My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 328: Where's the dragon? Where did the dragon go?

Chapter 328 Where is the dragon? Where did the dragon go?

 Seeing the small, green, phantom-like dragon, Chu Ning's eyes immediately brightened up.

 This is what he wants!

Having been prepared for a long time, his body turned into a shadow in the air, and the next moment he was at the side of the little dragon.

 The mana was condensed, the palm of his hand flashed with brilliance, and he immediately grabbed it.

This little green dragon has fallen into Chu Ning's hands.

 “The complete soul of the eighth-level monster!”

Chuning looked at the little dragon in his hand, his eyes flashing with joy.

This is equivalent to the Nascent Soul of a human monk, a complete monster spirit!

 “Let me go!”

The little dragon was struggling in Chu Ning's hand, still able to speak human words.

But Chu Ning paid no attention to it, held the little dragon tightly, swooped down from the air, and came to the huge corpse of the dragon.

Holding the ancient black sword treasure in his hand, Chu Ning directly took off a scale from the Jiao's head.

This scale is located under the purple snake crown, with a mixture of blue and purple, and is as big as two palms.

 After taking off the scales, Chu Ning held it in his hand.

  Immediately afterwards, mana surged, condensing a ball of light that directly wrapped the scales and the small dragon together.

 Then he suspended the light group in front of his chest, and Chu Ning's hands continued to shoot spells one after another, which fell onto the light group.

The green little dragon suddenly struggled violently, but was still forced to get into the scales little by little.

 Until the entire little dragon disappeared into its scales.

Chuning now had a smile on his face.

 He took out a jade box and put it in it, then put a seal on it.

 Thrown it into the storage bag.

At the same time, Chu Ning waved his hand, and the entire dragon body was put into the storage bag.

This eighth-level purple-crowned green water dragon has a lot of good things, but Chu Ning doesn't have time to deal with them now.

 After all, the fight just now was very noisy, and he was worried that it would attract other monks or monsters.

Chun Ning took out a drop of Millennium Spiritual Liquid and drank it, and his mana began to recover rapidly.

 At the same time, Chu Ning completely dispersed his consciousness, and no other situation occurred within the three hundred miles.

However, some elixirs and fruits were discovered on this island.

Immediately, Chu Ning and several others flew away on the island, and all the elixirs and spiritual fruits were collected by them.


Just when Chu Ning had almost picked everything, he suddenly sensed the figure of the monk within the scope of his consciousness.

 He didn't know the others very well, but he recognized the purple cloud warbler.

“Why is the young master of the Phantom Spirit Sect here? Could it be that the Phantom Spirit Sect has noticed the fighting here?”

With this thought flashing through his mind, Chu Ning soared directly into the sky and continued flying towards the other side of Zhonghai.

No matter what the reason for his arrival, Chu Ning had no interest in meeting him face to face.

He has already learned this person's behavior style.

If they meet each other, they may get entangled.

Not to mention that there are so many of them, this area is still within the sphere of influence of the Phantom Sect.

 Shortly after Chu Ning disappeared.

The purple clouded warbler carried Tantai Song, and together with five other Jindan monks, they flew twenty miles away.

At this moment, Zhan Taisong had already stood on the back of the purple cloud warbler, looked at the island within sight in front of him, and jumped into the sky.

“You two stay here with the purple cloud warbler, don’t get too close.”

As he said that, he led five Jindan monks and flew towards the island.

When they approached the place ten miles away, Tantai Song couldn't help but have a look of doubt on his face.

“Senior Brother Liu, have you sensed the presence of the dragon monster?”

 The old man on the side also shook his head in confusion.

“No, I heard that this dragon is extremely rampant and does not cover its aura at all.

Logically speaking, since we are so close, we should have felt the evil spirit a long time ago.

 Furthermore, my spiritual consciousness did not sense the presence of any monsters on this island. "

 “Let’s go over quickly and have a look.”

Tantai Song heard that the old man's reaction was the same as his own, and he was very confused. He immediately called on everyone to speed up and fly away.

When they reach the sky above the island, a few people will naturally be able to sense everything on the island.

 “Where is the dragon?”

Tantai Song looked at the island from above with an ugly expression.

 “Look there!”

At this time, the old man surnamed Liu pointed to the side of the island. Several people looked at the old man surnamed Liu's finger, and their expressions became astonished.

“There was actually a monk who fought with this eighth-level giant dragon here before!”

The old man surnamed Liu only looked at the mess on the island near the sea and immediately understood what had happened.

 Immediately, he shook his head and said:

“Young Sect Master, I didn’t expect that there would be people around here trying to take advantage of this eighth-level monster.

