My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 341: Kill the Yuanying monks

Chapter 341: Killing the Yuanying monks

Chu Ning was shocked when she felt that her consciousness and magic power were suddenly unable to be used.

 This situation has only occurred to him once before, but it was on the soulless island.

 “Master, my magic power can’t be used anymore.”

Bai Ling also emerged from Chu Ning's sleeves at this moment, with a look of surprise on his face.

“This feeling is the same as before on that soulless island.”

"Is it possible that I have returned to the Soulless Island again?"

Chun Ning’s heart sank slightly, and she said to Bai Ling:

 “We’ll find out later when we go out and take a look.”

His eyes carefully looked around the cave for a while, and then quickly landed on the bottom of one of the stone pillars.

 “Origin Stone!”

Chu Ning came to the bottom of the stone pillar and couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at the Origin Stone, which was as big as two fists.

 Then he walked up the sloping passage.

Those boulders in his hands are not much different from tofu.

 Ever since meeting Chu Ning in the inner hall, he has never let go of his doubts about Chu Ning.

Moreover, it’s not in the body of a monster.

It seemed as if Chu Ning was going to be pushed back into the cave.

 At the same time, he scanned the surrounding stone walls and ground, paying attention to whether there was any source stone.

This was the first time he had encountered such a large source stone.

 The fact was just as Chu Ning expected. After walking forward less than three hundred feet, Chu Ning discovered another source stone.

But at this moment, Chu Ning was still walking forward at a normal speed.

The stone here is hard, but for Chu Ning, who has practiced to the second level of the second volume of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, his physical body is already comparable to a magic weapon.

Hunting against this force, Chu Ning walked upwards. Although this force was strong, it still didn't have much impact based on the strength of his body.

 But they are all formed from the beast crystals in the bodies of monster beasts, and the largest ones are about the size of a duck egg.

 Furthermore, people in the world of immortality may not understand the Source Stone.

Chun Ning stayed in the deep valley of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Beast Mountain on Wuling Island for five years, and he was very familiar with this power.

This Origin Stone is not as big as the one at the bottom of the cave, but it is still as big as a duck egg.

The two Nascent Soul casual cultivators were fine, but Chu Ning and Shang Song looked at each other with slightly stunned expressions.

Chun Ning naturally dug it up again.

At this moment, the three of them also noticed the movement behind them, and they all turned their heads to look over.

Even if Chu Ning is willing, he can use the Thunder Step or the Falling Shadow Step he learned from the Innocent Island, and his speed can be even faster.

 Before this, he had also obtained a lot of these origin stones on Wuling Island.

While feeling confused, Chu Ning felt it for a while. There was no formation or the like here, so he started digging with his bare hands without any worries.

 Easily dug up the origin stone, Chu Ning searched for it in the cave again, but found nothing else.

Stepping forward two thousand feet like this, Chu Ning has already obtained five source stones, and he also feels that the pressure of this source of power is getting stronger and stronger.

With a little more curiosity in her heart, Chu Ning also accelerated a little faster.

 After turning a corner like this, Chu Ning couldn't help but pause in his steps.

Since there is such a strong source of power here, and there are source stones in the hole at the bottom, the probability of discovering another source stone is not small.

 He indeed did not notice that Shang Song actually entered this passage.

 The other person who fell behind was Shang Song from Changkong Hall.

 When the altar exploded just now, the scene was too chaotic.

 “Original power!”

 Two people are in front and one person is behind.

 In front of him, there were three figures walking hard forward.

And feeling Shang Song's gaze, Chu Ning's eyes also flashed with a strange color.

Chun Ning had to carry it with his body to stabilize his body slightly.

Even if there are Yuanying monks passing by, they may not pay attention to this source stone without the spiritual consciousness and method to investigate separately.

 Feeling the nature of this power, Chu Ning's eyes flashed slightly.

 “Chun Ning?”

The two people walking at the front were the two Nascent Soul monks that Chu Ning knew had entered this passage before, a thin old man and a middle-aged monk with a plump figure.

 It seems that there is the birthplace of the original power somewhere in front of it.

Shang Song gave Chu Ning a thoughtful look, full of complex meanings.

 After stepping into the passage, Chu Ning suddenly felt suppressed by a force.

More than ten Yuanying monks entered different arch passages.

