My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 313: Fight the old devil and meet the ancient treasure

Chapter 313 Fighting the old devil and meeting the ancient treasure

“Lingming Fruit? Everyone was discussing it in Xuewu Valley.

 But not everyone knows that it is just a lie deliberately fabricated by the demon clan! "

 “Haha!” Situ Yan chuckled at this moment.

“When that eighth-level monster said those words, I thought so too.

 At that time, I even thought that my last glimmer of hope was gone.

 But I didn’t expect that there is no perfect path for mankind, and there is actually a spiritual enlightenment fruit in the snow-fog valley. "

Situ Yan’s voice became much louder at this moment.

“And it was found by a middle-stage Jindan monk like Daoist Chu who did not go deep into the valley.”

Before Chu Ning could say anything else, Situ Yan waved his hand directly and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, there is no need to deny it in a hurry. I have been studying this matter of spiritual enlightenment fruit for two or three hundred years.

 If there was no definite evidence, I would not say this. "

When Chu Ning heard what Situ Yan said, he pondered for a moment and finally said:

 “How did fellow Taoist know this?”

Just now he had wondered whether Xi Minxia might have leaked the news.

 After all, in the past ten years, only this female foundation-building cultivator has entered her cave.

 But after thinking about it carefully, he rejected his speculation.

Leaving aside the restrictions she placed, Xi Minxia could not even see the Lingming Fruit being planted.

This old devil chose to live in the cave next to him, but before he let Xi Minxia enter his cave.

It is impossible for the other party to predict the future.

Hearing Chu Ning’s question, Situ Yan’s eyes flashed with heat.

Although he had long guessed that Chu Ning had the Spiritual Light Fruit in his hands, the moment Chu Ning admitted it, he was still very excited.

However, Situ Yan is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and his tone is still very calm at this moment.

“Fellow Daoist Chu may not know something, but my natural sensitivity to breath is different from ordinary people’s.

Whether it is a monk, a monster, or various spiritual plants, as long as they appear, I can sense them within a certain period of time.

  After the eighth-level demon told me that the Lingming Fruit was just a lie, I had the intention of quitting.

Later on, the two eighth-level monsters wanted to get rid of the Yuanying monks from the Phantom Sect first, so I found an opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of those monsters and escape. "

 Speaking of this, Situ Yan paused slightly.

There was a strange light shining in his eyes.

“But I didn’t expect that when I flew outside, I accidentally sensed the breath of Lingming Fruit.

I followed the spirit fruit’s scent and found that it disappeared shortly after it penetrated the ground.

At the same time, there was an aura of a human monk on the scene. "

Hearing this, Chu Ning roughly understood the reason.

 And Nasitu Yan continued:

“Originally, I stayed in the Fairy City of Iceland for nearly ten days, but I didn’t find the monk.

Especially in the Changkong Hall, most of the monks who entered the valley appeared, but did not realize that I was distressed.

  Fellow Taoist appears! "

As Situ Yan spoke, a smile appeared on his face.

“God has treated me Situ Yan well, and has not cut off my life.”

Chuning sighed softly at this moment.

It seems that this old devil's method of identifying breath is not the same as that of ordinary monks.

 Otherwise, how could the other party be able to easily tell the difference when I used the Yinmu Spirit Body to change my cultivation aura.

 This person was able to be famous back then, and he was able to live for such a long time as a golden elixir monk.

 Sure enough, he is not an ordinary person.

Thinking about this, Chu Ning slowly asked the other party:

“I don’t know what my fellow Taoist is planning to do now. Are you preparing to rob me by force?”

“Fellow Taoist, please don’t misunderstand.” Situ Yan immediately shook his head and smiled.

“If I were going to take action directly, I wouldn’t have said so much to fellow Taoists from the beginning.

 I tell you so frankly just to let fellow Taoists feel my sincerity. "

At this time, Situ Yan's face was filled with a kind smile, making it impossible for Chu Ning to associate him with words such as the old devil, ruthless, and murderous.

