My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 352: Chu Ning? it's me!

Chapter 352 Chu Ning? it's me!

 “Junior sister!”

At this moment, Cheng Qinghui led many female cultivators from Yaochi Palace back, and Fei Dun came to them.

There were only a few dozen foundation-building monks left over there. The two golden elixir monks took action, plus more than thirty female foundation-building monks, and they were easily eliminated.

At this moment, Cheng Qinghui also looked at Chu Ning with a look of surprise on his face.

“I don’t know who this fellow Taoist is, but his magical powers are so powerful.”

The woman in white shook her head, staring straight at the figure in the sky at this moment.

Cheng Qinghui saw the turtle shell in the hand of the woman in white and asked in surprise.

“Junior Sister Cen, what is this?”

Cen Zijin lowered his head, glanced at the huge turtle shell in his hand, and responded:

“Oh, the old demon Jiang from the Purple Moon Sect wanted to attack me just now, and this fellow Taoist said he could use it for self-defense.”

“Junior sister, do you really not know this fellow Taoist? Listen to you, the way he is very concerned about you, could it be that...”

“Thank you so much for helping me, fellow Taoist, I will remember your great kindness and kindness in my heart!”

The three golden elixir monks were already at a disadvantage due to the entanglement between Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles.

Even if he had some talent, he wouldn't be able to develop such magical powers. "

 When the Ziyue Sect attacked the Yaochi Palace, they listed this junior sister as the number one candidate to be captured.

 Slowly the figure faded from her mind, and the woman in white turned her attention to the sky again.

I am still in the early stage of Jin elixir and close to the middle stage of Jin elixir.

 I smiled bitterly in my heart.

At this moment, facing Chu Ning's flying sword that suddenly attacked, he was even more helpless.

 The junior sister in front of me is one of a kind in terms of beauty and talent.

The woman in white looked thoughtful, but then she shook her head.

Three of them flew towards the middle-stage Jindan monk who was fighting Bai Ling, and the other two flew towards the early-stage Jindan monk who was fighting against Dajin and Xiaojin.

 “Fellow Taoist, your treasure!”

But the monk in front of her didn't look at her at all, but stared straight at the junior sister Cen beside her.

The woman in white naturally felt Chu Ning's gaze. She was slightly stunned, and immediately held the turtle shell and handed it back.

"It's unlikely. I don't have the slightest impression of this person's skills, spells, or appearance. I probably don't know him."

 The speaker does not mean it, but the listener does it intentionally.

 Cheng Qinghui just said this and paused again.

 In addition, seeing several powerful monks on his side being killed one after another, he had already begun to think about escaping.

 It's just that Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles are too fast, and they have no way to escape.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the mind of the woman in white, and then she couldn't help but shook her head with a gloomy look.

 Cheng Qinghui let out a soft sigh when he heard this.

Everyone looked at Chu Ning who was flying over at this moment, with both admiration and doubt in their eyes.

“That’s strange. If it’s about appearance, don’t you also know the transformation spell? You can change the disguise.

Such a scene immediately made all the female cultivators of Yaochi Palace feel shocked.

Hearing this, Cheng Qinghui’s eyes flashed with something strange.

Chuning still chose to take action decisively.

 Less than three rounds, he was hit by Chu Ning's spiritual sword.

There are definitely not a few monks who admire him.

 Cheng Qinghui took the lead, and everyone followed suit and bowed.

 But you said you don’t even remember the exercises and spells, so you can only ask this Taoist friend later. "

Not getting any response, Cheng Qinghui straightened up and asked subconsciously:

 “I don’t know your friend’s surname…”

 After killing Jiang Jiu, who was at the peak of the late Jindan period, Chu Ning waved to the Five Elements Spirit Sword in the distance.

Cheng Qinghui did not continue, but she knew what her junior sister meant.

 In just a few breaths of time, three Jindan monks were killed one after another!

 Cheng Qinghui, the woman in white and another golden elixir female cultivator took the initiative to greet them.

  Cheng Qinghui, as the leader here, took the lead in bowing to Chu Ning.

 What she didn’t expect was that she didn’t get any response at all.

The giant sword was immediately divided into five pieces. Chu Ning made a seal with his hands, and the five spiritual swords flew towards the other three Jindan monks.

Although Chu Ning also saw that these three monks were no match for Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles, in order to avoid long nights and dreams.

“How could it be him? When I left, he was just refining his Qi and reaching perfection.

Chun Ning looked at the dreamy figure in front of him, his eyes couldn't help but be a little crazy.

  Cen Zijin!

