My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 321: Shadow Stone, exchange spells

Chapter 321: Flowing Shadow Stone, exchanging spells

  This is not the first time Chu Ning has come to Shenyin Valley.

  When Di Yan passed away, Chu Ning also used the illusion technique to report the news.

 The name means valley, but it is only the valley at the outer entrance of the sect.

 There are various types of peaks, large and small, located inside.

Chuning landed at the gate of Taniguchi Mountain, and was immediately greeted by two foundation-building monks.

When he saw the identity of Chu Ning Jindan monk, he also said politely:

“Senior, this is Shenyin Valley. I wonder where this is, senior?”

"I have a good friend named Wu Rongfeng who is practicing in the valley. I came here at the invitation of Taoist friend Wu."

After Chu Ning finished speaking, the foundation-building monk immediately smiled and said:

“It turns out that I came here at the invitation of Uncle Wu, so please wait a moment, senior, while I send you a message first.”

 As he spoke, the person activated a communication talisman.

 After a while, two figures flew out from the valley.

Chun Ning looked from a distance and found that he knew these two people.

One of them is Wu Rongfeng, and the other is Meng Ling who he had met before in Xuewu Valley.

The two met again in the long empty hall, but they only exchanged a few words, but did not communicate much.

Chun Ning was a little surprised that this woman also came together.

While Chu Ning was thinking like this, the two women had already fled to Chu Ning.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I’ve finally come to you!”

Wu Rongfeng smiled at Chu Ning, showing a profound expression, which made Chu Ning a little confused.

Before he could reply, Meng Ling also slightly arched her hand towards Chu Ning.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, we meet again!”

 “Fellow Daoist Meng!” Chu Ning slightly bowed his hands in return, but the next moment he smiled and said:

“We haven’t seen each other for several years. Fellow Daoist Meng has advanced to the middle stage of Jindan. It’s really gratifying and congratulatory.”

 “Thank you, Fellow Daoist Chu!”

Wu Rongfeng listened on the side and took over the words with a smile:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, Junior Sister Meng has just made a breakthrough recently and just came out of seclusion a few days ago.

The mountain gate is not the place to discuss it in detail here. Let’s go in first and talk about it. "

 Speaking, Wu Rongfeng took the lead in leading the way and flew towards the valley.

 Meng Ling, on the other hand, was one step behind, walking side by side with Chu Ning.

“Before, at the entrance of the Xuewu Valley, I was saved by fellow Taoists, and Meng Ling always wanted to thank me in person again.

 Later, I went to the Fairy City in Iceland several times and heard from Senior Sister Wu that you were practicing in seclusion.

 So I didn’t bother. "

“Fellow Daoist Meng, you are too polite. Chu was just trying to get out of the valley.”

Chuning responded, but felt a little strange in his heart.

This Fellow Daoist Meng from Shenyin Valley was a little too polite, even though it was indeed Chu Ning who took action in the first place and was able to let everyone out of the valley.

 But after all, it has been more than ten years.

Just as he was thinking this, Meng Ling spoke again:

“By the way, I heard from Senior Sister Wu that Fellow Daoist Chu asked her about Jiuyi Gold and Xingrui Sand.

I don’t know if Fellow Daoist Chu has collected this kind of material over the years. "

 “These two materials have been collected.”

Chun Ning answered, but his heart moved slightly.

The information in Tianyin Valley is much better than mine. When the Golden Spirit Sword was refined, it was also thanks to Wu Rongfeng's information from Shenyin Valley.

Although I have prepared in advance for refining the Water Spirit Sword and collected some materials over the years, there are still one or two materials that I have not collected.

   But you can inquire about the Shenyin Valley, maybe you will gain something.

But here, Meng Ling seemed a little surprised when she heard Chu Ning say that both materials had been collected.

At this time, Chu Ning was heard saying:

“By the way, Fellow Daoist Meng, I’ve been looking for several other materials recently.

 If it's convenient, please help me find out. "

Hearing Chu Ning’s words, Meng Ling’s eyes lit up and she immediately asked:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I don’t know what materials to look for for weapon refining?”

“Flowing Shadow Stone and Blue Wave Cold Iron.” Chu Ning named the two materials he still lacked.

