My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 420: Sword cuts the middle stage of Nascent Soul

Chapter 420: Killing the Nascent Soul with the Sword in the Middle Stage

The white-faced middle-aged male cultivator was shocked, but what he was facing at this moment was not a flying sword.

 So he felt a little at ease, raised his hands, and several spells flew out one after another.

He wanted to block the golden fist shadow.

 Just upon contact, I found that its power far exceeded that of ordinary spells.

It barely managed to withstand four fist shadows, and the fifth and sixth golden fist shadows had already landed directly on him.

 And the other magic weapon defensive restriction he activated immediately was also defeated instantly.

Before he could react, a figure flashed in front of him.

Immediately, the middle-aged monk felt a heavy punch hitting himself.


The powerful destructive force rushed directly into the body of the white-faced middle-aged male cultivator. While the demonic cultivator spat out a mouthful of blood, his body could not help but fly backwards several feet away.

"not good!"

At the same time, the white-faced middle-aged male cultivator suddenly saw Qin Yangzi’s figure and immediately shouted that something was wrong.

 But when he tried to use the escape technique again, he felt that his mana and spiritual consciousness were a little blocked, and he couldn't be as free as usual.

With his eyes flashing, the man gritted his teeth, and Nascent Soul flew out directly from his head.

 Let his physical body lose all vitality under Qin Yangzi's attack.

Then he dodged and teleported more than ten feet away without looking back.

This man's decisiveness surprised even Chu Ning.

However, Chu Ning, who has the experience of fighting against many Yuanying monks, will not let the opponent leave so easily at this moment.

The Five Elements Spiritual Sword, which had been poised in the air for a long time, slashed straight down!

Upon seeing this, the white-faced middle-aged monk Yuanying immediately used the teleportation technique to dodge away.

“It’s a pity that today’s use of Xuan Bing Yan consumed too much.”

Chun Ning sighed secretly in his heart at this moment, but his movements were not slow.

 With a pinch of the magic formula, the Five Elements Spiritual Sword is divided into five pieces.

 Then he shot forward and chased after him.

The white-faced middle-aged monk Nascent Soul had just completed an escape when he suddenly found that he was surrounded by five spiritual swords.

 The white face couldn't help but turn a little whiter.

 But his movements were not slow at all. At some point, a simple and strange shield appeared on his Nascent Soul hand.

 Form a mask of light to protect its Nascent Soul.

Just when he finished all this, the Five Elements Spiritual Sword came from all directions.

 It is directly stuck on this photomask.

Being hit by five spiritual swords at the same time, the light shield could not help but tremble slightly.

Upon seeing this, the white-faced middle-aged monk Nascent Soul opened his mouth and spit out several mouthfuls of baby fire, forming a flame shield in front of him.

 For a moment, the light shield outside his body shone brightly, blocking all the Five Elements Spiritual Swords.

But the aura of the white-faced middle-aged monk Nascent Soul is a bit sluggish.


Chun Ning let out a light sigh and couldn't help but become more curious about this simple shield.

But he pinched the magic formula in his hand, stretched out his finger, and a ray of pale golden light shot out, directly immersing into the golden spirit sword in front of him.

 It is the Qi of Gengjin!

 The Golden Spirit Sword, injected with Gengjin energy, shines with golden light!

The white-faced middle-aged monk's defensive light shield that had been stabilized just now was trembling violently again at this moment.

At this time, even if his Nascent Soul sprayed out baby fire again to strengthen it, it would be of no avail.

It only lasted for a few breaths, and the shield collapsed directly.

 The five spiritual swords shot straight down, and all of them pierced into the Nascent Soul of the white-faced middle-aged monk in an instant.


  With a scream.

This white-faced middle-aged monk's Nascent Soul disappeared into nothing in the air, and only a simple shield remained in place at this time.

Chu Ning immediately waved his hand, and the Five Elements Spirit Sword and the simple shield fell into his hands.

Qin Yangzi, who had just destroyed the body of the Nascent Soul cultivator, flew to Chu Ning's side, holding a storage bag in his hand, with a happy face.

“Thank you, Taoist friend Chu, for your help!” Qin Yangzi said and handed the storage bag to Chu Ning.

“You should keep the storage bag for yourself, and we will help other fellow Taoists.”

