Chapter 372 Two Spirits

 Looking at the Snow Crystal Zhizhi in front of me, I don’t know how many thousands of years it is.

Chun Ning played several magic formulas and landed on them.

 Suddenly, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together, and the humanoid Xue Jingzhi woke up from her slumber.

 The next moment, a trace of panic flashed across its face, and it fled towards the ground.

Chun Ning had already experienced it, so Xue Jingzhi couldn't escape and was quickly captured.

After repeating this several times, Xue Jingzhi seemed to have finally accepted her fate.

Chun Ning cast a spell to restore it to its true form, planted it in the spiritual soil, and began to cast the Mysterious Youth Flower Technique.

 After waiting to call out Bai Ling, he walked out of the restriction.

Cen Zijin stood aside and watched curiously. Now he was waiting for Chu Ning to come out, and then asked with a strange expression:

“There really is a magic potion that can transform spirits. Where did you get it?”

 “The land of Northern Cold, a place called Taixu Abyss.”

Chun Ning said, took out a jade bottle from the storage bag, poured a few drops of Snow Crystal Zhi spirit liquid into an empty jade bottle and handed it to Cen Zijin.

After Cen Zijin took it, he opened it and smelled it. His pretty face was filled with surprise.

 “What a rich aura!”

Chuning nodded.

“This is just the first plant I just planted, the Three Thousand Years Snow Crystal Zhizhi.

 The plant planted now is at least ten thousand years old, or even twenty thousand years old, and the effect of the condensed spiritual fluid should be even more amazing. "

 As he spoke, Chu Ning began to take out things from the storage bag again.

 Red Flame Golden Lotus, Blazing Sun Grass, Ice Ling Xiancao…

Although these various treasures obtained from Taixuyuan Ice Volcano may not be as precious as Xue Jingzhi, they are all more than 10,000 years old.

 The spiritual effect of it is also extremely amazing.

Chuning hasn’t thought of a use for these things yet, so he planted them one after another.

Of course, in order to cooperate with its planting, Chu Ning had to arrange two formations in the elixir garden.

 One period is to gather ice-cold spiritual energy, and the other is to gather fire-attribute spiritual energy.

Cen Zijin couldn't help but sigh when he saw Chu Ning handling these elixirs and plants one by one.

“I finally understand why you have made such great progress in cultivation. I’m afraid these spiritual plants and elixirs have not been used up, right?”

Chuning thought for a while and then smiled and said:

“It wasn’t necessarily of such a high age before, but I always had a lot of spiritual plants and elixirs in my hands.

Even when these spiritual plants and elixirs are not available, various high-level elixirs can be refined in hand. "

As Chu Ning spoke, he began to take out the various things he had planted in the Northern Cold Land and planted them one after another.

Most of these things are needed for him to refine elixirs and the like.

Of course, there are some special ones, such as the leafless fruits brought out from the golden spiritual realm.

 The Purple Source Fruit brought from Wuling Island, etc.

 When Chu Ning finally took out something from the storage bag, his face became extremely solemn.

"What is this?" Cen Zijin also saw Chu Ning's face at this moment and couldn't help but asked curiously.

 “Sealed Black Ice Flame!”

Chuning looked at the blue and red ice flowers in front of him and slowly spoke.

Considering that Cen Zijin did not necessarily know Xuan Bingyan, Chu Ning explained:

“This is the spiritual fire of heaven and earth condensed by the power of ice and fire.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning condensed a ball of earth essence fire in his hand.

 “Its power is stronger than the spiritual fire in my hand.”

Although Cen Zijin cannot feel the power of the sealed Xuan Bingyan, she can feel the power of the earth essence fire in Chu Ning's hand.

This made Cen Zijin's expression change slightly.

She had a feeling that even a small amount of it would be devastating.

This made Cen Zijin couldn't help but take a deep look at Chu Ning.

Although Chu Ning told her roughly about his experiences in the eighty years after separation, he certainly couldn't do everything in detail.

“I will have to let Chu Ning tell me stories every day from now on. It will definitely be exciting to see where he got all these weird things.”

Thinking like this, a smile couldn't help but appear in Cen Zijin's bright eyes.

Chun Ning looked at Xuan Bingyan at this time, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

This thing is definitely a good thing, but with my current level of cultivation, I'm afraid I still can't refine it.

Although after it is taken into the body, you may be able to suppress it with the help of the refined leyline essence fire, but it will not necessarily bring backlash to you.

 But in this way, the leyline essence fire itself will not be easy to move.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning suppressed his plan to take the black ice flame into his body and slowly refine it.

Of course, another important reason why he dare not easily take the black ice flame into his body for refining is that there are too many things in his body.

