My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 309: Refined by the essence of fire, the Golden Spirit Sword is made

Chapter 309: Refined by fire, the golden sword is made

 “Who is fighting in the fairy city?”

At this moment, a voice came from afar.

 The next moment, a group of monks were flying towards this direction very quickly.

There were six people in the group, and the leader was a middle-aged monk in the late stage of foundation building.

After this person arrived at the scene, his eyes only turned slightly, and then immediately fell down.

He bowed towards Chu Ning and saluted with his hands raised:

“It turns out that there is a senior Jin Dan here, and I have seen him!”

 After seeing the ceremony, the late-stage foundation-building monk suddenly showed a troubled look on his face.

“In this fairy city of Iceland, we can’t fight magic, but we don’t know if the person who just cast the magic is a senior?”

Chun Ning raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

“I was right! This person is bullying the weak. I asked this fellow Taoist to sell some things here, but he actually tried to rob me.

 Is it not too much for me to punish you? "

 “This…” The middle-aged monk hesitated for a moment, but still said:

“Senior, this fellow Taoist could have reported this matter to our law enforcement team.

 There can be no fighting in the city. This is a rule set by the three palace masters.

 What's more, the seniors killed people directly in the city.

  Sorry, we have to ask the Jindan senior in the palace to come and deal with this matter. "

As he spoke, the man casually sent out a signal.

Chun Ning didn’t care at this moment and said to Xi Minxia:

"Pack up and come with me to Shuangyue Pavilion."

 After Xi Minxia packed her things, Chu Ning was about to leave.

When the middle-aged monk saw this, he immediately said:

“Senior, Senior Jindan in the palace will be here soon. Please wait for a moment, senior.”

 Hearing the middle-aged monk's words, even if Chu Ning had a good temper, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

He stared at the middle-aged monk closely and said coldly:

 “You want to stop me?”

The middle-aged monk felt his whole body tense at this moment, but he still gritted his teeth and said:

 “This is my responsibility as a junior, so please forgive me, senior!”

When Chu Ning heard this, he glanced at the other party lightly and slowly raised his palms.

At this moment, a ray of light not far away quickly approached.

It seems that the spiritual consciousness has sensed this place, and the distant sound is heard.

 “Fellow Daoist Chu, please do not get angry.”

Following the sound, the man quickly rushed to Chu Ning.

He is a late-stage Jindan monk with a slightly dark complexion and a medium build.

This person obviously knew Chu Ning. As soon as he landed on the ground, he immediately held his hands and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, please don’t get angry! I’m Pang Jiabin of Changkong Hall, how about you let me know the situation first?”

With that said, Pang Jiabin immediately turned around and asked the middle-aged monk:

"what happened?"

“Report to the deacon, this senior said that a foundation-building monk wanted to take away the things he entrusted this fellow Taoist to sell.

So he took action and killed the opponent. "

Once he heard the middle-aged monk’s words, Pang Jiabin immediately turned towards Chu Ning and said:

“Fellow Taoist Chu turned the tide in the Snow Fog Valley and helped fellow Taoists escape.

This man actually had the idea of ​​​​taking something from fellow Taoist fellows in the city. He should be killed!

 Fellow Taoist, please excuse me! "

When Chu Ning heard this, he nodded slightly and left with Xi Minxia.

 The middle-aged monk's eyes looked strange at this moment, but he did not speak.

It wasn't until Chu Ning walked away that she looked at Pang Jiabin with some confusion.

 “Butler, what is this?”

 Golden elixir monks naturally have some privileges in this Icelandic fairy city.

 It is not that there have been no Jindan monks who have taken action in the city before, but no matter what, having a suitable reason is the first priority.

Secondly, we need to show weakness to the law enforcement team of Changkong Palace and promise not to commit the crime again.

 This will also put the many low-level monks at ease, otherwise the Golden Core monks can kill people at will.

The low-level monks in this city will naturally be panicked.

But now Pang Jiabin didn't even say a word and just asked Chu Ning to leave, which really surprised him.

Pang Jiabin glanced at the many low-level monks who were also watching, and said slowly:

“This time there was a huge change in the Snow Fog Valley. Many monsters attacked the human monks and blocked the entrance of the valley.