Even though her face was still veiled, Chu Ning recognized her at the first sight.

 Just now when he took action against the enemy, he could still maintain a calm mind.

 Stay relatively rational and calm.

 But at this moment, all such sense and calmness have been forgotten by Chu Ning.

Originally, I was worried about the transformation spell I had cast. If I rashly restored my appearance, it would not seem appropriate under the watchful eyes of so many Yaochi Palace monks.

 But at this moment, all these so-called scruples and worries were abandoned by Chu Ning.

 Looking at Cen Zijin's eyes like clear springs, he had only one impulse at the moment.

 Tell her, I am Chu Ning!

Chun Ning’s eyes changed from complicated to transparent, and from transparent to gentle.

 His eyes were immediately filled with smiles!

Looking at the smile in Chu Ning's eyes, a trace of doubt flashed in Cen Zijin's eyes.

This look gave her a vaguely familiar feeling.

Decades ago, among the thousands of lakes and islands, I seemed to have often seen him sitting by the lake while sipping Ming Ling tea.

 But how is this possible.

 He is just a casual cultivator. How could this person be him if he has such magical powers?

 But this look...

Cen Zijin didn't wait for Cen Zijin to react.

  A strange yet familiar voice sounded.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

As the voice sounded, Chu Ning also directly lifted the transformation spell and restored his original appearance.

Cen Zijin's bright eyes widened suddenly, his hand slipped, and the turtle shell fell directly to the ground.

 At this moment, her eyes were full of complex and rich emotions.

 Shock, joy, missing...

The eyes that were like clear springs were faintly glistening.

 The red lips under her veil seemed to move, but she did not make any sound.

At this moment, her eyes were filled with Chu Ning's smiling gaze, and the face that seemed to have not changed at all in those decades, but made her feel a little unfamiliar.

That look was actually the same as Chu Ning's before, a little crazy.

 Everyone around him noticed something strange, and no one made a sound to disturb him.

I don’t know how long it took, but the complex emotions in Cen Zijin’s eyes began to dissipate one by one.

The bright eyes became as clear and translucent as clear springs again, but there was a hint of smile.

 She reached out and untied her veil, slightly raising her elegant and refined face.

The red lips parted slightly, but only two words came out.

 “Chun Ning!”

"it's me!"

 The two looked at each other and smiled.

Cen Zijin then turned around slightly and introduced himself to both parties.

“Senior Sister Cheng, Senior Sister Ge, this is my old friend, Fellow Daoist Chu Ningchu.

 These are two senior sisters, Cheng Qinghui and Ge Yu, and some of my classmates. "

 “Thank you, Fellow Daoist Chu!”

 Cheng Qinghui and Ge Yu slightly cupped their hands, and their eyes couldn't help but glance at the faces of Chu Ning and Cen Zijin.

From the scene that just happened, how could they not see that Chu Ning and Cen Zijin had a close relationship.

Moreover, Junior Sister Cen, who had always covered her face with a veil even in the sect, now had her veil lifted.

How could this fellow Daoist Chu in front of me be an ordinary person?

Even though Chu Ning had all kinds of things to say to Cen Zijin at this moment, after regaining his composure, he could only suppress them.

 He slightly arched his hands towards the two female cultivators from Yaochi Palace.

“Two fellow Taoists, please be polite. This is not a place to stay for a long time. There are other monks in Ziyue Sect.

To avoid a long night and many dreams, all fellow Taoists should leave together first. "

Cheng Qinghui said without hesitation:

“What fellow Taoist said is absolutely true. It was unwise for us to think about staying around here and waiting for opportunities to take revenge or rescue our fellow disciples in Xiaoyaoshan.

Unexpectedly, they noticed just a little bit of traces of his appearance accidentally.

This time, six golden elixir monks actually gathered. Even Jiang Laomo was dispatched, as well as dozens of foundation-building monks.

If fellow Taoist hadn't taken action, I'm afraid none of us would have been able to escape. "

“They not only have dozens of foundation-building monks, but two hundred.”

Bai Ling put away the storage bags of several Jindan monks and walked over, smiling.

“When these people attacked the formation, my young master killed the others first.”

Although everyone had just seen Chu Ning's magical powers fighting against several Jindan monks. But now I heard that Chu Ning had killed more than a hundred foundation-building monks alone, and the many golden elixir monks here were not aware of it, and they couldn't help but look surprised.

Chun Ning was a little surprised when Bai Ling suddenly said these words.

However, when he saw her looking at Cen Zijin with a smile, he smiled and shook his head.