At this time, Situ Yan looked at Chu Ning and said with expectation in his tone:

“I think there should be two Lingming Fruits. For us monks, only the first time we take the Lingming Fruits is effective.

 Whether it’s fellow Taoist friends or me, it’s useless to ask for more.

So I want to exchange a spiritual fruit with my Taoist friend. No matter what the conditions are, I have collected some things for hundreds of years.

 Thinking about it, there should be something that fellow Taoists are interested in. "

As if he was worried that Chu Ning still had some scruples, Situ Yan quickly added:

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry, after I made the transaction, I will never tell anyone else about it.

 And leave the Fairy City of Iceland immediately.

 Actually, when I came out this time, I had already retreated from the cave. "

Chun Ning looked at Situ Yan and sighed softly.

If it were Wu Rongfeng and Chang Lingshan, familiar monks, who came to negotiate a deal with me.

 Maybe I might actually agree.

 After all, as Situ Yan said, a monk can only take this Lingming Fruit once in his life.

Chuning only needs one for himself.

However, since this person is called the Black Demon, even though Chu Ning did not have a detailed understanding of what the other person did before.

 However, Chu Ning does not intend to do this kind of thing.

 He did not expect the other party to keep his promise.

 When the deal is really completed, the other party takes the Lingming Fruit and goes away to find a place to condense the Nascent Soul.

 And this old devil doesn't even need to do anything more, he just needs to let out rumors at will.

Chun Ning will face endless troubles next, and it is highly likely that Yuanying monks will even take action.

 After all, none of these Nascent Soul monks have any disciples.

Things like this that can help condense the Nascent Soul are really too tempting.

 As for why the other party behaves like this, talk to yourself for a long time first.

Chun Ning guessed that the fact that he killed everyone in the Snow Fog Valley should have made the opponent somewhat afraid.

 Secondly, either the opponent's secret method has been practiced before, which indeed has many restrictions on fighting.

Either the other party wants to get the thing first before talking about it.

But no matter what, Chu Ning never believed that the other party would give up after completing the transaction.

And Chu Ning also knew very well that if he didn't give it this time, the old devil would definitely take action.

  Today, the two sides are obviously fighting to the death.

However, Chu Ning still asked:

“What if I don’t want to give this spiritual enlightenment fruit to my Taoist friends?”

 “Haha!” Situ Yan chuckled at this moment.

“The Lingming Fruit is very important to me, so I have no choice but to take action against my Taoist friends.”

After hearing this, Chu Ning sighed and said:

“At this point, I don’t seem to have much choice.

 Fellow Taoist has already reached the peak of the late Jindan stage three hundred years ago. If I really don’t give it to you, I am afraid that I will face the end of physical death and Taoist disappearance. "

 Speaking of this, Chu Ning paused slightly.

Then he continued: "But fellow Taoist should also know the value of this spiritual wisdom fruit. If I really take the initiative to exchange it.

It must be enough to make the late-stage Jindan monks and even the Nascent Soul monks in the entire Northern Cold Land fight for their heads.

 The things that can be exchanged can naturally be chosen at will.

How about you, fellow Taoist, tell me what items you are willing to give, and then I can think about it? "

"This is what it should be." Situ Yan nodded, then stretched out his hand and took out several things from the storage bag.

“I have a rare piece of weapon refining material here, Xuanling Earth Crystal, which is an excellent material for refining top-level magic weapons.

  And it can be applied to materials with various attributes. It is one of the top ten most popular weapon refining materials in ancient times. "

Chuning’s eyes flashed slightly after hearing this.

Xuanling Earth Crystal, this is a weapon refining material as famous as Black Xuanjin in ancient times.

The main function of black black gold is to improve the attack power of magic weapons and increase mana.

 This Xuanling Earth Crystal increases the toughness of the magic weapon.

 At this time, Situ Yan raised a jade box again.

“There is also a Wonderful Divine Fruit here. Although this spiritual fruit is not as effective as the Lingming Fruit in helping to condense the Nascent Soul.

However, this fruit is the best treasure for strengthening spiritual consciousness, and it is also effective for Nascent Soul monks. "

Chuning nodded, this is also a good thing.

