My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 323: Fifteen years of cultivation in Island Cave Mansion

Chapter 323: Fifteen Years of Cultivation in Island Cave

 Back in the formation, Chu Ning began to open up his own cave.

The training room is naturally located on the hidden spiritual vein. In addition, there is also a spiritual medicine garden, a spiritual beast room, a talisman making room, etc.

 Chun Ning still has a weapon refining room and an alchemy room.

 Although there is no earth fire here, his elixir fire and earth vein essence fire can both be refined.

  also prepared for emergencies.

After the elixir garden was opened, Chu Ning first planted the Snow Crystal Zhi.

 The next step is to practice in seclusion. This product is a must-have for practice, and its effect is much better than that of elixirs.

 Soon, Chu Ning planted all the elixirs and plants that were brought out from the fairy city in Iceland one by one.

While planting purple source fruits and leafless flowers, Chu Ning separated several spiritual fruit plants on a whim.

 【Alchemy, fourth level (64000/64000)】

An electric current brought a feeling of paralysis, and Chu Ning immediately began to practice the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

At that time, you can use this cloud and thunder formation to gather the power of thunder, and your subsequent cultivation will be guaranteed.

And Chu Ning has not yet found a suitable follow-up practice method.

With this thought, Chu Ning returned to the practice room and began to think about his next practice.

 Cloud and thunder array.

 At the same time, he took a brief look at his own cultivation proficiency.

 “Make it big!”

Even if you can't use the power of thunder to temper your body every day, it shouldn't be a big problem if you spend half of the time every month.

  started to use the spirit-locking technique learned from that formation.

In this boundless sea, although thunderstorms do not appear often, it is relatively normal to occur once every half a month or once a month.

Chun Ning murmured in his heart and began to adjust the size of the thunder power again.

After doing this several times, Chu Ning quickly found a balance between the two.

After getting the formation method of Yun Lei Formation from Di Yan, Chu Ning never tried it because it was not convenient to arrange the relevant formation in the fairy city of Iceland.

 “It seems that the strength is somewhat insufficient.”

 accidentally discovered that the power of thunder has a better body tempering effect.

The time for refining the divine art can be shortened. After reaching the fourth level of perfection, the proficiency of the divine refining art cannot be improved.

 【Five Elements Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), second level (43138/100000)】

 When the entire cave was opened and arranged, Chu Ning was still in no rush to practice.

  When I went to the outer sea with Chang Lingshan and others, I encountered the thunder disaster of the gold and silver bird.

“At 20 points, the effect of this thunder power tempering is still as good as ever.

Chuning continued to drive the formation, and this time, a slightly thinner force of thunder fell.

However, Chu Ning is not too worried.

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, Second Level (33465/90000)】

Instead, he came to a corner of the island and set up a formation that he had wanted to set up for a long time.

Chun Ning only made one attempt later, which was in Di Huo's formation on Yunyin Island.

Judging from the spiritual plants cultivated by Meng Ling, it seems that the impact is not too great.

If you rely entirely on the thunder power provided by this thunder stone to temper your body, the thunder power on it may be exhausted in less than ten days. "

As soon as he entered Chu Ning's body, he was already guided by Chu Ning, who was practicing the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, to start body tempering.

If this is the case, some spiritual plants can indeed be planted in this way in the future, without having to use formations to separate too many restricted areas.

 The reason why I want to practice on the island this time is partly because I want to try this cloud and thunder formation.

 Suddenly, an arc of lightning fell on Chu Ning.

 The consumption of thunder power will not be that great.

 After staying in this formation for half an hour, Chu Ning finally walked out of the cloud and thunder formation.

These two kinds of spiritual plants are relatively large among the many spiritual plants cultivated by Chu Ning. Chu Ning also wants to try to see how much influence the use of this spiritual locking technique can have on the growth of spiritual plants.

The Thunder Stone was embedded, and Chu Ning fired a spell and fell into a jade stone in the formation.

It took a day to set up the cloud and thunder formation, and Chu Ning walked into the cloud and thunder formation with the thunder stone.

However, the power of the thunder stone's thunder cannot be compared with the thunder of the golden and silver bird when it passed through the tribulation.