When Bai Ling looked at Cen Zijin, Cen Zijin was also looking at Bai Ling.

Bai Ling's transformation technique was so exquisite that Cen Zijin couldn't tell that this was the spiritual beast she had hugged many times.

When he saw that the other person's appearance was not inferior to his own, Cen Zijin's eyes couldn't help but flash slightly.

And feeling Cen Zijin's gaze, the smile on Bai Ling's face became a little wider.

The voice from the spiritual consciousness said: "Sir, Fairy Cen looks at me like hee hee."

Chuning turned his head and glared at Bai Ling.

His transformation spell is nothing, it will be resolved once it is lifted.

But Bai Ling’s secret technique of transformation is really not suitable for so many people to know.

Immediately, Chu Ning ignored Cen Zijin's strange eyes and asked Cheng Qinghui:

“Fellow Daoist Cheng, there are so many of you, but you don’t know if there is any large-scale flying magic weapon.”

 “That’s not the case.” Cheng Qinghui shook his head.

At this time, Chu Ning took out the huge bone boat directly from Jiang Jiu's storage bag.

This object is a good flying magic weapon, and it does not require refining or anything, it can be used directly.

Chuning injected mana into it, and the bone boat suddenly swelled.

 Immediately, Chu Ning led everyone to leap up.

 Then he drove this bone boat and flew directly to the north of Chaotic Beast Mountain.

Chun Ning, Cen Zijin, Cheng Qinghui and Ge Yu stood at the front of the bone boat.

“Fellow Daoist Cheng, I wonder where you can go?”

Hearing Chu Ning’s words, Cheng Qinghui and the other three looked at each other with a trace of confusion in their eyes.

Cen Zijin took the initiative and said:

“Go to Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands. I went there once more than thirty years ago.

There is still no big sect there. Although the spiritual energy is a little thin, there is still a place to stay. "

Chun Ning's heart moved slightly when he heard Cen Zijin's words. He did have an idea, but it was not easy to say it directly at the moment.

 There are some things that I need to discuss with Cen Zijin again.

Cen Zijin should have discussed this matter with the two Jindan female cultivators from Yaochi Palace before. As soon as she said this, neither of them raised a voice to object.

Cen Zijin continued:

“However, we can’t fly directly to Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands. We must go west, bypassing the Biyou Mountains and reaching the Qingxia Mountains in the south.

 Go further north to Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands. "

Cheng Qinghui immediately answered: "Junior sister Cen is right, the Biyou Mountains are the place where demons gather, and they are also the home base of Ziyue Sect.

Go west, around the Tianyi Mountains, and then to the Qingxia Mountains. After all, these two places are the seats of the orthodox sects.

It is unlikely that the Ziyue Sect will chase him there. "

Ge Yu also immediately expressed that he had no objection.

Chun Ning listened to the discussion among several people but did not interrupt.

 After everyone had reached an agreement, he spoke out:

"Fellow Daoist Cheng, I wonder if I could trouble you to drive this bone boat. Zijin and I haven't seen each other for many years, and I still have something to say."

“Of course.” Cheng Qinghui heard this and immediately responded.

Chun Ning immediately led Cen Zijin and Bai Ling to the back end of the bone boat, and casually released a forbidden barrier, thus blocking everyone's sight.

Before Chu Ning could speak, Cen Zijin’s eyes had already fallen on Bai Ling.

“Chun Ning, you haven’t introduced this fellow Taoist yet.”

When Chu Ning heard this, he smiled and said nothing, and turned to look at Bai Ling.

 “Bai Ling has met Fairy Cen.” Bai Ling chuckled at this time.

“The fairy really can’t remember who I am? The fairy really liked feeding me spiritual fruits back then.”

When Cen Zijin heard this, his mouth could not help but open slightly, and a trace of surprise flashed in his beautiful eyes.

 “You...are you Ling Xiaobai?”

Hearing what Cen Zijin said, Bai Ling smiled softly.

"The fairy finally remembered. It's not convenient for me to transform into my real body now, so I'll go outside to help you guard the wind."

As he spoke, Bai Ling's figure flashed out of Chu Ning's barrier.

Cen Zijin's expression finally returned to calm at this moment, and he looked at Chu Ning with a slightly complicated look.

“Nearly eighty years have passed, and I didn’t expect that you have changed so much.

 You are already in the late stage of Jindan, and you have amazing magical powers, and Bai Ling has also transformed, so she..."

Chun Ning immediately explained:

"Bai Ling is a spiritual beast of heaven and earth, and has some magical powers. She is actually still at level five, and should be promoted soon."

