My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 355: Fortunately, elder, the one chasing you is just a golden elixir monk.

Chapter 355 Fortunately, elder, the one chasing you is just a golden elixir monk.

 At this moment, under the mine mountains.

 An old man wearing gray clothes and a golden elixir appeared immediately when the bald Han Yuanying just flew over.

 In terms of the size of the mineral vein, this place is larger than the mineral vein that the Yin Mo Sect occupied from the Zi Yue Sect before.

But this place has always been under the occupation of the Yin Demon Sect, so the danger is not high.

 Hence, the Yin Mo Sect's defense force here is relatively weak.

It is precisely because of this that the bald man, the Nascent Soul monk, appears here from time to time.

The old man in gray clothes looked shocked when he saw that the bald man who had just left was Nascent Soul flying back.

“Elder Cao? Your body is gone?”

When the bald Han Yuanying heard this, he immediately said angrily:

“Do you think I have a physical body?”

“Have other Yuanying monks from other sects arrived?” The old man in gray clothes immediately changed the subject.

The bald man looked at the old man in gray with an unkind look.

Less than a hundred miles away, Chu Ning arrived in an instant and soon reached the top of the ore mountain range.

“Elder Cao, mainly the Yuanying monks can’t even resist you, let alone us.

Even though the sword was not aimed at him, its power was enough to make his heart palpitate.

 Fortunately, we are fighting outside. If we catch up here and find this mineral vein, we may be doomed.

 Immediately, the expressions on the two people's faces were completely different.

 Speaking of this, Yuanying, a bald man, flew directly into a courtyard.

The old man in gray clothes was relieved at this moment, turned his head and said to the bald man Yuanying:

“Fortunately, Elder Cao, the one who is chasing us is just a golden elixir monk.”

But at this moment, he saw the look on the face of the bald man Yuanying, as if he had seen a ghost.

 At the same time, his expression also changed somewhat.

Immediately afterwards, a black light shot out, shooting straight towards the Nascent Soul of the bald man with lightning speed.

The bald Han Yuanying snorted softly at this moment, and then said:

“My Yuanying has just performed a secret technique. If it’s not something particularly important, please don’t disturb me.”

Before he could ask clearly, Elder Cao's Nascent Soul flew up and fled in a hurry.

“I don’t know which sect’s Yuanying monk was able to directly force Elder Cao to destroy his physical body.

He looked towards the direction where the bald man had fled from before, but at this moment, there was a ray of light approaching rapidly.

But after all, such a big thing happened, we still have to send a message to the sect. "

"What's going on? Where does this Jindan monk come from, and why did he take action so directly?"

When the bald man heard this, he immediately waved his hands and said:

“Okay, okay, no need to explain.

If I really want to chase you here, I’m worried about the spiritual stone I just unearthed..."

 “I won’t bring it here to kill you.”

"That's good! After all, that is close to 70% of the spiritual stones in this mine." Upon hearing this, the old man in gray breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time that this thought flashed through his mind, the old man in gray was not slow in his movements and had already taken out the magic weapon from the storage bag.

“Elder Cao, is the other party chasing you?”

The old man in gray thought, and immediately rushed towards the yard where the bald man had just entered.

“Don’t worry, I have used my secret method to get rid of him.”

 The spiritual stones are all in my storage bag, so there are no accidents. "

But the old man in gray had just said these words, but his face and eyes were full of surprise.

I just saw a late-stage Jindan monk, why did I just run away without asking him clearly? "

With this thought in mind, the old man in gray took out a black crow from the spirit beast bag at his waist.

The bald Han Yuanying's face changed drastically at this moment.

This thought just flashed through his mind, and the next moment, the old man in gray felt a powerful power appearing in the air.

 Until then, the old man in gray clothes showed surprise and doubt.

As soon as the old man in gray finished speaking, the bald Nascent Soul rushed straight into the yard and looked up into the sky with a horrified expression.

Hearing the words of the bald man, the old man in gray suddenly had a look of embarrassment on his face.

At the same time, he directly stuffed a communication talisman on his body, raised his hand, and the black crow quickly flew out.

With the eyesight and consciousness of the bald Han Yuanying and the old man in gray, they were able to see Ning clearly at this moment.

“What’s going on? Could it be that the monks chasing Elder Cao are here?”

Just as the old man in gray was about to turn around and return to his yard, his eyes couldn't help but raise again.

 The visitor's speed of escaping light was extremely fast, which surprised the old man in gray.

“Elder Cao, what’s wrong, there is a ray of light approaching us quickly.”

“Why is Elder Cao so arrogant? Even if he is in the late stage of Jindan, he is still a Nascent Soul after all.

 At the same time, he shouted, "Defend the enemy!"

 However, as soon as he finished speaking, his expression immediately changed.

But at this moment, a young woman's figure suddenly appeared in the sky. At the same time, beside her, there were two huge golden eagles.

As soon as he appeared, the woman rushed towards him with two golden elixirs at the same time.

This old man in gray is only in the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

Now he was suddenly surrounded by three opponents who were only stronger than him, and the expression on his face became extremely horrified.

