My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 284: Snow Crystal Zhi delivered to your door, the power of Void Finger

Chapter 284 The Snow Crystal Zhi delivered to the door, the power of the Void Finger

“They are all Jindan monks. Could it be that they left the Snow Mist Valley in advance?”

Feeling the aura of two escaping lights, Chu Ning raised his brows slightly.

Not wanting to cause any more trouble, he directly changed direction at this moment and flew towards a small island three hundred feet away to the side.

 He had just cast the Forbidden God Technique, so the other two people probably didn't notice him.

 Because the speed of the two opponents was too fast, and they were obviously flying away into the distance.

Chu Ning landed on the island and used his spiritual consciousness to sense the surroundings. After finding nothing unusual, he did not continue to go deeper into the island, but hid himself there.

But what made Chu Ning feel a little surprised was that the two of them were about to fly into the distance one after the other.

The person who was flying in front suddenly turned around at this moment and flew towards the island.

At this time, Chu Ning wanted to go to the island but it was too late, so he could only hide in hiding. With the help of the concealment effect of his robe, he used the Forbidden God Technique, hoping that the two of them would not discover him.

Because at this moment Chu Ning discovered that the one in front of the two people was in the middle stage of the Golden Core, while the one in the back had already reached the late stage of the Golden Core.

 It's just that there is still a little distance compared to the monks in the later period.

The state of Guan Qi’s aura is probably slightly stronger than that of Ao Langtian.

The person who fell in front was a thin old man with thin eyes and short beard, and a cunning look on his face.

At this moment, he landed about fifty feet away from Chu Ning. After landing, he quickly took out a pill and drank it.

At this moment, Chu Ning realized why the opponent was no longer flying away, but it was obvious that he was consuming a lot of mana.

He was seen looking at the sky, chasing after the falling person, his eyes flickering unsteadily in his pair of small eyes.

At this moment, the person pursuing from behind has also landed on the island, standing about five feet away from the old man with thin eyes and short beard.

This man is middle-aged, tall, with a long face, deep-set facial muscles, and a hint of fierceness in his eyes.

As soon as he landed, the old man with thin eyes and short beard sighed:

“Fellow Taoist Gu, I have already told you that the thing is not on me, so why are you chasing after it so hard?”

"Yun Qianshan, you don't have to talk nonsense anymore." The middle-aged monk named Gu said coldly at this moment.

“As soon as Xue Jingzhi comes out, I will let you leave.”

 “Xue Jingzhi?”

Hearing this, Chu Ning, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but be slightly startled when he heard this.

This Millennium Snow Crystal Zhi is the treasure that attracts the most attention in the Snowy Valley. Could it be that it fell on this unattractive old man with thin eyes and short beard?

 Looking at his cultivation level, he is only in the middle stage of Golden Core.

At this moment, the thin-eyed and short-bearded old man known as Yun Qianshan said with a wry smile:

“Fellow Taoist Gu, you are really mistaken. I, Yun Qianshan, am just a casual cultivator in the middle stage of Jindan.

Grand Schools like your Fantasy Sect have entered the valley, how could the Millennium Snow Lanage have me.

 Besides, everyone in the Snow Mist Valley knows that the thousand-year-old Snow Crystal Zhi has been obtained by the monks of the Great Thunder Sect, so how could it be in my possession. "

When the monk named Gu from the Phantom Sect heard this, he sneered and said:

“The Millennium Snow Crystal Zhizhi was acquired by the monks of the Great Thunder Sect, but there is another one that is older, but it fell into your hands.

 Do you think I don’t know? "

Hearing this, Yun Qianshan continued to smile bitterly and wanted to say something else.

At this time, monk surnamed Gu continued:

“Don’t deny it in a hurry, even though you, Yun Qianshan, are only a middle-stage Jindan monk.

But the art of earth escape is extremely good. Although Xue Jingzhi has transformed into a spirit and can escape from earth, she may not be able to escape if she encounters you.

Furthermore, I also know that you got an ice crystal insect three years ago. Although this insect is of low level, it has a special response to snow crystal zhi. "

Hearing the words of the monk surnamed Gu, the eyes of Yun Qianshan began to flicker.