 Meng Ling couldn't help but look thoughtful after hearing the names of these two materials.

"These two things are really rare. I have to inquire about them in the sect."

Hearing Meng Ling’s words, Chu Ning also smiled and cupped his hands and said:

 “In that case, I would like to thank you Daoyou Meng very much.”

After hearing this, Meng Ling smiled brightly and did not reply.

He then began to introduce the Shenyin Valley to Chu Ning.

Although Chu Ning had been to Shenyin Valley once before, that time it was just a monk who led him into it in a hurry, and then left in a hurry.

This time Meng Ling introduced him, and he had a better understanding.

 In fact, it is the same as most sects. Different halls, palaces and pavilions also assume different functions.

However, in this Shenyin Valley, every mountain peak is larger, so the monks are relatively more concentrated.

And according to what Meng Ling said, there are mostly female cultivators in the valley, accounting for about 70%.

“Seventy percent?” Chu Ning was slightly surprised. He had previously known that there were many female cultivators in Tianyin Valley.

 But I never knew that there was such a high proportion of female cultivators in this sect.

No wonder some of the monks he came into contact with in Shenyin Valley were female monks.

Hearing the surprise in Chu Ning’s eyes, Meng Ling smiled and nodded.

“Actually, Shenyin Valley has never had a tradition of recruiting male disciples. Instead, it has introduced some male monk elders, most of whom are companions of the monks in the sect.

 Later, these monks gave birth to offspring, and the number of male offspring gradually increased. The seniors in the valley made an exception and were admitted to the valley to practice, and then they gradually had male disciples.

 But this proportion is naturally not high.

Furthermore, because the exercises within the sect are mainly suitable for female practitioners, they are not very attractive to male practitioners.

Even among the male cultivators who are the descendants of these sects, many have joined other sects. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning had a look of surprise on his face.

This sect in Shenyin Valley is quite different from the sects he encountered before.

While several people were talking, Meng Ling and Wu Rongfeng took Chu Ning to a medium-sized mountain peak and settled down.

Then he led Chu Ning into a small courtyard, and then Wu Rongfeng took over the words:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, after all, there are mostly female cultivators in the valley, so there are many inconveniences.

This peak is specially prepared by our sect for outside guests. How about you just rest here? "

Chun Ning nodded noncommittally, and he didn't mind where he settled.

While Meng Ling was brewing the spirit tea with his own hands, he turned and said directly to Wu Rongfeng:

“Fellow Daoist Wu, you told fellow Daoist Chang Lingshan that I must come to the Shenyin Valley, but you don’t know why?”

 “This matter is not urgent.” Wu Rongfeng said with a smile at this time.

“In a few days, there will be a big competition held every three years in Bengu. Three years ago, I specially asked fellow Taoists to invite them to watch the ceremony.

Since we met by chance this time, it is better to observe the ceremony in the valley first, and then talk in detail with fellow Taoists after the sect competition. "

As soon as Chu Ning heard this, confusion flashed across his eyes.

I wanted to ask a question, but in the end I held back my words and nodded:

“That’s good, I’ve heard the name of Shenyin Valley from the outside world for a long time, so I just happened to take a look at the magical powers of the fellow Taoists in the valley.”

“Fellow Daoist Chu, please don’t be disappointed when the time comes. With your magical powers, these Qi-training and foundation-building monks’ competitions may not catch your eye.”

As Meng Ling spoke, she brought a cup of spiritual tea to Chu Ning and stared at Chu Ning with her bright eyes.

“Fellow Taoists, you may wish to try this Yuanyang Flower Tea. This tea is different from the spiritual tea that Taoists taste in the outside world.”

"Mandarin duck flower?" Upon hearing the name, Chu Ning couldn't help but look at the tea cup in front of her curiously.

 This was the first time he had heard of this kind of spiritual plant.

I saw a flower petal in the cup at this moment. The petal was two-color, half pink and half white, which was very strange.

Meng Ling immediately explained.

"This mandarin duck flower is a spiritual flower unique to our Shenyin Valley. It is named because the flower is shaped like a pair of mandarin ducks leaning against each other. It is graceful and colorful, and its flowers are brilliant."