He has heard the name of the Wonderful God Fruit before, but has never seen it before.

 At this time, Situ Yan took out a jade slip again.

“This slip records the location of Taixuyuan, the most treasured place in Beihan.

This abyss was left by ancient monks and can be opened and entered every certain period of time.

 Fellow Taoist is so young and has such a treasure as the Lingming Fruit. It is only a matter of time before he can condense the Nascent Soul.

At that time, you can go to this abyss to explore, and it is very possible to harvest one or two ancient treasures. "

"Tai Xuyuan?" This was the first time Chu Ning heard this name, and she couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

However, he has always been calm, and he is still unmoved at this moment.

When Situ Yan saw this, the wrinkles covering his forehead wrinkled together.

“Fellow Taoist Chu, could it be that these three kinds of treasures are not enough to meet the needs of fellow Taoist?”

 Chun Ning sighed lightly and said:

“Fellow Daoist Situ, these treasures of yours are indeed very good.

 But apart from this wonderful fruit, the other two things may not be used for a long time. "

 After a pause, Chu Ning asked tentatively:

“I wonder if fellow Taoists have any ancient treasures, or treasures such as thousand-year spiritual liquid that can be used by me?”

When Situ Yan heard this, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

“Fellow Taoist is joking, even Yuanying monks may not have this ancient treasure in their hands.

 I am just a golden elixir monk, so how can I be there?

 As for the Millennium Spiritual Milk…”

Situ Yan gave Chu Ning a meaningful look.

“I do have a few drops left, but I can’t give them to fellow Taoists now.

 Otherwise, the Taoist friend will suddenly regret it after getting it and start a fight with me.

With this thousand-year-old spiritual milk to replenish my spiritual power, I can't bear a handful of old bones. "

 “Old fox!”

Chun Ning muttered secretly in his heart at this moment.

 He really wanted to see if he could get one or two things from Situ Yan that would enhance his immediate combat power.

 But I didn’t expect that the other party had already been on guard.

 So, Chu Ning could only say:

“In that case, Taoist friend, please give me the three treasures first, and I will give the Lingming Fruit to you Taoist friend.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning touched his hand in the storage bag.

Situ Yan looked at Chu Ning's actions, a strange color flashed in his turbid eyes, but he still nodded and said:

“Okay, fellow Taoist, please respect yourself and don’t play any tricks.

 Otherwise, the name of the Black Demon is not called in vain. "

As he said that, the man threw the three things directly towards Chu Ning.

Chun Ning did not reach out to take it.

 Instead, he used his magic power to create a big hand that directly held three things. The next moment, Chu Ning cast several spells and landed on the jade box containing three things.

 After a few spells, several wisps of white smoke quickly emerged from the jade boxes.

Seeing Chu Ning's actions, Situ Yan's eyes flashed.

Then he gave Chu Ning a meaningful look.

At this time, Chu Ning expressionlessly put the three jade boxes into an empty storage bag.

Facing Situ Yan’s gaze, Chu Ning said calmly:

“I heard that there was a secret talisman in ancient times, which can be attached to an item as if it were nothing, and if the item is stored in a storage bag.

 The person who casts the talisman can not only see the contents of the storage bag.

 Even a skilled person can use this secret talisman to control the opponent's storage bag.

Fellow Daoist Situ, I wonder if what I am saying is correct? "

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Situ Yan laughed.

“Fellow Taoist was joking, I have never heard of such ancient secret talismans.

 What was just on the jade box was just some small marks that I had made out of caution before.

These things have been kept in the storage bag for more than two hundred years, and I have forgotten them all. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning smiled faintly.

He didn't say anything more. He saw this secret talisman from a book he got from Wolong Valley.

However, it only introduces the existence of this kind of talisman, but does not record the method of making the talisman.

Although Chu Ning does not know how to make talismans, it is not difficult for him to remove such talismans.

The next moment, Chu Ning took out something from his hand and threw it directly towards Situ Yan.

  It is a wooden box.

 “Fellow Taoist, follow on!”