The middle-aged monk named Gu snorted coldly at this moment:

“So, since you entered the valley, our sect has arranged for people to keep an eye on you.

But you are really cunning. If I hadn't made arrangements ten miles away from Chugu and waited there in advance, you might have escaped. "

Once he heard the words of the middle-aged monk named Gu, Yun Qianshan's expression finally changed.

Then he cursed loudly:

“Well, Gu Feng, it turns out that you have been staring at me for a long time. In this case, there is nothing to say.

If you want the Snow Crystal Zhi, just come and get it yourself. "

At the same time as the words fell, Yun Qianshan's body suddenly sank and disappeared directly into the ground.

 The face of Gu Feng showed a cold expression, and when he turned his hand, there was a small black hammer in his palm.

 The small hammer hit it, and a faint light burst out from it, turning into a phantom.

 Falled onto the ground ten feet away.

The next moment, a figure flew up from the earth. It was the Yun Qianshan that had just submerged into the earth.

 And in Yun Qianshan's hand, there is a crutch inlaid with yellow gems.

 The two of them used their magic weapons to fight together.

Chun Ning, who was hiding in a dark place not far away, looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel surprised.

“I really didn’t expect that in the snow fog valley, in addition to a thousand-year-old Snow Crystal Zhizhi, there was another Snow Crystal Zhizhi that was even older.

 Moreover, it was still obtained by a casual cultivator.

However, although Yun Qianshan obtained the treasure through concealment, he was probably making wedding clothes for others. "

With Chu Ning's eyesight at this moment, he could naturally see that although Yun Qianshan's earth escape technique was quite mysterious, he was able to avoid Gu Feng's attacks many times.

But after all, the two of them were in a different realm, and it was obvious that Gu Feng's consciousness far surpassed that of Yun Qianshan.

  No matter how the latter runs away, he can always be detected.

 There is absolutely no escape.

I believe it won’t take long for Yun Qianshan to be forced by Gu Feng to hand over the treasure.

 The fact is indeed what Chu Ning thought.

This Gufeng's attack was so powerful that even though Yun Qianshan continued to rely on earth-attribute spells and escape techniques to defend and escape, he could only struggle to cope with it.

 After only fighting for a short while, Yun Qianshan could no longer hold up.

  "Okay! Okay! I admit defeat, and I'll give you this snow crystal."

As he said that, Yun Qianshan escaped more than ten feet away, and at the same time, there was a jade box in his hand.

There is a talisman affixed to the jade box, and it looks like it contains something extraordinary.

Upon seeing this, Tanifeng immediately stopped attacking and looked at the opponent with a sneer.

“If I had known this earlier, why would I have bothered with all the effort just now?”

As he spoke, Gu Feng stretched out his hand and said to Yun Qianshan:

 “Bring something.”

Yun Qianshan shook his head like a rattle.

“I can give you something, but I can’t just give it to you. What if I give it to you and you attack me?

Haven’t I lost my wife and lost my troops? "

Hearing this, Gu Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"What about you? At worst, I swear on my inner demons, as long as you are willing to hand over the treasure, I will let you leave."

Yun Qianshan's small eyes rolled around at this moment, and he reached out and touched the short beard on his chin.

He looked like he reluctantly agreed, then raised the jade box in his hand and said:

“Okay, Mr. Gu, you swear on your inner demons that if I give you the treasure in the jade box, you must let me go.

 As long as you do this, I will give you the thing right away. "

After hearing this, Gu Feng nodded slightly and raised his hand.

“I, Gu Feng, swear by the demon in my heart, if fellow Taoist Yun cannot leave safely after giving me the treasure in the box, he will be punished by heaven and earth!”

“Tsk, tsk!” Chu Ning, who was listening to the conversation between the two in the dark, could not help but shout in her heart.

 “These are all old foxes!”

When Yun Qianshan heard what Gu Feng said, he didn't have time to think about it. After showing a hint of joy on his face, he immediately threw the jade box towards Gu Feng.

 Suddenly, the figure flashed, and the person had submerged into the ground again and disappeared.

And Gu Feng took the jade box over.

 Hurryly uncovered the talisman on it, and when he opened it, his face suddenly changed.

 “Yun Qianshan, you really tricked me!”

At the same time as the loud shouts sounded, Gu Feng's body flashed and he was already flying forward.

