My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 332: Invitation to Changkong Palace (please vote for me!)

Chapter 332: Invitation from Changkong Palace (please vote for me!)

White Sand Island was in a mess after the monster attack.

 But at this moment, most of the monks looked happy.

This time the monsters attacked the island, the monks suffered little loss. On the contrary, most of the monsters were killed and left behind.

Now, the casual cultivators on the island are also quickly picking up the corpses of monsters scattered on the ground.

These third-level, fourth-level monsters, and even the corpses of fifth-level monsters.

 For most monks, it is a rare material.

While everyone was picking up materials, their eyes looked at several figures in the sky from time to time.

Everyone knows that if that person and the eagle hadn't arrived in time, the entire island would have been wiped out, but it would have been close.

“I’ve only heard others say that Senior Chu is very strong, but I didn’t know he was so strong until I saw it with my own eyes.

At this time, Chu Ning couldn’t help but asked with some doubts:

 “Brother Chu, thank you very much for this!”

 It’s just that it was actually Bai Ling’s breakthrough at that time.

 Chang Lingshan looked at Chu Ning with eyes filled with gratitude.

 But this time, there were not only more than ten fifth-level monsters, but also four sixth-level monsters.

 That’s why everyone was grateful for Chu Ning’s arrival.

 Speaking of this, Chang Lingshan paused slightly and continued:

“However, fellow Taoists should pay more attention overseas recently. I heard that several eighth-level monsters have appeared in the Zhonghai area recently.

But I don’t know why so many fifth- and sixth-order monsters suddenly appeared during the siege of Baisha Island.

To his great surprise, the person guarding Baisha Island this time was his old acquaintance Chang Lingshan.

 The monsters that Li Bailin drove to appear before were also driven from the Central Sea area.

 This is the first time. Before this, where were the sixth-order monsters in this inland sea? "

Chang Lingshan thought of the strength of the golden thunder eagle when it killed the monster just now, and he couldn't help but praise:

 With the strength of three people, it is simply impossible to resist.

Chu Ning nodded. He knew that Chang Lingshan was talking about his breakthrough in the cave in the fairy city in Iceland.

Chun Ning smiled and said: "Brother Chang, don't be too outspoken. It's just a coincidence for me."

 It is really not easy to find so many fifth-level and sixth-level monsters in this inland sea area.

  Many people’s eyes were cast on the figure in the sky with admiration at this moment.

This golden thunder eagle is a new breakthrough on the island.

Although the Changkong Temple, in view of the current situation, arranged for Chang Lingshan, a veteran middle-stage Jindan monk, to guard the island with two early-stage Jindan monks.

Chuning came to Baisha Island only on a temporary basis. Later, he met the group of people halfway and rushed to support them.

Chun Ning’s glorious deeds at the entrance of Xuewu Valley thirty years ago were also spread word of mouth among the monks on the island.

I'm afraid that old bones like me, Daoyou Chen and Daoyou Zhang, along with many monks on this island, will also be buried in the mouths of monsters. "

From time to time, some monks expressed emotion.

“It’s really a divine horse with extraordinary strength. If Taoist friends want to raise such spiritual beasts, no wonder it’s more convenient to practice overseas.”

After Chang Lingshan finished speaking, the other two early-stage Jindan monks on the side also nodded.

At this moment, Chu Ning and Chang Lingshan stood in the air, continuing to stare at the island to avoid another attack by the monster.

Being able to kill sixth-level monsters and rescue many golden elixir monks with the same level of strength, such combat power also makes many young monks stunned.

We can't even send someone back to report the news. If it weren't for Brother Chu, you arrived in time.

“Is this island often besieged by monsters? If so, why doesn’t Changkong Palace arrange for more Taoist friends to come?”

 “You were born late, so of course you don’t know…”

At this moment, Chang Lingshan looked at the golden thunder eagle not far away.

When Chu Ning arrived, several people were already injured.

Chun Ning didn’t want to explain too much, so he nodded lightly.

“Although there were occasional monster attacks on the island before, most of them were small-scale. There are so many monsters like this, and the level is still so high.

The fifth- and sixth-order monsters under his hands had no power to fight back. "

Chuning nodded after hearing this. There were indeed not many fifth- and sixth-order monsters in the inner sea.

