Chapter 412 Sweep away

At this moment, Bai Ling has also collected all the stars and gold sand on the surrounding stone walls.

Chuning reached out to take the jade box handed by Bai Ling and found that it was filled with a large box.

"With these star gold sands, it is convenient to refine high-level defensive magic weapons."

Chun Ning muttered to himself, and then put all the star gold sand into the storage bag.

At this moment, his eyes once again fell on the black bead with astonishing demonic energy that he had put aside before.

 Immediately I took out a jade box and put it in it, but did not put it directly into the storage bag.

Although the demonic energy on this black bead looked very stable, Chu Ning still did not dare to be careless.

 Get the talisman pen and talisman paper from the storage bag, draw several talismans on the spot and paste them on the jade box.

 Then he put it into the storage bag and put it away separately.

“Back then, the people from Changming Sect needed the method of making the talisman, and the sealing thing might also be related to some kind of monster.”

 This thought flashed through Chu Ning's mind.

Then he raised his head and looked at the cave again. After feeling it, he opened his mouth and said to Bai Ling:

“You go outside to see the situation first. I will practice here. This kind of integrated energy is really hard to find in the outside world.

 Although the energy here is not strong, it should be able to support my practice for several days. "

Bai Ling immediately responded and left the confinement.

Chuning immediately started practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art and the Nine Evolutions Body Refining Art.

 Practice in such an environment again, Chu Ning's feelings are different from those in the valley of Yunxiao Forbidden Land.

There was plenty of energy under the Ten Thousand Methods Tree, especially after taking the Ten Thousand Methods Fruit. The fused energy supply was sufficient, and Chu Ning's cultivation made rapid progress.

At this moment, the energy is far less abundant than before, but Chu Ning's cultivation speed is not slow either.

If there was a lot of external energy at that time, coupled with the refining of the Wanfa Fruit, the energy was poured into Chu Ning's body.

At this moment, Chu Ning was practicing, and his body was like a black hole, wildly devouring the insufficient energy in the space.

“The five-element spirit body’s talent for absorbing spiritual energy at a fast rate is also effective in absorbing and refining this kind of energy.”

Chun Ning felt slightly happy at this moment.

Such a fast absorption speed is due to the fact that Chu Ning has advanced to the Nascent Soul stage.

 But thinking about it, it is also inseparable from the strength of the Five Elements Spiritual Body.

 For the next few days, Chu Ning practiced in the stone room here.

Bai Ling, on the other hand, returned to the stone chamber after going to the outside world to explore and found nothing strange.

 And I go outside every day to check on the situation.

After ten days of this, Chu Ning exhaled lightly and ended the practice.

 After practicing almost continuously for ten days, Chu Ning wiped away the fusion energy here.

 Now that I feel it, there is not a single bit left.

The results of cultivation are also real.

At this time, Chu Ning looked at the proficiency in his mind.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), fourth level (11280/500000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Third Level (52642/220000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (64000/64000)】

 After practicing here for more than ten days, the Five Elements Chaos Technique and the Nine Evolution Body Refining Technique have each increased by 3,000 points.

 Although it is not as exaggerated as when I took the Wanfa Fruit.

But after all, the space energy here is thin, and Chu Ning has now reached the fourth level of Five Elements Chaos Art.

Chuning looked around again and found that there was nothing special here. All the good things seemed to have been swept away by him, and then he let Bai Ling take him out of the forbidden area.


 Youjia is in chaos.

The black-haired old man who accidentally discovered Wu Changdong and others was standing in the backyard with several foundation-building monks at the moment.

 As for Youjia’s things, they were taken out one by one.

“I really didn’t expect that all the foundation-building monks from the You family would be killed by high-level monks.”

“This means that those who do unrighteousness will be punished by death. Boss You is a man of no conscience. If it weren’t for our Yunqi Mountain, we wouldn’t be under the jurisdiction of any sect.

 This You family has long been exterminated by Zhengyou. "

“It’s good now. From now on, our Yunqi Mountain will be stable.”

Every word from everyone is counting Youjia’s evil deeds in recent years.

 Obviously, even the Immortal Cultivating Family in Yunqishan suffered greatly from this.

“I don’t know which Jindan senior in the alliance took action this time.

  It has really done a lot of harm to our Yunqishan. "

Although the black-haired old man had vaguely sensed the presence of Nascent Soul monks in Yunqi Mountain before, he did not dare to say it at this time.

While everyone was chatting, the black-haired old man suddenly felt something in his heart and looked around.

When everyone saw the black-haired old man’s appearance, they couldn’t help but ask:

"What's wrong?"