 And after this attempt, the time he spends using thunder to temper his body every day will not be so long.

Chu Ning has already prepared the materials for the Yun Lei Formation. He even bought one of the thunder stones when he went to Cold Rock City this time.

 It took some time, and this trace of thunder power was directly transformed by Chu Ning.

However, the art of refining the gods cannot be stopped.

Chun Ning tried a little during this period. Although the proficiency of the divine refining technique could not be improved, the intensity of the divine refining technique could still be improved.

This improvement is not reflected in the scope of spiritual consciousness.

But Chu Ning can feel the intensity of spiritual consciousness within a hundred miles. With such practice, it can extend toward a hundred miles away.

Chu Ning has a feeling that if he continues to practice, there will be no difference in the intensity of his spiritual consciousness within the range of three hundred miles.

 Another way of practice is to practice in combination with the secret arts of spiritual consciousness such as the art of distraction and the art of killing gods.

For example, by increasing the intensity of the divine consciousness separated by the Divine Dispersion Technique, more Divine-Destroying Techniques can be issued instantly, etc.

 Physical training After tempering the body with the power of thunder, the training time can be greatly reduced every day.

  Being able to maintain an improvement of about 5 points every day is enough for Chu Ning.

  No matter how many there are, there will not be so much thunder power.

“So, the next focus is still on the Five Elements Chaos Art!”

Chun Ning also made up his mind at this moment.

“When I first entered the Fairy City of Iceland, two eight-year retreats helped me break through to the second level of the Five Elements Chaos Art.

 At the same time, he also allowed himself to break through the early stage of Jindan to the middle stage of Jindan.

The previous ten years of seclusion have improved my cultivation proficiency somewhat, but there is still a certain distance to the third level.

 Let’s cultivate peacefully for ten years first. If that’s not enough, then fifteen years.

 Goal...late stage of Golden Elixir! "

 Having set a goal, Chu Ning’s subsequent training was very targeted.

 Most of the time every day is spent practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art, and then allocating some time to practice the Jiuyan Body Refining Art and the Divine Refining Art.

If you occasionally cultivate spiritual plants, play with spiritual beasts, study formations, or make the ice shadow sword talisman, time will fly by very quickly.

 One year flies by.

Chun Ning, who was walking out of the cloud and thunder formation that day, did not enter the training room, but appeared outside the island wearing a white robe.

This white robe is the robe of the late Yuanying monk of the Shengyang Sect who was among the icebergs of the Icecap Mountain.

At first, Chu Ning only tried it a little bit. After discovering the magic of this robe, he came up with the idea of ​​​​improving this robe.

Over the past year, Chu Ning has tried a variety of materials for refining the robe, trying to add some wind spell patterns to the robe to match his divine wind escape.

Phantom Escape consumes too much mana, so it is excellent to use when fighting against others, but if it is an ordinary flying escape, it is better to use Kamikaze Escape.

Chuning had previously thought about refining a good flying magic weapon, but he had never found the right materials.

The blue robe that he had refined before was good when used with Divine Wind Escape, but the mana that Ge Liuyang had refined before had been greatly reduced.

But it still failed to satisfy Chu Ning. Flying long distances still consumes a lot of mana.

Especially after arriving in this northern cold land, where the sea and mountains are very vast, he still thought about having a magic weapon for long-lasting flight in case of emergency.

After discovering that this white robe can greatly save mana, his wish was fulfilled.

It’s just that this year’s attempt was not an immediate success. Chu Ning had tried more than ten kinds of materials before, and tried to add decoration to the robe without success.

Either the wind Dao pattern array cannot function, or it will even increase the mana consumption of this white robe.

These materials were all rejected by Chu Ning.

It wasn’t until half a year ago that Chu Ning tried to come up with a material that could be used to make it.

 Ch Ning himself has forgotten exactly where this material came from.

In the past six months, Chu Ning’s free time during practice was to constantly use this material to refine the Dao patterns of the wind magic circle and decorate them in his white robe.

 It was not really completed until recently.

 The white robe at this moment is obviously different from before.