Chun Ning smiled and just put the ancient escape card and the bone fan wrapped with blood-red silk thread into the storage bag.

As soon as Qin Yangzi heard what Chu Ning said, he put the storage bag away politely.

The two of them thought about helping other monks, but at this time, the monks from the Demon Alliance also realized that something was wrong.


As the red-browed old man roared, all the Demonic Alliance monks retreated one after another.

Even the red-browed old man struggled to take Wu Changdong's blow and quickly fled back.

As for the monk who fought with Lu Yuezhang, before the red-browed old man could speak, he quickly fled away without saying a word.

 “Where to run!”

Seeing that the monks from the Demonic Alliance wanted to leave, Wu Changdong, Lu Yuezhang, Fu Jing'an and others shouted one by one.

Chun Ning and Qin Yangzi also flew out one after another and surrounded them together.

Seeing Wu Changdong using the thunder escape technique to entangle the red-browed old man, Chu Ning chose to surround the man in black who was fighting with Lu Yuezhang.

This person's appearance is only the youngest among the monks of the Demonic Alliance, and he only has the appearance of an ordinary person who is about forty years old.

 Obviously, this person either has the relevant secrets of beauty preservation, or he is indeed much younger than ordinary monks.

This black-clothed monk relied on a whip-shaped magic weapon to make it difficult for him to fight with Lu Yuezhang.

Just now, Lu Yuezhang used a token magic weapon in his hand to launch several fierce water-attribute attacks.

This man in black wielded his magic whip and erected a black magic net directly in front of him, which actually blocked Lu Yuezhang's attacks.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the man in black simply distanced himself and fled away.

Chun Ning’s spiritual consciousness was powerful and he could judge the direction of the opponent’s escape first. At this moment, he ducked and came to the opponent’s side more than twenty feet away.

With ten fingers, ten water pillars flew out and turned into ten chains to block the opponent.

Seeing this, the man in black swung his magic whip continuously. The long whip with intertwined black lights danced in the air like a black snake. Wherever it passed, the water column collapsed and disappeared.

Chu Ning was quite surprised that his figure did not slow down at all.

Using Void Escape to close the distance with the opponent again, Chu Ning's Five Elements Spiritual Sword shot out and slashed straight down with the five elements of light flashing!

At the same time, he waved his left hand, and a transparent blade struck the opponent's head with fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

 Feeling the power of Chu Ning's attack, the man in black finally stopped and turned around.

 A pair of eyes swept across Chu Ning like a poisonous snake, and at the same time, the whip in his hand danced again.

Threads of black light flew out from the whip, and once again a black net was formed in front of it.

The black light flashed on it, and there was a faint intertwining of blood and light, which actually stopped Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword.

 “Be careful, fellow Taoist Chu, this net will contaminate the magic weapon.”

At this moment, Lu Yuezhang, who came from behind, reminded loudly.

At the same time, he pointed the token forward in his hand, and phantoms of the token flew out from it and hit the black net.

But Lu Yuezhang did not dare to directly use the token magic weapon to attack.

Ch Ning was shocked when he heard Lu Yuezhang's words.

However, when he carefully felt the aura that had not changed at all on the Five Elements Spiritual Sword, Chu Ning immediately felt relieved.

“After being mixed with black black gold, my Five Elements Spiritual Sword is not afraid of even the demonic energy from the demons outside the territory.

 Such filth can hardly defile one's magic weapon. "

With this thought in his mind, Chu Ning not only had no intention of taking back his Five Elements Spiritual Sword.

On the contrary, with a pinch of the magic formula, the five-color glow on it became even brighter.

Seeing this scene, the man in black had a hint of surprise in his snake-like eyes.

 But he didn't want to fight at all, he turned around and fled away.

 But at the same time, a transparent sword light attacked!

 “Sacred consciousness attack!”

Feeling the fluctuation of consciousness on the transparent sword light, the man in black couldn't help but exclaimed.

 He never expected that a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul would dare to use the secret attack technique of spiritual consciousness on him.

He originally had a chance to dodge, but at this moment, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

Hands connected together, a black light emitted from the top of his head, facing the transparent sword light.

 And when he saw that the man in black dared to use his spiritual consciousness and secret technique to counter his own God-killing technique, Chu Ning's eyes also flashed slightly.

If it is just an attack with the God-Slaying Technique, as long as the defense is proper, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul may not be seriously injured.