Situ Yan looked at the flying wooden box and his eyes flashed slightly.

He also transformed into a **** hand and grabbed the wooden box.

As soon as the big hand appeared, Chu Ning felt an extremely ferocious demonic aura.


 At this moment, Situ Yan's cold snort sounded.

But at this moment, the wooden box in the air was opened. Where was the Lingming Fruit, there was only a red flame.

There was a faint hint of dark purple in the middle of the flame. When the lid of the box was opened, it flew straight out and flew towards the old black demon.

With this old demon's powerful magic hand full of demonic aura, it is actually impossible to stop him in the slightest!

 When this demon saw this, his whole aura changed, and his whole body was filled with demonic aura.

 Vaguely, the whole person was wrapped in a layer of faint purple air.

At the same time, he raised his hands quickly, and a purple-black demonic energy was directed at the small flames in the air.

 It’s just that this flame is indeed overbearing.

 Many purple demonic energies came into contact, but they melted away one after another.

 It wasn't until the flames flew two feet in front of Situ Yan that the demon opened its mouth and sprayed out.

A short sword glowing with black light flew out, and was immediately wrapped in purple-black demonic energy, facing the earth vein essence fire.

The flames dispersed under this blow.

However, a very thin wisp of red-purple flame flew back, fell into Chu Ning's hand again and disappeared.

As for the old black demon, his face didn't look very good at the moment.

“Earth Essence Fire, you have refined this kind of strange fire, I look down upon you.”

Hearing what the other party said, Chu Ning smiled faintly, then raised his hand, and there was a flaming red flying sword in his hand.

 At the same time, I was muttering secretly in my heart.

“The power of the Earthly Essence Fire is indeed extremely powerful, and I only condensed a very small trace into an ordinary fire ball.

 Can produce such power.

If you directly rely on the earth vein essence fire to attack, the opponent may not be able to resist it at all.

However, although the earth vein essence fire is used normally, it will not consume much.

  But after refining, it merges with its own essence.

 If it is used in large quantities, especially if it is damaged, it is possible to lose some essence.

So it’s better to combine it with spells and magic weapons, and let’s talk about it at critical moments…”

 In ten years, Chu Ning has already mastered the use of earth vein essence fire.

 The Fire Spirit Sword flew out and wrapped a wisp of earth essence fire directly on it.

Chun Ning pointed with his hand, and the Fire Spirit Sword shot towards the old black demon.

When the old devil saw Chu Ning offering his magic weapon, he sneered and waved his hand.

The short sword wrapped in purple mist came directly towards him.


The two collided in the air, and the purple demonic energy that was originally wrapped around the short sword was now directly wrapped around Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

 “Huh? This purple mist is a bit weird!”

Chun Ning was slightly shocked when he saw this.

 Suddenly I felt relieved again.

Since the purple mist was transformed by demonic energy, perhaps it was used for pollution.

 Don't say that he has earth vein essence fire attached to the sword body.

Even the spiritual sword made of black black gold cannot be contaminated by anything.

Situ Yan didn’t know it, but he watched the purple mist wrap the Fire Spirit Sword.

 He pointed casually, and the black knife turned in the air and shot directly towards Chu Ning.

What surprised Situ Yan was that at this moment, a burst of red light suddenly burst out from the purple mist.

 Faintly, there is a reddish-purple light.

 The next moment, all the purple mist dissipated.

At the same time, the spirit sword turned into a red light streaking across the sky with blazing red and purple flames all over its body.

 In just the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of Situ Yan.

The black short sword that Situ Yan had used before was blocked by a golden flying sword at this moment.

 The sudden changes on both ends of the offense and defense were indeed far beyond Situ Yan's expectations.

But this old demon who has been through the battlefield for a long time did not panic at all.

 I saw purple mist surging around him, quickly gathering in front of him.

It turned into a purple-black shield.

He instantly resisted Chu Ning's menacing Fire Spirit Sword.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to recall the black magic weapon short sword.

How could Chu Ning make him happy?

With a hand seal, a stream of Gengjin Qi shot out and landed on the golden spirit sword.