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Cen Zijin nodded slightly. If Bai Ling had the tenth level of transformation, it would be really amazing.

Immediately, her bright eyes fell on Chu Ning.

“What about you? How come you are already in the late stage of Jindan in just a few decades?

You must not have been in Qianhu Qiandao these years. I went to Qianhu Qiandao thirty years ago to look for you, but you were not there. "

“You went to Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands to find me?” When Chu Ning heard this, there was a smile in his eyes.

Cen Zijin turned his eyes away slightly, and then faced him again.

Looking at Chu Ning with bright eyes.

“Well, thirty years ago, I successfully formed the elixir and went to Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

I learned that not many years after I left, the Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands had an accident due to the Yin Demon Sect.

 Many foundation-building monks lost their lives at that time, and many qi-training monks also fled Thousand Lakes and Thousand Islands.

 Later I went to look at the teleportation array and found that it had been destroyed.

 I asked around but didn’t hear any news from you, so I had no choice but to leave. "

“I actually left at that time.” Chu Ning continued.

 Beginning to briefly talk about his experiences over the years.

He was chased by the elders of the Yin Mo Sect, and used the teleportation array to go to the Ximeng Continent and enter the Jiuhua Sect.

 After breaking through the Golden Core Monk, he went to the Golden Spirit Realm and was teleported to Wuling Island.

 Go to the Northern Cold Land, and finally return to the Eastern Holy Continent.

Although Chu Ning did not tell many details, Cen Zijin's beautiful eyes were still filled with brilliance after listening to this thrilling experience.

  Until Chu Ning said that he got the news from Dongrui Sect, and then lurked into Ziyue Sect, and happened to arrive at Chaos Beast Mountain.

“I can’t believe that so much has happened to you in the past few decades.

 Luckily you came here this time, otherwise I'm afraid we would never see each other again. "

Having said this, Cen Zijin hesitated for a moment as if he wanted to ask something, then sighed lightly and did not say anything.

When Chu Ning saw this, he thought about it and vaguely guessed it.

“You want to ask about the situation of your fellow prisoners.”

Cen Zijin nodded slightly, then shook his head and said:

“Forget it, I can guess something even if you don’t tell me.

Being able to kill so many Ziyue Sect monks today can be regarded as avenging the sect first. "

“Zijin, it’s best if you think so.” Chu Ning said comfortingly at this moment.

“Actually, as long as our strength improves and we are all promoted to Nascent Soul in the future, it is not impossible to wipe out the Ziyue Sect.”

 “Promoted to Nascent Soul?”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Cen Zijin couldn't help but have a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"That's not easy. Master failed to attack Nascent Soul, and that's why the situation behind Yaochi Palace happened."

Reminiscent of what Cen Zijin said back then that she was spotted by a sect's powerful Jindan, who was also the leader of a sect and was close to the Nascent Soul.

Comparing these things that happened in Yaochi Palace, Chu Ning knew that Cen Zijin’s master was the palace owner of Yaochi Palace.

He can naturally see that the failure of the palace master of Yaochi Palace to condense the Nascent Soul and his death was a big blow to Cen Zijin.

At this moment, seeing the other person's somewhat sad look, he couldn't help but reach out and hold the other person's jade hand.

“Believe me, in the near future, we will all be promoted to Yuanying monks.”

What Chu Ning said was not a big deal. There were still two Lingming Fruits in his storage bag at the moment.

However, Cen Zijin at this moment did not notice the intention behind Chu Ning's words at all.

Even though they reunited after decades of separation, the two quickly understood each other's thoughts.

However, except for the fact that Chu Ning rescued Cen Zijin back to the cave when he was in a coma.

 This was the first time that the two of them had such close physical contact while so awake.

Even though Cen Zijin was already in the early stage of Jindan cultivation, he couldn't help but have a blush on his face at this moment.

Even the crystal-clear jade earlobes had a hint of blush.

However, Cen Zijin is obviously not an ordinary daughter's family.

She just turned her head away for a moment, and then turned back again, with a pair of bright eyes shining brightly, looking at Chu Ning who was full of smiles at this moment.

 Then he spread his fingers and interlocked with Chu Ning's ten fingers.

A bright smile flashed across her elegant and refined cheeks at this moment.

“Fellow Daoist Chu is so powerful, so before I advance to Nascent Soul, I will ask Friend Chu to be the flower protector.”

“I will naturally obey Fairy Cen’s orders!”

 After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled.

 (End of this chapter)

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