 The neckline, cuffs, hem and other places are all decorated with light silver runes. Even the waist, chest and back occasionally have some mysterious and unusual Dao lines.

Even when Feng Yanzhang saw it now, he would never recognize that this robe was the original white robe.

“Bai Ling, Da Jin, Xiao Jin, come on, let’s compare our speeds!”

Chun Ning flew out of the formation and also called out Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles.

 This year, for Bai Ling and the two golden eagles, they were much happier than in the fairy city in Iceland. In addition to having dozens of miles of free movement on the island, you can also fly to the sea outside the island from time to time.

Especially the two golden spirit eagles, although Chu Ning had already cleared away all the monsters on the island.

  But flying outward from this island, there are other islands thousands of miles apart in all directions.

 There are also many low-level monsters in the sea.

 Compared with before when they could only rely on absorbing spiritual energy, their current cultivation speed is obviously faster.

Hearing Chu Ning’s words at this moment, Bai Ling was the first to laugh and said:

"Master, you are bullying us a bit. We can't even match your Phantom Escape."

“Don’t worry, I don’t have to use Phantom Escape today.” Chu Ning smiled.

At the same time, he communicated these words with his spiritual consciousness to the two golden thunder eagles.


Hearing Chu Ning's words, the two golden thunder eagles made cheerful sounds and took the lead in turning into two dark golden afterimages and flew forward.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ning and Bai Ling also flashed.

 Two white shadows followed closely.

In just a few blinks, two white shadows passed by the Golden Thunder Eagle.

 Among them, Chu Ning’s figure was faintly looming over Bai Ling.

 It will fly five hundred miles in this way.

Chun Ning was the first to stop, followed immediately by Bai Ling and Golden Thunder Eagle.

"Huh? Master, your speed is so fast! Even without using Phantom Escape, you are actually faster than us."

Bai Ling transformed into the human form of a young girl and looked at Chu Ning in surprise.

Then his eyes fell on Chu Ning's white robe.

 After they started practicing on the island, they each practiced their own way. Even Bai Ling didn't know what Chu Ning was doing every day.

So this was the first time she had seen the re-refined and decorated white robe that Chu Ning was wearing.

Chun Ning was also looking at his robe at this moment, feeling very satisfied.

His realm is higher than that of Bai Ling and Golden Thunder Eagle, and the escape technique he performs is also of a higher level. It is not surprising that he is faster than them.

But before that, without using Phantom Escape, Chu Ning was still worse than Bai Ling after breaking through and advancing.

This time after adding the wind magic circle to the white robe, the divine wind escape was performed even faster than Bai Ling's.

 The most important thing is that his mana consumption is 60% less than when he used Kamikaze Escape before.

 This allows him to fly farther while maintaining fast flight.

Chun Ning also briefly told Bai Ling about his robe. After hearing this, Bai Ling made fun of the two golden thunder eagles.

“Da Jin, Xiao Jin, flying is not what I’m good at, but you two are born to fly in the sky, and you have been left far behind by your master.

If you don’t hurry up and advance to the next level, will we be asked to fly with you in the future? "


Hearing Bai Ling’s scolding, the two golden thunder eagles screamed in frustration.

I don’t know whether it’s because they cast the Mysterious Life Technique or because they ate more spiritual fruits of the original power. The two golden thunder eagles are also far more psychic than monsters of the same level.

Although he can't speak human words like Bai Ling, or use his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Chu Ning.

However, they can roughly understand the conversation between Chu Ning and Bai Ling.

Chu Ning also smiled at this moment and said:

“I have also discovered recently that these two guys seem to be advancing slowly. I am still waiting for you to advance to the fifth level of monster beasts, and then you can really make the sound of golden thunder and eat souls and eat ghosts.”

 Speaking, Chu Ning said to Bai Ling:

“From now on, we need to urge them more to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and practice.”

Bai Ling naturally took over the job without any ceremony.

He came out to use his escape technique, and when he came back, he wanted to give the two golden thunder eagles more exercise, so Chu Ning went back directly on the eagles.

 At the same time as Chu Ning rushed back.

At this moment, around the island where the cave is located, a white-haired elderly monk looked puzzled.

