My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 385: There is such a shameless person

Chapter 385 There is such a shameless person

Before Chu Ning used the Fire Spirit Sword to strike down, there was nothing in front of him.

 But when the fire spirit sword was slashed.


  A crisp sound sounded.

 The next moment, the spiritual power of fire and water attributes exploded!

But Chu Ning's sword actually hit the pen-shaped magic weapon that Jiang Cheng attacked.

Even though Jiang Cheng's magic weapon was not weak in power, under the attack of Chu Ning's fire spirit sword, all the water attribute spiritual power on it suddenly collapsed.

Even the aura seems a bit dim.

This magic weapon has certainly been nurtured and cultivated by Jiang Cheng for many years.

But Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword was originally made using a special refining method, and was mixed with refining materials such as black black gold and Xuanling soil crystal.

 The power of the magic weapon still prevails.

Jiang Cheng's face changed slightly when he saw this, and he immediately made a gesture.

The pen-like magic weapon circled in the air and then fell back into his hand.

At the same time, Jiang Cheng's figure flashed and disappeared again.

 But when his figure appeared, the pen-like magic weapon was no longer in his hand.

At this moment, Chu Ning did not feel panic at all.

 The Fire Spirit Sword flew out again, slashing straight to the right.

In the originally empty air, when the Fire Spirit Sword slashed down, there suddenly appeared another pen-shaped magic weapon that shimmered with water-attribute aura.

With the previous blow, Jiang Cheng did not dare to let the two magic weapons directly confront each other again, but he had to use his spiritual consciousness to drive the magic weapons out of the way.

 However, he didn't have time to act yet.

The Fire Spirit Sword driven by Chu Ning suddenly accelerated, and then struck the pen-like magic weapon again with lightning speed.

The two spiritual powers collided and exploded. Although the pen-like magic weapon did not break directly like Zong Daoping's jade ruler.

However, after being beheaded twice in succession, the aura on it was obviously much weaker.

Jiang Cheng's face darkened, and he quickly took back his magic weapon, but he no longer dared to use it to attack directly.

However, Chu Ning was unreasonable at this moment. He made **** and pointed towards Jiang Cheng, and the Fire Spirit Sword immediately attacked.

Jiang Cheng was forced to dodge constantly.

  Relying on the powerful spiritual consciousness, it can be avoided every time.

 But this made many monks who were watching the battle couldn't help but click their tongues.

“This Chu Ning actually forced Jiang Cheng to lose. He is the number one Golden Core cultivator in the Yunxiao Alliance!

 How is he so powerful? "

“Indeed, in terms of the power of magic and magic weapons, he seems to be stronger than Jiang Cheng, which is really incredible.

Jiang Cheng wants to win, either by dragging the word trick, which consumes more mana, or by relying on divine consciousness or other secret techniques.

 With the title of the number one Golden elixir cultivator in the Yunxiao Alliance, Jiang Cheng naturally has some tricks up his sleeve. "

 While everyone was discussing, Jiang Cheng finally made other moves after being forced by Chu Ning continuously.

“It seems that Chu Ning mainly relies on the power of spells and magic weapons, and there is no other stronger attack method.”

Jiang Cheng thought to himself.

“His spiritual consciousness is not weak. Judging from the speed at which the other party discovered his position and used the magic weapon, I am afraid that his spiritual consciousness is not weaker than his own.

However, you will definitely not be able to withstand my secret attack. "

While thinking in his mind, Jiang Cheng held a pen-shaped magic weapon and connected the dots, stimulating another white wave to meet Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

 It actually delayed the Fire Spirit Sword's attack slightly.

Taking this opportunity, Jiang Cheng, who steadied himself, muttered something and uttered an obscure spell.

And the tip of his pen was waving continuously, and soon several mysterious and unusual spells were condensed in the air.

 After completing these spells, Jiang Cheng seemed to be a little weaker in spirit, but his eyes were brighter.

Seeing that Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword had broken through its Bailang spell, Jiang Cheng immediately stretched out his finger, and these talismans were directed at Chu Ning.

 The figure itself also disappeared in a flash.

The monks who were watching the battle on the sidelines, especially Yuan Xiaolu, who had fought against Jiang Cheng before, suddenly had a solemn expression on their faces.

On the Guiyuan Sect’s viewing platform, He Feng also had a strange look in his eyes.

“This fellow Daoist Chu is really amazing. He was able to force Senior Brother Jiang to use the secret technique of spiritual consciousness.”

“No wonder Fellow Daoist Chu will fight for the first place. I am afraid that except for Senior Brother Jiang, the others are really unbeatable.” Jia Yumin also sighed with emotion.

On the field, Chu Ning also had a strange look in his eyes.

 “Divinity spell attack?”

Chun Ning had seen some magic weapons that could attack with both mana and consciousness when he was in the Northern Cold Land.

 But most of them rely on the power of magic weapons to make various sounds.

