Chapter 389 Killing the Demon

Chun Ning naturally saw the demon's actions at this moment, and his expression immediately changed slightly.

Although the aura of this demon is exactly the same as that of the heavenly demon in the golden spirit realm, its shape is not the same monster.

The person who possessed Xuanyin Sect You Jing and appeared in the Jinlingzhong spiritual realm was a three-handed monster.

 The limbs of the current extraterrestrial demon are the same as those of ordinary monks.

 Only a black crystal-like scale is attached to the outside of the body.

 At first, the three-handed monster was just a shadow, but this demon is not just a shadow, but has a real entity.

His strength is also far superior to the three-handed monster he encountered at the beginning.

He was worried that if he dodged, the demon would attack Cen Zijin behind him. At this moment, Chu Ning did not use Phantom Escape.

 Hand did not use the ancient treasures in the storage bag.

While his face became serious, Chu Ning combined the five spiritual swords in front of him into one.

 Mana is injected into the giant sword, and the Five Elements Spiritual Sword shines brightly.

Outside Chu Ning's body, within the body-protecting spiritual light of the Five Elements Chaos Art, there is a layer of protective shield exuding a faint golden light.

It is the magical secret technique that the system rewards after practicing Chu Ning's Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, the Immortal Golden Body!

The effect of the Immortal Golden Body Shield can be doubled when defending against magic techniques.

 In addition, the immortal golden body shield also has the effect of restraining evil spirits, ghost spirits, and yin spirits.

 Chun Ning has not forgotten.

 At the beginning, in the Jinlingzhong spiritual realm, the spiritual sword was mixed with black black gold and refined, as well as this immortal golden body.

 But it had a miraculous effect when fighting against the three-handed monster attached to You Jing's body.

Perhaps it is the two ancient treasures in the storage bag. Under such circumstances, dealing with extraterrestrial demons may not have a better effect.

“I’ve hidden myself so well. If you hadn’t absorbed the vitality too quickly, how could these old guys have discovered me?

 I will dig out your golden elixir first to see what is so special about it. "

As soon as the demon's black shadow finished speaking, he had already arrived in front of Chu Ning.

 “Chun Ning!”

Seeing this scene, Cen Zijin from behind exclaimed and quickly flew up with the turtle shell in his hand.

Seeing that the speed of the extraterrestrial demon was so fast, she had no time to step forward to resist it.

 At that moment, he drove the flying sword with white brilliance in his hand and slashed at the extraterrestrial demon.


Seeing Cen Zijin's flying sword, the demon snorted, raised his arm slightly, and a stream of demonic energy swept out.

Cen Zijin’s flying sword, which was obviously not weak, lost its aura and fell down instantly when it was touched by this demonic energy.

Cen Zijin's face couldn't help but change slightly, and he looked anxious.

 Because at this time, the extraterrestrial demon had already fled to Chu Ning.

Chun Ning didn't have too much panic on his face at this moment. He had already finished accumulating his strength and slashed forward directly with the five-element giant sword in his hand.

The sword light was only condensed on the giant sword and did not penetrate through the body.

At this moment, the giant sword flashing with five colors of brilliance slashed at the body of the extraterrestrial demon.

“A golden elixir monk’s magic weapon still wants to hurt me?”

 There was a trace of sarcasm on the face of the demon outside the territory that was shrouded in demonic aura.

Completely ignoring the giant sword that Chu Ning chopped down, the hands covered with black crystal scales grabbed Chu Ning's Five Elements Spirit Sword.

 The other one grabbed Chu Ning's Dantian directly.

The five-color brilliance on the Five Elements Spiritual Sword instantly collapsed and disappeared as soon as it came into contact with the black demonic energy.

What surprised the demon was that the Five Elements Spiritual Sword did not move the spirit at this moment.

 Instead, it was chopped on the palm of his hand.

 Suddenly, the black crystal scales wrapped around the demon's hand were easily broken open.

 A stream of purple-black blood flowed from his palm.

 “Black Black Gold?”

 Feeling the sharp pain on his palm, the demon suddenly screamed in surprise.

 The hand should be withdrawn quickly.

 But it is already too slow.

Chun Ning pressed down hard with his right hand.

 The Five Elements Spiritual Sword passed by, and half of the black palm fell off.

This demon's hand was actually broken into two pieces by Chu Ning's slash!

 Suddenly, a purple-black blood spurted out!

I don’t know what secret method this demon cast, but it stopped quickly, and not a drop of blood appeared again.

The demon suddenly became ferocious when it suffered from pain and did not retreat.

 The next moment, a sharp shout came out of his mouth.

"you wanna die!"

 With a loud shout, his left hand accelerated forward and thrust straight into Chu Ning's dantian.

 “Chun Ning!”

Seeing this, Cen Zijin couldn't help but let out a cry of sorrow.

 “Get back!” Lu Yuezhang, who had just attacked Chu Ning, also shouted loudly at this moment.

The figure also flashed in the air, flying directly towards this place, and slashed with a white sword light in his hand.

 The severity was even stronger than when it attacked Chu Ning before.

 Obviously, when Chu Ning took action before, this mid-stage Nascent Soul monk still had some reservations.

But at the speed of this extraterrestrial demon, both Chu Ning's retreat and Lu Yuezhang's attack were already a bit slower.

The black magic arm inserted into Chu Ning's extremely defensive Five Elements Chaos Art body-protecting aura.

This five-color aura is unable to stop it at all at this moment.

Seeing that Chu Ning was about to end up with the same fate as several other monks, the elixir was destroyed and the Tao disappeared.

At this moment, after the five-color spiritual light outside Chu Ning disappeared, the pale golden light mask inside appeared.