Chun Ning went to get the light group that shot out, but did not notice which Nascent Soul monk came in.

 Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Shang Song.

Chuning stopped and said calmly:

“Senior Shang, I didn’t expect that you are here too.”

 There were three Yuanying monks in front of him, but at this moment, he felt extremely calm.

 In this place, mana and spiritual consciousness cannot be used, and even Yuanying monks cannot exert their strength.

On the contrary, Chu Ning is a well-trained person. If he is willing, he can do many things.

Shang Song obviously didn't know this. Chu Ning had just turned the corner, and he didn't see Chu Ning moving forward easily despite the pressure of the source.

At this moment, when he heard Chu Ning’s question, he turned around and looked at Chu Ning and said:

“I didn’t expect that you would come to this passage and come so quickly.

Tantai Song and Li Bailin didn't kill you in that palace, which was beyond my expectation.

It seems that what Li Bailin said is right. You are indeed no ordinary late-stage Jindan monk. "

Chuning laughed when he heard Shang Song's words.

“If my guess is not wrong, Senior Shang will probably come to me immediately after leaving here to question me about entering the Taixu Abyss.

 Even if it weren’t for the inability to use divine consciousness and magic power here, maybe he would have taken action against me now. "

 Shang Song just smiled and did not answer.

Chun Ning simply stopped asking the other party at this moment, and turned to the other two Nascent Souls:

“Two seniors, the Fairy City of Iceland oppresses us casual cultivators so much. I wonder if these two seniors can help us to uphold justice.”

 The thin old man and the rather round-looking middle-aged monk looked at Chu Ning strangely, as if they were looking at a clown.

They are strangers to Chu Ning, so how could they go against Changkong Palace because of Chu Ning?

Seeing this, Chu Ning nodded slightly.

“It seems that as a Jindan cultivator, if I really come out of Taixu Abyss, I will be in more danger than good, that’s all!”

 As he spoke, Chu Ning continued to walk forward.

The three Nascent Soul cultivators felt a little confused when they heard Chu Ning's words, but they soon discovered something was wrong.

"Why are you?"

Shang Song's eyes widened slightly when he saw Chu Ning walking towards him easily under the power of the source.

Chuning looked at Shang Song and smiled.

“It seems that although Senior Shang is a Nascent Soul cultivator, his physical training strength is not very good.”

 Shang Song's eyes changed slightly when he heard this.

 “Physical training, you are a physical cultivator!”

Immediately, he reacted immediately and quickly said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, you have lived in my fairy city in Iceland for many years. Whether it is the fairy city or Shuangyue Pavilion, I treat you well.

If you don’t want to talk about your entry into Taixu Abyss, I can just leave it alone. "

"Really? I'm afraid Senior Shang won't say this after leaving here. Haven't you always suspected that I walked to Shenquantan?"

How can you, Changkong Palace, not ask me about this? "

Thunder Step!

As soon as the words fell, Chu Ning had already dodged towards Shang Song and waved out his right hand.

Tiangang Fist! Condensing Yuan Slash! Soul-breaking attack!

A punch that condensed the four secret techniques of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique and hit Shang Song directly!

 “Chun Ning, how dare you!”

At this moment, Shang Song was shouting and retreating desperately.

Although he cannot use his spiritual consciousness and magic power, his judgment as a Nascent Soul monk is still there.

Just from the power of Chu Ning's punch, we know that Chu Ning's physical training strength is definitely not low. A punch like this will directly kill someone.

 However, neither his stern shout nor his retreat was enough to stop Chu Ning.

Since he knew that Changkong Palace would definitely cause trouble for him, he naturally solved one of them first if he could.

 Otherwise, beyond this point, there is no limit to the original power.

Even if the giant turtle can take action, the opponent said it can only take action once or twice.



Before Shang Song could finish what he said, Chu Ning's heavy punch had already landed on him.

  With a muffled sound, Shang Song was sent flying directly by the punch.

But due to the suppression of the original power, it only flew less than a foot before falling heavily to the ground.


 After a sound, the Yuanying monk fell directly to the ground motionless.

At this moment, a small figure seemed to be about to fly out of Shang Song's head.

That appearance is completely consistent with Shang Song.

 “Nascent Soul!”

Chun Ning naturally realized at this moment that this villain was Shang Song's Nascent Soul.