It is not known whether this dragon was killed or whether it was disturbed and returned to the open sea.

 I am afraid that our efforts will be in vain. "

Tantai Song looked ugly at the moment.

“Aren’t these Nascent Soul monks all in retreat recently? Which one came here after eating enough to support himself?”

The people who mobilized their own troops came to kill the dragon, but in the end there was no trace of the dragon.

 The key point is that this dragon is quite useful to him, which really makes Tantai Song very angry.

Several Jindan monks from the Phantom Sect looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

 In their opinion, since they dare to take advantage of this eighth-level demon.

 There are only Yuanying monks.

 After all, not all Jindan monks are like them. They have some skills themselves, and they also know some combined attack techniques because they are in the same sect.

 If nothing else, it is not a large sect, and it is difficult to even gather so many late-stage Jindan monks.

 The current Zhonghai area is not something that just any Golden Core cultivator dares to enter.

 “What bad luck!”

Tantai Song cursed a few words and then fell into the island to see if he could gain anything.

 As a result, after a while, his face became even more ugly.

There is not a single elixir left on this island that has reached a certain level.

 Some places obviously contained weapon-refining materials, and they were all dug up.

Since they couldn't catch anything, they wanted to fly back to where they came from. At this moment, Tantai Song was looking somewhere.

 “Young Master, what’s wrong?”

The old man surnamed Liu couldn't help but ask when he saw Tantai Song like this.

Tantai Song pointed into the distance.

“I remember there should be a seventh-level monster three thousand miles over there, right?

Since we are out for a trip, we can't go back empty-handed. Let's kill a few seventh-level monsters. "

Tantai Song said so, and the other people didn't have any big opinions.

With these people gathered together, there will naturally be no problem at all in dealing with seventh-level monsters.

Immediately, Tantai Song summoned the purple clouded warbler again, and the group of people flew towards another monster lair three thousand miles away.

 There are generally very few other monsters near the territory of an eighth-level demon.

The seventh-level monster here is already the closest.

 However, when the group of people arrived, they couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

 “Where are the monsters?”

 Originally, there was a seventh-level piranha in the sea here.

 But at this moment, they searched for a long time, but could not find the shadow of this seventh-level monster.

 When a few people dived into the sea, they were dumbfounded again.

But it is the habitat of monsters at the bottom of the sea, and it is also a mess.

 Looks like there are signs of a fight.

"Someone actually rushed to kill this monster before us?" Tantai Song was embarrassed at this moment.

 Dang even led several monks to fly towards the next place where there was a seventh-level monster.

After all, the territory of the seventh-level monster is not that big, but the distance here is not that far, only about a thousand miles.

 But as a result, they failed again.

On a small island, the seventh-level ghost crow that was supposed to be there also disappeared.

At this moment, several monks from the Phantom Sect also reacted.

The old man surnamed Liu said at this moment:

“Young Sect Master, it seems that the Yuanying monk must have been sweeping up the sea area here in the past few days.

These seventh-level monsters were either killed by him, or they were frightened and returned to the open sea.

Even if we go to the next place, we may not gain anything. "

When Tantai Song heard this, his face turned pale.

 “This wild monk appears out of nowhere, don’t let me know who he is, otherwise, hum!”

After cursing several times, Tantai Song could only say angrily:

 “Let’s go back to the clan!”

 Hearing what Tantai Song said, the old man surnamed Liu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

 He was really worried that the young sect leader was so passionate that he would have to hunt monsters elsewhere.

It seems that the seventh-level monsters can’t be found.

 The remaining eighth-level monsters are either too close to the outer sea, or too far away from other forces' territories. It would be too risky to hunt them rashly.

Of course, what worried him even more was that the unknown Yuanying monk had not gone far.

As a result, several Jindan monks from the Phantom Sect could only return empty-handed.

Just a thousand miles away from where the few people turned back and left, at this moment, Chu Ning was using his four flying swords to fight with a seventh-level monster.

To deal with seventh-level monsters, he would not waste the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman, let alone activate the ancient black sword.

 After all, after using this thing once, if you want to maintain its combat effectiveness, you have to use a drop of Millennium Spiritual Milk.

 Consumption is too high.

However, even without using the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman and the Ancient Treasure Black Sword.

 Dealing with seventh-level monsters is not difficult for Chu Ning.

His four-attribute flying sword has enough lethality for these seventh-level monsters.

 After all, these monster beasts are far less astonishingly defensive than the eighth-level giant dragon.

 In conjunction with secret techniques such as Void Finger.

Although it's not instant kill yet, it doesn't take much effort.

 After killing this seventh-level monster, Chu Ning felt a little bit.