“I remember that when I passed by here before, there seemed to be a small island nearby.

Although the spiritual energy is not sufficient and the area is not large, I have rested here several times, so it should be right. "

The old man muttered and looked around, and even used his spiritual consciousness to explore.

 But there was no discovery at all.

After muttering a few words, he immediately flew away.

 It wasn't until the old man's figure disappeared for a while that Chu Ning flew over and then disappeared into the formation in a flash.

Chun Ning had already sensed the old man's appearance two hundred miles away, so he deliberately slowed down and waited for the old man to leave before appearing.

This is not the first time Chu Ning has encountered such a person.

Although the island here was just a desert island before, it is still some distance away from the Fairy City of Iceland.

 But after all, it is located in a location surrounded by many large islands. Many monks passed by here before and had impressions.

They were naturally surprised by the inexplicable disappearance of the island.

However, this is still an inland sea area after all, and it is mainly focused on foundation building and Qi refining monks.

This is the first time that I have been noticed by the Jindan monk like today.

However, judging from the reaction of the golden elixir old man just now, he probably didn't realize that there was an extremely advanced formation here.

Back at the cave in the island, Chu Ning passed by the spiritual medicine garden, but couldn't help but stop in front of a few spiritual plants.

“But I don’t know what this spiritual fruit will look like if it continues to grow.”

Chun Ning stared at several blue spirit fruits with a slight curiosity in his eyes.

These spiritual fruits are obviously the Ziyuan fruits that were brought from Wuling Island to be cultivated and raised.

 Chuning has not made much discovery since it was cultivated in the previous thirty years.

Who would have thought that after trying the spirit-locking technique I learned from Meng Ling a year ago, there would be obvious changes.

The blue color of the Purple Source Fruit that he separated with the Soul Locking Technique began to slowly turn darker.

But when Chu Ning looked at it again today, there was a faint hint of purple coming through.

Although this purple color is slightly different from the dark purple color of the original Ziyuan fruit.

More towards blue-purple.

 But this change surprised Chu Ning.

“Could it be that after being taken out and planted by myself, the growth of each Ziyuan fruit will be interfered with?

 So after using this soul-locking technique, can these purple source fruits grow normally? "

Chun Ning has an uncertain guess at this moment.

 But just such a guess already made him feel like he could give it a try.

At this time, Chu Ning selected about half of the Purple Source Fruits and used the spirit-locking technique one by one.

 As for the leafless flower, using the spirit-locking technique did not have much impact.

But it made Chu Ning feel that this spirit-locking technique was really unique.

 After a year of trying, Chu Ning found that the effect on the growth rate of leafless flowers was only about 1%.

 Such an influence is really not that big for him, who is now planting spiritual plants that often take ten years to record.

It's just that there are so many areas separated in Chu Ning's cave at this moment, it doesn't matter whether he uses it or not.

 This year's outing did not have much impact on Chu Ning's retreat.

  In the following time, Chu Ning continued to choose to practice wholeheartedly on the island.

 In the first one or two years, some monks would occasionally remember that there was an island here, and they would stop by it from time to time.

As time went by, the monks seemed to have forgotten about this matter. In the following years, very few monks would stop here when passing by.

From time to time, monsters from the sea accidentally enter the formation on the island.

It just became the food ration for the Golden Thunder Eagle.

With an excellent cultivation environment, Chu Ning’s main focus is still on the Five Elements of Chaos Art.

  Under the influence of Bai Ling and his Xuan Qing Hua Shu, Xue Jingzhi's spiritual fluid was sufficiently produced.

And as the duration of the two spell blessings continues to grow, the amount of spiritual liquid produced on them also increases.

Not only has the time for condensing spiritual liquid reached less than three months, but occasionally five drops of spiritual liquid can be condensed into one leaf.

With the increase in the supply of Xuejingzhi spirit liquid and the continuous supply of elixirs, Chu Ning's cultivation speed has also maintained a rapid increase.

 The proficiency of the Five Elements Chaos Art has been improved by more than 10 points every day.

 Fifteen years passed by practicing like this day after day.

 (End of this chapter)

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