 A loud bird song suddenly erupted from the Golden Spirit Sword!

The next moment, the Golden Spirit Sword struck the black short sword heavily with Gengjin Qi.


  A crisp sound sounded.

The black dagger was knocked down hard, and most of the aura on it was lost.

 But this Situ Yan's magic weapon was almost destroyed by Chu Ning's blow!

“There’s something weird about your flying sword!”

 Since the fight, Situ Yan finally lost his composure for the first time.

He was a magic weapon that had been nurtured and cultivated for hundreds of years, but it was actually destroyed by this blow. How could this not make people shocked and angry!

 However, at this moment, Situ Yan no longer cared about using the black short sword.

But at this moment, Chu Ning raised his hand, and a ball of red and purple flame as big as a fingernail floated out.

It seemed to be slow, but in just a blink of an eye, he was already on top of the Golden Spirit Sword.

With the help of this earth-vein essence fire, the red light on the Fire Spirit Sword shines brightly.

The purple mist on Situ Yan's purple mist shield quickly dissipated.

 At the same time as the shield dissipated.

The Fire Spirit Sword also hit Situ Yan directly!

 But at the same time, purple mist flashed where Situ Yan was.

The Fire Spirit Sword actually fell into vain.

"not good!"

 At this moment, Chu Ning's heart moved.

 The divine wind escape was used, and the person disappeared ten feet away in a flash.

At the same time, where he had just been standing, purple mist surged, and a figure appeared.

 But if it’s not Situ Yan, then who is it?

 “What a fast movement!”

Chuning was slightly shocked.

 When he saw that Situ Yan's figure disappeared again, he couldn't help but snort slightly.

 The Divine Wind Escape was used again, and the person also escaped.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and pointed directly behind him.

 Void finger!

Situ Yan, who was in hot pursuit, could get close to Chu Ning and deliver a blow right away. Who would have thought that Chu Ning would be able to deliver a sharp blow at this time.

 When you feel the power of the Void Finger, it is already too late to avoid it.


He took a Void Finger and felt a powerful destructive force heading towards his body.

Situ couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and at the same time he quickly backed away.

Once Chu Ning remembered his hand at this moment, how could he let the opponent go so easily again.

With a wave of his hand, two flying swords shot quickly after him.

The pressure made Na Situ Yan keep avoiding him.

 For a time, this old golden elixir demon who was famous in the Northern Cold Land was unable to resist Chu Ning's suppression.

 You can only rely on your excellent escape skills to continuously dodge.

However, Situ Yan's secret escape technique is indeed very powerful, and Chu Ning's two flying swords are extremely fast.

 But he was able to avoid it almost every time.

Situ Yan, who has been at the peak of the late Golden Core for many years, could only run away in embarrassment when facing a middle-stage Golden Core monk, which also made this old black evil demon extremely aggrieved.

 Her face became uglier each time.

Moreover, Chu Ning could also feel that the escape technique performed by Situ Yan seemed to consume a huge amount of mana.

Just a moment later, he found that the aura on the other party's body was much weaker.

“The opponent should have some back-ups, but I don’t know why they don’t use them.”

While Chu Ning was thinking like this, Situ Yan suddenly took out a small jade bottle from his storage bag after dodging a few times.

 Pour a drop of something from it into the mouth.

Immediately, purple demonic energy surged around him, and his aura became strong.

 “Millennium Spiritual Milk!”

As soon as Chu Ning saw this appearance, he immediately knew what the other person had just eaten.

 I also knew in my heart that this old devil was probably going to try to suppress the situation at this moment.

 Immediately he recalled the two spiritual swords, opened his mouth and sprayed two more spiritual swords.

 Four spiritual swords merge into one to form a huge spiritual sword.

At this time, Chu Ning saw that Situ Yan raised his hand, and a black short knife appeared that was very similar to the magic weapon he just had.

Chun Ning was stunned for a moment, but the next moment, he suddenly felt a powerful power from the short sword.

 Immediately, his eyes flashed slightly, and two words blurted out.

 “Ancient treasure!”

 (End of this chapter)

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