Fellow Taoist Chu Ning was seriously injured when he came out of the Snow Fog Valley and killed more than ten sixth-level monsters alone, helping the monks to leave the Snow Fog Valley safely.

Changkong Palace and many forces and monks in the Northern Cold Land are grateful for this.

But this person is talking nonsense here and even wants to rob fellow Daoist Chu's things. He really deserves to die! "

Hearing Pang Jiabin's words, everyone present was in an uproar.

 The law enforcement team led by the middle-aged monk also changed their expressions slightly at this moment.

 One person killed more than ten sixth-level monsters, and all the forces expressed their gratitude.

If Chu Ning had really done anything just now, what would have happened to these people...

Following Pang Jiabin's words, Chu Ning's reputation has completely spread in this Icelandic fairy city.

At this time, Chu Ning had already brought Xi Minxia to Shuangyue Pavilion.

 In Shuangyue Pavilion, Tang Jinchuan is still there.

After seeing Chu Ning arrive, he introduced another late-stage Jindan monk.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, since Daoist Wu is still recovering from his injuries, Daoist Lu will be in charge of the affairs for the time being.”

After Tang Jinchuan finished speaking, a smiling middle-aged female cultivator next to her raised her hand towards Chu Ning.

“I am Lu Liqin, and I have long heard of Daoist Fellow Chu.”

Chun Ning looked at the female cultivator in front of him who was slightly younger than Wu Lingwei.

 Hands up in return as a gift, and then directly passes a storage bag and a jade slip towards the other party.

“This time in the Snow Fog Valley, I was lucky enough to kill some monsters and obtain some elixir materials.

They are all here. I want to exchange some elixirs, demon pills and weapon refining materials from the pavilion.

 The specific types and quantities are recorded in it. "

Lu Liqin took the storage bag, glanced inside, and a look of surprise flashed across her face.

He chuckled and said, "I didn't expect that as soon as I arrived at the pavilion, Daoist friend Chu would send me such a large deal.

However, Taoist friends need a lot of elixirs and demon pills, and these weapon refining materials are not easy to find.

 The cabinet is temporarily unable to provide them all. "

Chu Ning was not surprised. The elixir here was pretty good. It was just a matter of spending some time to gather it together.

 Mainly used to refine the elixirs he uses daily to improve his cultivation.

 But those refining materials were prepared by Chu Ning for the next step of refining the Water Spirit Sword.

 After having to go through the trouble of gathering the materials for refining the Golden Spirit Sword, Chu Ning naturally had to make preparations in advance.

These things are indeed not abundant in the Northern Cold Land, but even Shuangyue Pavilion may not be able to collect them all at once.

Chuning then pointed at Xi Minxia and said:

"Her name is Xi Minxia. She will come here every six months. If you have relevant materials prepared, just ask Miss Bai Ruo to hand them to her."

 Lu Liqin naturally responded.

 Then he asked Bai Ruo to come over and get to know Xi Minxia.

 At this time, Lu Liqin asked with a smile:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, your talismans have been very popular in the pavilion before. I hope you can continue to provide them in the future.”

Chun Ning did not say anything at this time, but said vaguely:

“I need to spend a lot of time healing during this retreat, so naturally I can’t make as many talismans as before.

But every six months, I still ask her to bring some talismans.

  As for the quantity, we’ll have to wait and see when the time comes. "

Hearing this, Lu Liqin and Tang Jinchuan looked at each other, but they couldn't say anything more.

Chuning, on the other hand, sold the monster corpses to Shuangyue Pavilion. After replacing some of the required alchemy materials.

Just take Xi Minxia to the upper city. Since she is going to be the contact person next, she still needs to know the door.

Xi Minxia followed Chu Ning, hesitated for a moment, and then asked:

“Senior Chu, are your injuries okay?”

“It’s no problem, just stay in seclusion for a while.” Chu Ning said and asked Xi Minxia:

“Did you hear what I just said to them?

Come to my cave every six months. I will tell you what materials you need and bring some talismans with you.

 Then bring the things back, and as for your own sales stall..."

Chu Ning originally wanted to tell the other party not to go, after all, he already had almost all the things used by low-level monks.

