My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 334: Tai Xuyuan, the first person (please vote for me)

Chapter 334 Tai Xuyuan, the first person (please vote for me)

 “What’s going on? Earthquake?”

Chuning raised his head in shock at this moment.

 The next moment, he and Bai Ling flew up together, scanning the surroundings in the air.

But he discovered that it was not just the island where he was now.

Looking around, wherever you look, the waves are constantly rolling and surging.

 Wave waves up to a hundred feet high formed, completely submerging the small island he had stayed at just now in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the waves are still getting bigger.

 One wave is higher than the other.

Chun Ning and Bai Ling looked at each other with surprise and curiosity in their eyes.

However, there is not much fear. Such waves are extremely dangerous for ordinary people.

"Ancient treasure?" Chu Ning was slightly startled when he heard this.

As he spoke, Bai Ling seemed to suddenly remember something and said:

 But for Chu Ning, it was just one more flight.

 But still no response.

However, what surprised Chu Ning was that there was no abnormality found under the island here.

In order to save the mana in his body, Bai Ling no longer transformed into a human form at this time, but transformed into his true body and got into Chu Ning's sleeves.

 But the Snow Mist Valley is deep in the Xuefeng Mountains, and it is too far away from here.

"Tai Xuyuan?" Bai Ling blinked twice.

 And that divine consciousness has actually locked onto himself.

“I didn’t find this person before, which shows that this person’s consciousness is stronger than mine.

“Master, is that location the same place where you originally picked up the giant turtle?

Chu Ning's consciousness reached down again, and he saw that there was a huge crack faintly visible thousands of feet above the seabed.

Chuning looked at the rolling sea water and spoke softly.

However, regardless of whether it is Taixuyuan or not, I think this turtle should have a certain connection with this place. "

 Immediately, Chu Ning flew away in that direction.

 Vaguely, it seemed like something was about to break out of the ground.

  The giant turtle I had picked up was on the sea surface there, but now there was a sudden movement there.

However, thinking of the major events that have attracted the most attention in the Beihan Immortal Cultivation World recently, Chu Ning couldn't help but blurt out:

“Could it be that Taixu Abyss has opened?”

However, he did not get completely close, but only came to a distance of about a hundred miles.

 At the same time, he could not help but explore the bottom of the sea with his spiritual consciousness.

Chuning nodded slightly, looking at the place in the distance with flickering eyes.

 Looking towards the back subconsciously.

Chuning followed this invisible shock wave and moved forward.

“Could it be that there was some kind of earthquake in the deep sea? Otherwise, how could there be such huge waves?”

However, two hundred miles away, invisible shock waves were born and struck in all directions.

If it is really Taixu Abyss, could it be that this giant turtle came out of Taixu Abyss?

“Let’s take a look, but it’s not necessarily Taixuyuan.”

 You think, could this giant turtle come out of Taixu Abyss? "

At the same time, Chu Ning took out the spirit beast bag from his waist again, used his magic power, and tried to release the giant turtle inside.

So he put the spirit beast bag away again.

“According to what Wu Lingwei of Shuangyue Pavilion said, Snow Mist Valley will be closed before Taixu Abyss appears.

 Actually, at the same time that Bai Ling spoke, he also thought about this problem.

 Chun Ning told Bai Ling what he had discovered.

“Master, this is possible.”

Chun Ning could only shake his head helplessly.

However, he could also feel waves of invisible forces impacting vaguely from the distance.

 He could clearly feel that behind him, an astonishing figure was rapidly approaching him.

At this moment, his eyebrows were raised slightly.

 The next moment, his expression changed slightly. He had never seen the ancient treasure born before.

In this way, he can clearly feel what is happening there, and at the same time, he can have enough distance to evacuate if something bad happens.

 The latter immediately blinked his eyes and said curiously:

"What kind of birth can cause such a big commotion? Could it be some ancient treasure or something like that?"