While his body was flying in the air, the small black hammer in his hand kept dancing, emitting streaks of light and hitting the ground.

 After a while, a figure flew up again under such pressure.

  It is the clouds and mountains.

However, he had already circled behind Gu Feng.

Seeing that the two people had already headed towards the center of the island, they turned back at this moment.

Chu Ning, who was about to leave just now, had to suppress his figure again and continue to hide.

 From a distance, he had already heard the shouting of Yun Qianshan.

“Gu, you just swore to your inner demon that if I give you the jade box treasure, you will let me go.

I have given you the Snow Lotus Spirit Grass in the jade box. It is a rare treasure. Aren’t you afraid of the backlash from your inner demons in the future? "

Hearing what Yun Qianshan said, Gu Feng sneered and said: "Yun Qianshan, do you really think I would believe you so much? Didn't you listen carefully to what I just swore?"

Yun Qianshan was obviously taken aback after hearing this.

 The next moment, he reacted and cursed loudly.

 “The person with the surname Gu...”

However, before he could finish his curse this time, Gu Feng's attack had already hit **** an earthy yellow shield outside him.

Just after the two of them fought, Yun Qianshan had already exhausted a lot of energy. At this moment, the shield obviously no longer had the power it had before.

 Under the attack of the ghostly light from Gu Feng, it instantly disintegrated.

That Gu Feng had no intention of holding back at this moment, and launched attacks one after another towards Yun Qianshan.

Yun Qianshan continued to retreat while using the crutch in his hand to resist. The yellow halo above it became weaker and weaker.

 After that, he was unable to resist and was directly hit by a ray of light.

Seeing a ray of light coming from him again, Yun Qianshan's expression changed drastically. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and took out a jade box directly from the storage bag.

He seemed to want to take out the contents of the jade box.

 But at this time, Gu Feng didn't give him a chance at all.

I saw Gu Feng opening his mouth and spitting out, and a thin blood-red light shot out from his mouth.

It actually almost passed the dim light and shot directly into the head of Yun Qianshan.

In an instant, Yun Qianshan fell stiffly from the air.

Together with the jade box, it fell to the ground.

When Gu Feng saw this, he was immediately overjoyed and flew over quickly.

 But the next moment, the expression on his face changed from joy to surprise.

Gu Feng looked at the blue-robed figure holding a jade box that appeared in his sight, with a gloomy expression on his face.

 “Who are you? Why are you hiding here?”

Chun Ning was holding a jade box in his hand, with a look of helplessness on his face at the moment.

“Fellow Taoist, if I say that I just happen to be here, would you believe it?”

When Gu Feng heard this, he snorted coldly. Although he didn't say anything, his expression already answered Chu Ning.

Chun Ning also sighed secretly in his heart at this moment.

 He really had no idea about the fight between the two just now.

 But the place where Yun Qianshan fell was too coincidental, it was right in his hiding place.

Even if Chu Ning doesn’t want to show up, it’s impossible.

“Fellow Taoist Gu, I am just a casual cultivator and have no intention of being at odds with the Phantom Sect.

 Today’s matter…”

 “Stop talking nonsense and go to hell!”

Before Chu Ning could finish his words, Gu Feng had already shouted coldly, swung the hammer in his hand, and a powerful dim light hit Chu Ning.

Seeing this scene, Chu Ning's face turned cold, his figure flashed, and he used the divine wind to escape.

With a flip of his hand, he put the jade box directly into the storage bag.

Gu Feng saw Chu Ning put the jade box into the storage bag, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

 “How brave! Even a person who is in the early stage of Jindan dares to swallow something belonging to me, Mr. Gu!”

Gu Feng shouted loudly, and his figure immediately flew towards Chu Ning.

At this moment, Gu Feng suddenly saw Chu Ning pointing at him in the distance.

Gu Feng’s brows raised slightly. Although he didn’t feel the slightest sign of spiritual energy fluctuations, he still dodged cautiously.

 But just as he moved, he suddenly felt that an extremely powerful power suddenly appeared on the side of his body without any warning.

Gu Feng's expression changed slightly, and he immediately turned the black hammer in his hand.

 Suddenly, streaks of light formed a defensive shield outside the body.

