Chapter 105 Face

Pangu yelled directly, and the axe in his hand radiated endless divine light. When he swung the axe in his hand once, he chopped it down directly at him. This axe seemed to be smashed into pieces. Extinguish the void, and cut directly to the paragraph arranged by the imperial physician, there was a sudden bang, and countless Star shocks were directly split into two, but the speed of that rotten theory was not reduced at all, it was directly heavy. Smashed on top of the chaos, a dull sound like thunder came out, and a disillusioned sound directly rushed in all directions, countless earth smashed directly into flying ash, and at this moment in the chaos, this change It was very dim, stopped for a while, and flew out in an instant. The countless demon kings seemed to drop dumplings directly, falling directly from the chaos, and at this moment, Tai Yi who was bearing all of this really endured it. He couldn’t help but a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face was pale, and he fell from the sky again.

When Jiang Yuan saw this scene, his eyes became very excited. He did not expect that so many Demon Kings would fall directly. He directly used his three talent skills, and suddenly the three cyan lights seemed to be swimming. Like a dragon, he slid directly on the monster kings who fell crazily, and immediately absorbed countless luck!

At this moment, Pangu seemed to have discovered the situation. It was not right with Pangu’s real body. He directly looked up at the endless void. He was very curious. Who on earth dared to plunder the trophies he realized, and an axe smashed it, as if he wanted to Find out the original.

This axe head straight towards Jiang Yuan’s location without any partiality. It may go down with a bang, and countless voids have been chopped out of a huge crack, revealing endless worry and loneliness, and a figure appeared directly in the blink of an eye. In the sky, when everyone saw the figure in the sky, they ignored and showed a very surprised expression, because they can be said to be very familiar with this voice. Before that, this figure has always been in the entire wild world. In a nightmare existence, and when you don’t have any, he will stand calmly at the highest point to defend him. Jiang Yuan did not expect that he just wanted to sit next to him and wait for the end of the dance battle. I didn’t expect that this fire would eventually swept over him. In fact, Jiang Yuanye just secretly snatched the luck from behind, and did not intend to have the slightest contradiction with these monster races. After all, this one The strength of Pangu’s real body is relatively good. If you sometimes contradict him, it is relatively tricky for the family. Therefore, in this case, let Pangu fight directly with Taiyi, and his words are just assholes. Sitting next to him eating melon seeds, he didn’t pay any attention at all, but he didn’t expect that the other party would cut it directly at him with an axe, so naturally it was very unpleasant, and he didn’t hesitate later and appeared directly in theirs. In front of him, he wanted to take a good look at whether this monster race had already swelled. Even when facing him, he could just say and do it directly, and he felt that he would not fight for the moment, and it seemed that it was about to end. Especially from the current situation, Taiyi’s formation has been broken, and even if you want to resist, you may not have the slightest ability!

When the gods and demons saw Jiangyuan, their faces were stunned. They did not expect that the general would come suddenly at this time, but they did not know whether Jiang Yuan came to this place to stop the Lich War, or plan to harm these. If the fifth united reinforcements, it would be Standing in the air, he let out a sigh of breath. He looked helplessly at Pangu’s real body and said, “This matter is none of my business. That’s it”!

Just finished saying this, countless gods, the face of the devil became very ugly, and sure enough Jiang Yuan would certainly not do any good deeds. He did not expect him to stand next to him and come to a life and death parting. , You might as well come directly to collect the corpse. Only the general can say such shameless words. If I hear these words, I can be said to be very angry in my heart, and the words fall into the ears of Taiyi On the other hand, it can be said that his face has become very ugly, his chest rises and falls, fortunately he did not spew old blood, but if he pays attention to this sentence, it can be said that it is very heartbreaking. You fucking waited for our soldiers, and then To come over to collect the corpse, that’s it. When Taiyi saw the three divine lights flying directly past, a demon king turned directly into dust. It seemed that this was all rushing to kill, so he really couldn’t stand it anymore. A mouthful of blood came out. When the Emperor saw the player, his eyes were very complicated, and his fists were tightly clenched. If it were not for the long-term, his Cultivation Base would not be destroyed directly. A demon emperor of, now speaking directly becomes a monster clan, now when he sees Jiang Yuan, his face becomes very hideous, and the hatred for Jiang Yuan in his heart can be said to be like a huge wave.