 After less than half a quarter of an hour, Chu Ning's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Then there is only one possibility, Nascent Soul monk, not even an ordinary Yuanying early monk. "

Chun Ning was thinking about it, secretly regretting that he didn't use the Forbidden God Technique just now.

 It was too late to use it now. The other party had already reached a distance of less than a hundred miles in just a short time.

The speed is so fast that even if Chu Ning uses Phantom Escape, he is not even half as fast as his opponent.

Such speed is really shocking.

 And if I act rashly at this moment, I am afraid that I will be stared at by this person.

 As for relying on escape skills to escape, it is even more impossible.

It's better not to act rashly, and wait and see who will act on chance again later.

In the short time that Chu Ning was thinking like this, the figure had already flown over.

  It landed a hundred feet away from Chu Ning.

He is an old man with a rather kind face. Under his feet is a Bagua flywheel.

 Obviously, the reason why he was so fast just now was not entirely due to his high level of cultivation.

 It has a lot to do with this magic weapon.

The aura on this person is amazing. Although Chu Ning has not come into contact with many Nascent Soul cultivators, he can feel that the other person is at least the middle Nascent Soul cultivator or above after just a glance.

 It is even very possible that he is a great monk in the late Yuanying period.

It's just that Chu Ning really doesn't know much about the Yuanying monks in this northern cold land, so naturally he can't figure out who the other party is.

 After the old man stopped, the Bagua Falun on the soles of his feet disappeared immediately.

At this moment, his eyes glanced at a place a hundred miles away, and then fell on Chu Ning.

“I didn’t expect that the first person to arrive here was a little friend. This was beyond my expectation.”

 The old man’s voice was gentle, but he didn’t seem too malicious.

Chuning felt a little relieved after hearing this. Seeing the situation of the other party, at least he was not the kind of old monster who would just take action without saying anything.

 But he did not relax his vigilance at all.

He can fully understand the principle that in the world of immortality, people should not be judged by their appearance.

  Even if you are polite, you slightly cup your hands towards the other party and say:

“Senior, I just happened to be passing by here and was attracted by this vision.”

 The old man nodded slightly, but did not say anything else.

As soon as Chu Ning saw the appearance of such a high-level Nascent Soul cultivator, he also guessed that the appearance of the cracks on the seabed was most likely the result of the opening of the Taixu Abyss.

 I suddenly felt like retreating.

 After all, there will definitely not be the only Nascent Soul monk like this next.

 It is really too dangerous for me to be here.

With this thought in mind, after a slight hesitation, he still cupped his hands towards the old man and said:

 “The juniors didn’t know that the seniors would come, so they left.”

When the old man heard this, he looked over again. He still looked very kind, but there was a trace of doubt in his words.

“My friend, it’s just the right time to meet you, so why bother to leave in a hurry.

If word gets out in the future, wouldn't it mean that I am too unkind? "

When Chu Ning heard this, she secretly complained in her heart.

  It is my own initiative to leave, it has nothing to do with the other party.

 But since the old man said this, Chu Ning really didn't dare to act rashly.

Chun Ning was very sure that he would not be the opponent of this Yuanying monk at all.

 Since the other party has no intention of killing you and just wants to stay here, there is no need to anger the other party.

I saw this old man hanging cross-legged in the air, looking like he was concentrating with his eyes closed.

Chun Ning simply followed suit and sat in the air, and began to use his kung fu to restore his mana.

In the fierce battle with the eighth-level monster wolf not long ago, Chu Ning did not use the ancient black sword, and the mana consumed was far less than when he killed the purple-crowned green water dragon.

However, after all, he wanted to kill the eighth-level monster, so he not only used the Five Elements Sword Formation.

Also used the art of decapitating gods.

Both the mana and the spiritual consciousness were consumed a lot.

 At this moment, it is simply a matter of taking the opportunity to recover.

 After all, he is not sure what situation he will face next, so keeping plenty of mana is the most basic thing.

 The Five Elements Chaos Technique was activated, and the mana in the body began to recover rapidly.