There was a golden spirit seed in Dantian before. After coming out of Taixu Abyss, he obtained a drop-shaped treasure with many original powers in the snow mist valley.

 It's just that since arriving at the place where the aura of heaven and earth exists, this water drop has stopped moving.

 Then in the Eastern Holy Continent, two halves of the wood spirit species were obtained.

So at this moment, in Chu Ning's dantian, there is another wood spirit species that has been refined by others, but whose spiritual power is still amazing.

Chuning still has to find a way to refine and process these things first.

Thinking like this, Chu Ning put the Xuan Bingyan back into the jade box made of ice and fire jade, and put it away again.

As for the Xuanxiao Mirror obtained from Taixuyuan, Chu Ning had already tried it before and found it impossible to refine and drive it, so he simply stopped taking it out at this moment.

 He turned to Cen Zijin and said:

“In addition to your jade bed, do you also need to set up spirit gathering and spirit locking formations?”

 “Yes!” Cen Zijin responded softly.

“I am preparing to set up, but after being trapped in the Chaotic Beast Mountain for these years, the formation materials in my hand have been almost exhausted.

 I was just about to ask you where I can exchange some materials in this case. "

“No need to redeem it, I have plenty of materials that are prohibited by this formation.”

As Chu Ning spoke, he took Cen Zijin directly back to the training room.

He has collected a lot of various formation materials over the years, plus after coming out of Taixu Abyss, he obtained the storage bags of three Nascent Soul monks.

The treasures he has in his hands now are so many that even ordinary Nascent Soul monks can't match them.

 Handlessly taking out some formation materials from the storage bag, Chu Ning began to arrange them.

At this moment, Cen Zijin said while watching:

“By the way, you said before that you wanted to show me some formation inheritance, so don’t forget it.

  I find that you are now much better than me in the area of ​​formation prohibition. "

“Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you. From now on, we’ll always sit here talking about Taoism and live a life of immortality.”

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Cen Zijin couldn't help but reveal a warm smile on his beautiful face.

Chun Ning arranged the arrangement quickly, and soon a layer of formation restrictions covered the entire jade bed.

And the spiritual energy of heaven and earth quickly gathered on the jade bed.

Just a short while later, the jade bed was surrounded by spiritual energy, and it was filled with extremely pure water spiritual energy.

Seeing this, Cen Zijin's beautiful eyes suddenly flashed with light.

 Even if he quickly got into the prohibition.

In a blink of an eye, he saw Chu Ning also coming in, and he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

“You’re not saying that what you practice is the Five Elements Chaos Art, and you have to absorb the five elements’ spiritual energy.

Is it useful to just absorb this pure water attribute spiritual energy? "

Chuning smiled slightly after hearing this. “I didn’t say that I came here to practice. Since this is a bed, practicing is only a secondary function, and sleeping is the main function.

The surface of this bed is as soft as water, and it should be extremely comfortable to sleep on the same bed. "

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Cen Zijin's face suddenly became filled with shame and anger.

“How come I didn’t realize you were such a scoundrel before? Get out quickly, I’m going to practice.”

As he spoke, Cen Zijin pushed Chu Ning out.

Chun Ning was writing ink while murmuring in a low voice:

“Oh, I don’t know if there are dual cultivation techniques in Jiuhua Sect or Yaochi Palace.”

As soon as these words came out, Cen Zijin's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment.

 With a strong push, Chu Ning was pushed out of the confines of the jade bed.

Chuning turned his head and looked at Cen Zijin's fair cheeks that were flushed inside the ban, and couldn't help but laugh.

 Immediately, Chu Ning did not disturb Cen Zijin again, but returned to his training room.

Sitting in the practice room and thinking for a while, Chu Ning began to examine the two light groups in his sea of ​​consciousness.

 At the beginning, before Master Huoyun and Master Tianlei dissipated, they each passed on their secret knowledge to Chu Ning.

Chuning didn’t have time to see what these two light groups were.

At this moment, when I looked at it, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows slightly.

“The power above seems to be...the power of the Nascent Soul. You actually need to use the Nascent Soul to see it.”

Muttered in his heart, but Chu Ning was relieved immediately.

Given the cultivation levels of Master Huoyun and Master Tianlei in the late Nascent Soul stage, their skills and spells are naturally more suitable to be cultivated by Nascent Soul monks.

“It seems that these two seniors have full confidence in my promotion to Nascent Soul.”

Chun Ning smiled and shook his head, but he didn't care too much.

He currently has many methods, including mastering many top-level spells with different attributes, but he is not in a hurry to learn too many magical powers.

 On the other hand, after returning to Jiuhua Sect, you can practice with peace of mind. The golden and wood spirit seeds in your body can take more time to refine.

 It is only right to continue to improve your cultivation level.

 In the Ziyue Sect, Chu Ning spent most of his time refining golden spirit seeds.