 Under normal circumstances, if the body of the Yuanying monk is completely destroyed, there is still a certain chance that the Yuanying monk can escape.

 However, perhaps due to the suppression of the original power, this Nascent Soul was unable to fly out of Shang Song's body.

When Chu Ning saw this, he flashed again and arrived in front of Shang Song.

 Then, with Fang Yuanying's horrified eyes, he stretched out a finger and tapped it. Void finger!

Having practiced in the Northern Cold Land for many years, he has already mastered the various secret techniques of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

This Void Finger is also integrated with Soul Breaking Strike!

The Soul-Breaking Strike's way of attacking spiritual consciousness, with the help of the power of space, penetrated Shang Song's head at this moment and directly hit his Nascent Soul.


 Indistinctly, the Nascent Soul let out a scream similar to that of Shang Song, and then disappeared directly.

The skinny old man and the middle-aged monk who were watching all this not far away, their expressions changed drastically at this moment.

 Shang Song is a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying, but in this ghost place, his spiritual consciousness and magic power cannot be used.

Kong had a whole body of cultivation, but under the punches and fingers of Chu Ning, a late-stage Jindan monk, he was completely destroyed!

What made their faces even more ugly was that Chu Ning was already looking at the two of them.

“Fellow Daoist Chu.” The thin old man took the initiative and said politely to Chu Ning:

“This jealous Taoist friend from Changkong Palace will enter this Taixu Abyss, but we will never do that.

 It was precisely because the two of us couldn't stand these big forces that we didn't join them.

 We have no grievances or enmities with fellow Taoists, fellow Taoists..."

"But you saw me kill Shang Song!" Chu Ning interrupted the other party lightly.

 The thin old man heard the murderous intention in Chu Ning's words, and his expression immediately changed slightly.

 The middle-aged monk's round face even quickly showed a hint of flattery.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, don’t worry, we will never tell any third party about this matter.

If fellow Taoists are worried, I can swear on my inner demon. "

Chuning shook his head, stared at the two of them, and said slowly

 “I only believe in dead people!”

“Fellow Taoist Shang!” At this moment, the middle-aged monk with a round figure suddenly raised his hand and shouted behind Chu Ning.

Chun Ning paid no attention to them. The figure flashed and he used Thunder Step to rush towards the two of them.


At this moment, Chu Ning suddenly felt that the fat middle-aged monk threw something and landed in front of him.

 Subconsciously, Chu Ning stopped, and at the same time, golden light flashed on his body, directly stimulating the immortal golden body.


At this moment, there was a slight crackling sound under his feet.

  Immediately afterwards, a black mist swept in.

 Chun Ning was instantly wrapped up.

 Seeing this scene, the middle-aged monk suddenly laughed.

“Brother Luo, don’t worry, I already knew that there is a passage in Taixu Abyss where mana and consciousness cannot be used.

 He specially found someone to refine this Yin Soul Pearl and did not put it in the storage bag.

After this bead is smashed, a ghost appears. No matter how powerful he is in training, he cannot resist it. "

"Brother Zhu is still very thoughtful." When the thin old man heard this, his tone suddenly became relaxed.

 “Hey, Brother Zhu, something is wrong…”

The two of them were looking in the direction of Chu Ning, and the relaxed expression on their faces gradually disappeared.


As soon as the black mist came into contact with Chu Ning's immortal golden body shield, it made a series of harsh sounds.

 Vaguely, there seemed to be many screams of ghosts and resentful souls coming out.


At this moment, Chu Ning also understood and felt relieved.

His immortal golden body has a special restraint effect on such ghosts and ghosts.

 Immediately use all my strength to activate the immortal golden body. After a while, all the black mist dissipated.

Then Chu Ning saw the extremely astonished expression on the fat face of the middle-aged monk in front of him.

"How is it possible? You are just refining your body, how can you resist even the Yin Soul Pearl?"

 The middle-aged monk exclaimed in surprise.

Beside him, the thin old man also had an extremely ugly expression on his face.

After seeing Chu Ning's methods, he knew that it would be impossible to escape today.

Taking a breath, the thin old man glanced at Chu Ning, who was shining with golden light at the moment.

 Suddenly he raised his hand, and a golden needle flew out of his hand.

 However, it did not fly towards Chu Ning, but towards the fat middle-aged monk next to it.