At this moment, Chu Ning couldn't help but sigh secretly in her heart.

“Although I practice the Five Elements Chaos Art with three attributes and four attributes, I still feel that it is quite powerful.

However, after truly practicing the complete Five Elements Chaos Art, I discovered that the difference is not even the slightest bit.

The complete Five Elements Chaos Technique emphasizes the interdependence of the five elements. Both the richness of the mana and the speed of mana recovery are more than twice as high as before. "

At this moment, Chu Ning did not use any recovery elixir, but it only took a short time to fully recover.

 Soon, Chu Ning began to practice the divine refining technique again and regained his spiritual consciousness.

 After more than two hours of this, Chu Ning's mana and consciousness were completely restored.

But there was a sudden movement in my heart. From the northwest direction, I could vaguely feel another figure approaching quickly at this moment.

 But there was a Nascent Soul monk nearby, and Chu Ning did not dare to release his spiritual consciousness at will.

Just pretending not to know, until the other party got closer, then he turned around and looked curiously.

Although this person's speed is not as fast as the old man's, he is not slow either.

 Just a short while later, he was already nearby.

He glanced at this side from a distance, and then flew straight over.

At this moment, Chu Ning also saw clearly that this man was also an old man.

  But compared to the previous one, this man's face had a fierce look, as if he had practiced some kind of magic skill.

Just being so close, Chu Ning could feel the amazing demonic energy on his body.

Compared with this, the demonic energy of the old black evil demon who had insufficient longevity that he met at the beginning was really not worth mentioning.

 “Another monk who is above the middle stage of Nascent Soul.”

Chuning sighed softly in his heart.

At this moment, after the fierce-looking old man glanced at Chu Ning and the previous old man, he laughed.

“Qiu Qijun is indeed a fast runner, he actually arrived first.

I don’t admire anything else, but your escape skills really impress me. "

This person's words are full of sarcasm.

 But the old man named Qiu Qijun still looked kind. "Old Mo Qu, you guessed wrong this time. It was not me who came here first, but this little friend."

After Qiu Qijun finished speaking, the old demon Qu turned his eyes and looked at Chu Ning with some confusion.

"Which family are you a descendant of? Is this old guy telling the truth?"

Chun Ning looked at Qu Lao Mo's unkind eyes and was thinking quickly in his heart.

 Obviously, this old devil is not as easy to deal with as the previous Qiu Qijun.

Perhaps if you don’t answer this sentence well, the other party may take action directly.

 And Chu Ning didn’t think that the kind-faced old man on the side would take the initiative to save this stranger.

The expression on his face continued to remain calm. Chu Ning looked at Qu Laomo, then stood up and slightly cupped his hands.

“Senior Qiu is right, junior is indeed the first to arrive.

But the junior just happens to be nearby. "

Qu Laomo glanced at Chu Ning, who was neither humble nor arrogant, his eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't say anything after all.

He also sat down on the side.

Seeing this, Qiu Qijun smiled slightly, also said nothing, and continued to close his eyes to rest.

These two Nascent Soul cultivators actually sandwiched Chu Ning on one side and the other on the right.

As time went by, one or two monks came from time to time.

 But all of them are Yuanying monks.

 In just one day, there were as many as six Yuanying monks gathered here.

After these people arrive, some of them will chat with Mr. Qiu Qi or Mr. Qu.

 Some just found a spot to meditate without saying a word.

 At this time, a Jindan monk finally came.

 This person is a middle-aged monk at the peak of the late Jindan period.

After he arrived, his eyes swept over everyone and looked at Chu Ning, who was sitting among a group of Yuanying monks, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

 Then he sat far away again.

Chu Ning naturally felt the surprised gaze of this person and couldn't help but sigh.

 In fact, the following Nascent Soul monks did not ask which one came first and which one came last.

However, his eyes could not help but glance over Chu Ning.