Chun Ning is a person who is very interested in spiritual plants. After hearing this, he immediately started to taste them out of curiosity.

Take a sip and as soon as the tea enters your mouth, a strong floral fragrance and aura reverberate throughout your mouth.

This floral fragrance is naturally that of mandarin duck flowers.

And the richness of this spiritual energy was the only one Chu Ning had ever tasted among the spiritual teas.

He even cultivated some spiritual tea himself and asked Bai Ling to ripen it together.

 But when it comes to the richness of spiritual energy, it is inferior to this tea.

This is not a question of cultivating spiritual tea, but purely a question of variety.

  When Chu Ning drank this sip of tea, he could even clearly feel a strong spiritual energy entering his body.

 This is comparable to practicing in a place with rich spiritual energy and absorbing a ray of spiritual energy.

 At this moment, the floral fragrance still reverberates in the mouth.

 “Good tea!”

Chun Ning praised him heartily.

 Meng Ling and Wu Rongfeng looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

 Obviously they are very proud of this Yuanyang Flower Tea.

Wu Rongfeng smiled even more at this moment:

“This Yuanyang scented tea, even in our Shenyin Valley, is only served to distinguished guests.

Junior Sister Meng is an expert in growing and brewing this scented tea. Many monks in the valley want to take a sip of the Mandarin Duck Flower Tea brewed by Junior Sister Meng, but they have no chance.

 Speaking of which, today I have benefited from you, fellow Daoist Chu. "

Chu Ning was slightly surprised when he heard this, and asked Meng Ling:

 “Is Fellow Daoist Meng actually proficient in this spiritual cultivation?”

 Coming to this northern cold land, Chu Ning rarely saw monks cultivating spiritual plants.

Of course, this is related to the fact that he rarely has in-depth contact with other monks.

In fact, it may be because of the abundant resources for cultivation.

Even when he was in the Ximeng Continent, Chu Ning rarely saw monks cultivating spiritual plants.

 This is completely different from when Chu Ning was in Dongsheng Continent.

 “I do know a little bit about it.”

Meng Ling nodded, a glimmer of light flashing in his eyes.

“From what Fellow Daoist Chu means, it’s possible that Fellow Daoist Chu is also interested in cultivating spiritual plants.”

Chun Ning had nothing to hide at this time and said directly:

"Chu did practice the art of cultivating spiritual plants for a period of time before." "That's good!" Wu Rongfeng quickly picked up the conversation and said with a smile.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I happen to have some things to do these days. In the few days before this sect competition, why not let Junior Sister Daomeng take you around.

It just so happens that you have interesting topics to talk about. Fellow Daoist Chu, you can also go and take a look at the spiritual plants planted by Junior Sister Meng. "

 “Then there is Taoist Lao Meng.”

Chuning nodded, he could tell that Wu Rongfeng came to him.

  It seemed that there was nothing urgent, but he didn’t know what medicine the other party was selling.

However, Chu Ning has been exposed to the cultivation methods of many sects in terms of alchemy, weapon refining, formations, talismans, etc.

On the other hand, this kind of cultivation of spiritual plants has never been exposed to other places since being in Qingxi Sect.

 He is indeed interested in some spells from other sects.

 So he did not reject Wu Rongfeng’s proposal.

 The two women chatted here for a while, and then they both said goodbye and left.

Chun Ning was alone in this courtyard, but he didn't care.

 Just start practicing on your own.

Although this peak is not the main peak of the Shenyin Valley, its aura is pretty good.

Chun Ning is not practicing anything like the Nine Evolution Body Refining Awareness at this moment, he is simply practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art.

 No words all night.

 Early the next morning, Meng Ling came to the courtyard where Chu Ning lived.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, I wonder if you are still used to living in Shenyin Valley?”

Chu Ning smiled and said: "We cultivators don't pay too much attention to it. The spiritual energy here is rich, which is quite suitable for cultivation."

“Meng Ling admires Taoist friends for their wholehearted pursuit of Taoism. I heard from Senior Sister Wu that Taoist friends often stay in seclusion for several years.

No wonder his cultivation has improved so quickly and his magical powers are so powerful. "

As Meng Ling spoke, she suddenly reached out and took out something from her storage bag, and then handed it to Chu Ning.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, take a look at this thing. Is it what you need?”

