My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 382: I choose, Jiuhua Zong Chu Ning

Chapter 382 I choose Jiuhua Zong Chu Ning

“Most of the participants are late-stage Jindan monks.”

 In the dojo, looking at the monks who came forward to measure the bone age, the others were also talking about it.

“This is not surprising, since there are so many late-stage Jindan monks coming this time.

 There are not many opportunities for monks in the middle and early stages of Jindan.

 It is better not to participate than to do this. "

While everyone was talking about it, Chu Ning was also looking at the many monks who came with him to the high platform to measure the bone age.

 There are a few of them whom I know personally.

For example, He Feng from the Guiyuan Sect, Cai Yongbin from the Yuhui Sect, and others have met in the Jinlingzhong spiritual realm before.

He Feng was considered the leader of the Yunxiao Alliance at the time.

After Chu Ning took Shi Xuerong through the spiritual mist on the top of the mountain with a space crack, he also introduced them to each other.

 And this Cai Yongbin of Yuhui Sect is the late Jindan monk who walked through the spiritual mist on the top of the mountain with Chu Ning.

But after the place was divided into several routes, Chu Ning and his teacher Xuerong, and Yuan Zhuo and Jia Yumin all arrived successfully.

Chai Yongbin, together with the other three monks, was the only one who came out in the end.

There is also Rong Daoping of Daluo Sect, whom I only met when I came here.

At this moment, Chu Ning's eyes fell on another late-stage Jindan cultivator in Guiyuan Sect.

“This person must be Jiang Cheng, who is as famous as the sect master, and is at the peak of the late Jindan period.

 I think it was because I didn’t get the right opportunity, so I was never able to condense the Nascent Soul.

Unexpectedly, he actually participated in this competition again. "

Not only Chu Ning was observing, but the eyes of many other monks also fell on Jiang Cheng intentionally or unintentionally.

Although Jiang Cheng has not been able to advance to the level of Yuanying until now, this somewhat surprised the monks in the Yunxiao Alliance.

But the opponent was already a late-stage Jindan monk a hundred years ago, and won the first place in the competition.

 In this competition, he is naturally the most popular candidate to win first place.

 Next, everyone's attention was directed to other monks who were at the peak of the late Golden Core stage.

In this kind of competition, the spiritual fruit reward from the Ten Thousand Dharma Tree is certainly attractive, but it is not an opportunity to show off the strength of the sect.

 A peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage who is under 500 years old, this means that there is a high probability that they can reach the Nascent Soul stage.

ˆ also represents the future potential of the sect in some aspects.

 Among this group of people, Chu Ning’s late cultivation of Jindan is not very high, but it is also attracting attention.

 The reason is also very simple, too young.

The monk's appearance will age very slowly after the foundation is established, but it does not mean that he will not age.

 Most of the many late-Jindan monks standing on the stage have middle-aged faces.

The monks can roughly guess their age based on their appearance.

But Chu Ning is only about 20 years old with a young appearance. No one can guess for a while whether he is really young or for some other special reason.

 And like He Feng, Cai Yongbin and others, they had seen Chu Ning in the Jin Lingzhong spiritual realm before, and knew that he was only in the early stage of Jin Dan.

 At this moment, I felt a little surprised.

 Soon, it was Chu Ning’s turn to test his bone age.

Since the Guiyuan Sect itself also arranged for disciples to participate, in this bone age test, in addition to the Yuanying monks from the Guiyuan Sect itself, Yuanying monks from two other sects were also arranged.

The Supreme Elder of Guiyuan Sect and Qin Changkong, the leader of Yunxiao League, did not appear. The three monks were all in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The first person to test Chu Ning's bone age was the Yuanying monk from Guiyuan Sect who was responsible for the test, named Lu Yuezhang.

He shook Chu Ning's arm, and then he was surprised, and then he said two words with a calm face.

"conform to!"

This test of bone age will not make the actual bone age of each monk public.

But after Lu Yuezhang took hold of him, he found that Chu Ning's actual age was only in his early 100s, and he was greatly surprised.

The remaining two, one is a monk from Tianyin Pavilion and the other is a monk from Taiheyuan.

They are all sects that rank high in strength within the Yunxiao Alliance.

 After measuring Chu Ning's bone age, the two of them were equally surprised.

 The late Jindan who is in his early 100s is unique in the Yunxiao League.

However, on the surface, they did not show the slightest expression, and they only gave consistent judgments.

 It only took a short time for all thirty-nine people to complete the bone age test.

  are all within the scope of the five hundred years.

This is not beyond everyone's expectations. They are all in the same alliance. Generally speaking, the details among the monks are clear.

 If you are not of this age, you will basically not participate.