 Among the Nascent Soul cultivators, Chu Ning, who was in the late Golden Core stage, stood out even more.

Chu Ning also thought about sitting further away, but at this moment, in addition to the one directly in front of him, there were Yuanying monks on his left, right and even behind him.

 If you change places, you will inevitably have to pass by the Yuanying monk.

 After thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea.

Since everything is fine at the moment, it is better to maintain the status quo.

At this moment, a group of people flew in from the east and west sides of this place.

On one side, flying over was a spiritual boat, with seven people standing on it.

 There are two Yuanying monks and five Jindan monks.

Chun Ning also knew one of them, it was Tantai Song, the young master of the Phantom Sect.

 Among the two Nascent Soul monks, the leading middle-aged monk's appearance is somewhat similar to that of Tantai Songduo.

 Thinking about it, it should be the master of the Phantom Sect.

Chun Ning looked at the group of people on the other side who arrived almost at the same time.

Several people flew over separately. There were nine people in the group, six of them were Jindan monks, and three others were Nascent Soul monks, and two of them were also known to Chu Ning.

Suddenly they were Shang Song and Shenyu who were in the Changkong Hall.

At this moment, the two of them were following an old man wearing a brocade robe and a golden crown.

 Obviously, this old man is the main one.

“Could this person be one of the three palace masters of the Changkong Palace? It is said that they are all monks in the late Yuan Ying period.”

Chun Ning felt slightly shocked at this moment.

At the same time, he also paid attention to other people, and sure enough he saw a slight change in the expressions on the faces of the monks after seeing the old man in brocade robes.

Even Qu Laomo, who appeared first and seemed to be dismissive of everyone, had a more serious look on his face.

Chun Ning had a rough idea, and his guess was not wrong.

While Chu Ning was looking at the people from both sides, the people from both sides were also looking at the people who had arrived.

 It was inevitable that he would also look at Chu Ning.

After seeing Chu Ning, Na Tantai Song's eyes flashed with doubts.

 Shang Song showed a profound smile on his face.

Chuning sighed slightly when he saw the smile on the other person's face.

Even though Shang Song didn't say anything, Chu Ning knew that the other party had misunderstood his original intention of rejecting Changkong Palace.

 I originally guessed that Changkong Palace’s recruitment of me was related to Taixu Yuan, so I tried my best to refuse.

However, in Shang Song's opinion at this time, perhaps he chose not to join because he wanted to come to the so-called Taixu Abyss on his own.

 “This misunderstanding is really big.”

Chun Ning sighed secretly, but then felt relieved again.

 When the real world of Taixu Abyss opens, as long as you don't go in, it will be fine.

At this moment, the old man with the golden crown and purple robe looked at the monks and slowly said:

“After three hundred years, Taixuyuan has been reopened, and there are many old friends.

However, there are also many new faces.

 It seems that in our northern cold land, cultivation here has been quite prosperous in recent years. "

“Palace Master Lu, in this regard, you, Changkong Palace, have made an indispensable contribution.

If you hadn’t built this fairy city in Iceland, so many casual cultivators would have been able to obtain resources to practice with peace of mind from the very beginning.

Our land in the cold north may not be able to prosper either. "

The person who answered the call was the middle-aged monk master of the Phantom Sect.

His tone was calm, but it was impossible to tell whether the words were complimentary or derogatory.

Chu Ning has stayed in this northern cold land for a long time, and he also knows that in the eyes of many monks in the northern cold land, this Icelandic fairy city is not the holy land for casual cultivators rumored by the outside world.

On the contrary, many monks believe that the three masters of Changkong Palace monopolize cultivation resources through pressure.

 Many of the resources obtained by the many casual cultivators were divided up by the Icelandic Fairy City.

How to evaluate it specifically? This is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

At this moment, Chu Ning finally knew the identity of the old man with the golden crown and purple robe.

Lu Daoxue, one of the three hall masters of Changkong Hall, is a famous monk in the late Yuanying period in the Northern Cold Land.