"Did you feel like someone was passing by here just now?" The black-haired old man asked hesitantly.

Hearing the black-haired old man’s question, everyone couldn’t help but look around.

"No one?"

"Yes, where is there? Fellow Daoist Qiu, are you blinded?"

“We just visited the secret room under the Youjiadu.”

The black-haired old man raised his eyes and looked again, then withdrew his eyes.

“Maybe I just sensed it wrong.”

Even if it is a Yuanying monk, if it really flies past him, he can always see the silhouette of the person.

The black-haired old man couldn't help but laugh. He thought he was a little disappointed after meeting those high-level monks some time ago.

Just as several immortal cultivating families in Yunqi Mountain continued to divide some of the resources of the You family.

Chun Ning has quietly left.

Using Void Escape and the Forbidden God Technique, he had left in front of many monks before, and they were unable to notice it at all.

“In total, I spent nearly half a month before and after Yunqi Mountain.

I don’t know if there has been any movement in the Tianji Alliance and the Demonic Alliance in the past half month. "

Flying away from Yunqi Mountain, Chu Ning released the Bagua Flywheel and drove it all the way west to Tianyu Pavilion.

This Bagua Flywheel was originally used by Yuanying monks before. Even if Chu Ning drives it now, it is still sufficient.

Chun Ning had always suspected that this treasure was made by imitating some kind of spiritual treasure.

 Two days later, Chu Ning was close to Tianyu Pavilion’s sphere of influence.

 The distance was still about a thousand miles, but Chu Ning suddenly paused.

"Is there a monk hiding in the dark? It seems that he is a monk from the Demon Alliance?"

Chu Ning's face straightened at this moment. With his spiritual awareness, he suddenly discovered that there were twelve monks hiding in a dense forest in front of him.

 In addition to the ten foundation-building monks, there are also four golden elixir monks.

And judging from the evil aura emanating from many monks, they are obviously demonic monks.

“This is the direction you must pass from Yunxiao City. These people are here to either prevent the monks from Yunxiao City from coming.

Either to prevent the monks from Tianyu Pavilion from leaving. In either case, there should not be only Jindan and Foundation Establishment monks. "

As Chu Ning fell from the sky, she couldn't help but think about it secretly. Under the influence of his spiritual consciousness, he sensed a vague aura not far from the crowd.

“It seems that the Yuanying monk has used some kind of secret technique to conceal the aura.”

Chun Ning soon noticed it, and his face suddenly became solemn.

If there are Yunxiao League monks who think that the other party only has Golden Core Foundation-Building monks, they choose to go forward and kill them directly.

I'm afraid that even the Yuanying cultivator may end up being ambushed by many people and may be on the verge of being tricked.

Moreover, since the people from the Demonic Alliance would choose to ambush people here, they must have a back-up plan.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning immediately stopped flying forward and changed direction.

Detouring a hundred miles away, Chu Ning continued to fly towards Tianyu Pavilion.

 It only flew a short distance and then changed direction again.

After going back and forth like this several times, Chu Ning had a rough idea.

“Every one hundred miles or so, there is a Nascent Soul monk leading the team, and there are three teams of monks. In this way, the Demon Alliance has not taken action against Tianyu Pavilion.

 It is estimated that the shot is not far away. "

Chuning, who had already bypassed three groups of people, raised his head and looked in the direction of Tianyu Pavilion, pondered for a moment, and continued to fly away.

Flying forward for nearly 800 miles, Tianyu Pavilion has already appeared within the range of its spiritual sense.

However, the entire Tianyu Pavilion was quiet, and there was nothing unusual about it.

“In this case, the Demonic Alliance is preparing to take action against Tianyu Pavilion.

And the monks arranged outside are more likely to prevent the Tianyu Pavilion monks from escaping to Yunxiao City. "

Chun Ning had this thought in his mind and flew towards the mountain gate of Tianyu Pavilion with confidence.

 “Who is coming...”

Outside the mountain gate, a short Jindan monk led several people to guard him.

From this arrangement alone, Chu Ning knew that Wu Changdong and others should have brought the news.

As soon as the monk saw Chu Ning Yuanying's cultivation level, he immediately stopped talking and his face straightened.

Turning around, he said politely: "It's actually Senior Yuanying. I wonder why Senior comes to Tianyu Pavilion?"

“I am Chu Ning of the Jiuhua Sect, and I am here with fellow Taoist Wu and others.”

After Chu Ning reported her home, the expression on the face of the short Jindan monk suddenly relaxed a lot, and he held his hands with a bit of joy and said:

“It turns out that Senior Chu, Senior Wu and others from Jiuhua Sect are already in the pavilion.