This is the first time for Chu Ning to see someone attacking with the help of a magic weapon to condense the spell like this.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, he flashed his body.

Chun Ning used Phantom Escape to leave the place.

 The next moment, he saw the talismans approaching him like a shadow.

“This talisman is similar to my God-Slaying Technique. It can be directly locked with Qi, and its attack speed is much faster than the Monk’s Escape Technique.

 So under normal circumstances it is impossible to avoid using escape techniques. "

Since there was no way to hide, Chu Ning decided not to hide at this moment.

Even if he does not use the Forbidden God Technique, even if he does not use the Forbidden God Technique, with his current strength of consciousness, Jiang Cheng's spell cannot cause much damage to his consciousness.

And if he uses the Forbidden God Technique to rebound, he can even cause a certain amount of spiritual damage to Jiang Cheng.

However, Chu Ning had no intention of doing so at this moment.

After all, it's not a life and death battle. It's enough to show part of the power of the Forbidden God Technique.

So, when the spell attack came, the fire spirit sword in Chu Ning's hand was used again and attacked Jiang Cheng.

Seeing Chu Ning's actions, Jiang Cheng's eyes flashed slightly, and he waved his pen-like magic weapon and fired several spells in succession to greet him.

“After being attacked by the talisman, his consciousness was damaged, and Chu Ning could no longer control the flying sword.”

Jiang Cheng determined that this confrontation was the time to decide the winner.

 But the next moment, Jiang Cheng was extremely shocked.

Those spells did hit Chu Ning, but Chu Ning did not react at all.

The speed of the Fire Spirit Sword was not affected at all and continued to slash towards him!

 “The spell to attack the divine consciousness has failed?”

At this moment, a look of shock finally appeared on Jiang Cheng's face.

Seeing the red flying sword pass through his spell attack, it was already in front of him in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng had no time to think about the reason.

I can only grit my teeth and wave my pen-like magic weapon to greet him.

 The scene that happened next made Jiang Cheng feel heartache.

However, due to the collision between the two magic weapons, his natal magic weapon had almost no aura at all.

 Although it is not damaged to the point of being unusable, it will take at least several years of cultivation to restore its power.

 However, this is not the end.

However, he saw a huge flaming bird suddenly flying out of Chu Ning's flying sword that had been blocked, and heading straight towards Jiang Cheng.

The two were really close. By the time Jiang Cheng sensed them, it was already too late to dodge.

“It’s not good, I forgot that he still has this trick.” Jiang Cheng groaned inwardly.

However, his reaction was not slow. Mana surged around his body and immediately formed a powerful white defensive shield on the outside of his body.

This water-attribute defensive shield should be very effective against fire-attribute spells.

 But what surprised Jiang Cheng again at this moment was that this shield had almost no resistance.

At the touch of the blazing sun bird, it collapsed!

 Can't even hold on for a breath.

The next moment, an extremely hot breath hit his face, as if it was going to burn his whole body!

 Jiang Cheng couldn't help but change his face.

 After that, he let out a long breath.

However, the spiritual bird actually stopped in the air at this moment and did not pounce directly on it.

Jiang Cheng didn't know that Chu Ning had retained his hand in the end, and immediately said with a complicated expression:

 “Fellow Daoist Chu has powerful supernatural powers, Jiang Mou has given up!”

Chun Ning, who was standing where he was, heard this, smiled slightly, and made a hand gesture.

The blazing sun bird in the sky quickly dissipated and condensed into a thumb-sized flame that fell on the Fire Spirit Sword.

In this attack, Chu Ning only slightly used a wisp of earth essence fire, and its power immediately increased by one level.

Jiang Cheng's defensive spells immediately became ineffective.

Immediately, Chu Ning waved his hand, and the Fire Spirit Sword flew upside down and fell back into his hand, and disappeared in an instant.

And his calm and composed appearance immediately made everyone present look at him sideways.

“This Chu Ning actually has such magical power. He has just entered the late stage of Jindan, and he can force Jiang Cheng, who is at the peak of the late stage of Jindan, to admit defeat!”

“The spell Jiang Cheng cast just now seems to be some kind of spiritual secret technique, and it is completely ineffective against it.

This Chu Ning's magical power is indeed too unexpected. "

“The title of the number one golden elixir monk in the Yunxiao League will be changed starting from today!”

Many monks were talking about it, and even Du Xianming's face became serious even on the viewing platform of Daluo Sect.

“It’s not unjust that Daoping lost. I didn’t expect that Jiuhua Sect would have such a powerful Jindan monk after Yu Changge.”

At this time, Ao Xuan's face looked a little dazed.

With Chu Ning's level of strength, apart from the two Nascent Soul monks in the Daluo Sect, the rest of them could not pose a threat at all.

 The revenge he had imagined before was completely hopeless.

 Everyone was talking a lot outside the court, and Jiang Cheng inside the court also had a complex expression at the moment.