However, if you rely on spiritual consciousness and secret techniques to resist, you will not only have to withstand the divine consciousness attack, but you will also have to endure the backlash of your own spiritual consciousness if you are defeated.

 Obviously, this Demonic Alliance monk has the idea of ​​letting his consciousness backfire.

Thinking about this, Chu Ning couldn't help but have a smile in the corners of her eyes.

Compared with divine consciousness, even if the opponent is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, why should he be afraid!

Transparent sword light and black light collided in the air. The two were in a stalemate in the air. Suddenly, an invisible wave exploded.

The next moment, the black light was forced by the transparent sword light of the God-Slaying Technique and shot back.

The man in black was immediately frightened, but it was useless to do anything at this moment.

 Transparent sword light and black light hit the top of his head one after another.


The next moment, the divine attack and the backlash of the divine consciousness caused the man in black to let out a cry of pain.

"How is it possible? Not only is the magical power powerful, but also the secret technique of spiritual consciousness is so powerful?"

At this moment, the man in black raised his head and looked at Chu Ning, his eyes filled with red.

  Vaguely, there was actually a bit of madness.

 Obviously, it was due to the use of divine consciousness and secret techniques to suppress the backlash of the divine consciousness.

However, even so, it was difficult to hide the horror in his eyes.

The man in black has been promoted to the middle stage of Yuanying for many years, and he has acquired quite impressive power in spiritual consciousness and secret techniques.

It would be enough to surprise him if there was not much difference in the power of the two's spiritual consciousness and secret arts.

However, in comparison at this moment, the spiritual consciousness and secret skills are not as good as the early Yuanying monk in front of him. This is really unbelievable.

It’s just that the man in black at this moment has no time to explore whether the secret technique is less powerful or whether there is really a gap in the consciousness between the two.

 Just when the two spiritual secrets were acting on him.

The black French net also collapsed under Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword and Lu Yuezhang's subsequent token attacks.

Chun Ning’s Five Elements Spirit Sword was already slashing towards him.

Holding back the backlash from his spiritual consciousness, the man in black immediately used his escape technique and flew several feet away.

 However, the attacks of the two spiritual and mystical techniques were too powerful, and his body staggered in the air and almost fell down.

The man in black finally managed to stabilize his figure.

 Chun Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword had already caught up with him and slashed him from behind.

At the same time, Lu Yuezhang also followed closely, and the token shadows were continuously shot out from the token.

The big man in black felt the power of the two attacks, and his expression suddenly changed.

The long whip in his hand flashed with black light, sweeping backwards and directly towards Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword.

At the same time, he raised his left hand and activated several talismans to meet Lu Yuezhang's token attack. The black whip collided with the Five Elements Spiritual Sword, and in the next moment, it turned into a giant black python.

The scales on the giant python shone with dark light, strikingly consistent with the scales on the long whip of the man in black.

 The eyes on it were shining with a faint light, as if they were alive.

As soon as the black giant python appeared, it completely entangled the Five Elements Spirit Sword.

His huge body covered all the glow of the Five Elements Spirit Sword.

 What surprised Chu Ning even more was that he could clearly feel the Five Elements Spiritual Sword, but at this moment he was unable to drive it out.

“It’s quite powerful!

 Shall we borrow the power of the spirit from monsters and beasts? Then let’s see whose magic weapon spirit is more powerful! "

Chuning's eyes flashed slightly, and the Five Elements Chaos Art was running rapidly.

 At the next moment, he raised his right hand, and five colored lights flashed on his five fingers.


As soon as Chu Ning's magic formula was released, five rays of spiritual light shot out, hit the black giant python, and then submerged into the black giant python.

The next moment, a bird song sounded from the black python's belly, and a blazing sun bird came out, covering the black python's head with flames all over its body.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the face of the man in black changed.

 The next moment, what stunned him was...

Another bird song sounded, and a huge spiritual bird with golden feathers all over its body and silver-white feathers on its wings emerged.

 The wings generated wind, turning into golden light and wrapping the tail of the giant python.

Immediately, a giant turquoise dragon with a dark purple snake crown on its head, a giant wolf with green eyes, and an armored dragon with a single horn appeared one after another.

 “Five monster spirits!”

The man in black has an expression as exciting as he wants to be.