 Otherwise, if the test proves to be inconsistent, we cannot afford to lose this person.

 The next step is to draw lots to decide the opponent. The rules are relatively simple. Put the many arranged bamboo sticks into the ban set by several Nascent Soul monks.

Chuning and other participants in the competition were randomly selected, and those who drew the same serial number formed a group.

Chun Ning drew in the middle order, and after finishing the drawing, he showed it to all the monks with a smile on his face.

“Hey, Chu Ning is lucky. This time, he got an empty turn.”

Tang Xuan said to Cen Zijin with a smile at this moment.

Cen Zijin also nodded slightly, getting a bye meant that Chu Ning would have at least one less fight.

On the other side, several monks from Daluo Sect except Ao Xuan also had a flash of joy on their faces at this moment.

Since the viewing platform where each sect is sitting is also restricted, Ao Xuan spoke directly at this moment and asked Du Xianming with confusion:

“Elder, why are you happy that Chu Ning didn’t win?”

“Master Nephew Ao, you didn’t participate in the competition before, so you don’t know the rules of this competition.”

Du Xianming had a smile flashing in his eyes at this moment.

“According to the rules, the top three players can only choose one of the bottom three players as their opponent.

Chuning can certainly take one game off if he has a bye in the first round, but all the monks can choose him as their opponent in the next game.

If in the first round of the competition, Daoping uses thunderous means to defeat his opponent and win first and rank high, he can directly choose Chu Ning when he comes on the field.

 This is a higher probability than normal matches. "

Hearing this, Ao Xuan nodded slightly, but still said with some worry:

“But the two late-stage Jindan monks from Guiyuan Sect are not weak, especially Jiang Cheng.

What if they win first and choose Chu Ning? "

“They won’t choose.” Du Xianming shook his head.

“I made some inquiries yesterday or two days and found out that this guy from Jiuhua Sect was teleported together with Xuerong, the master of Guiyuan Sect.

Although we haven’t found out what happened specifically, it seems that Chu Ning still contributed to the fact that Shi Xuerong was able to return to the clan safely.

Based on this, it is difficult for the monks who returned to the Yuan Sect to directly choose Chu Ning as their opponent. "

Hearing this, Ao Xuan's face suddenly flashed with joy.

At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Rong Daoping in the Taoist platform.

 Next, as long as Rong Daoping wins faster than anyone else except Jiang Cheng, he will have the opportunity to choose his opponent.

On the other side, Chu Ning, who had a bye in the first round, returned to the Jiuhua Sect's viewing platform, and Tang Xuan also informed Chu Ning of this rule.

“Oh, is there such a rule?” Chu Ning was slightly surprised at this moment.

Regarding the detailed rules of this competition, before the drawing of lots, the Yuan Ying monk who returned to the Yuan Sect only said roughly that they were following the old rules.

  It was informed by the monks leading the team from each sect, but no specific details were given. So Chu Ning only knows that in each round of the competition, in addition to being ranked according to the winning speed, there will be a team competition.

He didn't understand how the game for those who had a bye would go.

However, Chu Ning didn’t take it too seriously.

 With his current strength, he doesn't care too much no matter who his opponent is.

At this moment, Chu Ning began to turn his attention to the group duels.

This kind of competition in the Yunxiao League encourages everyone to use their skills to control the bottom of the box.

 So the rule is that the winner must be decided within one stick of incense.

Chun Ning was watching the various late-stage Golden Core cultivators fighting, and sure enough, he found that each one of them launched a powerful killing move.

 Look at more than ten battles.

He also saw that Jiang Cheng was the strongest among them all.

This person is using a pen-shaped magic weapon, which uses water-attribute skills and spells.

 When facing off against another late-stage Jindan cultivator, the suppressed opponent had no power to fight back, and the fight was over in a few rounds.

 Another person who surprised Chu Ning was Rong Daoping of Daluo Sect.

This man turned out to be a monk with mutated ice spiritual roots, and his attack power was second only to Jiang Cheng.

 Even Guiyuanzong He Feng, who was familiar with Chu Ning, had stronger attack power.

You must know that He Feng majors in metal-based skills and spells, and is good at attacking.

 Except for these three people, the other monks are not weak in strength.

The person who caught Chu Ning's attention in particular was a middle-stage Jindan monk.

This person's name is Zhuang Zhong, a monk from the Xuanhuo Sect in the Yunxiao League.

Since this sect does not have Yuanying monks, it is not prominent in the Yunxiao League.

However, this person practiced fire-attribute skills and spells extremely well, and actually won against a late-stage Jindan monk.

And in Chu Ning's opinion, the other party didn't seem to be trying his best.

Chun Ning has not done anything to challenge high realms with low realms. On the contrary, he has done it a lot.