 But Snow Crystal Zhi cannot be grown there, and Chu Ning's refining speed is also slightly slowed down.

Now that the Snow Crystal Zhi has been planted, it won't take too long to condense the spiritual liquid.

By then, with the help of the spiritual liquid and the refining of the golden spirit seed, the cultivation speed will naturally be faster.

“But I don’t know how effective this wood spirit seed is?”

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately began to use his magic power to refine the wood spirit seed in his body.

 Suddenly, wisps of pure wood-attribute spiritual energy emitted from the wood spirit species.

 Soon, driven by the Five Elements Chaos Art, these auras were transformed into the Five Elements spiritual power and blended into the golden elixir.

The next moment, what surprised Chu Ning was that the golden spirit seed seemed to be sensing it, and wisps of spiritual energy were also emitted.

 Suddenly, the metal properties of wood are intertwined throughout the Dantian.

Then under the operation of the Five Elements Chaos Art, the five elements interacted with each other, and were transformed into pure mana without any interference and was absorbed into the golden elixir.

 The mana was used to refine two spiritual seeds at the same time, which was undoubtedly beyond Chu Ning's expectation.

 Suddenly, there was a hint of joy in my heart.

 For Chu Ning, this is obviously a good thing, it means that his mana can be refined faster.

At this moment, Chu Ning carefully felt the auras of the two spiritual species, and found that their richness and purity were almost the same.

“It seems that although the spiritual space where this spiritual seed is produced is different, the power of the spiritual seed itself does not seem to be higher or lower.

Since this is the case, the effect of refining the wood spirit seed by oneself should be similar to that of refining the gold spirit seed. In this way, the cultivation speed can be much faster. "

Chun Ning was thoughtful, and after taking a look at his own cultivation speed, he immediately used all his magic power to refine the two spiritual species of wood and metal.

One day later, Chu Ning finished his training and stood up. He once again took a look at the training proficiency in his mind, and a smile flashed across his face.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), third level (33350/200000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (67040/90000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (64000/64000)】

 In one day, the Five Elements of Chaos Jue increased by a full 50 points.

 Equivalent to twice the amount of refining gold spirit seeds per day.

It seems that what Chu Ning thought was right. Two spiritual species were refined at the same time, and the speed of cultivation was indeed increased a lot.

Chuning walked out of the training room at this moment and found that Cen Zijin was not in the training room at this time.

 Instead, he was holding a jade slip and looking at it carefully.

Chun Ning walked over and asked:

 “What are you looking at?”

 “Xuan Shui Shen Jue!” Cen Zijin looked at Chu Ning, his bright eyes a little bright.

“This jade bed is very useful for practicing water-based kung fu, and its effect of gathering spiritual energy is excellent.

Although this Xuanshui Divine Art is extremely powerful, it is also extremely demanding to practice.

 At the beginning of practicing, we need a lot of spiritual energy support, so I thought that if we practice together, the effect will be great. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning immediately smiled and said:

"In that case, you can just modify this Xuan Shui Divine Art."

 “Yeah!” Cen Zijin responded, then shook his head and said:

"But I can't practice it now. There are still a few things I can't figure out."

 “Oh, let me see.”

Chun Ning said, took the jade slip in his hand, and read the Xuanshui Divine Art from beginning to end.

Cen Zijin then opened his mouth and asked, "Is there anything that I haven't fully understood yet?"

When Cen Zijin heard Chu Ning ask about it, he immediately told one of them.

 “Let me talk about it first and see if it helps you.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning began to explain.

Cen Zijin looked thoughtful after hearing this, and then asked another question.

Chuning also started to explain again.

After several times of this, Cen Zijin stopped talking and lowered his head in deep thought.

Chun Ning stopped talking to avoid disturbing the other party.

 After two quarters of an hour like this, Cen Zijin raised his head again and looked at Chu Ning with a pair of bright eyes.

 “Have you ever practiced the Mysterious Water Divine Art?”

Chuning shook his head, "No!"

Cen Zijin's face immediately became extremely surprised at this moment.

“I clearly have the spiritual imprint of that senior, so why am I not as good at understanding this technique as you are.”

Chun Ning smiled slightly after hearing this. He has the spirit body of Renshui in his body, and his talent in comprehending the five elements attribute skills is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Even if Cen Zijin has heavenly spiritual roots, he cannot compare to him.

 Dang even laughed and joked: "As the husband of Fairy Cen, he cannot be an ordinary monk."

After hearing this, Cen Zijin glanced at Chu Ning, but said nothing.

 Instead, he rested his head on Chu Ning's shoulder.

The two of them looked at the scenery of the mountains together, but for a moment, neither of them wanted to speak anymore.

 (End of this chapter)

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