The anger of Emperor Taiyi made Pangu’s true body even more angry, and when he can directly destroy Taiyi, he can be said to be full of confidence in his heart. Now he feels that if he can use his full strength, he will definitely be able to Directly coming to the ground to completely solve, the current words can be said to be too deceitful in the future, repeatedly and five times directly against them without any black hands, now they are snatching their European trophies, so he decided to shoot directly against Zhang Yun, Pangu’s true body The roar of the cellar went straight out, and he directly moved the huge axe in his hand, and an endless Killing intent appeared between the world and the earth. The terrifying murderous intent directly reinforced you. If the reinforcements swarmed in, the face was unchanged, he After taking a glance, I saw that the golden axe directly turned dark gold, and it was a terrifying murderous intent to split the sky and the earth. There was a heavy snowfall between the sky and the earth, and in the process, the axe headed directly towards Zhang Liangpi. Past!

The emperor yelled, slashed, the golden light flashed, and the black axe stabbed, as if he was about to tear the entire void into pieces, as if it was opening up the world and smashing directly towards Jiang Yuan, seeing Pangu’s real body directly attacked the general. Countless gods and demon Hainan, and I have to say that this is indeed very beautiful. This big demon can finally be cleaned up. Now this Pangu body can directly face the three major formations. An axe splits, and the current Jiang Yuan is just a Cultivation Base of the Da Luo Jinxian. Their words have reached the Cultivation Base of the quasi-sage. When facing Jiang Yuan, it can be said that they are very easy to do, and they will definitely be able to directly use them. Completely solve it!

When he saw this scene, he also showed a smirking smile. He won’t die this time. I saw that Pangu really has a world of groundbreaking. Even if the real person is more powerful, he will be directly smashed by an axe. In half, and the emperor’s words, I just want Jiangyin to be cut in half by this Pangu’s axe right now. When I saw this scene inside, I was very helpless and shook his head. Originally, he just came to join in the fun. , The main reason is that when a melon-eating crowd sees what these appear to be raging, but in fact, Jiang Yuan did not want to have the slightest relationship with them from the beginning, and even Jiangbian’s words are already very clear. He knew that this situation would definitely not have the slightest impact on him, so he naturally allowed them. Five groups of people would fight against monsters. Anyway, in this process, they would naturally be with him. It won’t have the slightest impact, but what he never thought was that the last item would actually burn him directly, so naturally, he would be more or less depressed in his heart. If he was not allowed to act. Naturally, he would not choose to shoot, not even birds, but directly choose to watch them kill each other obediently by the side, and then Jiangwon only needs to wait until the end of this duel, and he can compare relatively. It’s good to be in a stable place and steal it, but what he never expected is that Pangu’s real body discovered him directly, and given the current situation, it’s actually not enough for the coach. At the slightest benefit, if it was before, maybe he would choose to watch it directly in a relatively stable place, but now that it has been discovered, and the axe on the opposite side is slashing directly at him, it must be very uncomfortable in his heart. Happy, and the undeniable power of this Pangu’s real body of 100 million points, is still somewhat surprised Jiangyuan. Before, he didn’t expect this Pangu’s real body to be so powerful. The words of this axe made his eyes shine. The previous words were not like this, but the current words are undeniable. They are indeed very interesting. Jiang Yuan grabbed it with a big hand. The Xiantian Supreme Hammer once again appeared in Jiang Yuan’s hands, and he used the magical powers in his body and the reinforcement of the whole body. Yards, countless chaos of divine light and chaos, the ancient sky smashed Yuan directly with its own sledgehammer for the first time, and there was a rumbling of wind and thunder between the sky and the earth, and countless wind and thunder powers condensed in this big one. Above the hammer, the sledgehammer once again turned into a tens of thousands of miles of endless void collapse, and turned into a chaotic world, blasted directly at this axe, breaking Wanfa!