“Brother Chu, is this the spiritual beast that you used to advance to the next level?”

“You have saved us again. These monsters came too fast, and they were very targeted in attacking the teleportation array.

 Some young monks would ask questions from the sidelines.

 “Not often.” Chang Lingshan shook his head.

“Senior, who is this Senior Chu?”

 I don’t know if you have met fellow Taoists overseas? "

“A new eighth-level monster has appeared?” Chu Ning felt slightly moved when he heard this.

But he shook his head and said: "I just looked for an uninhabited island. I usually can't practice on the island, but I didn't encounter it.

By the way, Brother Chang, do you know the specific attributes of the newly-appeared eighth-level monsters and their approximate distribution? "

As soon as Chang Lingshan heard this, he immediately shook his head.

 “I have never asked about this.”

Chuning asked several other people, but they didn't know.

"It seems that I can only go to Shuangyue Pavilion to ask."

After Chu Ning finished speaking, Chang Ling Shanma said:

"Brother Chu, the teleportation array on this island has been damaged. If you want to go to the fairy city in Iceland, you can only fly back."

As soon as he said this, Chang Lingshan laughed dumbly again and said:

“It’s true that I was overly worried. With Brother Chu’s magical powers, I’m naturally not afraid of any danger.”

 Speaking of this, Chang Lingshan paused slightly and said:

“By the way, when Brother Chu arrives at the Fairy City in Iceland, please send me a message and ask them to arrange for personnel to come and repair the teleportation array.

 Otherwise there will still be a lot of inconvenience. "

When Chu Ning heard this, he pondered for a moment and then said:

“Brother Chang, take me to the teleportation array to have a look. I’ve dabbled in battle tactics to see if I can repair it.”

“Brother Chu, is he still proficient in this formation?”

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Shanshi was often surprised.

He certainly knew that this teleportation formation was still a relatively complex one among formations.

Since Chu Ning said that he could build this teleportation formation, he must be very accomplished in the formation.

The other two Jindan monks also had a look of surprise on their faces at this moment, and one of the middle-aged monks said:

“I am also thinking about going back to the Fairy City in Iceland with fellow Taoist Chu, and report to the palace to request for more support.

I was originally worried that it would take too long. It would be great if Fellow Daoist Chu could repair the teleportation array.

Fellow Daoist Chu, feel free to practice. If any materials are consumed, I will report it to the palace and I will definitely replenish it. "

Chang Lingshan had just introduced to Chu Ning that the other person was from Changkong Palace, and Chu Ning didn't feel surprised at this moment.

Even though he nodded, he did not refuse what the other party said later about compensation materials or the like.

He didn’t know how bad the teleportation array was. If it consumed a lot of materials, he would naturally accept the compensation without hesitation.

 After all, the Changkongdian family has a great cause, so it doesn’t matter if they come up with some materials.

And Chu Ning’s materials were all collected by him with great effort.

The people looked around and found that no monster appeared again.

 The four of them immediately landed on the island, and then headed towards the formation amidst the respectful sounds of many monks and mortals.

Chuning looked around and sighed softly in his heart.

Although the damage this time was not serious, it was also compared to the previous expectations of the monks on the island.

 In fact, there were many casualties among the low-level monks and mortals on the island.

Compared to the fairy city of Iceland, the proportion of low-level monks and mortals living on this island is much larger.

 Facing the attack of such monsters, they have almost no power to resist.

 Especially the many mortals who have lived on this island for almost generations.

I can only pray that my descendants will have the spiritual roots to practice. Otherwise, I will not be able to leave the island and will not be able to practice. It is actually quite painful.

These thoughts just flashed through Chu Ning's mind, and then were completely thrown away by Chu Ning.

 In this world of immortality, it is so cruel.

This is completely different from the peaceful and prosperous age before he traveled through time.

 In fact, even on the earth before time travel, only a few countries could achieve peace.

Soon, everyone arrived in front of the teleportation array. Chu Ning just took a brief look and found that the damage to the teleportation array was quite serious.

“It can be repaired, but I’m afraid it will take two or three days.”

Chun Ning turned his head and said to Chang Lingshan and the others.

“It doesn’t matter if it takes a day or two. If it can be repaired, this little time is nothing.”

 Once the teleportation array is repaired, it means that if there is any accident, they can request support in time or leave.