 However, before his defensive shield was fully formed, this power had already arrived.

Tani Feng only felt a powerful tearing force acting on him.

The last bit of defense in the defensive shield can no longer be condensed at this moment.


 The next moment, in a silent wave, the aura around him seemed to suddenly disappear.

 Vaguely, Gufeng felt energy exploding around his body!

At the same time, Gu Feng only felt that his mana and consciousness were sluggish at the same time.

 And his body had even more bloodstains.

 However, under this blow, he was seriously injured without even realizing it.

 This made Gu Feng's face reveal a look of horror.

 “What kind of spell is this?”

Gu Feng was really shocked at this moment. He really didn't expect that a person in the early stage of Jindan could do it without using any magic weapon.

He was actually able to injure him, and the power of this attack was completely unfamiliar to him, an experienced late-stage Jindan monk.

“The power of space! This is like the power of space in the cracks in space!”

At this moment, Gufeng finally seemed to remember something.

 But this also made him even more horrified.

 How can an early-stage Jindan monk master the use of the power of space?

 Then the next moment, Chu Ning told him the answer again with actions.

 I saw Chu Ning's right finger pointing out again.

 And the power of space around Gu Feng fluctuated again.

This time, Gu Feng was well prepared. He danced his hammer magic weapon more tightly and formed a defense one step earlier.

 But under the tearing force of the space, this defense instantly collapsed.

Before Gu Feng could react, a magic sword intertwined with red flames struck him and wiped it straight towards his neck.

There is an ancient spiritual bird looming above it, trying to choose people to devour!

When Gufeng saw this, he quickly backed up and spat out his mouth.

 A round pill flew out and hit Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

However, under Chu Ning's series of attacks, this late-stage Golden Elixir monk couldn't even fight back, but he was already forced to use the Golden Elixir!

 The golden elixir collided with the fire spirit sword, and the two unleashed amazing power!

 The next moment, the red flames on the Fire Spirit Sword disappeared in an instant.

 But Gufeng did not feel the slightest joy, instead his face turned pale!

 On the one hand, it was because Jin Dan was hit hard, and on the other hand, it was because he saw Chu Ning pointing his finger from afar.

 But this time, it was not pointed at him, but at his golden elixir flying backwards in the air!

Gu Feng immediately realized that something was wrong and wanted to control the direction of the golden elixir.

 But it’s too late!

 Unexpectedly, a powerful force of space suddenly appeared around the golden elixir!


Immediately, under this huge power, the golden elixir that had just been hit hard by the Fire Spirit Sword suddenly exploded!


The Gufeng was hit hard and spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his long face instantly turned paper gold.

 “You can’t kill me, I’m from the Phantom Sect…”

Tani Feng seemed to have vaguely realized something, and couldn't help shouting at this moment.

 “I just gave you a chance!”

As Chu Ning's faint voice sounded, the Fire Spirit Sword followed closely.

Although it is not covered in red flames like before, it is still extremely sharp.

 Gently turn on the neck of the wind in the valley.

The head of this late-stage Jindan monk was directly separated from his body and fell from the air!

Seeing this, Chu Ning waved his hand, and the Fire Spirit Sword flew back to his hand.

As soon as he arrived in front of Gu Feng's body, Chu Ning's eyes were calm, and he was very satisfied with the increase in his strength.

In the spiritual realm of the golden spirit species, he was facing Ao Langtian and had to use three flying swords to fight against the enemy.

At the same time, he also consumed one-time magic weapons like the Ice Soul Pearl and Millennium Spiritual Milk to restore his mana before killing the opponent.

Now, facing Gu Feng, whose strength was still slightly superior to that of Ao Langtian, he killed the opponent without much effort.

This certainly has its own reason why Gu Feng was caught off guard by Void Pointer.

 But no matter what, in the past eight years of practice, my strength has indeed increased greatly.

While thinking in his mind, Chu Ning quickly took off the storage bags of Gu Feng and Yun Qianshan, and searched them again.

 Immediately, two fireballs were thrown out, which burned the two bodies cleanly.

At this time, Chu Ning raised his head and looked in the direction, with a hint of thinking on his face.

He did not fly directly to the Fairy City in Iceland, but instead flew in another direction.

 (End of this chapter)

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