At this moment, he quickly wanted to use a magic trick to condense the black giant python back into the black whip, but there was no time.


The giant python let out a roar of pain.

 The next moment, it collapsed directly under the attack of five spirits and turned into dots of black light.

The body of the black whip binding the Five Elements Spirit Sword was also revealed.

It’s just that the black light on it has completely disappeared, and it’s obvious that its aura has been greatly lost.

The man in black was shocked and angry when he saw this, and immediately wanted to withdraw his long whip.

It’s just that Chu Ning at this moment can’t let him get his wish.

The Five Elements Spirit instantly returned to the Five Elements Spirit Sword.

The next moment, the five-color light on the Five Elements Spiritual Sword flourished, and the long black whip binding the Five Elements Spiritual Sword was instantly broken into several pieces.

 “My natal magic weapon!”

The man in black screamed sadly and spit out a mouthful of blood. His vitality was obviously severely damaged.

The natal magic weapon is connected with the monk's soul. The longer the natal magic weapon is nurtured and cultivated, once it is damaged, the monk's vitality will be more damaged.

This man in black has been cultivating and cultivating his natal magic weapon for hundreds of years.

 It is damaged at this moment, which will greatly weaken its vitality.

His consciousness was seriously injured just now, and now his vitality was severely injured, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Lu Yuezhang, who arrived just in time, saw this scene, his eyes lit up, and the token in his hand flew out.

He actually directly used the token magic weapon to attack.

The man in black has already felt the attack of Lu Yuezhang's token magic weapon, but he was injured one after another, but he had no time to dodge at this moment.

  I could only watch helplessly as the token bombarded me.

Then he forced himself to activate a defensive shield.

 However, Lu Yuezhang's token is obviously not an ordinary magic weapon.

 At the blow of this token, the defensive shield outside the man in black instantly collapsed.

 The next moment, the token was blasted into the body of the man in black without losing force.

 Then he flew out from behind him.

  "You are the ones who forced me! You must all die to me!"

Following this sharp shout, Lu Yuezhang's natal magic weapon passed through the body of the man in black and exploded.

It actually turned into a burst of black mist and quickly floated dozens of feet away.

 The speed was so fast that even Chu Ning and Lu Yuezhang were unable to react.

At the same time, in the Jindan and Foundation-Building monk camps below, many demonic alliance monks' magic weapons and spells were attacking, and the ghostly mist ghosts were shooting towards this direction.

Even many monks were covered in waves of black mist at this moment, causing their expressions to change greatly.

 Many people's mana has rapidly declined.

Taking this opportunity, the monks from the Yunxiao Alliance launched fatal blows one after another.

 In just the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred Jindan and Foundation-Establishing Demonic Alliance monks died.

What is strange is that once these people died, they all turned into black mist, and then quickly gathered on top of the black mist that the man in black turned into after his body exploded.

 The next moment, the black mist condensed and turned into a human figure.

It was exactly what the man in black looked like.

What surprised Chu Ning was that the aura on his body was stronger than that of the man in black just now.

Even compared to Wu Changdong, who has the highest level of cultivation among the people, his aura is even stronger, and he is already approaching the late Nascent Soul stage.

 “The evil magic method!”

While Chu Ning looked confused, Lu Yuezhang exclaimed in surprise.

 The next moment, the wild laughter of the red-browed old man rang throughout the sky.

 “Haha, okay! I wish you, brother, if you want to use the evil magic method, then we will help you!”

 “No!” Lu Yuezhang exclaimed when he heard this laugh and shouted at the same time.

“Monks from the Yunxiao Alliance are not allowed to kill their opponents…”

 However, Lu Yuezhang’s words are simply invalid.

 Because just as the red-browed old man finished speaking, dozens of demonic monks below suddenly blew themselves up.

 Even included several Jindan monks.

Many monks in the Yunxiao League were seriously injured without noticing.

Even a Golden elixir monk and a dozen Foundation-building monks failed to defend themselves in time and died directly in such a self-destruction.

At this moment, there are still some demonic monks who are blowing themselves up one after another.

 “Quick, stop him from absorbing these ghosts!

 Otherwise, his cultivation level can be forcibly promoted to the late Nascent Soul stage! "

Lu Yuezhang exclaimed in surprise at this moment, and Chu Ning also vaguely saw the doorway.