“Hey, it seems that the people from the Phantom Sect are not chasing us.”

Chuning muttered.

"Why don't you just kill a monster? Why do you keep following me?"

Since the other party didn't chase him, he didn't rush to leave. He recovered his mana slightly on the island.

 Then he randomly obtained a few elixirs.

Chuning then rushed to the next point.

 One month later, Chu Ning was still in the Zhonghai area.

But he has already arrived at the junction of the two sea areas of Iceland Fairy City and Haiyun Basin.

“Before, we used to go back and forth between the two land plates through the teleportation array, but this is the first time for us to fly directly like this.

 Fortunately, there are monsters to hunt along this way, otherwise, it would be boring. "

It took me so long, mainly due to the many detours.

 With the idea that killing one is a kill, and killing two is a kill—one trip out is enough.

Along the way, Chu Ning followed the information provided in the jade slips of Shuangyue Pavilion and found that none of the seventh-level monsters had been spared.

As for the sixth- and fifth-level monsters, if you happen to encounter them along the way, you can only blame them for their bad luck.

“According to the records in this jade slip, there should be a seventh-order deep sea turtle nearby.”

Chun Ning murmured secretly in his heart, and at the same time released his consciousness directly.

His consciousness locked on a hill-like black shadow thirty miles away.

 His eyes suddenly flickered slightly.

 “What a big turtle!”

 There was a dark shadow that he could see before. He thought it was an island, but now he sensed it.

Only found that it turned out to be a giant turtle.

This turtle is really huge, floating on the sea like a hill.

At this moment, the giant turtle closed its eyes tightly and seemed to be sleeping, exuding an ancient aura.

 But Chu Ning was stunned because he couldn't feel the specific aura of rank on him.

“How come the seventh-level deep turtle grows so big? Is the information wrong?”

Chun Ning couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

However, he carefully used his spiritual sense to sense it, and he did not feel the powerful aura of an eighth-level or above monster beast on his body.

 After thinking about it, Chu Ning flew to the vicinity of the turtle.

 When he saw the appearance of this giant turtle clearly, Chu Ning couldn't help being surprised.

He didn't feel it that deeply before he was close, but now that he was close, he could really feel the ancient and vicissitudes of the atmosphere.

Whether it is the extended head or the thick limbs suspended and spread out, the cracks on it make people feel the traces of time.

 The most eye-catching thing is the turtle shell on its back.

The turtle shell is covered with seaweed, but occasionally it is not covered by seaweed.

 But there are seemingly irregular lines.

But it gave Chu Ning the feeling that it was like a rather complicated rune, and it seemed that every rune contained power.

“The lifespan of this tortoise-type monster is generally relatively long. It seems that this deep sea turtle has been in the sea for a very long time. The seventh-level monster actually has such a vicissitudes of life.”

Chun Ning looked at the turtle's appearance and his eyes couldn't help but flicker slightly.

 At such a close distance, the giant turtle didn't even react at all.

 And fell into a deep sleep without breathing.

 This is exactly the same as the state of the monster before it advances.

“A seventh-level monster will become an eighth-level monster if advanced.

 To be able to tame it, you need a helper at the level of Nascent Soul. "

Chun Ning thought about this possibility.

I think it’s worth giving it a try.

 At that time, if it really doesn’t work, the worst case scenario is to just kill them.

 When the opponent advances to the eighth level monster, even if it is killed, the value will be greater than it is now.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning took out an empty spirit beast bag and pointed the mouth of the bag directly at the giant turtle.

If the giant turtle had not fallen into a deep sleep, Chu Ning would not have been able to capture the turtle and put it into the spirit beast bag even with a little resistance.

At this time, Chu Ning activated his mana, and the turtle was directly pocketed by him.

“Fortunately, the spirit beast bag I made is big enough, otherwise this turtle wouldn’t be able to fit in it.”

 Putting the turtle into the storage bag, Chu Ning chuckled.

 He raised his eyes and looked at the direction, then flew forward again.

There are also many seventh-level monsters in the sea area of ​​​​the Iceland Fairy City, and he has no reason to let them go.

 Shortly after Chu Ning disappeared, he was on the seabed not far away.

 A turtle head poked out from a coral reef. It looked up at the sea surface, as if it was sensing something.

 After waiting for a while, the two small eyes on the turtle's head rolled around.

 It was actually a personified person with a flash of doubt and relief.

The next moment, the turtle head shrank back, and a huge turtle-shaped monster emerged from the coral reef.

This turtle is also huge in size, but compared with the giant turtle Chu Ning encountered before, it is much different.

 The aura on its body is stable, and it is impressively a seventh-level deep sea turtle.

 (End of this chapter)

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