 But when the black magic arm that had been invincible before touched the pale golden light shield, it was blocked.

Not only that, the golden light actually began to dissolve the black demonic energy wrapped around the demonic arm.

Such a scene was undoubtedly beyond the expectations of this extraterrestrial demon. He was slightly startled at first. After looking at the trembling golden light shield outside Chu Ning, a ferocious light flashed in his eyes.

He actually used all the demonic energy on his arm to grab it hard.

Looking like he vowed to break Chu Ning's immortal golden body light shield directly.

 But just this little delay was enough for Chu Ning to have other responses.

 Mana was quickly injected into the Five Elements Spiritual Sword, and the Five Elements Spiritual Sword that had just cut off half of the demon's hand began to emit five colors of light again.

 Then Chu Ning swung rapidly, just as the monster clenched his fist and grabbed it.

 The Five Elements Spiritual Sword slashed directly towards the demon's left demonic arm from the side!

The demonic energy on this demon's arm was already a lot melted by the golden light of the Immortal Golden Body Protector. The Five Elements Spiritual Sword did not resist it but already cut off his arm.


 The demon suddenly felt a roar.

 But the left arm was also cut off directly under Chu Ning's chop!

 Half of the arm was no longer supported by the demon's demonic energy, and the trace of black demonic energy on it was immediately completely dissolved by the immortal golden body's light shield.

 The skinny gray-black arms underneath were exposed.

 Then the half of the palm fell straight down immediately after.

 “You dare to cut off my hands!”

Chun Ning cut off his hands one after another, and a hint of horror flashed in the demon's eyes.

 At the same time, there was also a hint of madness.

 However, before he could do anything else, Lu Yuezhang's attack had already arrived.

Perhaps due to the serious injury, this demon did not dare to confront him head-on, and immediately turned into a black shadow and disappeared on the spot.

By the time he was waiting to reappear, this extraterrestrial demon had already appeared more than twenty feet away.

Using a strange body escape technique, this demon was stunned to avoid Lu Yuezhang's blow.

And the half of the arm that was originally cut off by Chu Ning, as well as the half of the palm, stopped falling and were actually flying towards the monster.

Chun Ning had fought against the demon outside the realm in the golden spirit realm before, and knew that the opponent had the magical power to recover.

As he had expected it, he used a magic formula to separate two flying swords, one red and one white, from the giant sword.

 Strikes straight down!

  Do not wait for this extraterrestrial demon to take back his hands.

The two flying swords pierced the arm and palm respectively, and then fell to the ground with them, nailing them tightly to a rock below!

 “Well done, Fellow Daoist Chu!” Lu Yuezhang’s eyes widened at this moment and he couldn’t help but praise.

 At this time, he naturally knew that he had misunderstood Chu Ning before.

When the demon outside the territory saw this, he glanced at Chu Ning bitterly.

But perhaps he was severely injured, but he was not in the mood to fight. After a few flashes of his figure, he flew towards the mouth of the valley.

The monk from Taiheyuan who had been guarding the direction of Taniguchi for a long time waved his hands repeatedly.

Yellow palm shadows flew out one after another, blasting towards the extraterrestrial demon, obviously trying to force it back.

At the same time, Lu Yuezhang and the mid-stage Nascent Soul monk from Tianyin Pavilion had already chased after him, and they both attacked at the same time.

 But at this time, the demon disappeared again.

The next moment, the monster actually passed through the palms of the middle-stage Nascent Soul monk from Taiheyuan and appeared behind him.

Then he flew straight towards the mouth of the valley.

It was just that this demon easily broke through the encirclement of three people, but Lu Yuezhang and several Nascent Soul monks also saw it.

This demon may have had his hands chopped off by Chu Ning. He just broke out, but received two palms from the monk from Taiheyuan.

 The figure felt sluggish for a moment.

 This scene immediately made the three Nascent Soul monks from the Yunxiao Alliance very happy.

 “Monster, don’t even think about escaping!”

 The three of them rushed forward in pursuit.

The closest monk from Taihe Academy launched several attacks in the air.

At this moment, the extraterrestrial demon paid no attention to it at all, and kept flashing around.

 In a few blinks of an eye, he had already appeared at the mouth of the valley.

Then, he plunged into the forbidden area at the mouth of the valley.

I don’t know what kind of method this demon used, which completely isolated the restrictions inside and outside the valley. At this moment, it was like there was nothing in front of this demon.

 The figure of this demon disappeared directly into the restriction.

 Seeing this scene, the faces of Lu Yuezhang and the three Nascent Soul cultivators suddenly changed.

  The three of them took out the jade tablet prohibition without thinking.

Three strands of mana emerged from the jade tablet and fell into the restriction. The restriction immediately disappeared, revealing the exit channel.


At the same time, a demonic laughter rang out.

Suddenly, a black figure suddenly appeared in the restricted passage, and then flew away outside the valley.

 But it’s not who the extraterrestrial demon is.

 “Damn it, I was fooled!”

The faces of Lu Yuezhang and the other two people were ugly. How could they not know at this moment that this demon had used some secret method to hide in the restriction?

He actually deceived three people.

But when the three of them opened the restriction, they just released the extraterrestrial demon.

 Immediately, the three people also rushed out.

 Faintly, everyone in Chu Ning could also see that there were also spell attacks outside the valley.

 Obviously, the two Nascent Soul monks outside the valley also took action.

 Just without the mana support from the three Nascent Soul monks, the restriction was quickly closed again.

  Isolate the inside and outside of the valley.

 Everyone in the valley can no longer see the situation outside the valley.

But immediately, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look at Chu Ning.

 The eyes are filled with complex meanings.

 (End of this chapter)

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