 At that moment, he was flying towards the man in black who had turned into black mist.

The man in black named Zhu obviously knew that Chu Ning and others wanted to stop him, so he actively moved towards the black mist below to absorb it.

And in just this moment, more than ten rays of black mist of ghosts have been inhaled by him, and this person's aura has actually become a little stronger.

But when he was waiting for him to absorb it again, Chu Ning and Lu Yuezhang had already arrived hand in hand.

The Five Elements Spirit Sword and the token magic weapon attacked at the same time, and even the man in black did not dare to attack them forcefully at this moment.

After forcing the man in black named Zhu back, Chu Ning quickly said to Lu Yuezhang:

“Fellow Daoist Lu, you can restrain that guy for a moment, and I’ll deal with these ghosts.”

"Okay!" Although Lu Yuezhang was a little worried, how could Chu Ning stop so many ghosts.

At this moment, he also chose to have absolute trust in Chu Ning. After responding, he decisively attacked the man in black named Zhu who was transformed into black mist in front of him.

 At this moment, Chu Ning's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light.

 “Xiao Jin!”

With a slight shout, the golden thunder eagle that was killing people below heard it and immediately flew over.

 “These ghosts are yours!”


As Chu Ning finished speaking, the golden thunder eagle let out a roar of joy and immediately turned into a golden shadow and rushed out.

The big wings spread out fiercely, and all the ghosts who originally wanted to rush towards the demon cultivator surnamed Zhu were fanned back.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and rushed down suddenly, and all the ghosts and ghost mist disappeared wherever he passed.


The demon cultivator surnamed Zhu, who was fighting with Lu Yuezhang and was condensed by the black mist, snorted coldly and let out a strange cry when he saw this.

 The rest of the ghosts and ghosts heard this voice and immediately fled away.

 Then he tried to fly towards Moxiu Zhu from various directions.

 But at this moment, Chu Ning moved.

A pale golden light shield appeared on the surface of its body, and then its figure flew rapidly through the air, like a golden lightning flashing through the air.

 Wherever it passes, ghosts and ghosts will be dispersed upon contact.

With the joint efforts of Chu Ning and Jin Lei Diao, not even a wisp of ghostly mist could get close to the demon cultivator surnamed Zhu.

 “Damn it!”

The demon cultivator surnamed Zhu, which was formed by the black mist, saw these ghosts being destroyed one by one, and let out a shrill cry like a ghost's cry.

 The next moment, the ghostly mist that had gathered around him dispersed and filled the air.

 Suddenly, the sky turned into black mist and rolled toward Lu Yuezhang.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yuejian's expression changed slightly.

He knew that the Yuanying of the monk named Zhu was hidden and controlled in this ghost mist, but the ghost mist obscured his consciousness and made it impossible for him to find it for a while.

 And the scope of the ghost fog that filled the sky was too wide, and he could not avoid it even if he wanted to avoid it at the moment.

Lu Yuezhang immediately activated the token in his hand and emitted a layer of light curtain, covering it.

The ghost mist rolled past, and although the light curtain on its body dissipated a lot, it did not completely dissipate.

At this moment, Lu Yuezhang breathed a sigh of relief.

 The next moment, his face suddenly changed slightly and he shouted:

 “Fellow Daoist Chu, be careful!”

But at this moment, the ghostly fog in the sky was quickly sweeping towards Chu Ning.

And when they came to Chu Ning, all the ghost mist had once again condensed into the appearance of the demon cultivator surnamed Zhu.

 “Well done!”

Chun Ning was not surprised at all when he saw that this demonic cultivator took the initiative to find him.

With a low cry and a pinch of magic, the Five Elements Spiritual Sword that had been in his hand flew out and attacked the opponent directly.

Mo Xiu surnamed Zhu saw Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword coming, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes condensed by black mist.

He has not forgotten that just now Chu Ning's spiritual sword destroyed his own magic weapon.

Hands danced, the black mist flashed, and he used both hands to grab Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword directly.

When Lu Yuezhang saw this scene, his eyes suddenly shone a little.

He saw with his own eyes that Chu Ning used the magic weapon to cut off the arm of the demon from outside the territory.

No matter how powerful Zhu Moxiu's demon-shaking method is, is it possible that it can still be stronger than that of the extraterrestrial demon?

 (End of this chapter)

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