a headache for them. Yes, it is precisely because of this.

They must consider a better solution. With your help, they will be more necessary in their hearts. Otherwise, they will only consider this problem and secretly carry out the own day by day, but it is undeniable One point, in the process of gradual stopping, they also have to consider whether the Wu Clan will come out to make trouble at this time. You must know that the previous words will be as good as the Wu Clan’s original fight, and the two sides are originally at the same level. Relatively speaking, it’s a relatively contradictory state. At this moment, in addition to considering whether you can directly not attract Zhang Liang’s attention, on the other hand, you have to be more cautious about what it will be. It won’t be resolved. After the temperature drops, there will be even greater troubles. For various reasons, their current mood is relatively contradictory. On the one hand, they must consider not being discovered by the Witchs, on the other hand. You have to be careful, after all, if you let Jiang Yuan know this thing clearly, Jiang Ming will definitely not let them go easily. For them, this is a very headache and very annoying thing. Consider After the problem of these actions, do they feel the need to keep themselves in a relatively low-key state again and again, so that it will not cause them a more difficult problem.

It is undeniable that they are very clear and I understand that as far as the current situation is concerned, as long as they maintain a relatively safe and stable state, they can also generate a very huge benefit for them, but if not If they can be completely in a relatively advantageous state in this duel, in fact, the gods and demons will not easily choose to sell, because everyone can say that they know well in their hearts. In the current situation, if you want to achieve a relatively good state, then there is no doubt that in addition to not provoke Jiang Yuan, you must also maintain a relatively low-key state, this time because With Nuwa, I help.

It makes them more confident in their hearts, but it is undeniable that they are also very clear and understand that if they want to achieve a relatively beneficial state in such a state of comparative advantage, in fact, it is still It’s more difficult, because what they say in their hearts is actually very clear. For them now, they can’t find more benefits in this way, and it will also cause them more headaches. After all, they are all in their hearts. I know that the strength of the current homeland has far exceeded everyone’s expectations, and they have no way to deal with Jiang Yuan. If they can find a thorough general, the most troublesome way to solve it completely. , Then there is no doubt that they will make the corresponding choice in the first time, but if such a choice is possible, they naturally hope to make it earlier, but it is undeniable that this is too much It’s difficult. This makes their emotions become more agitated. Before that, they felt that they should keep a low profile. This is more beneficial to them, especially during this period of time. , They always feel that if they maintain a relatively high-profile state, it will be a headache for them, and it is undeniable that they also know very well, for the moment it is for them if they want To get more benefits, there is no doubt that they must maintain a relatively calm state, so that they can have an advantage. If they can’t do this, then they are now the simplest and the first. What time can do is to solve this problem directly and thoroughly.

But it is undeniable that if you want to solve this problem completely, you must not only do something like this, but also maintain a relatively calm state. It is precisely because of this that this makes Everyone’s current mood is relatively complicated. They can’t wait to solve the biggest problem at any time. On the other hand, they also understand very clearly that they want to put Jiang Yuan on this one. If the most troublesome car is also solved, it is not just an idea, it may also lead to a more helpless result for them, and it is precisely because of this that they have to do this. It is undeniable that everyone also I understand this very clearly, so when I came to Nuwa’s palace and saw Nuwa, they were very excited. However, this kind of excitement is relatively stable and not very deliberate. Show it directly, when I saw Nuwa, he bowed directly and said directly to his daughter, as far as the current situation is concerned, they are relatively dominant, at least in a short period of time. A better advantage, after hearing these words from a few people, you all nodded without confession. At least as far as the current situation is concerned, it will not cause them a very huge trouble.He also called the name directly, because before you and I were fighting Jiang Yan, you can directly suppress Jiang Yuan by virtue of air luck, and this point can be said that they have seen it in their eyes, and they think that if they are given enough If given the opportunity, they can also threaten Jiang Yuan in the same way. Now, Jiang Yuan can be said to be that they please the enemy and make them a little self-contradictory. At this moment, they can unite together. There is no doubt. This would be a nightmare for Jiang Yuan. In addition, when they heard the two of them say this, it was unknowable. At least judging from the current situation, Nuwa is still very willing to cooperate with Taiyi and the others. One of them is the own Big Brother, and the conflict between him and Jiang Yuan was already very big, and Jiang Yuan also snatched his luck. There is no doubt that in the past, the bad breath came out directly in Jiangxi. Otherwise, how could the anger in his heart be calmed? You can also say that this is very clear.

Therefore, this time, when they directly searched for Jiang Yuan, everyone felt that it was completely understandable. After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, as long as the trouble of Jiang Yuan can be completely solved, it is for everyone. Saying that this is a happy thing, and it can also make their mentality relatively adjusted. Otherwise, as far as the current situation is concerned, for everyone, the previous one cannot be completely solved. They It seems that there is a knife hanging above his head, and the words of this knife are very sharp, shining with a very cold light, the words of this knife can be said to make them sleepless, because once they are in When sleeping, it is possible that the knife will be cut directly from the top of the head. It can be said to be a very huge threat to them, making their mood relatively complex. Even cultivation has no way to carry out cultivation well. Therefore, everyone’s words now are undoubtedly gathered together, and they directly want to solve Jiangyuan’s trouble completely. If they are so dependent, they are in the mood. Only then will I be happier, otherwise, how can I continue cultivation with such peace of mind.

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