The huge hammer hit the axe directly, making a thunderous roar. The huge axe made a huge explosion and turned into countless fragments. Pangu’s real body became a little vain and went backwards. It took tens of thousands of miles to stabilize his body, his eyes showed a very shocked expression, because they did not expect Jiang Yuan to be able to knock off his axe with a hammer, which was never expected. Moreover, he was directly beaten back by Jiangling. He knew very well how strong his strength was, but now even when facing his homeland, he was directly beaten back by him. You know, this is ten. The Pangu body that came out of the second set of neighbors has a power of one hundred thousandth of the Pangu god-tier, which can almost compete with Sage, but with such a powerful force, it is directly blocked by an axe and hammer. , The key is that Zhang Yuan’s Cultivation Base is only the Realm of Quasi-Sage at this time. These billion points are enough at that time, it is really unacceptable!Jiang Yuan directly mentioned a hammer, and smashed it towards Snake Bamboo. No matter when Pangu’s real body is enough, there is no hammer that can’t be solved. If it can’t be solved, then hit another hammer. Originally, Pangu It’s surprising to see Jiang Yuan possessing such a powerful strength, but now when he sees that Jiang Tian wants to rely on a hammer, he directly wants to make him feel that Jiang Yuan is too arrogant, so Pangu The real body was furious, he immediately grabbed the void with his big hand, and he was directly caught in the endless void. This time it condensed into a black and gold axe, and he did not hesitate to directly face Jiang Yuan again. After slashing in the past, Jiang Yuan’s hammer did not hesitate, and directly followed an axe to compete. The black axe directly exploded. The big hammer paused for a while, and slammed it again. It slammed into the growth of the body. Wanfa, who didn’t expect Pangu’s real body to dissipate immediately, once again turned into twelve main houses, and all of them flew out into the air, falling heavily to the ground, severely injured.

The whole world suddenly fell silent. All the gods and demons opened their eyes wide and dumbfounded. They did not expect that Pangu’s true body would be directly dropped by a hammer, directly defeating this thing. To understand this, you must know that this is Pangu’s true body. The body possesses the power of Pangu for a while, but even when facing the players, there is nothing that can directly defeat them. If it was before, they felt that Jiang Yuan must not be able to defeat South Korea, but now They actually appeared in front of them, and at this moment, he and the Emperor General’s faces became very ugly, and there was a trace of helplessness in their eyes. Pangu’s true body was directly defeated, and Jiang Ren’s words were far away. It was beyond their expectation that Jiang Yuan was just a Cultivation Base of the Daluo Jinxian. It would be his limit if he could defeat the quasi-sage, but now they did not expect that Jiang Yuan, who had just reached the realm of the quasi-sage, even Pangu really The body can be defeated directly. You must know that the strength of Pangu’s body has reached the level of Sage’s strength, but now it is still not able to pose the slightest threat to their homeland. Their current words are directly plunged into long-term doubts. , If there is no way for Pangu’s real body, this will be solved in the future, then there is no doubt that between this world, Sage is no longer in the entire wild world, Jiang Ren, can be said to be in a ceiling situation. , No one can stop Jiang Yuan’s footsteps, and if they meet at this moment, they will directly appear in front of the dead feet and say: “We beat you to see my play. It’s right to be in peace like this, but you just want to come over and provoke me. The most important thing is that I don’t have the strength yet. Wouldn’t it give me a fat beating, embarrassment, lossing face, but we’ve provoke me? If you are, then you have to pay the corresponding price, otherwise, how can I continue to mix in this wild world in the future? Wouldn’t it be a loss of Face?”

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