 Among the many monks, only the leader of the Phantom Sect answered the question.

 I think that even if this person is not a late Yuanying monk, he is not very different.

The purple-robed old man Lu Daoxue heard the words of the leader of the Phantom Sect and looked over.

“Master Tantai, it’s a pity that your Huanling Sect seems to have been unlucky in recent years, and you have lost three fellow Taoists one after another, all of whom were physically destroyed.

Two of them were damaged in the Fairy City of Iceland. Speaking of which, Lu really didn't take good care of them. "

Lu Daoxue’s words were obviously sarcastic, accusing the Yuanying monks of the Phantom Sect of entering the Snow Mist Valley without telling the Changkong Palace.

How could that Phantom Spirit Sect master fail to understand the meaning behind his words?

However, his face still looked calm, showing no expression at all.

 I think he is also a person with a very deep city.

Lu Daoxue immediately began to greet the other monks. Through him, Chu Ning got to know many of the monks sitting here.

For example, the first Qiu Qijun who appeared was originally named the owner of Yeming Island.

Chun Ning has heard of this island, it is considered a small sect, not too big or too small.

There is only one Yuanying monk in the sect.

 Located in a strait between the Fairy City, Haiyun Basin and Hanyanzhou blocks in Iceland.

 In total, it is indeed the closest force to here.

  No wonder it came at the earliest time.

As for the old demon Qu, he is a famous demonic monk in the Northern Cold Land.

Although there is no established sect, there are still many disciples, which can be regarded as a considerable force in the waters near Haiyun Basin.

 Another day passed, and the monks from Hanyanzhou who were farthest away also arrived one after another.

Including Shenyin Valley, Ten Thousand Beasts Sect and other sects that Chu Ning has come into contact with, monks have come.

It's just that Chu Ning had gone to Shenyin Valley for more than half a month, but no monks that Chu Ning knew came.

On the contrary, there was a person in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect whom Chu Ning knew, it was the young sect leader Li Bailin.

In this way, the identity of the monk in front of him who was equally arrogant and seemed to choose others to devour was also revealed.

This person should be Li Xiao, the great elder of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

 Further back, some scattered monks came, most of which Chu Ning didn't recognize.

Taken together in this way, there are nearly fifty Nascent Soul monks gathered here.

 There are also seventy or eighty Jindan monks.

It’s just that most of these Jindan monks followed the Nascent Soul monks.

There are only about five or six Jindan monks like Chu Ning who are alone.

Except for Chu Ning, almost everyone in green is a peak cultivator in the late Golden Core stage.

 Thinking about these people coming here, they are all thinking about finding an opportunity to break through to become a Nascent Soul monk.

At this moment, seven days have passed since the tsunami formed.

 The huge waves stirred up in the sea were nearly a thousand feet high.

With so many Yuan Ying monks around, it was impossible for Chu Ning to use his spiritual consciousness to explore the bottom of the sea.

 In fact, use Chu Ning to find out something more.

At this moment, a huge abyss visible to the naked eye has emerged from the bottom of the sea and risen above the sea.

This abyss is nearly two hundred miles long and shrouded in a layer of white mist.

The end of this abyss seems to be connected to somewhere, but Chu Ning cannot see through it with his eyes.

 With the complete appearance of this abyss, the vibrations on the entire sea surface disappeared.

 The huge waves in the sea and their calmness.

 The eyes of many monks present flashed slightly.

In the end, it was Lu Xuedao, one of the three main hall masters of the Changkong Hall with a golden crown and purple robe, who stood up.

His eyes first glanced at the huge abyss in the distance, and then looked at everyone.

“Taixu Abyss has appeared in the world and is about to be opened, but I didn’t expect that this time it would be in this sea area.

However, the previous rules still hold, because there is no pattern in the location of Tai Xuyuan.

 The first monk to discover it will also have the opportunity to enter first.

I don’t know which Taoist friend came here first this time? "

 (End of this chapter)

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