Because of this, Chu Ning knew better that it was not something ordinary monks could do if they wanted to challenge a high realm at a low level.

Chun Ning immediately remembered the name Zhuang Zhong.

 In fact, Chu Ning is obviously not the only one who pays attention to Zhuang Zhong.

 After all, the people here are the best in the Yunxiao League in terms of experience and cultivation.

 With so many people paying attention, Zhuang Zhong himself was unusually calm.

This person just went straight back to the Xuanhuo Sect's viewing platform.

  The fighting went very quickly, and almost every round did not require a stick of incense. After more than ten rounds, it only took half a day.

Soon, several Yuanying monks in the alliance gave the results of the first round of competition.

Jiang Cheng ranked first without any suspense, and the second ranked person was Daluo Zongrong Daoping.

 There is another female cultivator who is at the peak of the late Jindan period, ranked third, and He Feng is ranked fourth.

 Zhuang Zhong, who was followed by Chu Ning, was ranked thirteenth, but his position was not high.

However, he is also on the list of nineteen people.

 In this way, plus Chu Ning, the list of twenty people for the second round is formed.

“In the second round, opponents will be chosen first according to their rankings in the first round.” Lu Yuezhang took the list and read directly.

 “Gui Yuan Zong Jiang Cheng.”

Jiang Cheng stood up from the viewing platform of Guiyuan Sect and flew back to the dojo.

 “The Qingying Sect He Ligang.”

Jiang Cheng slowly said the name of a person, and not surprisingly, he chose the last one among the nineteen people.

 After seeing Jiang Cheng’s choice, everyone in the Daluo Sect suddenly had a smile on their faces.

"Brother Zong." At this moment, Ao Xuan turned to Rong Daoping with a look of hatred on his face.

"Don't let the boy named Chu go. I've been waiting for this day for decades!"

Rong Daoping nodded slightly.

“Don’t worry, as long as he plays, I won’t give him any chance.”

While a few people were talking, Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng had already exchanged hands on the field.

Although the strength of the late-stage Jindan monks of the Qingying Sect seems to be slightly stronger than the monks of the previous round.

 But facing Jiang Cheng, there was still a clear gap.

Just like in the first round before, Jiang Cheng used his pen-like magic weapon to suppress the opponent throughout the whole process and had no ability to fight back.

 In just a few rounds, you can win directly.

Jiang Cheng then returned to the Guiyuan Sect's viewing platform with a calm expression.

It was as if the fight just now had not wasted much effort at all.

Even the scene did not arouse much discussion, and everyone seemed to think that Jiang Cheng's behavior was normal.

Lu Yuezhang on Guiyuanzong’s side did not get up again and said directly:

 “The second place is Daluo Zongrong Daoping.”

After saying these words, Rong Daoping, who was of medium height and had a cold face, immediately flew up from the viewing platform of Da Luo Sect and landed on the high platform of the dojo.

 At the same time, his eyes were also looking directly in the direction of Chu Ning and others.

 Everyone in the Yunxiao League knows a little bit about the grievances between Jiuhua Sect and Daluo Sect.

Looking at Rong Daoping's actions at this moment, there was a lot of discussion.

“It seems that Daluo Sect will choose the young monk from Jiuhua Sect.”

“Jiuhua Sect and Daluo Sect have always been at odds with each other, so it’s not surprising.”

Sure enough, the next moment, Rong Daoping said coldly:

“I choose Jiuhua Zong Chu Ning!”

As soon as Chu Ning heard this, he immediately stood up and flew up, landing directly on the high platform.

  When Rong Daoping won second place before, Chu Ning knew that the opponent had a high probability of choosing him.

 There is no surprise at this moment.

Chun Ning moved so quickly that neither Tang Xuan nor Cen Zijin had time to say a word of concern.

However, considering the strength that Chu Ning had shown before, the two of them were not too worried.

Tang Xuan personally fought against Chu Ning, and Cen Zijin also saw Chu Ning take action, and they all fully believed in Chu Ning's strength.

 But others are not clear about it.

At this moment, seeing Chu Ning take the field, various small-scale discussions suddenly started in different viewing platforms.

“This monk from Jiuhua Sect is really young. He can reach the late stage of Jindan at such a young age. He is really a rare spiritual genius.

However, Rong Daoping is at the peak of the late Jindan period after all. If Gong Yuyuan or Yuan Zhuo comes, he will still be able to fight.

Chun Ning is young after all. He must have just entered the late stage of Jindan. I am afraid he will not be Rong Daoping's opponent. "

"Who says otherwise? Rong Daoping obviously wanted to humiliate the monks of Jiuhua Sect."

 (End of this chapter)

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