 This is something that makes them all feel relieved. As for this period of time, Chu Ning is on the island again, so they naturally have nothing to worry about.

The middle-aged monk from the Changkong Hall flashed a hint of surprise when he heard Chu Ning's words.

He also knows some formations, but he only has a little exposure to them. He cannot set up formations such as teleportation arrays.

 But it can also be seen that the damage to the teleportation array is quite serious.

Chuning actually said that it could be repaired within a day or two, which really surprised him.

 Chuning’s next restoration also surprised him.

Many of the materials for the teleportation array have been damaged, but Chu Ning's storage bag is like a treasure chest.

 No matter what the material is, he can come up with it.

 And there is only one explanation for this.

“I didn’t expect that this fellow Taoist Chu is not only extremely powerful in magical powers, but he is also an outstanding formation master.”

The middle-aged monk sighed inwardly, and at the same time, he wrote down all the materials used by Chu Ning one by one, so that he could return to the fairy city of Iceland after the teleportation array was repaired, and then find the palace to compensate Chu Ning.

The damage to the teleportation array was more serious than Chu Ning imagined. It took Chu Ning two days to truly repair the formation.

This is really thanks to the fact that he prepared a lot of materials himself, otherwise even if he understands the formation, it would be difficult to repair it.

Standing in this teleportation array, after careful inspection, there was no problem.

Chun Ning then walked out of the formation and held his hands towards Chang Lingshan and others.

“Brother Chang, when I return to the Fairy City in Iceland this time, I may not necessarily come to this White Sand Island again.

take care. "

“Brother Chu, please take care of yourself! If you live in the fairy city, don’t forget to come find me in two years.” Chang Lingshan smiled and cupped his hands.

Immediately, Chu Ning and the middle-aged Jindan monk named Zhang Chenghua from Changkong Palace left Baisha Island directly with the help of the teleportation array.

By the time the two landed again, they had already arrived at the Fairy City of Iceland.

 Zhang Chenghua took the initiative to invite Chu Ning at this time:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I will go to the palace to report the situation on Baisha Island.

Fellow Taoist, how about going with me? I just happened to ask the temple to replenish all the formation materials consumed by fellow Taoists. "

Chun Ning pondered for a moment after hearing this, but nodded in agreement.

He heard from Chang Lingshan yesterday that an eighth-level monster appeared in the Zhonghai area recently, and his first thought was to go to Shuangyue Pavilion to inquire about the news.

 Let’s see if the new eighth-level monsters that appear have wood and earth attributes.

If there is one, he will go and see if he can hunt it, so that the wood spirit sword and the earth spirit sword can also condense the spirit of the monster.

However, I think the news about Shuangyue Pavilion also came from Changkong Hall. If you go directly to Changkong Hall, you should be able to find out.

 Immediately, Chu Ning went to Changkong Palace with Zhang Chenghua.

Since the incident in Snow Mist Valley, this is the second time Chu Ning has been to the highest point of the fairy city in Iceland.

 It was still in the same hall, and the two Yuanying monks I saw were still the same.

Chuning remembered their names. The older one was called Shang Song and the younger one was called Shenyu.

After greeting the two of them, Chu Ning stood aside and said nothing, listening to Zhang Chenghua telling them about the incident on Baisha Island.

It wasn’t until Zhang Chenghua finished speaking that Shang Song looked at Chu Ning and said with a smile:

“Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Chu. If it weren’t for Fellow Daoist’s help, our Iceland Fairy City would have suffered another loss.”

"I just happened to be passing by. I wanted to use the teleportation array to return to the city, but I didn't expect that this happened." Chu Ning said calmly.

Shang Song smiled, turned to Zhang Chenghua and said:

“Master Zhang’s nephew, I’m going to get some formation materials to compensate Daoist friend Chu.”

“Yes!” Zhang Chenghua responded and left the palace.

At this time, Shang Song’s eyes fell on Chu Ning and asked with great interest:

“I only knew that Taoist friend Chu knew how to make talismans before, but I didn’t know that Taoist friend Chu also had a lot of research on this formation.

 Fellow Taoist, at such an age, not only has his magical power reached this level, but he is also proficient in so many immortal arts, which really amazes me. "

 Sensing that there was something in Shang Song's words, Chu Ning couldn't figure it out for a moment, so she just replied politely:

“Senior Shang is too polite, I have only dabbled in it a little bit.”