 The middle-aged monk had no time to react, and the golden needle passed directly through his throat.

 Hitchhik can be vaguely seen behind the gold needle, and there is a silk thread.

The silk thread tightly strangled the middle-aged monk's neck.

 The next moment, when the thin old man raised his hand and pulled, the thread shrank rapidly.


With the sound of bones breaking, the middle-aged monk's neck broke directly under the pull of the thin old man.

 The head and body separated and fell to the ground.

 Make a slight sound.

 Seeing this scene, Chu Ning couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

He clearly didn't feel any mana fluctuations just now, and in fact it was indeed impossible to use mana.

This thin old man seems to be using a hidden weapon similar to that used by warriors in the mortal world.

 But the proficiency of his technique surprised Chu Ning.

 Although the middle-aged monk's head and body were separated at this moment, his Yuanying was not destroyed.

 Just like the previous poem by Shang Song, a little person appears in his head and wants to rush out but cannot.

However, the other party’s yelling and cursing voice has already been heard.

"Luo, you unexpectedly attacked me! I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

 The thin old man was completely ignoring the other party's scolding at this moment.

 Instead, he raised his head and looked at Chu Ning calmly.

“Fellow Taoist Chu, this person’s Nascent Soul was destroyed by asking fellow Taoist to use a secret method.”

Chuning did not make any move. He looked at the thin old man and said calmly:

 “Give me a reason.”

The thin old man surnamed Luo also looked very calm at this moment and said without hesitation:

“In the Taixu Abyss, there is a passage in which spiritual power cannot be used. There has been news about this before, so I have prepared some more means.

 Before practicing, I practiced some ordinary martial arts and was good at using some hidden weapons.

However, compared with your body-refining magical power, fellow Taoist, it is simply incomparable. "

 Chun Ning shook his head and said:

"That's not what I'm talking about. Give me a reason why you do this and I don't kill you."

“I know a big secret about this world, which is related to the Yuanying monk’s promotion and breakthrough.

 As long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to tell this secret to you after I go out. "

 The thin old man said, pointing to the middle-aged monk on the ground.

“I think fellow Taoists don’t want other people to know such a secret, right?”

After Chu Ning heard this, a slight smile appeared on his face.

"But when we get out, it will be easy for you, the Yuanying monk, to take care of me, the Golden Core monk."

“How can fellow Taoist trust me?” The thin old man surnamed Luo looked at Chu Ning and frowned slightly.

“How about I tell some of this secret to fellow Taoists first?

This incident may be related to the collapse of Taixu Sect. At that time, many monks in the late Yuanying period gathered in Beihan.

Let’s discuss and study together the Nascent Soul monk’s breakthrough and promotion…”

 At this point, the thin old man paused for a moment and stopped talking.

Chuning chuckled at this moment.

“You are talking about something that happened ten thousand years ago when monks from Tianmu Continent and other places came to Beihan.”

 “How do you know?” The face of the thin old man was full of surprise.

 “I not only know, but I know a lot.”

Chuning glanced at the other party, "Then do you know what these people are looking for when they gather in Beihan?"

"What are you looking for?" After hearing Chu Ning's words, the thin old man subconsciously asked eagerly.

When Chu Ning heard this question, he knew that what the other party knew was really limited.

 “You should be looking for death!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Ning's figure flashed and he was already running towards the thin old man.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, please be merciful, I won’t tell outsiders…”

 “I said, I only believe in dead people!”

As the words fell, Chu Ning's voice appeared beside the old man.

 The thin old man also tried to use the same method he used to deal with the middle-aged monk just now to deal with Chu Ning.

 It's just that in Chu Ning's eyes, this kind of action is really not worth mentioning.

 He stretched out his hand and flicked the golden needle to pieces. The next moment, Chu Ning's right fist hit the skinny old man hard.

Use the Tiangang Fist and directly kill this Yuanying monk!

 “Well done!”

Beside, the middle-aged monk’s Nascent Soul was laughing crazily on top of the severed head.

 However, this move was not enough to please Chu Ning.

 With two Void Fingers and the Condensing Yuan Slash, Chu Ning killed the two Nascent Souls directly!

It didn't take more than a cup of tea before and after, and the three Nascent Soul monks who had no cultivation at all died at the hands of Chu Ning without any resistance.

 (End of this chapter)

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