Chun Ning’s eyes fell on Meng Ling’s hands.

However, he saw that his hand was holding a fist-sized white stone at the moment. There were various lines on it, as if there were water waves flowing.

 “Liuying Stone?”

 Seeing this white stone, Chu Ning's eyes couldn't help but light up.

This object is the Liuying Stone that Chu Ning had just told Meng Ling yesterday, but she didn't expect that she would have found it today.

“It’s just a coincidence that I made some inquiries yesterday and found out that a senior sister from the sect has one.

 So he asked her for it. "

As Meng Ling spoke, she handed the Liuying Stone into Chu Ning’s hand.

Chu Ning naturally took it happily, and then asked Meng Ling:

"Fellow Taoist Meng, I am the Taoist friend from the noble family. What do you want to exchange this stone for?"

Meng Ling smiled and said:

 “I have already given Senior Sister what she needs.”

“Does Fellow Daoist Meng have anything that is urgently needed? There are some materials for refining elixirs and weapons here.” Chu Ning asked hurriedly.

Meng Ling thought for a while and said, "I haven't decided what I want yet.

Fellow Taoist is still here these days, let me think about it again. "

Chu Ning thought it was okay, so she nodded and put the Liuying Stone back into the storage bag.

 At this time, Meng Ling invited Chu Ning to his elixir garden.

Chu Ning naturally would not refuse, so he flew away with him for a cup of tea, and arrived at a cave inside a mountain peak.

“This is my cave. Because I always like to grow elixirs, this cave is a little bigger than other senior sisters.”

 Meng Ling said, opening the formation restrictions and leading Chu Ning into a medicine garden outside the cave.

 Suddenly, the breath of the elixir penetrated directly into the tip of Chu Ning's nose.

“Orchid grass, nine-winged flower, ancient rattan bamboo, amethyst fruit…”

Chuning looked at the elixirs all over the garden and subconsciously identified them carefully.

 Meng Ling listened to Chu Ning say the names of these elixirs one by one, with a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

“Fellow Daoist Chu is so proficient in this spiritual plant. Not even a few senior sisters in the sect can recognize the spiritual medicine here.”

“I did work **** this before.” Chu Ning replied calmly.

 His ability to know so many elixirs was not entirely due to the cultivation of spiritual plants.

  In my previous research on improving elixir recipes, I had to think about the combination of various elixirs, so I naturally had to learn more about the types and effects of elixirs.

Even though many of what Meng Ling grows here are the elixirs of this northern cold land.

 But Chu Ning also spent a lot of time collecting and researching the elixir refined using demon pills.

At this moment, Chu Ning looked at Meng Ling planting all these elixirs together, and couldn't help but asked in surprise:

“Fellow Daoist Meng, many of these elixirs have different medicinal properties. If you plant them cross-wise like this, aren’t you afraid that these elixirs will interfere with each other during their growth, ultimately affecting their effectiveness?”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Meng Ling smiled sweetly and did not directly answer Chu Ning's words.

But he stretched out his bare hand and punched out a series of spells, which landed on several spiritual plants.

At this time, Meng Ling said to Chu Ning: "Fellow Daoist Chu, feel it again."

“Huh?” Chu Ning felt the spiritual energy fluctuations on these spiritual plants for a moment, and his eyes suddenly showed some surprise.

“The aura on these spiritual plants seems to be locked in a certain place, no, it’s not just aura.

Even the essence on this spiritual plant seems to be locked. "

 Speaking of this, Chu Ning asked Meng Ling again:

"Fellow Daoist Meng, if my guess is not wrong, pollen and the like can also be locked in it and cannot escape."

 “Yes!” Meng Ling nodded slightly.

“This spell is equivalent to casting an invisible aura shield over it.

 In the later stage, it will be nourished by the aura absorbed by the spiritual plant and can be maintained forever. "

Chuning understood immediately after hearing this, and pointed out to the point:

“It’s just that in this way, some of the spiritual energy absorbed by the spiritual plant will be dispersed, and the growth of the spiritual plant will inevitably be slower.”

Meng Ling nodded, and then used both hands to grasp the magic formula and land on these spiritual plants.