Shang Song smiled and did not continue the topic, but asked:

“Fellow Daoist Chu doesn’t seem to have lived in this fairy city for more than ten years, but he doesn’t know where to practice?

Is there anything in our fairy city that dissatisfies fellow Taoists?

 If so, please tell me so that we can improve it. "

"That's not true. Leaving Fairy City is mainly due to my own reasons."

When Chu Ning said this, he remembered what Chang Lingshan said before and said:

“Fellow Daoist Zhang just said that I raised a golden thunder eagle, and I wanted to let it exercise more in the sea, so I have been practicing on an uninhabited island for these years.”

“That’s it!” Shang Song nodded and suddenly said:

“I wonder if fellow Taoists are interested in joining our Changkong Hall?

At that time, you can practice in the Changkong Hall. Behind this hall is connected to the Xuefeng Mountains, and there is a special place for raising spiritual beasts. "

 “Join Changkong Palace?” Chu Ning was slightly startled after hearing this.

He has lived near the fairy city in Iceland for decades. In terms of showing off his skills, he also showed off his magical powers in the snowy fog valley.

  Why did Changkong Palace not take the opportunity to win over him that time, but now it suddenly proposed to let him join Changkong Palace?

He was extremely confused. After thinking about it, Chu Ning shook his head and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, senior. I'm just used to being in the clouds and wild cranes, and I'm afraid I won't be used to staying in the palace either."

 “I’m afraid you are worried, fellow Taoist?” Shang Song said with a smile at this time.

“It’s no wonder, after all, Shang’s invitation this time was indeed a bit sudden.”

Shang Song said, paused and said:

“To be honest with fellow Taoists, the Changkong Temple will select some of the Taoists who have lived in the Fairy City of Iceland for more than thirty years and have certain supernatural powers to join the temple.

Fellow Taoist not only has magical powers that are far superior to monks of the same level, but is also proficient in formations. He is really an ideal candidate for this temple. "

Chun Ning quickly figured out the clue through Shang Song's words.


 Obviously, Shang Song took the initiative to invite them, presumably because they had previously repaired the teleportation array and made them feel that they had good attainments in the array.

At this moment, Chu Ning couldn't help but think of more.

“The young master of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect, Li Bailin, also made an invitation because he realized that he knew the formation.

Is it possible that there is something else to say behind this? "

 Suddenly, Chu Ning's heart moved.

  There is probably only one place that has attracted so much attention recently from so many big forces, even Nascent Soul cultivators.


With this thought in his mind, Chu Ning suddenly became very vigilant.

Taixuyuan is a place where many Nascent Soul monks are making plans.

Although he has some means, he may be able to fight against ordinary early Yuanying monks.

  But it would be too dangerous to really face those Nascent Soul monks.

 It is better for you to avoid getting involved in such dangerous places.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning still shook her head and refused:

“Thank you for your kindness, senior. I just want to be a casual cultivator, and I really have no plans to join any force.”

After hearing what Chu Ning said, Shang Song nodded slightly, but did not say any more forceful words to Chu Ning.

After a while, Zhang Chenghua came with a lot of materials, which were exactly what Chu Ning had used to repair the teleportation array on the white sand island.

Chuning naturally accepted them all without any politeness.

 Then he continued:

"By the way, Senior Shang, I am afraid that I will go to sea during these times, but I don't know if there is a distribution map of eighth-level monsters in the palace, so I can avoid them."

“Senior Nephew Zhang should have gotten the materials when he went to get them. You can just ask Junior Nephew Zhang to make a copy for you later.”

 Shang Song pointed at Zhang Chenghua at this time.

Chuning looked over, and the latter nodded. He said nothing more, just said goodbye and left.

After leaving the palace, Zhang Chenghua immediately took out a blank jade slip, then copied the contents of another jade slip into it and handed it to Chu Ning.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, this is the information we recently collected about the eighth-level monsters.

 However, eighth-level monsters have appeared frequently recently, but they are not necessarily complete. "

Chuning nodded, took the blank jade slip, scanned it quickly with his consciousness, and felt happy.

“An eighth-level wood-type monster appears.”

 (End of this chapter)

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