The number one golden elixir monk in the Yunxiao League, a title he has held for more than a hundred years.

Even though his cultivation and character are not weak, he cannot completely ignore such fame outside his body.

At this moment, he was defeated by Chu Ning, so he had to let go of this title.

However, Jiang Cheng lost without any complaints, because he did not take any advantage in terms of spells, magic weapons, or spiritual consciousness.

Jiang Cheng's eyes flashed with a hint of loneliness, then returned to normal, cupped his hands towards Chu Ning and said:

“Fellow Taoist Chu, the waves behind push the waves ahead. Jiang Mou is convinced by this magical power!”

Chun Ning immediately cupped his hands slightly and said:

 “Jiang Daoyou accepted the concession.”

Chun Ning didn’t say too many polite explanations. He was not such a pretentious person.

What's more, he only used part of his magical power this time, but he was worthy of Jiang Cheng's words.

However, Chu Ning still admires Jiang Cheng a little.

Especially the last secret spell, the attack power is really not weak. If it were someone else, even a peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage, he might not be able to withstand it.

It just happened to meet Chu Ning.

Jiang Cheng cupped his hands, said nothing, stood up and flew away from the high platform.

It was only at this moment that Lu Yuezhang, a monk in the middle stage of Yuan Ying who had returned to the Yuan Sect, appeared on the high platform.

 After giving Chu Ning a meaningful look, he announced the result:

“The winner of this competition is Jiuhua Zong Chu Ning!

Fellow Daoist Chu, according to the rules, you can bring a monk with you into the forbidden area to consume the spiritual fruit of the Ten Thousand Dharma Tree.

However, this monk must be a monk from our Yunxiao Alliance. Please keep this in mind, Fellow Daoist Chu. "

Chun Ning responded directly: "The person I am bringing is an elder of our sect."

“That’s okay.” Lu Yuezhang nodded.

“All the monks who have obtained quotas will still gather here tomorrow morning, and the Nascent Soul monks in the alliance will take you there together.”

 “Thank you, senior!” Chu Ning cupped his hands and agreed.

Suddenly he was about to fly away from the high platform, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

 “Wait a minute!”

Following the sound, everyone looked in the direction of Daluo Sect’s viewing platform.

 It was discovered that the person who made the noise was none other than Du Xianming of Daluo Sect.

“Fellow Daoist Lu, I think Jiuhua Sect’s approach is inappropriate.

 The so-called elders are just monks who temporarily joined the sect a year ago.

Does anyone know the identity of these people? If they were arranged by other alliances, wouldn't these fruits of all powers be in vain to benefit outsiders? "

As he spoke, Du Xianming pointed at Cen Zijin on the stands of Jiuhua Sect.

Then he continued: "And if this example is opened first, in the future, each sect can even temporarily recruit a powerful Jindan monk to come and fight.

By then, the treasures of heaven, materials, and earth such as the Ten Thousand Dharma Fruits, Spiritual Fruits, etc. will no longer be unique to our Yunxiao Alliance. "

Hearing Du Xianming's words, the monks on various viewing platforms in the dojo suddenly started talking.

Although everyone knows the purpose of Du Xianming's words, which is mainly due to the contradiction between the two sects, no one directly echoed it at the moment.

 But it is obvious that among the many monks, there are also many people who somewhat agree with Du Xianming's words.

On the high platform, Lu Yuezhang did not answer immediately at this moment, but began to ponder a little. He seemed to be thinking about Du Xianming's words.

Du Xianming's eyes flashed slightly when he saw this scene.

Chun Ning won the first place, but the loss was the interests of the Guiyuan Sect. The Guiyuan Sect can no longer turn to Chu Ning.

“I didn’t expect that there would be such a shameless person in the Yunxiao Alliance.”

At this moment, a calm voice suddenly sounded from the high platform.

 As soon as this voice came out, the scene immediately became an uproar.

Du Xianming's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light, and he jumped into the air and headed straight for the high platform.

Tang Xuan, who was on another viewing stand aside, did not move slowly at all, and also flew over.

However, what surprised many people was that Tang Xuan did not fall in front of Chu Ning, but stood beside Chu Ning.

 It seemed that he was just waiting for what Du Xianming would do and acted immediately.

However, Chu Ning was still asked to face Du Xianming directly, without any intention of helping Chu Ning withstand the pressure.

 Seeing this scene, a trace of curiosity flashed in Lu Yuezhang's eyes.

He didn't do anything at all, he just looked at the three of them quietly.

It looked like he would not interfere as long as the three of them did not do anything excessive.

Du Xianming's aura was astonishing at the moment, and the pressure of the Yuanying monks was directly pressing towards Chu Ning.

 The tone is also extremely cold.

"What did you say?"

Under the pressure of Du Xianming’s astonishing momentum, Chu Ning seemed unaware and said calmly:

 “I say, Da Luo Zong is shameless!”

 (End of this chapter)

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