As for those low-level talismans, Chu Ning naturally had no time to draw them.

However, on second thought, Xi Minxia also needs to cultivate resources. Just by running errands for herself every six months, she cannot give the other party too many resources.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ning suddenly asked:

 “Can you make talismans?”

A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Xi Minxia's face and she said:

“There are only a few very basic ones. These talismans are not very powerful, so few people use them.”

Chuning nodded after hearing this and said nothing.

At this moment, Xi Minxia could vaguely guess that Chu Ning seemed to be teaching her the art of talismans, and she couldn't help but look forward to it, but it was hard to ask.

Just like this, he followed Chu Ning silently to the outside of the cave on the fourth floor of the upper city.

Standing outside the cave, Chu Ning glanced at another cave not far away.

 A twenty.

  It seemed that no one lived in this cave before, but now judging from the appearance of the ban, it seems that there is already an owner.

"I'm afraid it's Situ Yan."

This thought flashed through Chu Ning's mind, and then she quietly opened the cave's restrictions.

 Bring Xi Minxia into the cave.

This was the first time for Xi Minxia to come to a cave of this level, and she couldn't help but look at it curiously.

 Although there are no treasures such as Snow Crystal Zhi and Lingming Fruit in the cave at this time.

Ling Xiaobai and Jin Lei Diao were still put in the spirit beast bag by Chu Ning.

 But the other cherished elixirs and spiritual fruits have already greatly shocked this female cultivator who had just established the foundation.

At this time, Chu Ning took out a few special transmission notes that he refined himself from the storage bag and handed them to Xi Minxia.

“Every six months, you come outside the cave and activate this talisman. I will sense it inside and you will be able to enter the cave.”

As he spoke, without waiting for Xi Minxia's response, he took out a blank jade slip from his storage bag.

 Then he randomly selected several talisman-making methods, burned them into them, and handed them over to the other party.

“There are several kinds of talismans here. You can practice making them in the training room in the cave these days.

 I’ll check back on your progress in ten days. "

"Yes, senior!" Xi Minxia immediately answered.

Chu Ning casually gave the other party some talisman pens and talisman inks that had been in his storage bag for a long time, as well as some elementary and intermediate talisman papers.

 Then he went into his training room. Since Xi Minxia is here, it is naturally inconvenient to deal with things like Snow Crystal Zhi and Lingming Fruit.

 As for the rest, it doesn’t matter.

Sitting cross-legged in the training room, Chu Ning's breath returned to normal immediately.

 Immediately, the earth vein essence fire that controlled the body separated again and started refining.

Ten days later, Chu Ning, who had refined a ray of essence fire again, walked out of the training room.

Walked into the training room where Xi Minxia was, and looked at the scattered talismans in front of her, Chu Ning said:

“Choose the talisman painting you have practiced the most these days and show it to me.”

 “Yes, senior!”

 After Xi Minxia finished speaking, she began to choose a primary high-grade talisman and began to draw it.

With her cultivation as a foundation-building monk, it is not difficult to draw this elementary high-grade talisman.

 After drawing twenty talismans, ten chapters of talismans were successfully made.

After reading it, Chu Ning said noncommittally:

“The success rate of making talismans for elementary high-grade talismans is 50%. As a foundation-building monk, such talisman-making talent is only so-so.”

Chun Ning gave a relatively fair evaluation, and then ignored Xi Minxia's expression.

 Taking the talisman pen from the opponent's hand, Chu Ning took out a few pieces of talisman paper and drew them casually.

“You have never systematically learned how to make talismans. Next, I will give you a brief introduction.

 As to how much you can understand, it’s up to you. "

Chun Ning has the ability to analyze the source of talismans, and has already analyzed top-level talismans such as the Ice Shadow Sword Talisman.

As for the understanding of talisman making, let alone Jindan monks, there are many Nascent Soul monks who are good at making talismans.

It may not be as good as him.

What he was explaining to Xi Minxia at this time was not just the basic technique of making talismans that he had seen from Qingxi Sect.

It also includes the techniques inherited from other sects that he obtained from the Wolong Valley in the Western Alliance Continent, plus the personal insights gained from analyzing the source of symbols.