The old man in gray clothes was horrified, and the bald man named Cao at this moment was almost frightened out of his wits.

Of course, his Nascent Soul is not brave either.

As soon as Chu Ning appeared, he recognized him immediately. "Why did this disaster star come after me?"

With this thought flashing through his mind, Yuanying, a bald man,’s first thought was to run away quickly!

 But at this moment, a jet of black light shot toward him!

 “Ancient treasure again?”

When he felt the power of this black light, the bald man couldn't help but feel completely desperate.

A late-stage Jindan monk actually carried two ancient treasures.

And there is also ten thousand years of spiritual liquid to restore mana.

How can he live like this?

 The most important thing is that this jet-black short sword wrapped in black light is much faster than the previous Huang Tingyin.

 In just a blink of an eye, it was already in front of him.

In terms of attack power, Chu Ning thinks Huang Tingyin is stronger, but in terms of attack speed, this black short sword is stronger!

 “Who are you?”

At this moment, feeling the extremely approaching power, the bald man could not help but shout.

The only thing that answered him was the flash of black light!

Immediately, the Nascent Soul villain let out a shrill scream and instantly disappeared into nothing in the air.

This new Yuanying monk of the Yin Demon Sect was completely destroyed!

At this moment, Chu Ning, who was flying over, waved his hand and grabbed the ancient treasure dagger and the storage bag that the bald man was reluctant to put down.

However, I still sighed secretly in my heart.

“Golden elixir monks and Yuanying monks are at different levels after all, if not for the power of two ancient treasures.

Even if you have the Five Elements Spiritual Sword and various magical powers in your hands, you can force this Nascent Soul cultivator back.

 But it is not that easy to kill.

 In the battle between monks, treasures are important, but one's own realm is the foundation. "

Chun Ning has been holding more and more treasures in his hands recently, but at this moment, he has not forgotten to warn himself not to forget what is fundamental.

Here, Chu Ning used the power of the ancient treasure to easily deal with the Nascent Soul monk.

On the other side, under the siege of Bai Ling and two golden thunder eagles, the early-stage golden elixir monk in gray clothes could not resist at all.

With the strength of the three spiritual beasts all higher than him, the old man in gray didn't even have time to cast a spell, and was directly killed by several attacks.

It was not until this moment that the other monks in the mine reacted and flew out.

 When they saw the situation at the scene, their expressions suddenly changed and they turned around to flee.

 But how could Chu Ning give them such a chance at this moment.

Chun Ning took action with three spiritual beasts, and it only took a short moment to kill all the monks here.

It was only then that Chu Ning began to open the storage bag that the bald man had been holding.

 “So many spirit stones!”

Chun Ning's eyes couldn't help but be filled with surprise when he saw the number of spiritual stones in the storage bag.

He looked over at this glance, although he couldn't count them in detail.

But hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones are no problem at all. Moreover, there is also a small pile of medium-grade spiritual stones in this storage bag, which is also close to tens of thousands.

“So, this person should have come here to get the spiritual stone.

Then he accidentally sensed that he and others were driving the bone boat, so he intercepted it?

And these are now at their own advantage. Judging from the situation in the mine just now, the ore vein has been almost mined.

 Getting these spirit stones is equivalent to taking away the entire spirit stone mine. "

Chun Ning quickly made some guesses about this and couldn't help but chuckle. This was really an unexpected surprise.

 Immediately, Chu Ning's heart suddenly moved slightly.

He had been thinking before that it was impossible for the Ziyue Sect not to investigate what happened in Chaotic Beast Mountain.

Although he has destroyed all the corpses and traces there, it is inevitable that the monks of the Ziyue Sect will not follow the lead of the Yaochi palace maid to find out anything.

 At this moment, he finally had a good idea.

 Immediately, Chu Ning took out another bone boat from the storage bag.

 Immediately, he took out the pair of claw-like magic weapons belonging to the bald man and began to chop at the bone boat quickly.

Although this bone boat is hard, these claws are magic weapons that have been trained by Nascent Soul monks.

Even if Chu Ning cannot fully exert his power, it is still enough to chop the bone boat into pieces.

Seeing Chu Ning’s behavior, Bai Ling couldn’t help but asked curiously

 “Master, what are you doing?”

 “Create some illusion and let them fight like dogs.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning took out some of the magic weapons and magic weapons he had obtained from killing those Zihua Sect monks from his storage bag.

 After being destroyed one by one, they were randomly thrown everywhere in the mine.

Chu Ning naturally knew that such a manufacturing site was a little rough.

However, I think that Ziyue Sect and Yinluo Sect have been competing for mineral veins before, and both sects have so many casualties.

 It is impossible for both sects to pretend to be indifferent, and a fight is inevitable.

When the two sects sat down to talk, they didn’t know what year and month it happened.

With this little time, Chu Ning might have left the Eastern Holy Continent with a group of female cultivators from Yaochi Palace.

 While harvesting the mineral veins here again, he gave a rough explanation to Bai Ling.

Immediately, Chu Ning took Bai Ling and Dajin Xiaojin back into the spirit beast bag, and followed the direction and chased Cen Zijin and others.

 (End of this chapter)

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