“So if I have time, I will use some spirit-gathering spells to make up for it and promote the growth of spiritual plants.”

After seeing this, Chu Ning felt the speed of these spiritual plants absorbing spiritual energy.

 I found that although there was a certain speed, it was far inferior to the Xuan Qing Hua Art I had performed.

 Even compared to Aoki Chunhua Technique, it is much worse.

“Not to mention the Qingxi sect, these two spells are indeed unique.”

Chun Ning thought to himself and pondered a little.

Meng Ling's spell does have certain limitations, but it also has its applicability.

  If the same kind of spiritual plant is planted in a large area, it is naturally the most trouble-free to follow your own method and use formation layout to divide the areas.

However, like Meng Ling's current planting method, some spiritual plants even only have one or two, so many spiritual plants are planted together.

 It is naturally inappropriate to use formation restrictions to separate.

  On the contrary, this spell is quite suitable.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning couldn't help but feel a little moved in her heart.

Immediately made a hand with both hands and cast a series of spells, which was the Aoki Chunhua Technique.

These spells fell on the spiritual plants, and after a while, the gathering speed of spiritual energy obviously accelerated.


Seeing this, Meng Ling couldn't help but widen her bright eyes.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, this spell of yours is very effective in gathering spiritual energy in spiritual plants.”

 After speaking, Meng Ling raised her head and looked at Chu Ning.

 “How about we exchange spells with each other?”

Chun Ning actually had this idea when he was performing the Qingmu Chunhua Technique.

After hearing this, he nodded lightly and then said:

“But before the exchange, I have a small condition, which I hope Fellow Daoist Meng will agree to.

 I originally learned this spell from a sect in order to prevent the spell from being leaked everywhere.

 We need to swear by our inner demons that this spell can only be used by ourselves and cannot be passed on to others. "

Although Chu Ning does not have deep feelings for the Qingxi Sect, his cultivation journey started from this sect after all.

Aoki Chunhua Technique and Xuanqing Chunhua Technique are indeed unique. Although he is only showing the Aoki Chunhua Technique at the moment, he does not want this spell to be spread all over the place.

When Meng Ling heard this, she readily agreed.

"This is natural. Even if fellow Taoist doesn't say anything, I will bring it up.

In fact, there are so many guest elders in this valley, but the sect has never inherited many cultivation techniques and spells outside the sect.

 It is precisely because of this that it is regarded as a rule established by Motoya. "

Neither of them had any objection. They each took out a blank jade slip and recorded the spells they cast.

 Then they each swore by their inner demons not to leak the spell to a third person, and then they made an exchange.

After getting the jade slips, Chu Ning couldn't wait to start looking at them.

This spell is the same as the Aoki Chunhua Technique. Although its effect is not small, the level of the spell is not high.

With Chu Ning’s current cultivation level and Yinmu’s spiritual body’s talent, he was able to master it in a short period of time.

Although Meng Ling does not have the talent of Yinmu Spirit Body, the practice of Qingmu Chunhua Technique is not very complicated, and it took some time to master it.

In the next few days, Meng Ling would invite Chu Ning to his cave almost every day to exchange some methods of cultivating elixirs and plants.

It is unknown whether Meng Ling's spiritual planting technique was passed down from Shenyin Valley or had another chance. It is different from the spiritual planting technique that Chu Ning had previously encountered in Qingxi Sect.

 After a few days of communication, Chu Ning gained a lot.

 Five days later, the sect competition in Shenyin Valley officially began.

In the beginning, it was just a battle between Qi Refining disciples and ordinary foundation-building monks. This level of fighting would not be very attractive to Chu Ning.

 And Shenyin Valley did not invite Chu Ning to watch.

It was not until the last day that Chu Ning was allowed to attend the duel between several late-stage foundation-building monks.

It also gave Chu Ning a certain understanding of the largest sect in Hanyan Continent.

His cultivation method is indeed unique, and he is especially good at using various sounds to launch spiritual attacks.

But it also opened Chu Ning’s eyes.

 At the end of the viewing ceremony, Chu Ning finally found Wu Rongfeng, who had not been seen for several days.

I want to ask the other party why they came to me.

 (End of this chapter)

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