After explaining it for a while, Xi Minxia's bright eyes flashed with light from time to time.

 Many times she had a feeling of enlightenment.

After Chu Ning finished explaining, he returned to the practice room again to refine the earth vein essence fire.

After another ten days of this, when Chu Ning came out of seclusion again, Xi Minxia's success rate of making talismans had indeed improved a lot.

 Having even begun to draw intermediate and low-level talismans.

Chun Ning made a few more targeted remarks after watching him make the talisman.

   Then he said:

“Okay, you go back to the lower city first, then I will go into seclusion.

 If you don’t understand anything later, you can ask me again. "

 “Yes, thank you, senior!”

Although Xi Minxia was very reluctant to give up, she did not hesitate at all.

 After packing up his things, he left the practice room and walked out of the cave.

At this time, Chu Ning casually took out a few high-level talismans and handed them to Xi Minxia.

“Keep these talismans close to you. If there is any emergency that can trigger the transmission talisman I give you, I can sense it in the fairy city of Iceland.

 Remember to go to Shuangyue Pavilion to get something when the time comes. "

Xi Minxia saw that there were three high-level mid-level defensive talismans and three attack talismans, and she immediately took them over with joy.

 “Yes, thank you, senior!”

Hunting to Chu Ning again, Xi Minxia left the cave.

Chun Ning was the first to trigger the cave ban.

Immediately, arrangements began to be made in the courtyard.

Referring again to the previous cultivation of Xue Jingzhi, we selected an area in the medicine garden to specially arrange the restrictions.

Chun Ning first took out the Snow Crystal Zhi, restored it to its spiritual plant form and planted it.

 Immediately, I took out the spiritual crystal fruit tree from the storage bag.

As soon as he took out the spiritual crystal fruit tree from the jade box, the two spiritual infant-like spiritual fruits took the whole tree and drilled towards the ground.

Then, just like Xue Jingzhi, after repeatedly hitting the wall, she finally had to give up escaping.

Chun Ning finally planted the Lingming Fruit.

However, the two spiritual fruits, which were like spiritual infants, were still dangling on the tree at this moment, as if they wanted to escape at any moment.

Chun Ning ignored it and directly used the Xuan Qing Hua Technique.

 Spiritual power began to gather quickly towards the two spiritual plants.

With the gathering of spiritual energy, the two spiritual infant-like spiritual fruits became slightly more stable.

Chun Ning’s eyes suddenly lit up when he saw it.

“The Qingxi Sect’s skills and spells, in my current opinion, are not too outstanding.

However, these two spells, Aoki Chunhua Technique and Xuanqing Qinghua Technique, are indeed very valuable.

  It is perfect for cultivating spiritual plants.

It's a pity that Ling Xiaobai seems to have another half year or so before he can complete the promotion, otherwise this Ling Mingguo will not be able to escape at all. "

Chu Ning clearly remembered that Xue Jingzhi used the Xuan Qing Hua Technique and then made Ling Xiaobai pee.

 Just never escaped again.

“It seems that this spiritual infant fruit will not be able to enjoy this blessing for the time being.”

Since the Spirit Infant Fruit had just been planted, Chu Ning was worried that something might happen, so he did not refine the Earth Vein Essence Fire again.

 Be prepared to use the Mysterious Youth Flower Technique every day, wait for a period of time to truly cultivate this spiritual plant, and then refine it.

And taking advantage of this time, Chu Ning could just practice some exercises with peace of mind.

After all, during this period, I entered the Snow Mist Valley and refined the earth vein essence fire. In total, I haven't practiced properly for more than a month.

 For the next period of time, Chu Ning practiced the exercises every day, and then used the Mysterious Youth Technique on Lingming Fruit and Xue Jingzhi.

 After about twenty days of this, Chu Ning could clearly feel that the two spiritual infant-like spiritual fruits in the spiritual bright fruit had grown completely and stably.

So, Chu Ning once again strengthened the formation restrictions and the spirit gathering effect.

 Then the refining of earth vein essence fire started again.

 Ten days are spent refining the Earth Vein Essence Fire, and then one day of rest is spent practicing the techniques, and at the same time cultivating some Lingming Fruit.