 Senior, please wait a moment. This junior will send a message to his fellow disciples and lead the senior in. "

As he said that, the person quickly took out a transmission note and sent it out.

 Then, he couldn't help but look at Chu Ning one more time.

Although he had already been reminded by Wu Changdong and others that this new Yuanying monk of Jiuhua Sect was very young.

 But seeing Chu Ning like this, I was still a little surprised.

 After a while, two figures came together, and they were two Nascent Soul monks.

One of them was Fu Jing'an, whom I had met once before in Yunqi Mountain.

 Another old man with a slender figure and a Taoist crown was also in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

I think it must be Qin Yangzi, the Yuanying elder of Tianyu Pavilion.

Sure enough, the old man wearing a Taoist crown from afar raised his hands and said:

 “Fellow Daoist Chu is here, but Qin is a little distant to greet him, so I hope you won’t be offended.”

Fu Jing'an also immediately introduced the other party's identity.

Chun Ning immediately returned the greeting and said, "Fellow Daoist Qin, you're so polite."

 Seeing that Qin Yangzi seemed to have some polite words to say, Chu Ning immediately spoke out:

“Two fellow Taoists, Fellow Taoist Wu should be here too. Mr. Chu has important matters to discuss with several fellow Taoists.”

Upon hearing what Chu Ning said, Qin Yangzi took back the polite words he originally wanted to say.

Fu Jing'an immediately said: "Here, let's go in and talk first."

 Immediately, the three of them entered the mountain gate.

A moment later, in Qin Yangzi's cave, several people couldn't help but straighten their faces when they heard Chu Ning's words.

"The monks from the Demonic Alliance have already appeared thousands of miles away. I think they will attack here quickly."

 Qin Yangzi sighed lightly.

“I have informed all the disciples before that they are not allowed to go out, and now it seems that the sect-protecting formation will be activated soon.

 Next, we need to rely on a few more Taoist friends. "

Wu Changdong and Fu Jing'an both nodded. They came here to help Tianyu Pavilion resist the Demonic Alliance monks.

At this time, Chu Ning said in a deep voice:

“Fellow Taoists, I have a suggestion, but I don’t know if it is feasible.”

 After seeing three people looking towards him.

Chu Ning continued: "Before I entered the mountain gate, I flew in the direction of the Demonic Alliance to check, but I found no trace of the Demonic Alliance monks.

 Thinking about it, they may be arranging to gather manpower, or they may be waiting for the Tianji League to take action.

 In this case, we might as well take the initiative. "

“What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Chu, that we should first repel the waves of Demonic Alliance monks blocking the way to Yunxiao City?”

Wuchangdong asked in a deep voice.

After Chu Ning responded, the monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul couldn't help but his face and eyes lit up slightly.

“The people from the Demonic Alliance may not have thought that we have so many Nascent Soul cultivators.

More "

As soon as Qin Yangzi heard this, his face showed hesitation.

“Fellow Wu Daoist, having said that, Qin cannot leave just in case of emergency.

They also have three Yuanying monks. In a one-on-one situation, it may not be easy to kill them. If they are delayed because of this.

When the Demon Alliance really wants to attack, the next person may not be able to resist it. "

Wuchangdong laughed at this moment: "The reason why the Tianji Alliance and the Demonic Alliance don't dare to go to war with us now is because they have mutual concerns.

 So the top combat forces of both sides are still wary of each other.

The probability of the Demonic Alliance sending two mid-stage Nascent Soul monks is low.

Fellow Daoist Fu can hold one person down. Even if Fellow Daoist Wu and Chu cannot kill each other, they are unlikely to be held back by them.

Fellow Daoist Qin, you don’t have to worry. "

Hearing what Wu Changdong said, although Qin Yangzi was still a little worried, he couldn't speak anymore.

Wu Changdong then continued:

“Each group of them also has several Jindan and Foundation-Building monks. Don’t pay attention to the Foundation-Building monks. Just the aftermath of the fight will be enough to shock them to death.

However, if the Golden Core cultivator deliberately harasses us during the fight, he may still cause some trouble for us.

Fellow Daoist Fu and I each brought two disciples, but Fellow Daoist Chu may have to arrange for fellow Daoist Qin to help us. "

 “No need!” Chu Ning spoke before Qin Yangzi could speak.

“I have raised two spiritual beasts, which are enough to cope with it.”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, several people couldn't help but look at Chu Ning.

Wuchangdong immediately said: "This is the best. Without further delay, we will set off immediately."

Hence, a group of people flew out of Tianyu Pavilion again.

 (End of this chapter)

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