As time goes by, as the earth vein essence fire is refined more and more times, Chu Ning can clearly feel that the refining speed is accelerating.

At first, it took him ten days to refine one ray. After half a year, his refining power doubled, and he could already refine two rays in ten days.

On this day, Chu Ning, who was in the training room, finished refining the last ray of earth vein essence fire.

People also left the training room directly and came to the weapon refining room next door.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a flame the size of an egg appeared on Chu Ning's fingertips.

This flame is red with a hint of purple, it is the earth vein essence fire that has just been refined!

 After completely refining it, Chu Ning has been able to control it at will.

At this moment, with the appearance of this red-purple flame, the temperature of the entire refining room suddenly increased.

Chuning flicked his hand, and the flame flew out and floated in the air, and a long black chain appeared in Chu Ning's hand.

 It is the black chain made of black black gold.

Chun Ning then waved his hand, and the wisp of flame fell into his hand again.

Controlling the earth essence fire, Chu Ning slowly approached the black chain.

 Then wrap the place where the two black chains are connected.

 The next moment, Chu Ning's eyes flashed slightly.

But the connection is rapidly fusing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 “The Earthly Vein Essence Fire truly deserves its reputation!”

Chun Ning was overjoyed and immediately activated his magic power to continue to maintain the earth vein essence fire.

 This lasted for about the time of a stick of incense.


 A piece of black gold fell from the black chain.

“The materials for refining the Golden Spirit Sword are now truly complete!”

Chuning arranged the black black gold, and then took out the Jiuyi gold, Xingrui sand, black feather water, marigold wood and the tail feathers of the gold and silver bird from the storage bag.

Although he is currently at the middle stage of Jindan cultivation, plus he has earth veins and essence fire.

Chun Ning felt that it would not be a big problem to refine the entire Golden Spirit Sword by himself.

 But here, Chu Ning still took a drop of Xuejingzhi spirit liquid and meditated to restore himself to the best condition.

He also put aside the remaining Millennium Spiritual Milk for later use.

 At this time, Chu Ning began to actually refine it.

 Chun Ning has long been familiar with the refining method of the Golden Spirit Sword.

 The materials were refined and discarded, and then the smelting process began.

The most important Jiuyi Gold was directly and quickly refined by the earth's essence fire at this moment, and condensed into a sword embryo.

 Then, each piece of material was refined into liquid, either with the help of earth fire or elixir fire, and condensed into the sword embryo.

 Finally, it was Black Black Gold’s turn.

The earth vein essence fire that was used once before to refine Jiuyi Gold was used by Chu Ning again at this moment.

 A piece of black gold was wrapped and refined by the earth's essence fire. After about an hour, it had melted into liquid.

 was also condensed on the sword embryo.

 The smelting of materials that originally took nearly ten days to complete now took only three days to complete.

 Furthermore, the Millennium Spiritual Milk was not used.

As for the next Dao pattern inscription, it is not difficult for Chu Ning at this moment.

 After more than twenty years of understanding of weapon refining and formations, his understanding of this path is no longer the same.

As the last lines were engraved on it, the spiritual sword in Chu Ning's hand suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light.

 The metallic aura between heaven and earth poured crazily towards the sword, forming a small aura vortex.

At this moment, Chu Ning took out the gold and silver bird tail feathers that had been prepared for a long time.

 Thrown directly onto the spiritual vortex.

While refining the Fire Spirit Sword, Chu Ning once tried to integrate the spirit of the blazing sun bird into it.

 But because the level of the spiritual bird was too high and my level was too low, it did not succeed.

 But at this moment, it is different.

Chun Ning cast several magic spells with both hands and landed on them, then reached out and grabbed them in the air.

 Suddenly, the golden and silver bird spirit attached to the tail feathers was directly captured.

 But he was still struggling.

At this moment, Chu Ning once again formed a series of mysterious spells and landed on the spirit.

The spirit of the golden and silver bird that was originally struggling to fly away quickly followed the spiritual vortex and disappeared into the sword body.

 The next moment, the Golden Spirit Sword once again burst out with a dazzling brilliance!

 All the light then converged and fell into the sword body.

In front of Chu Ning, there was a golden flying sword!

 Golden Spirit Sword, done!

 (End of this chapter)

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